Random Thoughts on Horror...
Why I love Horror Movies
This is the big one. The one that my parents would probably love to know. Why I love the best genre on the planet. It's
pretty simple and I'll break it up into a couple sections.
-THE KILLS - No matter what horror movie I watch I know that one thing will be for sure: somebodies gonna die. Possibly the
best part of a horror movie is seeing the many ways that people can die. Whether it be a stabbing, beheading, or a dismemberment,
they're all great to watch. They're willing to go places that most films won't.
-THE THEMES - When some people look at horror movies they see them as just "kill, kill, kill" kinds of movies. But really,
underneath it all, they have a message to them. Whether it be commercialism, violence in society, politics or even capitalism.
There always seems to be a subtle message which sometimes gets lost underneath the blood and gore and that makes the payoff
even better when you notice them.
-THE NUDITY - As a guy, what's much better than a bunch of girls getting undressed for you and you alone. It's pretty much
guaranteed that someone is going to at least show their boobs. Sometimes we get lucky and get more. Whatever the case, it's
a great time for any guy to just sit back and enjoy. Fun, fun, fun.
-THE PLOT - Most horror films usually have the dumbest plots and expand on them so much, trying to make is plausible that
this person or that person died in this way. It's usually a ridiculous story about someone getting tormented as child and
then they swear revenge on those that did harm to them. Pretty basic eh? But still fun nevertheless. Got to love old fashion
horror films. That's not to say that all horror films are like this. Others are intricately plotted giving us rare gems that
we don't soon forget. Either way, we're in for one great time.
And there you have it. Many reasons as to why I love the horror genre. Whether it be a dumb slasher, a killer monster, or
a deadly force, all I know is that I'll be there, front row and loving every single minute of it.
Why I love "Final Destination 3"

Oh how I love this film. When I first got it I watched it 7 times in the first 5 days. Yes, I know how insane that sounds.
And I would do it again no problem.
-THE KILLS - The deaths in this are always extremely gory and a fun watch. Some say it borderlines on sadistic in it's ways
but I just see it as good ol fun. The nail in the head is tremendous in its execution. The lead up is intricate and well
done. I also love the tanning bed deaths. The boiling skin may have been a bit much but the fire effects were amazing.
-THE ROLLERCOASTER - One of my favorite scenes in the movie has got to be this one. Some think it doesn't surpass the Freeway
scene from the second but I think it does. The separate deaths are all great to watch and I can't help but love when Kevin
gets cut in half and it sprays Wendy. Love that shot.
-THE TRAIN - Right when you think it's over it comes and haves a great train crash. Kevin gets completely squished against
a wall which always give me a huge laugh. It's just a great ending to one of my favorite guilty's.
-MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD - Ah yes, my addiction has a name and that name is...well I'm sure you know. She's gorgeous and
I can't help but love her in every second of celluloid. Her character is heart warming, friendly, and just comes off as an
overall great person.
I absolutely love this film even though I can tell it's not a great movie. I love the story, the characters, the kills, and
about everything that IS great. Love it to...DEATH (pun intended).
Why I love "Fright Night"

Time to talk about one of my favorites!
- CHRIS SARANDON: This movie pretty much shows off this guys badass...ness. Hey shut up it's a word. Anyway, I love
how he can be so menacing and make any guy fear him but also have that side where he can pretty much screw any girl that he
sees. That always made me go "I wish I was him". Plus any man that can withstand those damn prosthetic teeth gets
an A in my book.
- THE FRIENDS: I must say that while I do love them both, Evil Ed and Amy just don't play off very well. Ed is great
in the minor amount of time he's in but he comes off as unnecessary. Amy has no chemistry with Charlie whatsoever (which
I don't find strange anymore now that I know that she's a lesbian). But even with these flaws, this movie wouldn't be the
same without them because the other great performances wouldn't have had such strange characters to play off of.
- THE EFFECTS: The effects in this film are absolutely top notch! I can't believe how much can be done without the use
of CGI (which I don't condone). I always loved the bat that Dandridge turns into. That always gives me quite the chuckle.
- THE NOSTALGIA: When people ask me about Nostalgia I immediately think of this film. It pretty much embodies everything
about Nostalgia. This is the movie that I can watch and just completely be immersed in. I feel at home watching this film
and it brings me back. Got to love films that do that.
-PETER VINCENT: Let me first state that Peter Vincent is my favorite character of all time. I had to get that out of
the way before starting this. I mean he's hilarious and completely likable. He's the best part of this great film, which
is saying a lot, and every single time that he comes on the screen, a big smile comes to my face. I love him.
Now you know why I love this movie and why if you don't, then you have SERIOUS problems.
Why I love "My Bloody Valentine"

