
My Horror Confessions
Horror Talk

Episode Forty

At The Movies IV

-Cinemark 16. Evening. Cut to the billboard listings of the new and current movies playing: Gagging & Dying, Headhunters, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of The Shit, Kingdom of Chicken, The Sisterhood of The Traveling Diaphragm, Besucked, The Manipulator, Mrs. and Ms. Jones, The Shortest Inch, Crapadascar, The Drag Queens of Whoretown, The Terrible Two, War of The Wormholes, The Good News Grizzlies, and...Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers. Tonight is the premier.

-Cut to the parking lot of movie theater. Cut to a Chevrolet Corvette and Mazda RX-8 parking (Screech! Screech!). Michael steps out of the Corvette. Freddy and Jason step out of the RX-8. Freddy turns to Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Your driving is getting only caused three accidends on the way, not five!"

-Jason shoves Freddy.

Jason Voorhees: "Shut up!"

-Freddy laughs. Jason laughs with him. Michael starts leading Freddy and Jason up to the movie theater. He shrugs.

Michael Myers: "I still can't believe the reviews for my movie. The New York Times loved it and proclaimed it the best 'Halloween' sequel to follow my classic original. Roger Ebert enjoyed it and gave it thumbs up. And even that prick, James Berardinelli, kind of liked it and gave it two and half stars. Eh, good enough for me."

-Freddy snickers.

Freddy Krueger: "Oh, are you still pissed about that Berardinelli guy giving 'Halloween 6' a zero star rating?"

-Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "Yeah, I am! I know the version seen in theaters was wasn't a masterpiece, but come on! It had more redeeming values than 'Bushwhacked'! And, 'Fair Game'! And, especially 'Showgirls'...!

-Jason laughs.

Jason Voorhees: "'Showgirls'?? Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!..."

Michael Myers: "...Putting my movie right down there with 'The Mangler' was the ultimate insult! But, his somewhat generous review for this new one kind of redeems him for his misguiance."

-Freddy, Jason and Michael walk up the line leading up to the box-office. Moments later, the line has moved up and they are now in front of the line. Michael walks up to the ticket booth and turns to the ticket holder.

Michael Myers: "Hi, we'll have three ticketes for 'Halloween', 8:00 show."

-The ticket holder, a teenage boy, looks at Michael in awe.

Ticket Holder: "Michael Myers..."

-Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "That's me."

Ticket Holder: "Your ticket, its all on us."

Michael Myers: "You don't have to..."

-Michael hands the ticket holder a $20 bill and $10 bill to pay for their tickets.

Michael Myers: "...Here, take this. It's still my movie, and I'm going to pay for it."

Ticket Holder: "No way! This is 'Halloween' and you're Michael Myers. You don't have to pay, it's on the theater. It will be our honor."

-Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "Really? Thanks. Thanks a lot."

-Michael takes his ticket and walks off. Freddy and Jason start following after, when the ticket holder turns to them.

Ticket Holder: "Hey, hold your horses! I didn't say you guys could go off free!"

-Jason, feeling cheated, reaches for his machete. He thought he and Freddy were getting in free too! They were Freddy and Jason! But, Freddy stops Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Jason..."

-Freddy glares at Jason, then hands the ticket holder a $10 dollar bill for his ticket. Jason goes along with it and reaches for his money.

Jason Voorhees: "That son of a..."

CUT TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael entering the theater room, with their popcorn and drinks. They walk in and look up to the stadium seating, to see most of the seats taken by excited horror fans. Upon seeing Michael Myers, the horror fans freak out and cheer for Michael. Michael, taken by surprise, shrugs.

Michael Myers: "Wow, I wasn't expecting this..."

-The horror fans stand up and continue to cheer Michael on. This was his night!

Fans: "Whooooo! Oww!"

-Freddy turns to Michael.

Freddy Krueger: "See, I told you. This is your night! Your glory! You're fans can't wait to see your great, final 'Halloween' film. And, so can't Jason and I! So, this better be good! Or else, I'll haunt your dreams tonight!"

-Michael turns to Freddy questionably. Freddy laughs.

Freddy Krueger: "Just kidding! But, I still hope to see a good show!"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, so do I!"

-Michael leads Freddy and Jason up the stairs towards the top of rows of the stadium seating. The horror fans continue to cheer Michael on. Michael shrugs. He was liking the attention! Michael stops on the second to last row from the top and starts down the isle. Freddy and Jason follow. Michael stops in the middle seats and sits down. Freddy and Jason sit down after. Michael relaxes on the comfy theater seats as his fans continue cheering him on.

Fans: "Whooooo! Oww!"

-That's when the lights darken a little. The excited horror fans relax and sit back down in their seats. Cut to the movie screen, as the first commercial starts. Michael shrugs. This was his movie! He did not want to see stupid commercials before it! Michael stands back up and looks around to the theater employee running the movie in the back room.

-The theater employee, a young male in his 20's, looks to see Michael turning to him in a threatening manner through the window and staring him down with his dead-like eyes. He tenses up and starts fast-fowarding through the commercials. The horror fans cheer and Michael relaxes back in his comfy theater seat. No way was he going to watch annoying commercials before his own movie!

-The theater employee fast-forwards through the commercials and stops before the first preview.

-Cut to the audience watching the first preview - the Harold Ramis-directed "Ghostbusters 3" starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Will Smith and Claire Danes as the new Ghostbuster crew, being trained by Egon Spengler, Harold Ramis, of the original crew. The plot previewed features the new crew going up against the new pope - the anti-christ - and his evil minions, trying to save civilization from the revelation and the seven years of tribulation!

-Cut to the audience watching the second preview - the Wayans brother's time-travel parody, "Black To The Future," featuring alot of "slang" like MF and "Yo Momma..." jokes.

-Cut to the audience watching the third preview - the Sylvester Stallone-directed "Rocky VI"! This time around, Rocky is on his deathbed and is determined to go back into the ring one more time before his time.

-Cut to the audience watching the fourth and final preview - Mel Brook's "Space Balls" prequel, "Space Balls 2: The Search For More Money"! Cut to the end of the preview as Ron Pederson, of "MAD TV" fame, is seen as a young Dark Helmet wearing an oversized football helmet in his high school days. He laughs deviously, knowing full well of what he'll soon become.

Young Dark Helmet: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Freddy Krueger: "I gotta say, Ron Pederson, he has a great evil laugh. Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Michael Myers: "You're right about that."

-Michael shrugs and turns to Freddy with a devious look in his eyes for the heck of it.

Michael Myers: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-Freddy laughs. Then, he and Michael both for for it.

Freddy and Michael: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-Jason laughs and goes along with it.

Freddy, Michael and Jason: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-The rest of the audience laughs at their antics and also laugh deviously.

Audience: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-Freddy, Jason and Michael laugh. Then, they and the whole audience go for it.

Freddy, Jason, Michael and audience: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-That's when the lights completely. It was time for the movie! It was time for 'Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers"! Everybody in the audience quiets down and brace themselves.

Michael Myers: "This is it..."

Freddy Krueger: "Yes, it is! Yes, it is!"

Jason Voorhees: "All right!"

Movie: Cut to a black screen. The words "Dimension films" appear.

-The audience boos at the screen. Dimension sucks! They always hold back potential films, until releasing them in only limited release. They also cut down potential R-rated horror films into incoherent PG-13 babble. And to add it, they rejoice with their lesser movies in wider releases. Dimension does suck! But, now is their chance to make up for it...

(Cue John Carpenter's original "Halloween" theme)

-The audience tenses up and cheers. Why, it isn't just any eerie re-tuned "Halloween" theme, but the original music from the classic original! Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "Oh, the nostalgia..."

Movie: Cut to words "Mustapha Akkad" appearing, followed by "Presents" underneath.

-Part of the audience cheers and the other part boos - a mixed reaction on the decisions Akkad has made for his precious "Halloween" series over the years.

Movie: Cut to the words "John Carpenter" appearing, followed by "Halloween" underneath, followed by "The Blood of Michael Myers" underneath that.

-The audience freaks out and puts on a round of applause. John Carpenter rules!

Movie: Cut to the words "introducing" appearing, followed by "Benjamin Strong" underneath, followed by "as John Tate" underneath that.

-Michael shrugs and turns to Freddy and Jason.

Michael Myers: "He's a no-name taking over pivotal role of John Tate. Josh Hartnett just refused to come back, so we had no choice but to re-cast him. Benjamin, his performance really took all of us surprise. He took over the role of my nephew like it was nothing. He was perfect re-casting."
Movie: Cut to the words "Juliette Lewis" appearing, followed by "Charles Cyphers" underneath.

-Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "Lindsay Wallace and Sheriff Brackett, both straight from the original film."

CUT TO...later on towards the end of the opening credits.

Movie: Cut to the words "Produced by," followedy by "John Carpenter" underneath. Then the words "Directed by" appear, followed by "John Carpenter" underneath.

-The audience cheers on for John Carpenter once more, then quiet down. Michael braces himself. This was it!

Movie: Cut to Haddonfield, Illinois. Midnight. It is a windy night along the suburbia that is Haddonfield. Cut to the Myers House. So prominent in its spot, with its and the town's infamous history of murder and bloodshed. That's when two teenagers, a guy and girl named Dirk and Liz, quietly creep up to the house...

CUT TO...later on in the movie. Freddy, Jason, Michael and the audience have seen the first part of the movie setting up the plot.

-They saw the teenagers in the opening sequence attempting to sneak into the Myers house to ill effect. They saw John Tate, dealing with his inner termoil over his tragic family history. They saw John finally make his decision to come back to Haddonfield and stop his deranged uncle, once and for all. They saw John come arrive to Haddonfield with his wife and young son. They saw the introduction of the now grown up Lindsay Wallace...

-They also saw the introduction of the two ignorant teenagers, Anthony Foster and Jodie Hopkins, mocking Lindsay as a "town freak." They saw the introduction of the much-aged Sheriff Brackett. They saw John meet up with Sheriff Brackett. They saw Michael follow John and take care of Sheriff Brackett...

-They also saw Michael finding out the whereabouts of John's family at the safe house they were set up at in the neighborhood. They saw John flee with his family away from the safe house. They saw John meet up with a friend/contact in the small town, Dave Williams. They saw John and Dave unexpectedly meet up with Lindsay. They saw John, Dave and Lindsay start to scheme out a plan to try to stop Michael at the Wallace and Doyle house. And finally, they also saw the ignorant teenagers scheming out their own plan to sneak into the Myers house on Halloween night...

