
My Horror Confessions
Horror Talk

Episode Thirty-Eight

Two of a Kind

-Dimension Film Studios. Inside, Michael is in the filming of his final "Halloween" film, "Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers"...

CUT TO...the suburbia that his Haddonfield. It is morning. The words "Haddonfield" appear, followed by "October 30, 2012" underneath.

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to a house a few blocks away from the Myers house. A youthful women in early 40's steps out of the house and locks the door behind her. It is Lindsay Wallace, all grown up and a little messed up in the head, years after her experience as a child with the boogeyman.

Movie: Cut to Lindsay walking down the block. Now, walking about three blocks, she's about to reach the Myers house. As the Myers house opens up in her view, she turns her head. Upon seeing the Myers house, she stops and takes a good look at it. She looks the house up and down. So creepy.

Movie: Cut to the point of view of a figure looking from the front door window. Could it be Michael Myers? It might as well be. Lindsay continues looking at the house. She looks specifically around the first floor section. She knows he's there. Michael Myers continues looking back at Lindsay.

Movie: Cut to a car slowing down on the street. The teenage driver, Anthony Foster, suddenly honks at her (Beep! Beep!). Lindsay turns around to see a teenager, Jodie Hopkins, peak out of the back of the car and sneer at her.

Jodie Hopkin: "Freak!"

Movie: Cut to the teenage driver speeding up and driving away (Screeeeech!). Ignorant kids. But, Lindsay doesn't care. Ever since her experience with boogeyman, she grew up with her peers always taunting her about it and she became a "town freak." She takes one more quick look at the Myers house and continues walking down the block.

Movie: Cut to a figure stepping out onto the sidewalk as Lindsay walks away. It is Michael Myers. He watches her make her way towards the end of the block. He breathes heavily.

Movie: Cut to moments later. Lindsay reaches town and heads into the local Dunkin Donuts at the corner. She walks up to the counter and greets the cashier and manager, a middle-aged African-American local man Earl Young. He, welcomingly, turns to her.

Lindsay Wallace: "Morning, Earl."

Earl Young: "Morning, Lindsay. Here for your vanilla latte and apple fritter?"

Movie: Cut to Lindsay smiling and laughing to herself.

Lindsay Wallace: "Oh, you know me so well."

Movie: Cut to Earl grabbing an apple fritter from the back, while Lindsay gets money from her purse.

Earl Young: "Well, you've only done the same morning routine before going to work everyday for years now."

Movie: Cut to Earl setting an apple fritter on the counter, then preparing the vanilla latte. Lindsay shrugs.

Lindsay Wallace: "Well, in that case, I'm guilty!"

Movie: Cut to Earl laughing and setting the vanilla latte on the counter. Lindsay hands him the exact change for the her breakfast.

Earl Young: "Have a good day."

Lindsay Wallace: "You too, Earl."

Movie: Cut to the same ignorant teenagers, Anthony Foster and Jodie Hopkins, sitting at a table. They notice Lindsay on her way out, and point to her and laugh. Despite Lindsay ignoring them, Earl turns to them in a threatening manner anyway, to get them to shut the fuck up and leave her alone. The teenagers immediately shut their traps and turn away. Ignorant kids.

Movie: Cut to Lindsay Wallace walking away from Dunkin Donuts and down town. That's when a station wagon drives past her on the street stops at the red light. It is John Tate and his family. John's wife, Linda, looks around.

Linda: "Wow, this it? This is Haddonfield? It looks so nice. It's like your typical small town where everyone know your name!"

John Tate: "Looks can be decieveing."

Movie: Cut to John turning around to wake up Brian in the backseat.

John Tate: "Hey, Brian, wake up, we're here."

Movie: Cut to Brian waking up and looking out the back windows.

Brian: "This is where you grew up?"

John Tate: "No, this is where your Grandmother grew up. Oh, if only you could have met her."

Movie: Cut to the light turning green and John speeding up and taking a right turn. Now, driving down the same suburbian neighborhood his mother grew up in, John shivers.

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to John looking at the houses to his left and right. All so similar-looking. Then, he spots the Myers house, sticking out from the rest of the houses like a sore thumb. He shudders and his wife turns to him.

Linda: "You okay?"

Movie: Cut to John shrugging it off.

John Tate: "I'm fine."

Movie: As John Tate proceeds to drive his family to the safe house, a local man raking leaves in front of one of the houses to the right spots him. It is the man who was sheriff around the time of the original Halloween massacre - Leigh Brackett. He is a resident veteran among the people in Haddonfield.

CUT TO...later on in the movie. It is evening. Cut to John driving up to Sheriff Brackett's house and parking his car. Cut to the point of view of a figure watching from the side of the house, as John walks up to the porch and rings the door bell. Could it be Michael Myers?

(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)

Movie: Cut to the front door opening up to reveal Sheriff Brackett. He turns to John.

Sheriff Bracket: "John."

John Tate: "Sheriff."

Sheriff Bracket: "Come in."

Movie: Cut to John walking inside the house and Sheriff shutting and locking the door after. Sheriff Brackett leads John into his living room and sits on the couch. John sits on the sofa.

Sheriff Brackett: "I saw you driving into the neighborhood this morning. I figured you would eventually come back."

John Tate: "After reading about all the murders of the teenagers over the years, of course. I can't let this madness keep happening. I'm also doing this for my mother. I understand that you knew her back when you were sheriff?"
Sheriff Brackett: "Yes, she was friends with my daughter."

John Tate: "Right. I'm so sorry about what happened to her."

Sheriff Brackett: "And, I'm sorry about what happened to your mother as well. So, I take it that you have a plan to stop your uncle?"

John Tate: "Yes, I have a scheme set up with a friend. It's set up for tomorrow night."

Sheriff Brackett: "Good, good. Then, I would like to help you."

John Tate: "Really?"

Sheriff Brackett: "Yes. After that son of a bitch murdered my daughter years ago, I've been meaning to have retaliation. I know he's still in this town. I've sensed him over the years. And, I think I've even spotted him a few occations. The fucker is quick, but he won't run away from me forever."

John Tate: "And, I'm not going to let him get away with murdering my mother several years ago. I know it was him. I just know that he set up that crazy clown guy at the asylum."

Sheriff Brackett: "Then, I suppose we'll help each other out. Here..."

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett opening up a drawer and taking out a gun, a .45. He hands John the gun.

Sheriff Brackett: "...Take this. It won't kill him, but it will slow him down."

John Tate: "I don't think I can accept this."

Sheriff Brackett: "I insist. At the time of the orginal Halloween massacre, this doctor, Sam Loomis, told me how dangerous he was. I refused to believe it, but went along with his rambling. But, I soon lived to regret it when I found my daughter killed at the hands of that..."

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett sighing.

Sheriff Brackett: "...Monster. Please, use this to defend for yourself and your family from him whenever necessary. I don't want the same thing happen to you."

Movie: Cut to John looking down at the gun and accepting it.

