If you thought Saw was the best horror movie in the last ten years...you ain't seen nothing yet. This probably the best horror
movie I've seen that is so near perfection. Rob Zombie gets everything right.
The Firefly family is definitely one of the sickest fucking families on the face of this earth. I love them all. Otis
Driftwood is probably the craziest of them all. He rapes and kills women...and then he rapes them again. He has no mercy for
a single person other than his family. Captain Spaulding is the craziest clown shown on film in a long time. He is humorous
and dark as hell. Can't get enough of his lines "Do you like clowns? Aren't we fucking funny?" Classic. Onto my
favorite of the bunch, Baby. Goddamn if there was one person that can pull of this level of crazy and sexy at the same time...show
me! She is sexy as hell with the best ass shown on screen. No joke. Everyone of the Firefly family does a great acting job,
though, in this one, Otis excelled above the rest in the first half of the movie (sorry Baby and Spaulding)
As a director, Rob Zombie has definitely improved from House of a 1000 Corpses to this gem. He went to cartoonish to down
right gritty and realistic. He has an eye for so many different things that are just great. The people in this film act like
they would if this actually happened. There are no heroes in this that just happen to get lucky and kill the bad guys at that
one split second which gave the perfect opportunity. The shaky camera gave the movie a documentary feel. See good things happen
when horror fans actually make horror movies because they know what the fans want because they are the fans! Rob Zombie is
definitely someone with potential, who we should be watching out for in the near future.
Now, the two parts in this movie that really stood out to me were the beginning and the end. They both were well done
and interesting. The first, with the huge gun battle at the Firefly estate and the end on the highway. That was pure brilliance.
To quote Zombie "Every movie should end with Freebird". The song gives an added touch that no other song could give.
I'll admit that my eyes glazed over at the finale. It was really sad and I couldn't ask for a better movie.
So overall, this movie is the best horror movie of 2005 without a doubt. The story is great and the characters are the
best in a horror movie! Rob Zombie is becoming one of my favorite direectors after only one GREAT movie!

review by zombievictim