-So far, the audience has seemed to be enjoying it. So has Freddy and Jason. Freddy turns to Michael.

Freddy Krueger: "Hey, this pretty good so far. Can't wait to see what happens next!"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, I want to see you in more action! I want to see you take care of those stupid teenagers! They are so mean, calling Lindsay a 'freak'! Why, I'd take my machete..."

-Jason whips out his machete (Shing!), startling the audience around him.

Jason Voorhees: "...And, slaughter them all over the place!"

-Freddy swipes the machete away from Jason (Shing!) and reassures the audience. He turns to Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Hey, calm down. Michael will see their end..."

-Freddy turns to Michael.

Freddy Krueger: "...Won't you, Mike?"

-Michael turns to Freddy and Jason, with a sinister look in his eyes.

Michael Myers: "Oh, I will. You'll see..."
Movie: It is now Halloween evening and the children and teenagers of Haddonfield are trick-or-treating through the neighborhood. Cut to Lindsay Wallace's house and the Doyle house across the street from it. Inside the Doyle house is Dave setting up a trap for Michael. In the other house is John and Lindsay, sitting in the kitchen.

John Tate: "Thanks for helping us out, Lindsay."

Lindsay Wallace: "Don't mention it. I just want to help you catch the boogeyman."

John Tate: "Well, thanks."

Movie: Cut to Lindsay sighing.

Lindsay Wallace: "After I saw the boogeyman, people made fun of me. They call me a freak. I want to catch the boogeyman, so people will stop calling me a freak."

John Tate: "I'm so sorry..."

Lindsay Wallace: "My only friend was Tommy Doyle. He lived across the street from me."

John Tate: "Right."

Lindsay Wallace: "He was there too when the boogeyman came. We were both scared and knew what we saw. He defended me from the mean kids in school. Then, he moved away. And, I never saw him again..."

Movie: Cut to John sighing for Lindsay.

John Tate: "Take it from me. You are not a freak. That boogeyman you saw so long ago is the freak. I don't see you butchering the people in this town."

Lindsay Wallace: "Thank you. And, I saw him yesterday."

John Tate: "Yesterday? When?"

Lindsay Wallace: "On the way to work. In his house. I see him all the time. And, he sees me. He sees everybody in Haddonfield. He's the eyes of this town."

John Tate: "That is a good point."

Movie: Cut to John checking the time.

John Tate: "I should check on Dave."

Movie: Cut to John whipping out his cell phone to call Dave. Cut to Dave in the empty living room of the Doyle house. Dave is pulling up a heavy, chained netting up to the ceiling. He pulls a rope connected to the netting. That's when his cell phone rings.

Dave Williams: "Hold on a sec..."

Movie: Cut to Dave proceeding to pull the netting all the way up to the ceiling. His cell phone continues ringing. Dave ties the rope to a hook to a wall and whips out his cell phone. Tired from the lifting, Dave answers it.

Dave Williams: "J-John?"

John Tate: "Got the trap ready?"

Dave Williams: "Just finished. Now, we just to have to lure the fucker into the house."

Movie: But, Michael Myers is already a step ahead of them. Cut to the knob of the back kitchen door turning...

John Tate: "...Well, hurry up back to the house, then. For all we know, he might already be here."

Movie: And, John was right. Behind Dave stands Michael Myers at the living room/kitchen entrance. He whips out his knife (Shing!). Hearing him, Dave looks around to see Michael Myers facing him.

Dave Williams: "Oh, shit..."

John Tate: "What's wrong?"

Movie: Cut to Dave slowly shoving his cell phone back in the right pocket of his jeans. Michael stands his ground and watches him.

John Tate: "Dave? Dave?..."

Movie: Cut to Dave slowly getting down to his knees and grabbing the shotgun he brought with him off the floor. Michael continues to watch him with his dead-like eyes. Dave proceeds to slowly get back up. He takes the shotgun and points it towards Michael.

Dave Williams: "Stay where you, fucker."

Movie: Nonetheless, Michael shrugs and starts walking towards him. Dave backs away.

Dave Williams: "I said, stay where you are."

Movie: Cut to Michael continuing to walk after Dave. Dave backs away more, keeping the shotgun aimed at him. John listens over the cell phone. It was Michael Myers! He was there with Dave! Dave backs away to the side entrance of the living room. Michael continues following, keeping his dead-like eyes on him.

Movie: Cut to Dave suddenly reaching for the rope holding up the chained netting. He loosens it up from the hook. Michael watches his actions and looks up to see the chained netting above him. He quickly steps aside as the chained netting falls to the ground next to him (Sha-shing!). Dave shudders.

Dave: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to Dave aiming his shotgun back at Michael to shoot him. But, Michael quickly swipes it from him. He takes the shotgun, and with his sheer strength, bends it out of place. Then, he tosses it aside.

Dave Williams: "Oh, shit..."

Movie: John, meanwhile, continues to overhear everything.

John Tate: "Dave? What's wrong? Did you get him?..."

Movie: Cut to Dave backing away from Michael...and bumping into the wall of the hallway, leading to the living room. That's when Michael takes his knife (Shing!) and goes for him. Dave ducks away from his spot at the wall and Michael ends up stabbing his knife into the wall (Shing!). Michael looks at Dave, then back at the knife sticking to the wall.

Movie: Cut to Michael going for the knife and trying to get it out of the wall. Dave takes the opportunity and kicks him (Kick!). Michael takes it and aggresively shoves Dave to the floor (Thud!). Michael continues struggling to get the knife out of the wall. Dave gets back up shaken, and turns to Michael. He jumps at him and tries to attack him. But, Michael quickly turns to him and shoves him back to the floor (Thud!).

Movie: Cut to Michael finally getting the knife out of the wall (Shing!). Then, he turns to the floor, only to see Dave not there. That's when Dave takes his bent shotgun and hits Michael with it (Whack!). Michael takes it and Dave hits him again (Whack!). That's when Michael swipes the shotgun from him and tosses it aside. Then, he goes for Dave again. Dave tries to get away, but Michael grabs him and knocks him to floor of the living room (Thud!).

Movie: Cut to Michael looking down at Dave, and then at the chained netting nearby. Michael gets down and reaches for the chained netting. Dave tries to get away, but Michael reaches him and knocks him against the floor (Thud!). Dave is shaken. Michael looks down on him with his dead-like eyes.

Dave Williams: "No! No!"

Movie: Cut to John continuing to overhear everything through Dave's cell phone in the right pocket of his jeans.

John Tate: "...Dave! Dave? What's going on?..."

Movie: Cut to Michael taking the chained netting and trying to wrap it around Dave's neck. Dave tries to struggle away and Michael knocks him against the floor again (Thud!). Dave is shaken. Then, Michael takes the netting and wraps it around Dave's neck (Shing!). He tugs at chained netting, making it rattle (Shing!).

Dave Williams: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Michael tugging at the chained netting in attempt to choke Dave (Shing! Shing!...).

Dave Williams: "...Argh! Argh!..."

Movie: Cut to John overhearing Dave choking to death (...Shing! Shing!...).

John Tate: "...Dave! Dave!..."

Dave Williams: "...Argh! Argh! ARGH!..."

Movie: Cut to Michael continuing to choke Dave with the chained netting (...Shing! Shing!...). Cut to Dave's point of view as he witnesses Michael tugging at the chained netting more and more (...Shing! Shing!...).

Dave Williams: "...Argh! Argh!..."

Movie: Cut to Dave's point of view as he witnesses Michael tugging at the chained netting harder and harder (...Shing! Shing!...). Dave watches Michael's dead-like eyes burn his soul (...Shing! Shing!...). Finally, Dave loses it (...Shing! Shing! Sha-shing!...).

Dave Williams: "...ARGH!"

Movie: Cut to Dave dying away as Michael tugs at the chained netting once more (Sha-shing!). Dave was done. John, meanwhile, is still on Dave's line.

John Tate: "...Dave! Dave! Are you okay?..."

Movie: Cut to Michael reaching for the cell phone in Dave's pocket. Michael gets back up and puts the cell phone up to ear of his white Halloween mask.

John Tate: "...Dave! Dave! Answer me!..."

Movie: Cut to John hearing someone on the other line. Someone with heavy breathing.

John Tate: "Dave?"

Movie: Cut to John continuing to hear heavy breathing. He shudders.

John Tate: "Michael?"

Movie: Cut to Michael taking the cell phone away from the ear his Halloween mask and trying hang up on John...but, he can't, because he's doesn't know which little button on the cell phone turns it off! On the other line, John hears Michael fumbling with random buttons, trying to get it off (Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!...).

Movie: Finally, cut to Michael dropping the cell phone onto the living room floor. He looks down on the cell phone with frustration. That's when John hears a "Stomp!" on the other line and it goes dead. John shudders and puts his cell phone away.

Lindsay Wallace: "What's wrong?"

John Tate: "Michael got him."

Lindsay Wallace: "Oh, no. What are we going to do?"

Movie: Cut to John getting up and running for the front living room. He looks out the curtains of the front window to see if he can see Michael coming out of the Doyle house. Lindsay follows after.

Lindsay Wallace: "Do you see him? Do you see the boogeyman?"

John Tate: "Not yet."

Movie: Cut to John closing the curtains and turning around to Lindsay.

John Tate: "All right. Lock all the doors and turn out the lights. He's coming for us, I know he is."

Movie: Cut to John heading for the front door. He checks to make sure its locked. Then, he switches off the lights. Lindsay, meanwhile, runs to the kitchen to lock the back kitchen door. She turns out the kitchen light and meets him back in the front entrance of the house.

Lindsay Wallace: "Okay, it's locked. What do we do now?"

John Tate: "Just wait...Just wait."

Movie: Cut to John and Lindsay waiting in the living room for seems like moments on end. From time to time, they look out the window to check for Michael. John opens the curtain to look out again. Lindsay turns to him.

Lindsay Wallace: "I remember when me and Tommy were looking out the window for the boogeyman. I never saw him, but I believed Tommy when he said he saw him. Then, we saw him upstairs.

Movie: That's when a noise is heard upstairs (Thump!). Lindsay tenses up.

Lindsay Wallace: "And, that's him right now!"

John Tate: "But, that can't be. We've been watching for him the whole time."

Lindsay Wallace: "The boogeyman knows this neighborhood well. He took a long way around. He had to."