John Tate: "I'll keep that in mind."

Sheriff Brackett: "Thank you."

Movie: Cut to John Tate getting up from the sofa to leave.

John Tate: "And, I'll meet you tomorrow to set up the plan. I have another arron to run, then I have get back to my family."

Sheriff Brackett: "Yes, of course. Go ahead."

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett getting up and walking over to the front door. He unlocks it and opens it for John.

John Tate: "See you tomorrow, Sheriff."

Sheriff Brackett: "Yes, same to you."

Movie: Cut to John approaching his car and getting in. He starts the car (Rrrrr!...) and starts driving away. From the side of the house, cut to the point of view of Michael Myers as he watches John drive away down the street...

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett shutting the front door and locking it. That's when a noise is heard back in the kitchen. Sheriff Brackett turns around suspiciously. His back kitchen door was hanging open. He lived alone, his wife died years earlier, who could that be? Sheriff Brackett shrugs.

Sheriff Brackett: "I've waited for this a long time..."

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett walking over to his dining room and grabbing a shotgun from the wall. He checks the guage (Ching! Ching!). Sheriff Brackett starts to slowly approach the kitchen.

Sheriff Brackett: "I know you're here, sonny..."

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett approaching the kitchen closer.

Sheriff Brackett: "...And, I'm not letting you get away..."

Movie: Cut to Sheriff Bracket reaching the kitchen and taking a quick look inside. No sight of anybody hanging around in the kitchen. The back kitchen door, however, was swinging half open and he could feel a windy chill. Sheriff Brackett steps into the kitchen and cautiously looks around. He starts toward the back door. Wind and leaves clutters around the open door as Sheriff Brackett approaches it closer. Finally, he reaches the back door and takes a quick look outside. Nobody.

Sheriff Brackett: "That son of a...I know he's still here..."
Movie: Cut to Sheriff Brackett shutting the back door. Then he turns around, only to see a taller figure wearing blue overalls and a white Halloween mask face him directly. It was Michael Myers! Sheriff Brackett immediately points the shotgun at him.

Sheriff Brackett: "You! Why, I oughta..."

Movie: Cut to Michael Myers quickly swiping shotgun from him and tossing it aside.

Sheriff Brackett: "No!"

Movie: Cut to Michael looking down at Sheriff Brackett with his dead-like eyes. Sheriff Brackett tenses up. Then, Michael turns to the drawers to his right. Cut to point of view of Michael as he opens the drawer to reveal forks, knives and spoons. Sheriff Brackett tenses up big time as he witnesses Michael pick up a knife from the drawer (Shing!).

Movie: Cut to Michael looking at the knife he just grabbed. It is a big, sharp one. Then, he looks back at poor Sheriff Brackett in front of him. Sheriff Brackett is scared shitless and frozen in fear. Finally, Michael violently grabs Sheriff Brackett and shoves him against the kitchen wall (Thud!). Then, he grabs his neck as if to strangle him and raises him into the air with his outstretched arm.

Sheriff Brackett: "Argh!"

Movie: Cut to Michael look up at Sheriff Brackett with his dead-like eyes and taking the knife. Sheriff Brackett braces himself. Finally, Michael swings the knife back...and stabs it a Sheriff Brackett' chest and through the wall (Shing!). Cut to the knife sticking out of the other side of the wall in the hallway. Blood drips off of the tip. Cut to Sheriff Brackett's feet flailing...

CUT TO...later on in the movie. After his meeting with Sheriff Brackett, John Tate met up with his contact in the town, Dave Williams, at his house in the neighborhood. Now, he heads back to the safe house where his family is. John parks his car at the side of the road and approaches the house. He unlocks the front door, opens it and gets inside.

John Tate: "Linda, Brian, I'm back!"

Movie: Cut to John hearing his wife and son calling him from the kitchen.

Linda: "Hi, honey!"

Brian: "Hey, dad!"

Movie: John shrugs and sighs of relief. Still safe. Then, he proceed to shut the door and lock it. John walks from the front entrance of the safe house and to the kitchen to see Linda and Brian at the dinner table having some late night snacks.

Linda: "So, where have you been?"
John Tate: "Oh, just catching up with old friends."

Movie: Cut to Linda getting up and hugging her husband. She whispers into his ear.

Linda: "I'm so glad you're still safe."

John Tate: "I'm so glad that both of you are, too."

Brian: "Hey, dad, I can't wait to go out trick-or-treating tomorrow!"

-John shudders.

John Tate: "Yeah, uh, me too."

Movie: Cut to Michael Myers suddenly crashing in through the back kitchen door (Crunch!). He found their whereabouts! John freaks out.

John Tate: "It's him! Get out of here! Now!"

Movie: Linda tries to grab their son, but Brian stays where he is and curiously looks up at the stranger that is Michael Myers. He has not been told yet of his complete family history. Michael also stops and looks down at Brian. Could this be...his great-nephew? Michael shrugs. More blood, more prey, more glory. He whips out a bloody knife (Shing!) and raises it over Brian. That's when John grabs Brian and runs out of the kitchen with him.

John Tate: "Brian, we have to go!"

Movie: Cut to the front door of the safe house swining open and John, Linda and Brian running away from the house. John reaches the car and opens their door to the driver's seat. Linda gets Brian into the back seat and quickly sits besides him as John shuts his door and starts the engine (Rrrrr!...). John hits the gas and drives away as fast as he can (Screeeeech!). Brian looks up from the back window to see Michael standing there on the on porch of the house, watching them drive away.

-And, that's when director John Carpenter, during Sheriff Brackett's death scene, stops the camera and turns to the surrounding film crew.

John Carpenter: "Cut!"

-Charles Cyphers, reprising his role from the original and taking the fake knife off his chest, turns to Michael.

Charles Cyphers: "I think that will make the cut. What about you?"

Michael Myers: "I'd say that was effective enough. But even if it is, he might still make us act it out one more time, just to so it comes more professional than my last movie."

Charles Cyphers: "True, true. But, for what its worth, your last movie, 'Resurrection,' wasn't that bad. If anything, you sure knew how to teach those bratty kids a lesson!"

-Michael laughs.

Michael Myers: "You're right about that!"

-Charles laughs with him. That's when John approaches them.

John Carpenter: "That was a great shot. Absolutely perfect..."

-Michael and Charles brace themselves.

John Carpenter: "...And, that will be it for the night."

-Michael and Charles sigh of relief.

Michael Myers: "Don't you mean, for the morning?"

-John checks the time. As it turns out, he's been keeping the film crew and actors up all night. It is now 10:00.

John Carpenter: "Yes, I guess so. Sorry to over-work you guys."

Charles Cyphers: "No problem, Johnny. I'm just glad my scenes are done."

John Carpenter: "I'm not so sure about, Chuck..."

-Charles turns to John suspiciously.

John Carpenter: "...Because, I will be calling you back next year for the next movie when I resurrect your character and Laurie Strode."

