This is horror at its best! This is a prime example of how to do a horror movie right. This has great acting, simple but effective
story, tremendous gore, and top notch directing. Each of those works together to make one hell of a film.
Unlike the original Hills, the characters in this film aren't annoying as hell. They are easy to relate to and precisely
like any other family you would see. Big Bob (Levine) and Ethel (Quinlan) are quite the opposite so its no reason that they're
happily married. They both do a great job at what they're given which isn't much since this is more of a youth oriented flick.
Their son Bobby (Byrd) may be my favorite character because of his courage and intelligence. He pretty much acts like
I would in the given situation. Brenda (de Ravin) is absolutely breathtaking in each of her scenes. Her onscreen beauty seems
to light of the scenery. The rape scene was a tad much to see such a beautiful, seemingly innocent little girl being raped
like that. Lynn (Shaw) was my least favorite of them, mainly because we don't see much of her and when we do, shes caring
for her child which doesn't bring much to the table. Onto Doug, who is tied for my favorite character. He absolutely kicks
ass. Watch the last thirty minutes to see what I'm talking. He does whatever he can to get his daughter back and when I say
whatever he can, I mean whatever he can. Onto on of the heros of the movies, Beast. He is one of two dogs (others name is
Beauty...get it). He absolutely tears it up whenever he's onscreen. He gets a couple of the kills, one of which is pretty
Now the villians of the movie. They are all deformed travesties of human nature that live in the desert, more specifically,
in a strange town. Pluto is a massive giant of a...well not a man but a mutant. His pickaxe sure does tend to hack some people
up. Lizard is my favorite just because he's absolutely creepy as hell. His wierd walk, his wierd voice, and his strange love
of breast feeding. Ruby, the female of the group, is the one decent hearted one of the bunch. If not for her, Doug would have
never gotten his little girl back.
When this one brings on the red sauce, its bring it on hard. Just to give you a heads up for those of you out there with
a weak stomach, this movie makes Hostel look like Sesame Street. There are plenty of disgusting gags to wet your whistle on.
Just be prepared though for a savage dog killing, so if you're an animal lover then make sure to look away. We get disgusting
dog bites, an awesome shotgun suicide and body parts galore.
Alexander Aja is the future of horror. Plain and simple. His film debut Haute Tension proved that he can build suspense
and could be one of the best. Now, it is proven, he is the best new horror director of this generation. His eye for phenomenal
scenery is something that makes this film so special.
This is the best horror film of 2006 which is saying a lot because this years been pretty good horrorwise (Silent Hill,
FD3). For those who wonder how to make a great horror movie, watch this movie, study it, and you'll know how to do it right.

review by zombievictim