John Tate: "Then, how could he be upstairs?"

Lindsay Wallace: "He climbed up the house. Went through a window."

John Tate: "I have to be sure."

Movie: Cut to John turning around and slowly approaching the stairway, leading up second floor. Lindsay follows. John continues to slowly approach the stairway. Lindsay quietly turns to John.

Lindsay Wallace: "I'm scared."

John Tate: "So am I."

Movie: Cut to John and Lindsay about to reach the stairway...when they see a taller figure wearing blue overalls and a white Halloween mask casually walking down before them. It was Michael Myers! Michael turns his masked head to them and raises his knife (Shing!).

-The audience tenses up. Michael, in the audience, shrugs.

Michael Myers: "You gotta love 'Shing!' effect!"

John Tate: "Run!

Movie: Cut to John and Lindsay running through the hallway towards the kitchen. They reach the kitchen and run for the back kitchen door. They try to open the door, but its locked. That's when Michael steps into the kitchen and turns his masked head towards them.

Lindsay Wallace: "It's the boogeyman!"

John Tate: "Unlock the door, Lindsay! Unlock the door!"

Movie: Cut to Lindsay unlocking the door with her key. Lindsay opens up the door and they run for it outside. Cut to the John and Lindsay running around the back left corner of the house. They run down the side of the house and towards the street.

Lindsay Wallace: "Where do we go? Where do we go?"

John Tate: "The neighbors! Get help from the neighbors!"

Movie: Cut to John and Lindsay running up to the porch of the next house to right. They scream for help. The porch lights turn on and a neighbor opens the curtains to look out.

John Tate: "Help! Help! Let us in!"

Lindsay Wallace: "It's the Boogeyman! The Boogeyman!"

Movie: Cut to the neighbor turning away from the window and shutting the porch lights out. He didn't believe them!

Lindsay Wallace: "What are they doing? Why aren't they helping us?"

John Tate: "They don't believe us. They think we're playing a prank."

Movie: Cut to Michael Myers suddenly turning the left back window of the Wallace house. He spots John and Lindsay and starts walking after them.

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

-The audience tenses up. Michael, in the audience, shrugs.

Michael Myers: "There I am!"

-Freddy and Jason laugh.

John Tate: "There he is!"

Lindsay Wallace: "The Doyle house! Let's go to the Doyle house!"

John Tate: "Yes, the Doyle house!"

Movie: Cut to John and Lindsay starting to run for the Doyle house. Cut to Michael following after. Cut to John and Lindsay running across the street. Cut back to Michael continuing to briskly follow after. Cut to John and Lindsay running across the front lawn of the Doyle house. Cut back to Michael continuing after them. That's when Lindsay trips on the front lawn and falls over (Thud!).

Lindsay Wallace: "Ow!"

-Freddy and Jason turn to each other and laugh. Characters in horror movies always fall!

Movie: Cut to John stopping and helping Lindsay up.

John Tate: "Come on!"

Movie: Cut to John and Lindsay crossing the rest of the front lawn of the Doyle house. Cut back to Michael briskly following after, approaching them closer. Cut to John and Lindsay reaching the porch. Cut back to Michael following after them closer. Cut to John and Lindsay running up the porch and reaching the front door. Cut to Lindsay looking back to see Michael coming for them. She tenses up.

Lindsay Wallace: "The Boogeyman!"

John Tate: "Come on!"

Movie: Cut back to Michael approaching them much closer. Cut to John opening up the front door. Cut back to Michael approaching them much, much closer. Cut to John and Lindsay trying to get inside the house.

Movie: Cut to John getting inside the Doyle house first. Lindsay is about to get in next, when Michael reaches her and grabs for her.

Lindsay Wallace: "No!"

Movie: Cut to John reaching for Lindsay. He tries to pull her in and close the door after after her, but Michael has a strong grip on her. Poor Lindsay, here she is now wedged between the front door of the Doyle house with Michael grasping her one way outside and John trying to save her inside.

Lindsay Wallace: "Help! Help me, John!"

Movie: Cut to John trying to tug at Lindsay his way.

John Tate: "I'm trying! I'm trying!"

Movie: Cut to John struggling to get Lindsay inside, but Michael won't let her go. That's when Michael whips out his knife (Shing!).

-Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "Oh, boy!"

Movie: Cut to Lindsay tensing up.

Lindsay Wallace: "Get me in, John! Get me in!"

Movie: Cut to John desperately trying to pull Lindsay inside the house. That's when he witnesses a knife stab through the door (Shing!). Michael just stabbed Lindsay!

Lindsay Wallace: "Argh!"

John Tate: "Lindsay!"

Movie: Cut to the knife whipping back out of the door (Shing!). Back outside the door, Michael swings the knife back (Swish!). Lindsay braces herself. That's when John sees the knife stab through the door again (Shing!). Cut to Lindsay struggling.

Lindsay Wallace: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Lindsay coughing up blood. She isn't taking this well. Poor Lindsay, John can only imagine what's going on, on the other side of that door.

John Tate: "Lindsay!"

Lindsay: ""

Movie: Cut to the knife whipping back out of the door (Shing!) and Lindsay coughing up more blood. That's when Michael swings back the knife one more time (Swish!)...and goes for it. Cut to John witnessing the knife stabbing through door once more (Sha-shing!).

Lindsay: "ARGH!"

Movie: Cut to the knife whipping back out of the door (Shing!). Lindsay coughs up blood and faintly looks up at John. That's when Michael finally lets go of Lindsay. John, tugging at Lindsay like he was, falls back and Lindsay falls over top of him (Thud!). John looks up to the see the front door swinging from the action. The door swings forward and he sees Michael outside on the porch staring him down with his dead-like eyes. The door swings back, then forward again and Michael's gone. Lindsay, meanwhile, struggles.

Lindsay Wallace: "I'm not...a freak...I'm... not...a...freak..."

Movie: Cut to Lindsay finally losing it. Her head sags down over John. John sighs for her.

John Tate: "No, you weren't."

Movie: Cut to John rolling Lindsay's lifeless body off of him. He gets up and looks outside the front lawn. Michael was gone.

-The audience cheers and puts on a round of applause for Michael. So do Freddy and Jason. What a great sequence of events! Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "Well, what can I say?"
CUT TO...later on in the movie. It is later on in the night and the trick-or-treating is over. The streets are empty. John called 911 to the scene and is now taking refuge in Dave Williams' house with his family. Cut to the Myers house. The two ignorant teenagers, Anthony Foster and Jodie Hopkins, creep up to the house.

Anthony Foster: "Here we are...the Myers house."

Movie: Cut to Jodie looking the house up and down, then looking into darkness of first floor before them.

Jodie Hopkins: "Creepy."

Anthony Foster: "Come on, let's go!"

Movie: Cut to an ambulance suddenly rushing down the street with its sirens blaring. Anthony and Jodie quickly jump away and hide into nearby bushes. The ambulance drives by and Anthony and Jodie get up from the bushes. Anthony shrugs.

Anthony Foster: "Whew, that was close!"

Jodie Hopkins: "What do you think happened?"

Movie: Cut to Jodie tensing up.

Jodie Hopkins: "You don't think that was Michael Myers, do you? Did he strike again?"

Anthony Foster: "Okay, what did I tell you before about Michael Myers? He doesn't exist! He isn't here anymore. Now, come on."

Movie: Cut to Jodie sighing.

Jodie Hopkins: "Okay..."

-Freddy, in the audience, snickers and turns to Michael.

Freddy Krueger: "When will they ever learn?"

-Michael, in the audience, laughs.

Michael Myers: "I know! They are always so naive..."

Jason Voorhees: "Same with the my 'Friday The 13th' movies! Those stupid teenagers, they never listen to the legends and drive out of the way of Crystal Lake!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony and Jodie approaching the Myers house. Cut to the point of view of a figure watching them from the front door window. Could it be Michael?

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to Anthony and Jodie walking up the porch and towards the front door. Anthony, hesitantly, grabs the door knob but finds it locked.

Anthony Foster: "It's locked."

Movie: Anthony turn his head and notices the boarded window to his right. Two of the boards have been loosened up and tossed it aside, leaving them enough space to crawl through.

Anthony Foster: "However, we can go in that way."

Movie: Cut to Anthony approaching the boarded up window. He gets down on his knees and looks through the space provided for them in between the boards to look inside. What he sees is the living room ahead, leading to the kitchen. He shrugs.

Anthony Foster: "Okay, I'm going in!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony peaking his head inside through the space. Then, he grabs hold of the boards and pulls his upper torso through. He looks ahead to see old furniture covered up by sheets. He proceeds to pull himself in more, when he coughs on some dust. The house has been "deserted" for a long time.

Jodie Hopkins: "Anthony? Are you okay?"

Anthony Foster: "I'm all right. It's just really dusty in here."

Movie: Cut to Anthony pulling his legs inside. Now inside the house and on the living room floor, he backs away from the window and gets up.

Anthony Foster: "Okay, Jodie, get in!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie tensing up again.

Jodie Hopkins: "I don't want to!"

Anthony Foster: "Ah, stop playing games with me, woman! Come on!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie sighing.

Jodie Hopkins: "All right."

-Freddy, in the audience, shrugs.

Freddy Krueger: "That stupid bitch! When we'll she stop letting that idiot boss her around and make her own decisions for herself? She's so weak!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie getting down on her knees and looking through the open space. There in front of her was Anthony waiting for her.

Anthony Foster: "Come on, I'll help you in."

Movie: Cut to Jodie peaking her head inside through the space. She grabs hold of the boards and pushes upper her torso through. Then, Anthony grabs hold of her hands and pulls her in. Getting her legs inside, Jodie backs away from window and gets up.

Movie: Cut to Anthony and Jodie looking around. They are standing in the living room, which leads to the kitchen. To the left of the living room, is the front entrance. They walk into the front entrance and look to their right to see a hallway leading to a closet. Also in front of the front entrance is the stairway, leading to the second floor.

Movie: Cut to Anthony and Jodie looking up to the second floor for a moment, then walking to the left of the front entrance is. To the left of the front entrance is the dining room, also leading to the other end of the kitchen. Inside the dining room are old furniture covered up by sheets. Anthony shrugs.

Anthony Foster: "Wow...what a crappy house."

Jodie Foster: "This is creepy."

Anthony Foster: "I know. Now, let's check out the upstairs."