-John turns to Charles in the most straight-forward manner possible. Michael turns to John suspiciously. No way was he going bother with another "Halloween" movie, this was supposed to be the last one! That's when John laughs out loud.

John Carpenter: "Just kidding! This is the last movie!"

-Michael, Charles and John laugh it up.

Michael, Charles and John: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

John Carpenter: "Okay, today's work is done..."

-John turns to Michael.

John Carpenter: "...We'll continue the shoot tomorrow morning, all right?"

Michael Myers: "Fine by me."

-John shrugs and walks away. Charles turns to Michael.

Charles Cyphers: "I guess this is our last shooting together. Good luck on the rest of the movie, Mike."

Michael Myers: "Yeah, I guess the next time I'll see you will be in Haddonfield. You'll know when I'll be there."

Charles Cyphers: "I think I will."

-Michael and Charles laugh it up. Then, Michael walks off and heads for the back door of the studio. Upon walking outside, he approaches his Corvette and gets in. He starts the engine (Rrrrr!...) and drives off from the studio (Screeeeech!).
CUT TO...a random apartment building along Woody Allen Ave., later on that late morning Cut to the front door of the apartment #17 on the first floor. Then, cut to the inside of the apartment to reveal the occupant, a man, pinned to side wall by a machete. Jason is sleeping in his bed, snuggling up. As always, he "slept over" at a random home for the night. That's when Jason wakes up.

Jason Voorhees: "Awww..."

-Jason sits up and turns to the nightstand where he left his hockey mask. He grabs his hockey mask and slides back over his muggy, deformed and disgusting face. Then, he gets up and approaches the kitchen. He passes the man who kindly let him stay over.

Jason Voorhees: "Hey, man, thanks for letting me stay over. You're the best..."

-Jason steps into the kitchen and walks up to the refridgerator. He opens it up and looks inside.

Jason Voorhees: " juice, milk, Gatorade, fruit punch...Miller Light..."

-Jason shuts the refridgerator door and sighs.

Jason Voorhees: "Damn. No Budweiser."

-But, Jason shrugs and walks off. To the liquor store he goes! Before he leaves, he walks up to the man and whips his machete from the man's chest and side wall (Shing!). The man's body falls over to floor (Thud).

Jason Voorhees: "Hey, man, you were so nice to let me stay over, but I gotta go. See ya..."

-Jason walks off and heads out of the apartment.

CUT BACK TO...Michael, driving along Woody Allen Ave, later on that late morning. Michael stops his Corvette along a townhouse and honks his horn (Honk! Honk!). For, this was the home of Stephen's guardians and Michael was taking him out for the day to the New York State Fair. The front door opens up and Stephen starts to step out. That's when Michael realizes that he's still wearing his white Halloween mask!

Michael Myers: "Oh, crap! My mask!"

-Michael immediately pulls off his mask, revealing his handsome and unscarred face. He takes it and stuffs it underneath his seat. That's when Stephen shuts the front door of the townhouse behind him and walks down the steps. He runs up to the Corvette and gets in.

Stephen: "Hey, dad!"

Michael Myers: "Hey, son. How are you doing?"

Stephen: "I'm fine. I can't wait to go the fair!"

Michael Myers: "Neither can I. Say, have you eaten yet? You want McDonald's on the way?"

-Stephen shrugs.

Stephen: "Sure. I'll have an egg McMuffin meal."

Michael Myers: "And, I'll have the same."

-Michael drives back onto the street and speeds up (Screeeeech!)

CUT BACK TO...Jason driving his Mazda RX-8 sports car, later that late morning. Alice Cooper's Rock song "Teenage Frankenstein" is playing on the radio and Jason is singing to it.

Jason Voorhees: "...I'm a teenage Frankenstein! The local freak with the twisted mind..."

-Jason drives around a right corner, onto Woody Allen Ave.

Jason Voorhees: "...I'm a teenage Frankenstein! These ain't my hands mine..."

-Jason, while not paying attention to the road, almost sideswipes another car. The car swerves out of Jason's way (Screeeeech!) and drives head on into upcoming car (Crunch!).

Jason Voorhees: "...And these legs ain't mine! Oh, no!..."

CUT BACK TO...Michael, driving his Corvette into the parking lot of the local McDonald's restaurant, later that late morning. He parks his car, and he and Stephen step out. Michael leads Stephen through the front entrance of the restaurant and walks up to an open register. Michael turns to the cashier.

Michael Myers: "Hi, we'll have two egg McMuffin meals, please."

-The cashier, a teenage girl, turns to Michael in an ignorant manner.

Cashier: "We're no longer serving breakfast meals, sir."

-Michael turns to the cashier questionably.

Michael Myers: "And, why is that?"

Cashier: "Because, its 11:00."

Michael Myers: "And...?"

-The cashier ignorantly rolls her eyes at Michael.

Cashier: "We stop serving breakfast meals at 11:00, sir."

-Michael checks the time. It is 11:01 A.M. in the morning. Michael turns to the cashier, then down to Stephen.

Michael Myers: "Sorry, Steve, no more breakfast meals."

-Stephen sighs.

Stephen: "I wanted an breakfast meal..."

-Michael sighs and turns to Stephen. He walks him back away from the register.

Michael Myers: "We'll see about that."

-Michael walks back up at the cashier and turns to her in a threatening manner, staring her down with his dead-like eyes. Stephen watches from a few feet away to see the ignorant cashier turning to Michael questionably and tensing up for some reason.

Cashier: "That was two egg McMuffin meals, right?"

Michael Myers: "Right."

Cashier: "And, two small orange juices?"

Michael Myers: "Two medium sized orange juices."

Cashier: "I'll go back and prepare this personally for you."

Michael Myers: "Thank you."

-Michael shrugs and turns around to Stephen.

Stephen: "What did you do? Scare her?"

-Michael laughs.

Michael Myers: "I have my ways."

CUT TO...Donald Loomis, Michael's arch-enemy and the FBI agent son of Dr. Sam Loomis, parking his Ford Taurus up to a townhouse along Woody Allen Ave. Donald is in his late thirties/early forties, is in decent shape, wears glasses, and also inherited his father's balding hair line (think Mitch Pileggi from "The X-Files").

-Donald gets out of the car and looks up the steps to the front door. He gulps. His bitchy ex-wife's house. He is there to take his 10 year old son, Sean, out on the town. Donald steps up to the front door and rings the bell. The front door opens up and his ex-wife, Barbara, turns to him. Smoking a cigarette, she glares at him.

Barbara: "Donald."

Donald Loomis: "Barbara."

-Barbara turns around yells for Sean.

Barbara: "Sean! You're father is here to pick you up!"

-Donald overhears Stephen in the background of the house.

Sean: "Do I have to go with him? I don't want to go!"

Barbara: "Sean, you're god forsaken father is here, whether you like it or not! Now, come down!"

Sean: "All right..."

-Barbara turns around back to Donald.

Barbara: "He's coming."