One of the great post-Friday slasher movies. This will forever be engraved in my mind as the slasher with the killer miner.
I mean, how much better can it get than that. It's a damn miner killing people with a pickaxe and having one hell of a good
time doing it, thats for sure. Here are the reasons that I love "My Bloody Valentine":
-THE PEOPLE - Usually you watch a horror movie and you go "Those people are way too attractive to be playing such
young roles". Yeah, that's not quite the case in this film. Instead of young attractive actors they went for thirty-something
ugly people who can't act to save their lives. And you know what? That's what makes this film so special to me. The acting
isn't amazing but you still find yourself being drawn in by them because they're just so god damn likable.
-THE BACKSTORY - "Twenty years ago, Harry Warden was stuck in a mine as his attendants went the Valentines Day dance.
The mine caved in. A year later he came back and killed the attendants. The town of Valentines Bluff hasn't had a Valentines
day since." How much better can it get than that? It's as basic as can be and it helps gain a little bit of nostalgia
from each viewing experience.
-HARRY WARDEN - You want to know how much of a lunatic this guy is? He stabs a girl in the heart just before shes going
to have sex with him because he sees a heart tattooed on her left breast. Honestly, who gives up a chance at sex for a little
tattoo? Not only that, but he also kills a guy by sticking his face in a pot of boiling hot dogs. How cool is that? You
don't see Michael or Jason doing that now do you?
-THE CHEIF - Whoever cast this guy should be applauded time and time again. Every time he comes on the screen, a smile
comes to my face. His distinct voice and AWESOME hair put him above everyone else in this film. Plus I mean, he voices Sabertooth
in the X-men series. THAT shows how cool he is.
And there you have it. Another confession down, more sanity gone. But now you need to go out and find yourself a copy
of this great film right away. I said NOW dammit!
Why I love the Friday the 13th movies to Death.

I get criticized by many "movie buffs" and other everyday moviegoers about my love for the Friday the 13th series.
Do I know that they're bad movies? Of course I do. But I still love them anyways and here are the several reasons why
THE GRATUITOUS NUDITY - This is a staple of the F13 franchise. Just random shots of girls stripping, having sex, or showering.
They're not put in to benefit the movie, or advance the plot and are there just to be there. How much better can it get
than that. These movies were made for guys.
THE DEATHS - When you watch a horror movie there's one thing that the films GOT to have and that's great deaths. F13
manages to do that time and time again with innovative death scenes (sleeping bag death anyone?). The body count in these
movies are something in the 100's and for that I love it. These films aren't afraid to kill off as many kids as they can
in the 90 minutes of screen time.
THE CHARACTERS - While there are a lot of annoying characters (I'm looking at you cast of New Blood) there are also a
lot of great ones (Part 3). There are likable characters that you root for knowing that they will meet their timely demise.
While most of them are forgettable, there will always be a few which stick with you for a long time.
THE ATMOSPHERE - Can you say 80's? The first installments are oozing with 80's music, hair, and clothes. And unless
you're completely lame and have no taste, it's great. You're taken back into a less technology savvy time.
THE RULES - While the series never had solid continuity one thing stayed the same: if you drank alcohol, did drugs, or
had sex then you're as good as dead. One thing that really became a staple for other horror movies that was really worked
out in these movies were the idea of rules of surviving. These rules were also addressed in Scream.
JASON VOORHEES - Honestly what could be better than a crazy killer. Whether it be the crazy inbred hillbilly from the
first half or the unstoppable zombie killing machine from the second half, Jason is one badass hombre. While his scariness
may have disappeared in the later entries, it was still fun to root for him as he hunted down the bad teens.
And there you have it. Those are the reasons that I love the Friday the 13th Franchise. Whether it be in Crystal Lake,
Manhattan, or Space, I'll always love it.
Yeah, you know I'm right.