Movie: Cut to Anthony and Jodie stepping onto the stairs. Upon stepping, the stairway creaks (Creeeaak). This was an old house. Anthony and Jodie stop for a moment, then continue walking up the stairway. The stairs continue to creak as they walk up.

Movie: Cut to Anthony and Jodie reaching the top of the stairway and stepping onto the second floor. Again, they hear a creak from the aging wood (Creeeaak). They shrug and look around. To their left is a corner, leading down to a hallway of bedrooms. To their right is a hallway, leading to a dead-end of other bedrooms.

Anthony Foster: "Let's go this way."

Movie: Cut to Anthony leading Jodie around the left corner and down the hallway. Anthony stops at the first door and looks inside. Nothing but an old bed and desk covered up by sheets. They walk up to the second door. They open the door to look inside. The door creeks its way open to reveal another old bed and desk covered up by sheets. Anthony shrugs.

Anthony Foster: "This house isn't so scary!"

Jodie Hopkins: "I think its creepy."

Anthony Foster: "You think everything's creepy."

Jodie Hopkins: "Well, I don't care. I just think this house is creepy. People have been murdered in this house. I feel uncomfortable standing here, just knowing Michael Myers could be watching us right now."

Anthony Foster: "Yeah, right."

Jodie Hopkins: "Oh, come on. Why are you so unwilling to believe that he's still here?"

Anthony Foster: "We're standing in his house as we speak. I don't know about you, but I don't to imagine him being here with us at this particular moment."

Movie: Cut to Anthony shrugging.

Anthony Foster: "Now, if you don't mind, I want to check out this crappy house."

Movie: Cut to Anthony walking into the bedroom before them. He walks in and looks around. The room didn't look like it had been slept in for years. Anthony shrugs and takes it upon to sit on the bed. Then, he lays back on it and relaxes.

Anthony Foster: "Awww..."

Jodie Hopkins: "What are you doing?"

Anthony Foster: "What? I'm just relaxing. Come on, sit here with me and relax. I'm not going to bite!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie hesitantly stepping into the bedroom. She looks around and sees layers upon layers of dust on the furniture and walls. She walks over to the bed and sits on it. That's when Anthony gets up and pulls her over the sheet with him.

Anthony Foster: "Raaah!"

Jodie Foster: "Aaah! Anthony!"

Anthony Foster: "I'm just kidding! Come on, just lay here and relax."

Movie: Cut to Jodie sighing to herself, then relaxing with with Anthony. After a moment, Anthony turns his head to her.

Anthony Foster: "Okay. We're here, in the Myers house, in the one of the bedrooms, just laying in a bed comfortably. I don't see any Michael Myers or boogeyman, do you?"

Jodie: "Well..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony interrupting Jodie by suddenly kissing her. Jodie, taken by surprise, tries resisting but eventually gives in. Anthony and Jodie pull back for a moment and look at each other. Then, they turn to each other and start making out...

-The audience starts cheer on for the horny teenagers.

Audience: "Whooooo! Oww!"

-Freddy, in the audience, snickers.

Freddy Krueger: "Uh, oh! They're being naughty!"

Movie: Cut to the point of view of Michael Myers watching them making out from outside the bedroom...

-The audience tenses up. They know something is going to happen!

-Freddy snickers again.

Freddy Krueger: "Uh, oh, you're right with them! Oooh, I wonder what you're going to do??"

-Michael, in the audience, laughs and turns to Freddy.

Michael Myers: "You'll see!"

CUT TO...later on in the movie. Later on that evening, John is at Dave Williams' house. John is in the kitchen with his wife, Linda.

John Tate: "I can't believe this! Where ever I go, whatever I do, Michael is always a step ahead of me. First, Sheriff Brackett. And now, Dave and Lindsay. The people in Haddonfield are right. I did stir things up. I never should have come here. I never should have brought you and Brian here."

Movie: Cut to John sighing. Linda turns to him in sympathy.

Linda: "John, you know that's not true. You only came here to help. What happened to them is not your fault."

John Tate: "Well, I don't know what else to do. Stopping Michael seems impossible."

Linda: "Why don't we just leave? We can all leave right now."

John Tate: "I can't do that, either. I came here for a reason and I can't give up now. There's only one thing left to do."

Linda: "And, what's that?"

Movie: Cut to John shuddering.

John Tate: "Go over to the Myers house where it all started. I know he'll be there."

Linda: "What? John, you can't. You just said it yourself, you can't stop him."

John Tate: "It doesn't mean I can't try."

Linda: "John, Listen to me. Let's leave now. We'll wake up Brian and get the hell out of here. After everything that's happened, I can't afford to lose you. Not like this. Please."

John Tate: "No. I have to try. I'm going to the Myers house."

Movie: Cut to John getting up from the kitchen table.

Linda: "John? John?"

Movie: Cut to their son, Brian, entering the kitchen.

Brian: "Mom? Dad? What's going on? Who was that guy with the mask last night? And, why couldn't I trick-or-treat?"

Movie: Cut to John and Linda turning to Brian, then to each other.

John Tate: "I'll handle this."

Movie: Cut to John walking over to Brian and getting down to his knees at Brian's level.

Jonn Tate: "Brian..."

Movie: Cut to John taking a deep breath.

John Tate: "...That man you saw last night was your great uncle. I never told you about him before, because he's not a nice man. He's a murderer. He's killed many people in this town, including our own family. That's why we didn't let you trick-or-treat tonight."

Movie: Cut to John getting back up and turning to his wife.

John Tate: "I'm going over."

Movie: Cut to John heading over to the the reck room.

Linda: "John?"

Movie: Cut to John coming back out of the reck room with a sledge hammer. He stops at Linda and hands her the gun Sheriff Brackett gave him.

John Tate: "In case anything happens, use this..."

Movie: Cut to Linda hesitantly accepting the gun.

Linda: "John..."

John Tate: "...And, lock all the doors after I leave. If I don't come back after about an hour, leave town."

Movie: Cut to Linda's eyes tearing up.

Linda: "John, please..."

Movie: Cut to John, with determination in his eyes, heading out of the front door of the house.

Brian: "Mom, what's going on? Where's daddy going?"

Movie: Cut to Linda sighing.

Linda: "You're dad is running out on an arron, that's all. He'll be back. He'll be back."
CUT TO...later on in the movie. Cut back to Anthony and Jodie in the Myers house. They are in bedroom, laying comfortably under the sheet of the bed. Jodie, relaxed, is smoking a cigarette. They were naughty!

-The audience tenses up. The horny teenagers just had sex in the Myers house! Something had to happen! Freddy snickers.

Freddy Krueger: "Oooh, they've been naughty! Wonder what's going to happen next!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie turning her head to Anthony.

Jodie Hopkins: "I can't believe we just did it the Myers house."

Anthony Foster: "I know! Some Boogeyman he is! Here we are in his house, and we just had sex! If he was really the Boogeyman, he would have killed us by now!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie tensing up.

Jodie Hopkins: "Anthony! Stop saying stuff like that! You're scaring me."

Anthony Foster: "Well, don't worry, nothing scares me! Not Michael Myers, the so-called Boogeyman! Whatever happens, I'll protect you..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony turning to Jodie suggestively. That's when a noise is heard downstairs. Jodie tenses up.

Jodie Hopkins: "Did you hear that?"

Anthony Foster: "Hear what?

Jodie Hopkins: "Downstairs! I heard something downstairs!"

Anthony Foster: "Nah, that was just your imagination..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony shrugging.

Anthony Foster: "...I didn't hear anything!"

Jodie Hopkins: "Well, of course not. You weren't paying attention."

Anthony Foster: "I know, I was paying attention to you!"

Jodie Hopkins: "You know, I'm really starting to feel uncomfortable in this house. I want to leave."

Anthony Foster: "Oh, come on..."

Jodie Hopkins: "Look, we already went inside, looked around, and even had sex in one of the bedrooms. What more could you ask for?"

Movie: Cut to Anthony shrugging.

Anthony Foster: "Okay. If you're really scared of being in here, I'll go downstairs and look around for the 'Boogeyman' for you. Then I'll come right back up here, as your knight in shining armor, and protect you. Okay?"

Jodie Hopkins: "But, I don't want you do that, either! I don't want you to get hurt!"

Anthony Foster: "What's going to hurt me? I heard nothing."

Jodie Hopkins: "I heard something! I really did."

Movie: Cut to Anthony shrugging and getting out of the bed.

Anthony Foster: "That's it, I'm going check it out right now. Right now!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony putting his jeans back on.

Jodie Hopkins: "But, Anthony..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony heading out of the bedroom and out into the hallway. Jodie sighs.

Jodie Hopkins: "Anthony..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony looking around the upstairs. Nobody but him. Then, he shrugs and heads for the stairs. Upon stepping on the hallway floor, the aging woods creaks (Creeeaak). He shrugs again and to the stairway. He reaches the stairway and looks down. No Boogeyman in sight. Anthony starts walking down the stairs. As he does, he cautiously looks around.

Movie: Cut to Anthony reaching the bottom of the stairs and stepping onto the ground floor. he looks to his left at the dining room. Nobody. He looks to his right at the living room. No Boogeyman. Then, Anthony walks into the living room and looks around. Nobody but him. Finally, he walks all the way to the dining room and looks around inside. Just him and old, dusty furniture. Anthony shrugs and snickers.

Anthony Foster: "Oh, Boogeyman..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony walking down the dining room towards the kitchen.

Anthony Foster: "...Are you there, Mr. Boogeyman?..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony reaching the end of the dining room. He jumps into the kitchen and looks inside. Nobody. No Boogeyman.

Anthony Foster: "Oh, where are you, you stupid Boogeyman?!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony laughing to himself.

Anthony Foster: "There's nobody here! Just me and Jodie!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony shrugging.

Anthony Foster: "And, I have her all to myself!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony turning around and quickly walking back through dining room. He walks through the dining room and into front entrance. He looks upstairs.

Anthony Foster: "Oh, Jodie..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony starting up the creaky stairs (Creeeaak).

Anthony Foster: "...Oh, here I am, Jodie..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony continuing up the stairway.

Anthony Foster: "...I am the Boogeyman, and I am here to get you! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-Freddy, in the audience, shrugs and laughs, mocking the horny teenager.

Freddy Krueger: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-Jason, Michael and the audience all laugh at Freddy. They're all having a good time!