-Donald nods his head. Poor Donald. Years earlier, when he became obsessed with finding Michael Myers after his father's passing, he lost touch with his family. First, he started drifting away from them. Then, he saw less and less of them. Then, his wife got sick of him and divorced him. He saw little of his son, Sean, and poor Sean, he hardly got to know his father. It's much like how Dr. Sam Loomis drifted from his family when he became obsessed with young Michael Myers. Sean steps out and turns to his father. Donald turns to him.

Donald Loomis: "Hey, Sean."

Sean: ""

-Sean looks back to his mother. His mother glares down at him.

Barbara: "Now, go with your father, honey. You'll have a good time. He's taking you to the State Fair."

Donald Loomis: "Actually, I was going to take him to the Museum of..."

-Barbara glares back at Donald, then turns back to Stephen.

Barbara: "He is taking you to the State Fair..."

-Barbara turns to her pathetic ex-husband. Her bitchy eyes burn into his soul.

Barbara: "...Aren't you, Donald?"

-Donald sighs and turns to Sean.

Donald Loomis: "Yes, yes I am taking you to the State Fair, Sean. We'll have a fun time. Come on, we'll even stop Arby's on the way..."

Barbara: "McDonalds."

Donald Loomis: "...Um, McDonalds. We'll stop at McDonald's on the way."

-Donald turns around and leads Sean to his car. Sean hesitates and looks back to his mother. His mother glares down at him and signals him to follow his pathetic excuse of a father.

Sean: "Go. Go."

-Sean sighs and follows his father to his car.

CUT BACK TO...Jason, driving his Mazda RX-8 sports car into the parking lot of the local liquor store. Jason parks his car (Screech!) and steps out. Jason turns around and approaches the store. Jason walks through front entrance of the store and is greeted by the cashier, a young 30ish guy.

Cashier: "Hey, Jason. Back for more beer?"

-Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "I sure am!"

-Jason walks to the back of the store and grabs a six-pack of Budweiser from the freezers. Then, he turns around and walks back to the front of the store. Jason walks up to the cashier and sets the Budweiser on the counter. The cashier, not surprised, shrugs.

Cashier: "As usual, that will be $13.57."

-Jason hands the cashier a $10 bill and a $5 bill. The cashier goes through the register and turns to Jason.

Cashier: "So, how's Mike doing? I don't see him coming as often for Molson Ice."

Jason Voorhees: "Eh, he's fine. He's making another 'Halloween' movie."

Cashier: "Oh, really?"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, it's called 'Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers,' and its going to be the last one."

-The cashier hands Jason his change and laughs.

Cashier: "Yeah, right! I'll bet they'll do another one after that, and it will be called 'Halloween 35: The Fucking up of Michael Myers'! Ha, ha, that series...

-That's when Jason immediately whips out his machete (Shing!) and slices the cashier in half (Sha-shing!). The upper body falls over (Thud), and blood spurts up like a fountain. Then, the legs of the cashier's lower torso finally flail and his bloody, lower torse falls over (Thud). Jason grabs the six-pack of Budweiser and looks over at the Bloody results. Nobody disses him, Fred and Mike! That's when Jason looks down at the bloody machete in his hands. Looking a little dull. And Jason shrugs. To Machete's 'R Us he goes! Jason turns around and heads out of the store.

CUT BACK TO...Michael and Stephen at Mcdonalds, enjoying their food, later on that late morning. Michael is looking at a brochure for the New York State Fair he picked up from the McDonald's counter.

Michael Myers: "...And, look at this! There's a new roller coaster at the State Fair. It's called 'The Beast' and the first drop is supposed to go straight down before making a quick 45 degree turn back up..."

-Stephen, taking a bite of his egg McMuffin, sighs. Michael takes notice.

Michael Myers: "What's wrong?"

-Stephen sighs again.

Stephen: "Nothing."

Michael Myers: "You can't sigh like that say 'nothing.' Come on, what is it?"

-Stephen sighs and turns to Michael.

Stephen: "I wish I could live with you."

-Michael braces himself. He knew this was coming again sooner or later. Deep down, he knows that if he lives with his son long enough, his evil will eventually take over. That's why he's left Stephen with guardians and sees him at least twice a week.

Michael Myers: "Oh..."

-Michael put his egg McMuffin down and turns to Stephen.

Michael Myers: "I know our living situation kind of sucks, but it's the law."

Stephen: "What is? You've told me before that when my mom died in that car crash, you weren't given custody..."

-Michael sighs.

Stephen: "...But, it isn't fair. Who says that you are 'unfit' to take custody of me? Whenever I'm with you, its a blast! You're so cool. I don't understand what could be so wrong with me living with you."

Michael Myers: "Yeah, I know. I would like to be able to have you stay with me, too. I want to be able to tuck you into bed every night. It's just that, when I lost your mother in that car accident years ago, and when my face was horribly scarred, things were a little crazy back then. Authorities thought I had been hitting your mother, but I wasn't. They didn't believe me and they wouldn't let me keep you. That's why, in the beginning, I was always under constant supervision when I was with you."

Stephen: "I don't remember any of that."

Michael Myers: "It's not likely you would. You can only remember so much when you're an infant."

Stephen: "Okay, okay. But, its been years since all that happened. Why can't you approach the judges now and prove what really happened?"

Michael Myers: "I can't."

Stephen: "Why not? I want to know!"

Michael Myers: "Because, this a crazy world we're living in, Steve. You may not know this, but judges usually favor the mothers when it comes to custory and have this way of scheming against the fathers. And with your mother gone, they wouldn't let me keep you. They still won't. They won't forget about those false reports about me beating your mother."

Stephen: "I don't understand. Why would they think that you beat mom?"

Michael Myers: "There was a lot of bad press going on about me at the time. My questionable association with that new 'Halloween' movie, I think it was called 'The Curse of Michael Myers,' and the media just ate it up and spit on my name, it was ridiculous."

Stephen: "Michael Long?"

Michael Myers: "Yes. And when it came time to take custody of you, they wouldn't let me. They bought those media stories about me and thought I had really beaten your mother."

Stephen: "Why are people so mean?"

Michael Myers: "I don't know, Steve. I don't know."

-Stephen sighs. Michael sighs with him. If only Stephen really knew the truth...

[Flashback to what really happened...]

-Fall, 1995. Halloween. Upon Dr. Loomis' passing, Michael Myers gains a conscience, his own sense of humanity.
-November, 1995. Tommy Doyle, Kara Strode, Danny Strode and baby Stephen, upon relocating into the witness protection program, are surprised by Michael Myers. But, Michael only takes baby Stephen and flees away.

-December, 1995. Michael moves into New York City with his infant son and leases his own pad. He had heard from a friend, Jason Voorhees, that he would be safe and left undetected living there. And, Jason was right! New Yorkers were ignorant people that cared about nobody but themselves!

-January, 1996. Michael has adapted to the atmosphere of the big city, but Stephen hasn't adapted to him yet. Young Stephen, he isn't ready to warm up to his father and shies away from him. It also doesn't help that Michael's face his horribly scarred.

