This is a definite guilty pleasure for me. It is everything that I look for in a movie and loved every minute of it. I found
myself intrigued from the beginning and couldn't wait for this ride (pun intended...I think so) to begin. I sat in the theater
and during the opening credits, I started shaking. This wasn't from fear or some other panzy crap, this was from pure excitement.
I couldnt' wait for this badboy to start and take me on a ride like no other with great deaths, great characters and a story
I could get into. The truth is, I was hoping this movie would make me uber paranoid, making me never wanting to ride a roller
coaster again. Did it succeed...yes. Will I go on a roller coaster again...most definitely but not any time soon.
Now lets get onto the movie, it starts us off in the amusement park with our heroines. It lets us get to know the characters,
know who's who and who's screwing who. We meet Wendy, the lead of the film who has many different bad "omens" such
as the High Dive ride (resembling Cedar Points "power tower") lighting up only "high die" as she takes
a picture. So she and her boyfriend and another couple walk around for about five minutes. They take pictures of a few people
for the yearbook because apparantly Wendy's a dorky yearbook girl but girls that look like that, do not do stuff like that.
Well she takes pictures of several people which come into play later on in the story.
Now, onto one of my favorite parts of the movie...the roller coaster crash. This starts off with many different other
signs which are very cool and sometimes hard to catch so I won't spoil them for you. We get an amazing coaster crash which
will make you stay away from Cedar Point for a long long time. There are many different great deaths on this though a few
are not really shown in their full goodness, because they are "distance" kills that you don't really see. So then
Wendy "wakes" up from her premonition and finds out that what had happened wasn't real. So she takes off her friends
but isn't able to get her boyfriend and her bestfriend had to sit together in the front because he won a bet, and the operator
won't let the two off. Does that makes sense? Didn't think so.
So what follows are many more bloody good deaths and when I say bloody, I mean bloody. We get blood and guts. Maybe the
best attribute of the film is its great gore gags including....well most of them are "surprising" so I won't spoil
them for you because you have to see it to truely appreciate the creativity that went into each of them.
Something that has really gotten bashed about this movie are the characters. People say that they aren't fully developed
and that they are not very real and are very cliched. I understand their complaints but I don't agree with them the slightest
bit. I love Wendy and Erin. I'll just state that right away because I thought that they were tremendous characters and even
though Erin was highly underdeveloped its an instance where imagination does wonders. I also liked Ian who was a very cool
smart kid who's a underachiever and is a loner, and only really hangs out with Erin. Ashley and Ashlynn are pretty one dimensional
characters but do have some redeeming qualities, those being the fact that they are smoking hot and get naked for us. The
other characters are also great and I felt something for them except for Lewis and Frankie who were there just to annoy and
served no purpose at all, other than just to be killed in fashionable ways that the writers see fit.
So overall, this movie is a fun ride with great little deaths and, IMO, great characters with a well concieved plot. It
was a bit short, which is probably the only reason the rating isn't higher. The good news that supposedly over there are over
thirty minutes of deleted scenes so it looks as if we will be getting some more character development and definitely some
more blood.

review by zombievictim