Movie: Cut to Anthony reaching the top of the stairs and stepping onto the second floor. He walks around the left corner and approaches the second bedroom. He enters the bedroom and turns to Jodie.

Anthony Foster: "Here I am, Jodie..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony seeing the bed completely covered up by the sheet. Jodie appears to be hiding underneath the sheet.

Anthony Foster: "Oh, are you playing games with me?..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony approaching the bed.

Anthony Foster: "...Because, if you are..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony reaching the bed and pulling the sheet away...only to see Jodie laying there lifelessly, with her throat slit! Anthony freaks out.

Anthony Foster: "Jodie! No! Jodie!"

Movie: Cut to Jodie just laying there motionlessly. She is, most definitely, dead. Anthony, absolutely shattered, backs away. He can't believe what he's seeing. He's speechless He slowly backs out of the bedroom and out into the hallway. Then, he shuts the bedroom door...only to see a taller figure wearing blue overalls and a white Halloween mask behind it. It was Michael Myers!

Anthony Foster: "Gaaa! Oh, shit! You're for real!"

Movie: Cut to Michael taking his knife to stab Anthony. But, Anthony fights back and struggles with him.

Anthony Foster: "You son of a bitch!"

Movie: Cut to Michael fighting him back. In the process, Anthony is sent over the railing. He falls near the bottom of the stairs (Thud!) and tumbles to the first floor (Tumble! Tumble! Thud!). Michael approaches the railing and looks downstairs. Anthony, now laying on the ground floor, looks up to see Michael looking down on him.

Anthony Foster: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to Michael backing up from the railing and heading for the stairs. Anthony, scared as hell, tries to get up. Getting to his knees, his back aches from the fall.

Anthony Foster: "Ow..."

Movie: Cut to Anthony getting up...and seeing Michael standing at the top of the stairs. Michael looks down at him with his dead-like eyes, as if to tell him he had a head start.

Anthony Foster: "Oh, shit! I have to get out of here!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony running for the living room. Cut to Michael starting to walk down the stairway .

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

-The audience tenses. Jason, the audience, shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "Get him, Mike! Get him!"

Movie: Cut to Anthony reaching the boarded up window that he and Jodie crawled through before. He gets down on his knees and peaks his head through the open space. Cut to Michael continuing his way down the stairway. Cut to Anthony taking hold of the boards and trying to pull himself through the space. Cut to Michael stepping down to the bottom of the stairs.

Movie: Cut to Anthony managing to pull his upper torso through the open space. Cut to Michael approaching the living room. Cut to Anthony struggling to pull the rest of the body back out of the window. Cut to Michael approaching closer to Anthony. Cut to Anthony pulling his right leg out of the space. And, cut to Michael reaching Anthony and grabbing his leg.

Anthony Foster: "No!"

-Jason, in the audience, laughs.

Jason Voorhees: "Ha, ha! Nice try!"

Movie: Cut to Michael grabbing Anthony's other leg and pulling him back in the house. Anthony struggles to stay where he is.

Anthony Foster: "No! No!"

Movie: Cut to Michael pulling his upper torso back inside.

Anthony Foster: "Ow!"

Movie: Cut to Michael grabbing Anthony's shoulders and fitting his head through the space. Cut to the point of view of Anthony as Michael pulls him in.

Anthony Foster: "No! No!"

Movie: Cut to Michael pulling Anthony through and letting him drop to the floor (Thud!).

Anthony Foster: "Ow!"

Movie: Cut to the point of view of Anthony as he looks up to see Michael glaring down at him with his dead-like eyes. No way was he letting Anthony get away! Anthony tenses up. That's when Michael gets down to pick Anthony up. Cut to the point of view of Anthony as Michael gets down and picks him up. Michael grabs Anthony and pulls him up to his level. Anthony tenses up big time.

Movie: Cut to Michael shoving Anthony to the dining room wall (Thud!).

Anthony Foster: "Ow..."

Movie: Cut to Michael's dead-like eyes burning into his soul. Anthony tenses up.

Anthony Foster: "No! No! Please, no!"

Movie: Cut to Michael stepping back a foot and tilting his head. What was he going to do with him?

-Jason, in the audience, shrugs. He's having a lot of fun!

Jason Voorhees: "Finish him! Finish him!"

Movie: Finally, cut to Michael going for Anthony reaching for his neck.

Anthony Foster: "No! Argh!"

Jason Voorhees: "Yes! Yes!"

Movie: Cut to Michael grabbing Anthony's neck, as if to strangle him. Michael steps back, allowing himself to raise Anthony into the air with his outstretched arms.

Anthony Foster: "Argh! Argh!"

Movie: Finally, cut to Michael taking his choke hold on Anthony and spreading his hands over the sides of his head. With his sheer strength, Michael proceeds to crush Anthony's head with his bare hands (Crunch...Crunch...Crunch...)

Anthony Foster: "Argh...argh...argh..."

Movie: Cut to Michael continuing to crush Anthony's head. Not letting up, he crushes harder (...Crunch...Crunch...Crunch...)

Anthony Foster: "...Argh...argh...argh..."

Movie: Cut to Michael continuing to crush Anthony's head, with more and more pressure. Poor Anthony, he looks like vein's are ready to burst.

Anthony Foster: "...Argh...argh...argh..."

Movie: Finally, cut to Anthony finally losing it.

Anthony Foster: "...ARGH!"

Movie: Cut to Michael dropping Anthony's body (Thud). He looks down at it and tilts his head.

-The audience cheers and puts on another round of applause for Michael. Michael showed those stupid, ignorant teenagers! Jason, in the audience, shrugs and turns to Michael.

Jason Voorhees: "That was good!"

-Michael, in the audience, shrugs. He's having a good time, too!
CUT TO...later on in the movie. John Tate drives his car up to Myers house (Screeeeech!). John gets out of the car and looks up at house. He shudders for a moment, then grabs the sledge hammer from the back of the car. John approaches the house.

-The audience tenses up. Jason in the audience, shrugs and turns to Michael

Jason Voorhees: "It's about time! Teach that bratty nephew of yours a lesson!"

Movie: Cut to John walking up the porch and towards the front door. He, hesitantly, reaches for the door knob, but finds it locked. Then, he turns his head to see the boarded up window to his right. Two boards were loosened up and there was space to crawl through.

Movie: Cut to John getting down to his knees and looking through the space. What he sees is the living room room ahead of him, leading to the kitchen. Michael did not appear to be there. John takes the sledge hammer and sets it inside through the window. Then, he peaks his head inside through the space. Upon peaking through, he coughs on some dust.

Movie: Cut to John grabbing hold of the board and pulling himself through the space. He pulls his upper torso through and looks at himself. He shudders. He can't believe what he's doing. Finally, John manages to get his legs though. Now inside the house, John backs away from the window and gets up.

Movie: Cut to John looking around. He now stands in the living room and can see the entrance to the kitchen ahead of him. To the left of him is the front entrance. John walks into the front entrance and looks to his right. To his right is a hallway leading up to a closet. Also to his right is the stairway leading to the second floor. John looks upstairs for a moment, then walks ahead of him. To the left of the front entrance is the dining room, leading up to the other end of the kitchen. John looks around and shrugs.

John Tate: "Mi-cheeeaall!"

Movie: Cut to John standing there at the front entrance. He knew Michael was there. He had to be. Now, he's going to get his attention. John shrugs and looks at the sledge hammer he brought in with him. He walks up the hallway, and taking the sledgehammer, bangs it against the wall (Crunch!). The sledgehammer creates a hole, ripping at the old, aging wood of the house. John takes the sledge hammer and bangs at the wall again (Crunch!). He bangs again (Crunch!). And again (Crunch!). And, once more (Crunch!).

Movie: Cut to John stopping for a moment. He looks around. Still no sign of Michael. While at it, he shrugs. He was going to take down his uncle, even if it meant tearing down the Myers house!

-Freddy, in the audience, shrugs and turns to Michael in disbelief.

Freddy Krueger: "What are you doing? You're not going let Johnny tear down your house like that, are you? That's your house!"

-Michael, in the audience, turns to Freddy.

Michael Myers: "You'll see!"

Movie: Cut to John taking the sledge hammer and banging it at the opposite wall (Crunch!). He bangs at it again (Crunch!). Again (Crunch!). And, once more (Crunch!). John looks at the damage taken by the two walls of the hallway. It was a start. That's when he turns around heads into the dining room.

Movie: Cut to John entering the dining room and immediately swinging the sledge hammer at closest wall (Crunch!). He swings at it again (Crunch!). And, once more (Crunch!). Then, he turns around goes at the opposite wall. John takes the sledge hammer and bangs it at the wall (Crunch!). He hammers at it again (Crunch!). Again (Crunch!). And once more (Crunch!). Getting a little tired out, John stops what he's doing, turns around and heads for the kitchen.

Movie: Cut to John cautiously entering the kitchen. It is empty. He walks down to the kitchen sink. Layers upon layers of dust. He looks around to the cupboards. Then, he looks around to the cupboards on the other side going down to to end of the kitchen. Finally, he takes the sledge hammer and bangs the hell out of the cubboard before him (Crunch!). The aging wood of the cupboards shatter and John hammers at them some more (Crunch! Crunch!).

Movie: Cut to John turning around to the opposite cubboards. He takes the sledge hammer and swings at them (Crunch!). He swings at more of them (Crunch!). And the more (Crunch!). More of the aging wood shatter at John's feet.

Movie: Cut to John entering the living room. No signs of Michael. But, John leaves the room alone. Michael had to know he was there. He was just waiting for him...upstairs. John walks to the other side of the living room, passing the boarded window he crawled through and into the front entrance area again. He turns to his right and approaches the stairs.

-The audience tenses up. So does Freddy and Jason. Was Michael up there? And if he was, what was going to go down?

Movie: Cut to John starting up the stairs. Upon stepping down on the aging wood, he hears a creak (Creeeaak). John stops for a moment, then continues up the creaking stairway. Cut to John's point of view as he looks up, contining up the stairs. Reaching the top, he steps on the second floor (Creeeaak). He looks around. No sign of Michael. He shrugs.

John Tate: "Mi-cheeeaall!"

Movie: Cut to John taking the right turn and down the hallway. He stops at the end and opens up the door to his right. He looks inside to see old furniture covered up by sheets. No sign of Michael. He shuts the door and turns around to the room across from him. John opens the door, to see an old bed and desk covered by sheets. No Michael. He shuts and door and heads to the next door. He opens it only to reveal an old, dusty bathroom. John shuts the bathroom door and approaches the left corner.