-January, 1997. Over the past year, Stephen has started to warm up to Michael. However, Michael's evil is starting to get to him.

-January, 1998. Stephen has warmed up to Michael. However, Michael's evil is getting to him more. Meanwhile, actress and scream queen, Jamie Lee Curtis, has approached Moustapha Akkad about a 20th anniversay sequel to "Halloween." Could it be good news? Or, could it be too good to be true?

-January, 1999. Michael is getting along well with his 3 year old son. However, he feels he won't be able to control his evil much longer. In attempt to resolve the situation, Michael gets in touch with a nice couple in the city. Michael lets the couple have guardianship of Stephen. However, he does see him at least twice a week. Michael is also spit on by half his fanbase over the questionable "Halloween: H20."

-January 2000+. Michael is feeling confortable with his living situation with Stephen. He can't actually live with him, but he is able to see him when he can. His new-found conscience is able to hold back the his evil by this much. Over the next 5 years, he finds himself able to keep up this relationship with his son. However, he does feel his evil getting to him a little bit more now and then. In the meantime, Michael has also met up an underground plastic surgeon that heals his horribly scarred face.

[End of flashback]

-Back in the McDonald's restaurant, Stephen sighs. Michael turns to him to reassure him.

Michael Myers: "Hey, we're together right now, aren't we?"

Stephen: "Yeah..."

Michael Myers: "Well, let's enjoy our time while we can. Come on, let's go to the State fair!"

Stephen: "All right! To the State Fair we go!"
Michael Myers: "Yeah!"

-Michael and Stephen, finished with their breakfast meals, get up and head out the front entrance of the restaurant. Upon walking out, they pass Donald Loomis and his son, Sean. That's when Donald turns around to Michael suspiciously. Hasn't he seen that face before? Sean stops to see his father looking back at the figure walking away.

Sean: "Dad..."

-Donald turns around to Sean and shrugs.

Donald: "Coming."

-Donald and Sean walk through the entrance of the McDonald's restaurant. As they do, Michael stops and turns to them suspicously. Did he just see...Donald Loomis, his arch-enemy? That's when Stephen, already reaching Michael's Corvette in the parking lot, turns around to him.

Stephen: "Hey, dad, are you okay?"

-Michael shrugs and turns around to Stephen.

Michael Myers: "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go."

-Michael walks over to his Corvette and opens the driver's side door. He sits inside and Stephen joins him on the other side.

Stephen: "All right!"

CUT BACK TO...Jason, at Machete's 'R Us, later on in the late morning. Jason is checking the display of machetes.

Jason Voorhees: "Hmm..."

-The display of machetes consist of: a light machete with triangular blade, a heavy machete with a squarish blade, a panga machete with a curved-roundish blade, a solo machete with triangular and rounding blade, a double edged machete making up a pointed blade, a kukai machete with a bizarrely round blade, a latin machete with a long, 18 inch and curved-roundish blade and a latin machete with a really long, 24 inch and curved-roundish blade. Jason continues checking out display of machetes.

Jason Voorhees: "Hmm..."

-The manager, an elderly man in his 70's with a grey beard, waits impatiently for Jason to finally make a decision.

Jason Voorhees: "Hmm..."

-That's when Jason finally makes his decision and points to the machete of choice.

Jason Voorhees: "That one!"

-The manager points to the panga machete with the curved-roundish blade.

Manager: "This one?"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! Yeah! That one!"

-The manager shrugs. That Jason, he's like a kid in a candy store!

Manager: "You're the boss."

-The manager turns to a younger, 20ish co-worker, Brian.

Manager: "Brian, get Jason here..."

Brian: "I got it. The usual."

-Brian shrugs and heads to the back of the store to get Jason's machete. Jason shrugs. He always picks the same type of machete, but the rest of them are so nice and shiny!
CUT BACK TO...Donald and Sean, enjoying their food at McDonalds, later on that late morning.

Donald Loomis: "...So, I guess we're going to the State Fair..."

-Sean, not particarly thrilled to be with his pathetic excuse of a father, sighs.

Sean: "Yeah..."

-Donald looks at a brochure for the New York State Fair he picked up on the McDonald's counter.

Donald Loomis: "...And, apparently, there is this new roller coaster ride called 'The Beast'..."

Sean: "Yeah..."

Donald Loomis: "...It's supposed go drop straight down in the beginning of the ride..."

Sean: "Yeah..."

Donald Loomis: "...Sounds like fun, huh?"

-Sean sighs again.

Sean: "Yeah..."

-Donald takes notice and turns to Sean.

Donald Loomis: "Now, come on. Are you really this unhappy being with me? I'm your father, I want to take you out for some fun."

Sean: "Well, where were you the last several years? I've hardly seen you. You've been off trying to catch the so-called 'The Boogeyman.' Or, so mom says..."

Donald Loomis: "I know, I haven't been there for you for the longest time. And, I'm sorry. That case had just gotten to me so long. But, no more. I gave up on it in last year. That's why I struggled to get in the touch you and your mother the last few months."

Sean: "Can you tell me about the case?"

Donald Loomis: "Excuse me?"

Sean: "Can you tell me about this case? About the Boogeyman?"

-Donald turns to Sean with a suspicious eye.

Donald Loomis: "Why are you so suddenly interested?"

Sean: "Because. I've heard so much about it. But, mom refuses to discuss it. She says I'm too young to know."

-Donald shrugs.

Donald Loomis: "Well, I wouldn't say so. If you really want to know, I'll tell you. It all started with your grandfather, Samuel Loomis. In the 1960's, your grandfather was a famous psychiatrist. Then, he stumbled onto this new case: Michael Orby Myers. He was this six year old boy, who on Halloween..."

-Sean shrugs.

Sean: "Hacked his sister to death with a knife!"

Donald Loomis: "Sean!"

Sean: "What? I've heard this story before! So, I guess it was my grandfather who tried to help Michael."
Donald Loomis: "At first. For years, he tried to get the boy to talk, to find out what him made tick. But, he never did talk. Nor, show any emotion. He just sat there...waiting."

Sean: "For what?"

Donald Loomis: "To escape. To get out when the time was right to after his other sister, Laurie Strode."

Sean: "Right. And, he went after her in 1978. The 1978 Halloween massacre."

-Donald shrugs.

Donald Loomis: "Wow. You know more about this than I thought. I'm impressed."

Sean: "Well, everybody knows about the Halloween murders."

Donald Loomis: "Well, no doubt about that. They made a horror movie series out of them!"

Sean: "Yeah. The first one's pretty good. But, the rest suck!"

Donald Loomis: "And, your mother let you see them?"

Sean: "Well...behind her back. I wanted to know more about the stories and how you were involved with them. What I don't know is, what's happened with the Boogeyman in the last several years? What do you know? What did Grandpa know?"

-Donald shrugs.