Movie: Cut to John walking around the left corner and down the hall. He opens up the first door and looks inside. Nothing but an old bed and desk covered up by sheets. He shuts the door and approaches the next. John opens up the next door to see an old bed and desk covered by sheets...and two motionless teenagers on the bed! John shudders.

John Tate: "Oh, no..."

Movie: Cut to John entering the bedroom and approaching the bed. One teenager, a girl, has her slit throat. The other teenager, a guy, had his head crushed.

John Tate: "He was here."

Movie: Cut to John immediately turning around. Michael wasn't there. He sighs of relief. Then, John turns around to another part of the room. Michael wasn't there with him. Michael can be quick. John cautiously looks around to the hallway again. No Michael. John starts to cautiously approach the hallway. He grips the sledge hammer as does.

Movie: Cut to John cautiously stepping into the hallway. No Michael. Now standing outside in the hallway, John cautiously looks around. No signs of Michael. Then, he turns around to shut the bedroom door. He slowly starts to shut the creaking door. As he does, he cautiously checks for Michael on the other side. Upon shutting the bedroom door, he sees nothing but himself and an empty hallway. He sighs of relief and heads further down the hallway.

Movie: Cut to John approaching the next bedroom. The door is hanging half open. But, before he can even look in, Michael Myers bursts out and shoves him aside (Thud!). Michael was there! John gets back up and looks up at Michael. Michael's dead-like eyes burn into his soul. That's when John takes the sledge hammer and quickly swings it at Michael. But, Michael catches the other end of the sledge hammer with his bare hands (Clench!). Michael swipes the sledge hammer from him and tosses it aside back downstairs.

Movie: Cut to John looking down at the sledge hammer making its fall back on the first floor. Cut to John looking back up at Michael. He gulps and starts to slowly back away towards the stairs. Michael follows after. John, tensed up, continues backing away. Michael follows after, never letting John out of the sight of his dead-like eyes.

Movie: Cut to John reaching the stairs. He tries to get a head start downstairs, but Michael goes for him. Michael quickly approaches John, grabs him by the shoulder and shoves him against the wall (Crunch!). Michael grabs John by the neck and shoves him against the wall again (Crunch!).

John Tate: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Michael continuing his choke hold and lifting John into the air with his outstretched arms. Michael's dead-like eyes burn into John. Then, Michael whips out his knife (Shing!). John gulps. Michael swings his knife back (Swish!). That's when, with all his might, John kicks at Michael (Kick!). Michael falls back toward the open stairs behind him. He falls back and proceeds to tumble down the stairs (Tumble! Tumble! Tumble! Tumble! Tumble!...). Michael eventually tumbles to the bottom (...Tumble!) and stops on the ground floor (Thud!).

Movie: Cut to John taking a breather and looking down the stairs. Michael, laying on his back, was motionless. John shudders and starts descending down the stairs. Making his first step, he hears the aging wood creak (Creeeaak). John continues to slowly walk down the creaking stairway. Cut to John's point of view as he approaches the bottom. Reaching the bottom, John looks at Michael's body before him.

Movie: Cut to John taking his right leg and stepping over Michael's body. While doing so, he looks down at Michael. His eyes are closed. Next, John takes his left leg and carefully steps over Michael. He looks down at Michael and his eyes are still closed. Making it over Michael, John sighs of relief.

John Tate: "Whew."

Movie: Cut to Michael suddenly opening his eyes and reaching for John.

John Tate: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to John reaching for the sledge hammer. He grabs it and turns to Michael as he tries getting up from his fall. John takes the sledge hammer and swings it at Michael (Whack!). Michael falls over (Thud!). Then, in a mechanical manner, Michael sits right back up and turns his masked head to John. John hits Michael again with the sledge hammer (Whack!). Michael falls over (Thud!) and John backs away. That's when Michael sits up once more and turns his head to John.

Movie: Cut to John taking the sledge hammer and trying to hit Michael with it once more...but Michael, sitting there before him, catches the end of it with his bare hands (Clench!).

John Tate: "Oh, no!"

Movie: Cut to Michael, still holding the other end of the sledge hammer with his left hand, getting back up. Using his right hand, he struggles get back up. John tries swiping the other end of the sledge hammer back, but Michael won't let go.

Movie: Cut to Michael proceeding to stand back up and looking down at John with his dead-like eyes. John gulps. Then, Michael swipes the other end of the sledge hammer and tosses it aside. From there, Michael looks back at John and goes for him.

John Tate: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to John ducking out of Michael's way and running for the living room. He runs through the living room and into the kitchen. John braces himself. What was he going to do? That's when he shrugs and turns to the drawers. He opens up a drawer to see old forks, knives and spoons. Cut to John's point of view as grabs two big, sharp knives from the drawer (Shing! Shing!).

Movie: Cut to John taking the knives and cautiously looking around to the kitchen/living room entrance he went through. Michael didn't come around yet. Waiting for him to arrive, John backs away to the end of the kitchen, to the kitchen/dining room entrance. He waits. As he does, a figure slowly approaches him from dark dining room/kitchen entrance. The figure makes his way towards him, and clear white mask is visible within the darkness. It is Michael Myers! He went around the other way!

-Jason, in the audience, laughs.

Jason Voorhees: "Ha ha! Gotcha!"

Movie: Cut to John staying where is, waiting for Michael to come through kitchen/dining room entrance. That's when Michael quietly sneaks right behind him and shoves him to the ground (Thud!). Shaken and on the kitchen floor, John looks up at the hulking figure that is Michael Myers stop before him and look down at with his dead-like eyes. Cut to Michael getting down to pick him up.

John Tate: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to John crawling away from Michael to other end of the kitchen. John crawls back to the kitchen/living room entrance, gets up and looks around to Michael. Michael looks back at him with his dead-like eyes. Finally, Michael starts charging towards him. John looks at the two knives he swiped before, then back up to Michael. Cut to Michael's point of view as charges for John at the other end of the kitchen.

Movie: Cut to Michael closely approaching John at the other end of the kitchen. That's when John for goes him and stabs the knives at him (Shing! Shing!). Taken by surprise, Michael backs away. Cut to John going at Michael and stabbing the knives at his chest (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!).

John Tate: "Take this, uncle!"

Movie: Cut to Michael backing away, taking the licking like a man. Cut back to John stabbing the knives back at Michael (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!). Cut to Michael backing away to other end of the kitchen. Finally, cut to Michael surprising John and violently shoving him to the ground. Cut to John being violently shoved to Kitchen floor (Thud!). Cut to the knives shattering at the ground further away from John (Shing! Shing!).

Movie: Cut to John looking up as he sees Michael getting down and going for him. John tries to crawling away from him. Michael continues after John. John crawls back to other end of the kitchen and gets up. Seeing Michael going for him, he tries to get up and quickly go around the corner into the living room. But Michael reaches John, grabs him by his shoulder and violently shoves him to the kitchen floor behind him (Thud!)

Movie: Cut to John, shaken, looking up to see Michael getting down to pick him up. Cut to John's point of view as Michael picks him up and lifts him into the air with his outstretched arms. That's when Michael turns around and slams John against the broken cuboards (Crunch!). Michael takes John and slams at the cupboards again (Crunch!).

John Tate: "Ow!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning around and slamming John at the opposite broken cubboards (Crunch!)

John Tate: "Ow!"

Movie: Cut to Michael stopping what's he's doing and glaring up at John with his dead-like eyes. John gulps. He was now in Michael's domain, and Michael was not going to let him go!"

-Jason, in the audience, freaks out.

Jason Voorhees: "Get him, Mike! Get him!"

Movie: Cut to Michael looking down at the drawers before him and opening one reveal forks, knives and spoons. Michael grabs a knife (Shing!) and looks down at it. It is a big, sharp one. John, trying to get out of Michael's hold against the cupboard, gulps.

-Jason, in the audience, is loving this!

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!"

Movie: Cut to Michael looking back up at John. His dead-like eyes burn into him. He's had it with his nephew and now was time for his disposal! Michael takes the knife and swings it back (Swish!). John gulps. That's when the ceiling above them creaks (Creeeaak). Michael looks up to the ceiling to see dust settling around them and the aging wood of the house rattling. The ceiling starts to crumble and more dust settles around them. That's when John, with all his might, kicks at Michael (Kick!).

Movie: Cut to Michael and John falling to the kitchen floor (Thud! Thud!). John looks up to see the ceiling above them crumbling and crunching. The Myers house was finally going down! John starts to slowly crawl away. That's when Michael sits up in a mechanical fashion and turns his head to John. He's about to grab him when he hears more crumbling and crunching above him. He looks up to see the ceiling finally losing it.

Movie: Cut to John crawling away and witnessing as the kitchen ceiling falls over Michael (Crumble! Crumble! Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Crunch!...). John watches as more of the aging wood of the kitchen ceiling falls over Michael (...Crunch! Crunch! Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Crunch!...)

Movie: Cut to John as he watches the rest of the kitchen ceiling fall over Michael (...Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Car-runch!). Michael, laying forward with his back and legs covered by pieces of wood and ceiling, is motionless. John struggles to get up. He looks down at Michael. He was still motionless.

Movie: Cut to John turning around to the living room. John walks from the dining room back into the front entrance. He grabs the sledge left on the floor and heads back to the kitchen. John walks back from the living room and into the kitchen...only to see just a pile of rubble. Michael was gone!

John Tate: "Damn, he's quick."
Movie: Cut to John immediately turning around. No Michael. He didn't sneak up on him. John turns around the other way. Michael still didn't sneak up on him. That's when John slowly turns around and cautiously walks back toward the living room. Cut to John cautiously stepping into the living room. No signs of Michael. John slowly creeps through the living room, passing the boarded up window he crawled through and towards the front entrance.

Movie: Cut to John cautiously stepping around the corner and into the front entrance. Michael was not there. That's when Michael slyly steps from the dining room into the front entrance. He was waiting for him. John looks Michael down with his determined eyes. Michael looks John down with his dead-like eyes. Finally, Michael starts going for John. John, gripping the sledge hammer, braces himself. Cut to the point of view of Michael as he charges toward John. He keeps his eyes on him, as he closely approaches.