Donald Loomis: "I thought you'd never ask! Here it goes. It goes a little something like this..."

[Flashback to...]

-Fall, 1994. An eventless Halloween. The fifth in a row. Dr. Sam Loomis meets up with his estranged son, Donald.

Dr. Loomis: "Son!"

Donald Loomis: "Dad!"

Dr. Loomis: "I'm so sorry over what's happened. I'm sorry I've stayed away so long."

Donald Loomis: "It's okay."

Dr. Loomis: "No, it's not. I should have realized that nothing would happen this Halloween. Nothing has happened the past five Halloweens. Except for questionable people leaving apples with razors braids as trick-or-treats..."

-Dr. Loomis looks around suspiciously. Then, he turns back to Donald.

Dr. Loomis: "Really, I'm so sorry."

-Donald turns to his father. For, Dr. Loomis' health is failing.

Donald Loomis: "It's okay, Dad. None of that matters anymore. It's all right."

Dr. Loomis: "I shall never go after that Michael Myers again. Never. I've given up on him. I don't know if he's really gone, but as far as I'm concerned, he's dead to me."

Donald Loomis: "So, what do you want to do now? Officially retire?"

-Dr Loomis shrugs.

Dr. Loomis: "Why not? It's about time. I'd like to see your family. I understand you have a son on the way."

Donald Loomis: "Yes, you're going to be a Grandfather."

-Dr. Loomis shrugs.

Dr. Loomis: "Yes, I am!"

-Dr. Loomis back turns to Donald.

Dr. Loomis: "But, whatever you do, whatever happens..."

Donald Loomis: "Yes?"

Dr. Loomis: "...Please don't go after Michael. I know you work with the FBI, but if new traces ever come up on him again...let them be. I don't want you to lose sight of your son in the future, not the way I did with you."

Donald Loomis: "I won't do that. I promise."

-Fall, 1995. An eventful Halloween. The FBI inspects Smith's Grove. That's when Donald stumbles onto his father's lifeless body in a hallway of the asylum.

Donald Loomis: "No! Dad!"

-Donald checks his father's pulse. It appears he had a heart attack. His failing health finally got to him. But, Donald prevails.

Donald Loomis: "No! It was Michael! He saw him! Michael scared death!"

-November, 1995. Donald is honoring his father's grave.

Donald Loomis: "I'll never you let you go. Never. Not as long as Michael is out there. After getting you. I'll get him, for you. I'll take down the legend that is Michael Myers...once and for all!"

-Fall, 1996. An eventless Halloween. Over time, Donald became more and more obsessed with catching Michael. Desperate for clues to his whereabouts, he saw less and less of his family. Eventually, his bitchy wife divorced him. Donald didn't seem to fight the divorce at all. But he did see his young son, Sean, from time to time. Alas, he saw less and less of Sean over time after that.

-Fall, 2003. Halloween. After several years of failure, Donald finally found traces of Michael. Upon trying to discovering the body of John Tate in the Myers house, Donald tries to clue in on Michael.

-Summer, 2004. Through questionable media stories in the tabloid newspapers, Donald discovers traces of Michael. But, Michael was a step ahead of him and fooled around with him. He left a decoy in his place - a tabloid news reporter who apparently lost it and wanted his fifteen minutes of fame. The FBI figured it really was the reporter, but Donald knew better.

-Fall, 2004. After a mysterious caller clued in Donald about Michael, Donald discovers Michael's whereabouts - right in New York City! Donald crashed into Michael's world - but Michael got away. Ultimately, the mysterious caller clued him in to his latest whereabouts: Crystal Lake - the home of New Jersey's most notorious serial killer, Jason Voorhees.

-But, Michael fooled around with him again. He left another decoy in his place, this time Kara Strode, who Donald figured had to be the mysterious caller along. Michael fooled both of them. The FBI figured it really was Kara Strode and that she lost it. They also disregarded Donald's story that he saw Michael and identified his face. Donald still knew better. But, he was tired of all this. He finally gave up. He couldn't keep this up anymore.

[End of flashback]

Sean: "Wow."

Donald Loomis: "That's why I'm here now. I'm over with this 'Halloween' business. I've blamed Michael for your grandfather's fate for so long, yet I never really knew if it was him. I wanted to blame Michael. But, I'm willing to let that go now and leave your grandfather at peace."

Sean: "Now, I understand..."

-Sean shrugs.

Sean: "...Now, let's go to the State Fair!"

Donald Loomis: "Yeah, let's go!"

-Donald and Sean, finished with their food, head out of McDonalds.

CUT BACK TO...Jason, driving down Woody Allen Ave., later on that late morning. He looks down at the brand new machete laying on the passanger seat. So nice and shiny! Jason, while obviously not paying attention to the road, almost drives into an upcoming car. The upcoming car, the Ford Taurus with Donald and Sean, swerves out of Jason's way (Screeeeech!). Donald drives out of the way of another car and struggles to maintain control (Screech! Screech!). They are okay.

Donald Loomis: "Why, I never!"

Sean: "What the heck just happened?"

-Jason, upon hearing the other car screeching behind him, looks back up and shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "Glad that's not me!"

-That's when Jason notices the McDonald's up ahead. Then, he looks down at his brand new machete again. So nice and shiny! He looks back over to the McDonalds. Then, he shrugs. Gotta test that out that new machete! Jason drives into the McDonald's parking lot and parks his car (Screech!). Jason takes hold of the machete (Shing!) and looks it at it. Then, he looks over at the McDonald's restaurant.

-Jason shrugs and steps out of his car. Gripping his brand new machete, he approaches the McDonalds restaurant. He steps inside the entrance. Pan away from Mcdonalds as hungry people scream and try to flee for their lives (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!...)

Hungry People: "Aaaaaaaaaahh...!"

CUT TO...the New York State Fair, later on in the mid-afternoon. Cut to the roller coaster, "The Beast." It is a grand, giant roller coaster, that starts off with a hill that leads up to the first drop. The first drop takes the car straight down, for seconds on end, then makes a quick 45 degree turn back up, leading to another a regular drop.

-What follows are lots of bowties, loops, corkscrews, immelmens, roll-overs, and other drops. It is one major thrilling roller coaster that really delivers. It is also a powered, sit down roller coaster where the cars sit in between the rails. There are five cars to a single ride and there are three rows to each car.

-That's when Michael and Stephen, having enjoyed their day at the State Fair so far, approach "The Beast." They look in awe at the ride before them. Stephen shrugs.

Stephen: "Holy shit!"

-Michael glares down at Stephen.

Michael Myers: "Hey, what'd I tell you about saying stuff like that?"

-Stephen sighs.

Stephen: "Sorry..."

Michael Myers: "I think you've been listening to Chucky too much."

Stephen: "Uncle Chucky? Why? He's so funny!"

Michael Myers: "He is funny, but you can't take everything he says seriously, or take in all his 'catchphrases'."

Stephen: "Yeah, like 'Don't fuck with The Chuck'!"

Michael Myers: "Stephen!"

Stephen: "Sorry."

-Michael and Stephen look back up at "The Beast" and look in awe again. Then, they look back down and see the ridiculously long line going around the corner for it. As they approach the line, Stephen sighs.

Stephen: "Oh, man..."

-Michael and Stephen stop at the end of the line.

Stephen: "...We'll never get to go on today."

Michael Myers: "I wouldn't say that..."

-Michael taps the shoulder of the person, a woman, in front of them. The woman turns around to see Michael turning to her in a threatening manner and staring her down with his dead-like eyes. Stephen watches as the woman gulps and steps aside to let him and his father up through. They move up and Stephen turns to Michael.

Stephen: "Hey, she let us through! She let us through! What did you do?"

-Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "I don't know, I just mimicked that guy in those stupid 'Halloween' movies!"

Stephen: "Cool!"

-Michael taps the shoulder of the next person, a man, in line. The man turns around to see Michael turning to him in a threatening manner and staring him with his dead-like eyes. He also sees a some kid, Stephen, making a monstrous face at him. The man looks back at the Michael and gulps. He steps aside.

CUT TO...Jason driving down Woody Allen Ave, later on that mid-afternoon. Alice Cooper's Jason song, "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)" is playing on the radio and Jason is singing to it. Jason's grungy clothes look bloody.

Jason Voorhees: "...I'm back! Duh, nuh, nuh! I'm the man behind the mask! Duh, nuh, nuh! And I'm out of control!..."

-Jason, while not paying attention to the road, almost side-swipes an upcoming car. The upcoming car swerves out of Jason's way (Screeeeech!) and crashes into another car (Car-runch!). Then, the other car rear-ends another car (Crunch!), and a series of other cars behind it rear-end each other like dominoes (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Car-runch!).

Jason Voorhees: "...I'm back! Duh, nuh, nuh! The man behind the mask! Duh, nuh! nuh! And, I'm after your soul! Yeah, I'm after your soul, baby!"

-The song ends and Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "I love that song, man! I love that song! Alice Cooper was so cool to write it! He's the best!"

-That's when Jason looks down at his brand new machete sitting on the passanger seat and sighs. No longer so nice and, its all bloody and stained...but, Jason shrugs. Life goes on. That's when he notices the Lenscrafter store up ahead. A lot of people in there! Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "All right!

-Jason drives up and parks his car up by Lenscrafters (Screech!)...
CUT BACK TO...the New York State Fair, later on in the mid-afternoon. Cut to "The Beast." Cut to the ridiculously long line going around the corner for it. Cut to Donald and Sean approaching the end of the line.

Sean: "Oh, this sucks! I don't wait forever to go on this ride!"

-But, Donald shrugs.

Donald Loomis: "Oh, don't worry, we won't have to on my watch..."

-Donald taps the shoulders of the people, a man and woman, in front of them. The people turn around to see Donald showing them his badge.

Donald Loomis: "Excuse me, I work with the FBI and there is an urgent matter at hand. With the roller coaster. And, you must let us ahead immediately...or else!"

-The two people turn to each other questionably and let Donald and Sean pass by. As they move up, Donald shrugs.

Donald Loomis: "Every time!"

Sean: "Wow! You are so cool! Come on, let's get through the rest of the line!"

Donald Loomis: "Yeah!"

-Donald taps the shoulder of the next person in line.

Donald Loomis: "Excuse me..."

-Sean shrugs.

Sean: "Get out of our way! There's a bomb on the ride!"

-The person tenses up and flees away. Donald sighs.

Person: "Aaaaaaaaah!"

-Donald turns to Sean.

Donald Loomis: "Hey, its one thing to tell them there's an emergency. It's another to tell them there's a bomb. Just go lightly on them, got it?"

Sean: "Gotcha."

CUT BACK TO...Lenscrafters, later on that mid-afternoon. Cut to the hazy point of view of a guy with poor eye sight. He takes hold of his brand new, steel-rimmed glasses and puts them on. He looks around the store and shrugs.

Guy: "Holy crap! I can see again!"

-And what he sees is a room with full of bloody bodies, as well as a taller figure wearing grungy clothing and a hockey mask. The taller figure turns to him and whips out a machete (Shing!).

Guy: "Oh, shit!"

-Cut to the point of view of the guy as blood splatters over his brand new glasses (Shing! Shing!).
CUT TO...the local corner diner, "Restaurant," later on that mid-afternoon. Inside, Freddy is sitting at a booth for his daughter, Maggie from "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare," to arrive. Just last fall, Freddy finally had the nerve to see her dreams. They reconciled, and now finally are father and daughter.

-Freddy waits for a moment, then Maggie, looking a lot like actress Lisa Zane, walks into the diner. She sees Freddy sitting at the booth and approaches him.

Maggie: "Hey, dad."

-Maggie sits down on the other side of the booth and turns to him.

Freddy Krueger: "Hey, Maggie. How are doing?"

Maggie: "I'm doing great. What about you?"

Freddy Krueger: "I'm fine. I see that you've been happy lately."

Maggie: "Well, knowing you, you probably invaded my dreams to find that out."

Freddy Krueger: "Not necessarily. I can tell by your smile. Right when you walked, you had a beautiful smile on your beautiful face."

-Maggie smiles.

Maggie: "Oh, dad!"

Freddy Krueger: "I don't invade your dreams anymore. Not since we made up last fall."

Maggie: "That's good..."

-Maggie turns to Freddy questionably.

Maggie: "...But, are you still invading the dreams of teenagers in Springwood, Ohio?"

-Freddy shrugs and turns to her.

Freddy Krueger: "Absolutely not!"

-Maggie sighs.

Maggie: "I read the paper, dad. Every now and then, there's a story about an Elm Street teenager dying in their sleep there. I know its you."

Freddy Krueger: "What can I say? You got me."

Maggie: "Why can't you stop?"

-Freddy shrugs.

Freddy Krueger: "Because, they took you away from me! They took away my own daughter. I couldn't bare to live with that. And, I couldn't bare to die with that, either. That's why I did what did."

Maggie: "But, you found me! And since finding me, we've seen more each other ther. Now that you've found me, why can't you stop killing?"

Freddy Krueger: "Because, I can't. Sure, we've found each other, but that doesn't take away the pain the I suffered when I lost you. Every time I see you, just as see you right now, I can't help but remember the agony I suffered for you."

Maggie: "I don't know what to say. I don't know whether to be honored by that or disgusted. I don't know what to think."

Freddy Krueger: "Well, what do you think about this? I recently opened up my own health clinic here in the city. I'm helping people with their dreams."

Maggie: "You mean, you're invading their dreams and private thoughts and telling them what it all means?"

Freddy Krueger: "Yes, but that's why the sessions are confidential. No matter what, I'm always going to cross people's private thoughts when I invade their dreams."

Maggie: "Really? Well, what did my private thoughts tell you when you invaded my dreams over the years?"

-Freddy finds himself cornered.