Movie: Finally, cut to John going at Michael and swinging the sledge hammer at him (Whack!). Michael takes it and backs away from him. John, turning around and backing away, swings the sledge hammer back at him (Whack!). Cut to Michael following after John. Cut to John hammering away at Michael's chest (Whack!). Cut to John reaching the other end of the front entrace. Cut to Michael taking the licking and following after. Cut to John swinging the sledge hammer back and towards Michael. Cut to Michael catching the other end of it sledge hammer with his bare hands (Clench!).

John Tate: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to Michael swiping the other end of the sledge hammer from John. Michael tosses the sledge hammer aside and glares back at John with his dead-like eyes. Finally, Michael goes for him. John tries to duck out of the way, but Michael grabs him.

John Tate: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning around and shoving John against wall in the front hallway (Crunch!). He grabs John and slams him against the wall again (Crunch!).

-Jason, in the audience, freaks out.

Jason Voorhees: "Now, you're getting him!"

Movie: Cut to pieces of wood shattering upon the action. Cut to Michael turning around and slamming John against the opposite wall (Crunch!). He slams him against the wall again (Crunch!) and pieces of the wall shatter around them.
-Jason, in the audience, is loving this!

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! Yeah!"

Movie: Cut to Michael stopping what he's doing. Michael glares at John with his dead-like eyes and grabs his neck.

John Tate: "Argh!"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, you grab that neck! Tear it pieces!"

Movie: Cut to Michael slamming John against the wall as he puts a choke hold on him (Crunch!).

John Tate: "Argh! Argh!"

Movie: Cut to more of the aging wood shattering around them, as Michael strangles John.

John Tate: "Argh! Argh!"

Movie: That's when the ceiling above them starts to lose it (Crumble! Crumble!). The aging wood of the house crumbles around them (Crunch! Crunch!). The Myers house was finally going down! Michael, while still stranging John, looks up to see wood crumbling and falling their way. Michael looks back down at John with his dead-like eyes. Then, he lets him go and steps aside. Cut to John's point of view as the second story walkway crumbles and falls over him.

Movie: Cut to Michael witnessing the ceiling above John falling and crumbling over him (Crumble! Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Crumble! Crunch!...). More pieces of wood fall over John (...Crunch! Crunch! Crumble! Crumble! Crunch! Crunch!...) as Michael witnesses part of his house finally losing its way.

Movie: Cut to the remaining pieces of wood from the above middle bit of the house crumbling over John (...Crumble! Crumble! Crunch! Crunch! Crumble!). As Michael sees it, John is mostly covered by the wood and is motionless.

CUT TO...later on in the movie. Later on that night, Linda and Brian continue to waiting for John in the living room.

Brian: "When's daddy coming back? He's been gone forever!"

Movie: Cut to Linda checking the time. It is more than one hour since John left the house. But, she wasn't going to leave yet. She sighs and turn to Brian.

Linda: "He'll be back, honey. Your father will be back soon."

CUT TO...later on in the movie. Cut back to the Myers house. Cut to John covered up by wood all around him. John, laying forward with his back and legs covered by the aging wood and ceiling, is motionless. That's when more of the ceiling crunches and crumbles above him (Crumble! Crumble! Crunch!...). The house was done falling apart yet!

Movie: Cut to a dust settling around John. John, being awoken by the crumbling and crunching, moves his hands around (...Crumble! Crunch! Crumble!...). He was still alive! He was only knocked out. John picks up his head and looks around. Michael wasn't there. But, he was covered up by pieces of wood and ceiling. His back aches.

John Tate: "Oww..."

Movie: Cut to the crumbling and crunching above him stopping for a moment (...Crunch! Crunch! Crumble!).

John Tate: "I gotta get out of here."

Movie: Cut to John trying to crawl away from the rubble. But, it's too heavy. He tries again, but can't get out from the rubble. That's when he grabs a piece wood and tosses it aside. He grabs another piece and tosses it too. He continues to toss away the pieces of wood covering him up.

Movie: Cut to John grabbing more and more pieces of wood aside. And finally, that's when he's able to crawl away from the rubble. He gets his legs out of the mess. He gets on his knees and stands back up. He looks around. No sign of Michael. Michael must of thought he was dead. That's when he hears crumbling and crunching again (Crunch! Crumble! Crunch!...). He had to get there! Now! John runs over from the front entrance and approaches the front living room window he crawled through before.

Movie: Cut to John crawling through the window and picking himself up back outside on the porch. He runs away from the porch as he hears more and more crunching and crumbling coming from the house (Crumble! Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Crumble! Crumble!...). Finally, the house loses it.

Movie: Cut to first floor of the Myers house shattering and caving in (...Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crumble! Crumble! Crunch!...). John watches as the second floor falls and loses itself, caving in over the shattered first floor (...Crumble! Crumble! Crunch! Crumble! Crunch! Crunch!...). And, the house is done (...Crunch! Crumble! Car-runch!). Nothing but a pile of rubble. John can't believe it. He's taken down the house, now all he has to do is find Michael and take him down next.

-The audience is absolutely floored. The Myers house has been completely destroyed! Michael, in the audience, sheds a tear. What a heartbreaking, yet fitting moment.

Movie: Cut to John walking over to his car. That's when he sees the window shattered. Michael punched through the glass! He opens up the door and finds a loose paper crumbled up. He uncrumbles it, only to realize it is the paper with Dave William's address to his house. Michael knows! He now knew about his family's new whereabouts!

John Tate: "Oh, no! Linda! Brian!"

Movie: Cut to John running around the car to get in the driver's seat, when he notices the tires slashed. That Michael!

-Jason, in the audience, laughs.

Jason Voorhees: "Ha, ha!"

Movie: Cut to John running up to the next house. He bangs on the front door and calls for help. The owner of the house peaks through the curtains and switches on the porch lights.

John Tate: "Help me! You must help me! I have to save my family!"

Movie: Cut to the owner turning away and switching the porch lights off. He didn't believe him! Either that, or he was too scared to interfere with Michael! John looks in disbelief. Why won't anybody in Haddonfield help anybody on Halloween?? Absolutely desperate to save his family, John shrugs and runs for it.

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to the point of Michael Myers as he approaches Dave Williams' house. Cut back to John running for Dave's house. Cut to the point of view of Michael Myers as he approaches closer to the house. Cut back to John running for his life. Cut to Michael Myers approaching the side window and looking inside. Cut to John rushing his way through the neighborhood to save his family.

-Freddy, watching John running like crazy, laughs out loud.

Freddy Krueger: "Run, Forest, run! Run, Forest, run! Ha, ha!"

-But, the audience turns their heads up to Freddy and boos.

Audience: "Boooo!"

Audience Member #1: "Hey, shut up!"

Audience Member #2: "Yeah!"

-The audience was getting annoyed by Freddy's antics! Freddy sighs.

Freddy Krueger: "What did I do?"

-Then, Michael and Jason both turn to Freddy.

Michael and Jason: "Ssshhh!"

-Freddy sighs and sags in his seat.

Movie: Finally, cut to Linda and Brian in Dave Williams' house. They are in the living room, still waiting for John.

Brian: "Where's daddy? Where is he?"

Movie: Cut to Linda checking the time and looking worried. She sighs and turns to Brian to reassure him.

Brian: "He'll back soon, Brian. Don't worry."

Movie: Cut to lights suddenly going out.

Brian: "The lights! The lights are out!"

Movie: Cut to Linda tensing up. She turns to Brian.

Linda: "Brian, listen to me carefully. Go upstairs to your room and hide. Right now."

Brian: "Why? What's going on?"

Linda: "Just hide. For me. And, for daddy."

Brian: "Okay."

Movie: Cut to Brian running for the stairs. Watching Brian run upstairs to the second floor, Linda takes the gun John gave her before he left. She cautiously looks around. Could he be here? Could John's deranged uncle have found them? Did he cut the power? She had to be sure.

Movie: Cut to Linda slowly approaching the front door of the house. She checks it to be make sure its locked. It is. And, she knew she locked the back kitchen door. She slowly approaches back to the sofa of the living room. That's when she feels a chill.

Movie: Cut to Linda turning her head to see one of the side windows open. It is open! Michael could be in there right now! Linda tenses up. She starts to back away from the sofa. And, that's when Michael Myers pops up from the back of the sofa and swings his knife at her! She gets out of the way and Michael ends up stabbing the knife into the cussion of the couch (Shing!).

Movie: Cut to Linda running away from the living room to the stairs. She runs up the stairs and into the upstairs hallway. She gets into Brian's room and quietly calls for him.

Linda: "Brian? Where are you?"

Movie: Cut the side-opening doors of the closet opening up and Brian peaking out.

Brian: "Mommy?"

Linda: "Brian, we have to go. Come on."

Brian: "Okay."

Movie: Cut Linda stepping out of Brian's room, when she sees Michael's shadow turn the corner of the stairway. She immediately gets back inside. She turn to Brian.

Linda: "Brian, the closet! Get inside the closet!"

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to Linda and Brian running for the closet. They close the side-opening doors and sit at the corner. Then, Linda spots a pole and sets it up against the side-opening doors. Brian, confused, turns to his mother.

Brian: "Mommy?"

Linda: "Brian, be quiet. Your great uncle is here."

Brian: "The man with the mask?"

Linda: "Yes, the man with the mask. Now, stay quiet."

Movie: Cut to Linda and Brian hiding in the closet of Brian's room for what feels like moments on end. That's when they spot the shadow of a figure stepping into the room. Brian tenses up.

Brian: "The man with the mask! The man with the mask!"

Movie: Cut to the shadow of the figure shifting around, as Michael Myers walks around the room. The shadow continues to shift around another moment. That's when the shadow shifts up to closet doors and in front of them. Linda and Brian tense up.

Brian: "Mommy!"

Linda: "Quiet, honey!"

Movie: Cut to Michael approaching the closet closer...
Movie: ...When they hear the familiar voice of John downstairs.

John Tate: "Linda! Brian!"

Movie: Cut to John Tate downstairs. After having to run through half the neighborhood, he is tired out.

Brian: "Daddy!"

Linda: "Brian, quiet!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning to the closet suspicously. Did he hear them? That's when they hear John call for them again.

John Tate: "Linda?! Brian?!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning around to John Tate's voice. Then, he turns back to the closet. He turns back to John again. Seeing Michael's shadow shifting back and forth, Linda and Brian tense up big time. That's when they finally see his shadow turn away from them and walk away. He was going for John.

Linda: "John!"

Movie: Cut to John starting up the stairway to the second floor. He cautiously walks up, turning the corner. Peaking around the corner, he sees a clear hallway ahead. He approaches the hallway. Walking by the first bedroom, that's when Michael Myers bursts out and grabs John. He slams him against the wall (Crunch!).

John Tate: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Michael grabbing John by the neck to strangle him. That's when Linda and Brian come out of the second bedroom and witness Michael strangling John.

Linda: "John!"

Brian: "Dad!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning his head to Linda and Brian. He drops John (Thud) and starts after them.

John Tate: "No!"

Movie: Cut to Linda Brian running down the hallway, with Michael following after. That's when John clears his throat from all the strangling and yells for Michael.

John Tate: "Michael!"

Movie: Cut to Michael stopping in his tracks and turning around to John.

John Tate: "You came for me! So, come here and get me! Leave them out of this!"

Movie: Cut to Linda tensing up.

Linda: "No, John, no!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning back to Linda.

John Tate: "Michael!"

Movie: Cut to Michael turning back to John again. He shrugs finally walks after him. He was tired of all this! Seeing Michael come for him, John heads down the staris. Michael follows after.

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

-Jason, in the audience, cheers Michael on.

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! Get him, Mike! Get him!"

Movie: Cut to John reaching the bottom of the stairs. From there, he runs for the kitchen. Cut to Michael walking down the stairs. Cut to John in the kitchen. He opens a drawer and grabs two knives (Shing! Shing!). Two, big sharp ones. He turns around to see Michael entering the kitchen. John approaches him with the two knives.

Movie: Cut to Michael whipping out his own bloody knife (Shing!) and approaching John. John backs away and Michael follows. John backs away to other side of the kitchen. That's when Michael goes for him and swings his knife at him. John ducks out of the way and Michael attacks the air (Swish!). Michael viciously goes for John again. John ducks out of the way of Michael's knife again (Swish!).

Movie: Cut to John backing away to other side of the kitchen. That's when Michael goes for him once more and swings the knife at him. John tries to duck away, but Michael viciously stabs his arm, slicing it (Shing!).

John Tate: "Aah!"

Movie: Cut to Linda and Brian stepping into the kitchen to see John and Michael facing off with the knives. John backs away, carefully watching Michael's every move. That's when Michael goes for him. John manages to duck out of the way and Michael stabs the air (Swish!). John continues backing away, only to bump into the kitchen counter. Michael goes for it and violently approaches him with his knife.

-Jason, in the audience, is absolutely loving this!

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! Keep at it, Mike! You'll get him!"

-That's when the audience turns to Jason and boos.

Audience: "Boooo!"

Audience Member #1: "Shut up!"

Audience Member #2: "Yeah, shut the hell up already!"

Jason Voorhees: "Oh, yeah?!"

-Jason's tries to whip out his machete, but he can't. Freddy swiped it beforehand! Freddy sneers at Jason holding his machete behind.

Freddy Krueger: "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!"

-That's when Michael, in the audience, turns his to both Freddy and Jason in a threatening manner. Freddy and Jason look to see Michael staring them down with his dead-like eyes. This was his movie! Shut up the hell up already! Freddy and Jason sigh and sag back into their seats.

Movie: Cut to Michael going for John. John quickly ducks away from Michael's attack (Swish!) and slices one of his knives at Michael's chest (Shing!). Michael looks down at his wound, then at John. His dead-like eyes burn into John's soul. That's when Michael goes for him. John tries to duck away, but Michael manages to slice his knive at John's chest (Shing!).

John Tate: "Aah!"

Movie: Cut Linda and Brian tensing up for John.

Linda: "John!"

Brian: "Dad!"

Movie: Cut to Michael looking around at Linda and Brian upon hearing them. That's when John takes the opportunity and stabs one of his knives into Michael's chest (Shing!). Michael turns around back to him and swings his knife at him, but John ducks out of the way (Swish!) and stabs his other knife into Michael's chest (Shing!).

Movie: Cut to Michael backing away. He looks down at the two knives sticking into his chest. He drops his own, bloody knife (Shing!) and grabs the handles of the knives sticking into him. He takes the knives and quickly whips them out of his chest (Shing! Shing!). Feeling the sting, he turns back to John. His dead-like eyes burn into John's soul. Then, he takes the knives and goes for John.

Movie: Cut to John ducking out of the way of one of the knives (Swish!), but getting sliced by the other (Shing!). Cut to Michael violently going for John again. John ducks away from one of the swinging knives (Swish!), but is sliced in the chest by the other (Shing!). Linda and Brian looking in suspense at the game John and Michael are playing.

Movie: Cut to Michael going for John once more. John tries to duck away, but bumps into the kitchen counter. Seeing Michael going for him, John, with all his mights, goes at Michael tries shoving him to the ground (Thud!). But, John doesn't push Michael by the slightest. He looks up to see Michael's dead-like eyes glaring down at him. That's when Michael unexpectedly backs away and drops the two knives (Shing! Shing!). Michael looks John down for a moment, breathing heavily. He didn't need knives to finish him off! Then, Michae goes for him.

Movie: Cut to Michael grabbing John, as if to strangle him.

John Tate: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Linda, upon seeing Michael attempting to strangle her husband, jumping at him.

Linda: "Get off of him!"

Movie: Cut to Michael quickly turning around and shoving Linda away with one of his arms. Linda falls back on the kitchen floor (Thud!). Upon seeing Michael attempting to strangle his father, Brian jumps for Michael too. He goes at Michael's leg.

Brian: "Leave my daddy alone!"

Movie: Cut to Michael shaking Brian off of his leg, and Brian falling back by Linda (Thud!). Meanwhile, Michael continues trying to strangle John.

John Tate: "Argh! Argh!"

Movie: Cut to John, in defense, trying to punch and kick at Michael. Michael takes it and continues attempting to strangle him. But, John fights back.

Movie: Cut to Michael and John struggling with each other. John tries attacking him back (Pow!), while fighting him off. Cut to John grabbing Michael's mask as he struggles with Michael. Taking hold of the mask, he starts to tear it off of his face. Cut to Michael trying to get keep his hands on John's neck.

Movie: Cut to John tearing off more of Michael's mask. Cut to Michael trying to get his hands on John. And cut to John finally getting the white Halloween mask off of Michael's face. Upon doing so, Michael backs away. John, Linda and Brian can't believe it! Michael's finally de-masked!

Movie: Cut to Michael backing away into the darker corner of the kitchen. He gets down on his knees and grabs the knife he dropped before (Shing!). He gets back up and faces John. Finally, Michael goes for him. Michael grabs John and slams him onto the kitchen table (Thud!). John looks up to see Michael raising the knife into the air with his outstretched arm. He can also finally see Michael's face.

John Tate: "Oh, shit!"

Movie: Cut to Michael taking the knife and stabbing at John's chest (Shing!).

John Tate: "Argh!"

Linda: "John!"

Brian: "Dad!"

Movie: Cut to Michael whipping the knife back out of the John and raising it into the air (Swish!). That's when Brian turns to Michael.

Brian: "Hey, great uncle!"

Movie: Cut to Michael stopping in his tracks and slowly turning his head to Brian. Brian, who still can't see Michael's face in the darkness of the kitchen, turns to him again.

Brian: "Great uncle!"

Movie: Cut to Michael dropping the knife (Shing!) and backing away into the dark corner of the kitchen. For, Brian has broken through Michael's evil! His voice, his youth, his innocence, he's momentarily broken through Michael's evil barrier and awakened his soul. That's when Linda takes the gun John gave her and aims it at Michael.

Linda: "Michael!"

Movie: Cut to Michael, with his evil still caught off guard, turning to Linda. Cut to Linda shooting Michael (Bang! Bang!). Cut to Michael flailing about. Cut to Linda shooting at Michael some more (Bang! Bang!). Cut to Michael flailing about over the dark corner of the kitchen. Cut to Linda shooting Michael with determination in her eyes (Bang! Bang!). Cut to Michael flailing about over and over. Cut to Linda try to shoot Michael once more, but running out of bullets (Click!). Finally, cut to Michael fall to ground (Thud). Brian approaches Michael.

Brian: "Is he dead yet?"

Linda: "Brian, step away from him!"

Movie: Cut to Brian backing away from Michael. Cut to Michael. He is still motionless. That's when John weakly calls for Linda and Brian from the kitchen table.

John Tate: "Brian...Linda..."

Linda: "John!"

Brian: "Dad!"

Movie: Cut to Brian and Linda checking to make sure John's all right.

Linda: "John, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Movie: Cut to John weakly turning to his wife.

John Tate: "I...don't know..."

Movie: Cut to John losing a lot of blood from his stab wound.

John Tate: " you..."

Linda: "No, don't tell me that now, John."

Movie: Cut to John weakly turning his head to Michael's body on the floor before him.

John: "I him...."

Movie: Cut to John finally losing it. Cut to his head sagging back on the kitchen table. Then, cut to Michael's lifeless body. Cut up to his feet. Cut up to his legs. Cut up to his chest. And finally, cut up to his head. His hair is long and unkept, while his face is scarred. There's a long scar along his left cheek and a smaller one along his right. His face is a little grizzled for a 55 year old, with some visible wrinkles along his face Cut to his eyes. They are no longer dead-like, but are blue again as they where when he was a child.

Movie: Cut to a black screen.

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to words "In loving memory of Debra Hill" appearing, followed by "Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers" underneath, followed by "The End" underneat that.

-As the end credits start rolling, Michael braces himself. Did the audience like it? Were they thrilled? Did they have a fun time? Did they appreciate the ending? Everyone in the audience turns to each other questionably. Silence. Finally, someone starts clapping. Then, someone else starts clapping. More people start clapping. And before he knows it, the audience all rises up and turns around to Michael to give him a round of applause. They did like the movie after all!

-Freddy and Jason turn to Michael.

Jason Voorhees: "Hey man, great movie!"

Freddy Krueger: "It sure is. That is a great ending to your series!
-Freddy and Jason start putting on a round of applause for Michael as well. Michael can't believe it. He finally has a really good "Halloween" movie under his belt - one that follows after Akkad's decision to disregard H4-6 - and it seems a good majority of the audience attending the premier loved it! Michael shrugs and turns to the crowd!

Michael Myers: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you all! Now, let's go Pinhead's night club and celebrate!"

-Michael leads Freddy, Jason and the excited crowd out of the theater. Tonight was his night! Tonight was his glory! Tonight was "Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers"!


Pinhead vs. Walmart