Freddy Krueger: "Um..."

Maggie: "What did they tell you?"

Freddy Krueger: "Well..."

Maggie: "Tell me. What did they tell you? Did they tell you that I was lonely and confused? Did they tell you that I was waiting for you? Did that they tell you I how screwed up I felt?"

Freddy Krueger: "Screwed up? Believe me, you are not screwed up. I am! If only you could invade my dreams and cross my private'd be surprised."

Maggie: "Well, I felt screwed up. People always mocked me in school because of you. They knew that I was your daughter. Freddy Krueger's daughter. The daughter of...The Springwood Slasher."

Freddy Krueger: "And, I am so sorry about that."

-Maggie turns away from Freddy and sighs.

Maggie: "I don't know if I feel better about all this now, since we got in touch or before. I just feel lost."

Freddy Krueger: "You know what your private thoughts told me?"

Maggie: "I don't want to hear it."

Freddy Krueger: "No. You asked me what your private thoughts told me. I'm going to answer your question."

-Maggie sighs and turns back to Freddy.

Freddy Krueger: "What I learned from your private thoughts were that you were growing up into a strong, independent woman. You say you were mocked. Well, you fought back. You always fought your own battles and never let anybody push you down. Your private thoughts told me that you pushed yourself down. You couldn't handle it all sometimes. You were vulnerable. But, I was always there to watching over you. You always got back up and got over it. And now we've finally met up after all these years, you're feeling vulnerable again. Get back up, Maggie. Get back up...for me. You don't need to suffer no more. I'm here to protect you."

-Maggie turns to Freddy, teary-eyed.

Maggie: "Oh, dad!"

-Freddy reaches over the table to hug Maggie.

Freddy Krueger: "Oh, Maggie!"

CUT BACK TO...the New York State fair. Cut to the the first car on the track. Michael and Sean have scared their way up the line and are sitting in the first row.

Sean: "All right!"

Michael Myers: "Here we are!"

-And in the third row of the same car is also Donald and Sean.

Sean: "We made it! We made it up!"

Donald Loomis: "What I'd tell ya? That took us no time at all!"

-With all the passangers secured to the cars, the cars start moving.

Stephen: "Here we go!"

Sean: "All right!"

-The cars start up the first huge hill of the ride (Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Michael Myers: "This is it, Steve. The first hill!"

-The cars continue up the hill (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Sean: "I can't wait!"

-After a moment, the cars approach the top of the huge hill (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Michael Myers: "We're getting there, Steve! The first dive!"

Stephen: "The straight dive down!"

-The cars start over the top of the hill (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Sean: "This is it, dad! Are you scared?"

Donald Loomis: "No, not at all, son!"

Sean: "Neither am I!"

-The cars start to roll down the curving hill. As they do, Michael and Sean see the first glimpse of the straight dive down.

Stephen: "Holy shit!"

-Michael turns to Stephen.

Michael Myers: "Stephen!"

-Then, Michael looks down at straight dive before him.

Michael Myers: "Oh, holy, freaking, shit!"

-The first car starts going down, and Donald and Sean brace themselves.

Sean: "Oh, crap! Do you see that?!"

Donald Loomis: "Yes, I do, son! And, its the barrier of hell!"

-The cars start screeching down the roller coaster and the rest of the passengers brace themselves.

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaaaaaahh!"

-As the rest of the cars quickly screech down the straight dive down, cameras attached to the frames of the ride, quickly take pictures of the hilariously tensed up expressions of passengers (Flash! Flash! Flash!...)

CUT TO...after the ride, moments later. Michael and Stephen walk out of the exit, dazed.

Michael Myers: "Man, oh man..."

Stephen: "Holy shit!"

Michael Myers: "Okay, that's enough, Steve!"

Stephen: "That was awesome!"

Michael Myers: "Yes. Yes, it was..."

-To their right is a photo booth, where shots of all the hilariously tenses up expressions of the passangers of from the first car can be seen. Michael takes notice.

Michael Myers: "Hey, look..."

-Michael and Stephen approach the photo booth.

Michael Myers: "Look at your face! You looked so frightened! And, you said you weren't scared to go on this ride!"

Stephen: "Well, look at your face! I think you're more scared than I am!"

-And that's when Donald and Sean walk out of the exit.

Donald Loomis: "I couldn't believe that ride..."

Sean: "That was so cool! Let's go on again!"

Donald Loomis: "Um, again?"

Sean: "Yeah! Why not?"

Donald Loomis: "Well, I just think that once is enough..."

Sean: "Oh, come on! Don't tell me your scared to ride again!"

Donald Loomis: "Oh, I'm not..."

-That's when Donald turns his head to the photo booth to the right of them and shrugs.

Donald Loomis: "...Oh, look at that!"

-Donald and Sean approach the photo booth.

Donald Loomis: "They caught on us camera! Those sneaky fiends!"

Sean: "Look at your face! You were scared!"

Donald Loomis: "Well, look at your face!"

-That's when Donald notices the hilariously tensed up face of one of the first seat riders. Is that...his arch-enemy, Michael Myers? Donald slowly looks around the area. And, right there a few feet away was...a taller figure wearing blue overalls. It was Michael! That was his face! His handsome and unscarred face! That was the face he saw at Pinhead's night club! The same face he saw when he and the FBI raided his apartment last fall! And, the same face at the McDonald's restaurant earlier that morning!

-But, Donald had to be sure. He looks back up at the photo booth at Michael's face. Then, he turns to the figure next to him. That was him! But, who was that boy, he's laughing off with? He looks back up at the photo booth at the other hilariously tensed up face. Then, he looks back at the boy standing next to Michael...only to see that them gone!

Donald Loomis: "No!"

Sean: "Dad?"

Donald Loomis: "Michael!"

Sean: "Dad, what's wrong?"

Donald Loomis: "Sean, stay right here."

-Donald, caught up in the sitaution, runs off.

Sean: "Dad, where are you going?"

-Donald runs out of the photo booth area and looks around. He couldn't see them. Michael, nor that boy. Just lots and lots of people crowding up the area. Which way did Michael and the boy go?

Donald Loomis: "No!"

-Donald, desperate to find him, runs off into the crowd.

CUT TO...the cars being seated with the next passengers. Seated in the first row of the first car are two teenage boys, Justin Berry and Christian Gershon. They sat in first before the rest of the passangers and have waited for a moment. That's when Justin suddenly wakes up from a dream or trance. Everyone around the area hears him and is startled.

Justin Berry: "No! No! Nooo! Stop the ride!"

-Christian turns to him.

Christian Gershon: "What the hell! What are you doing?"

-Christian is sweating bullets.

Justin Berry: "I just had a preminition! Something bad is going to happen on this ride! We all have to get off now!"

Christian Gershon: "Oh, are you kidding me?! I know that you're scared, but you don't need to make up this 'I had a preminition' crapola! Come on!"

Justin Berry: "But, I'm not making this up! It really happened!"

-The ride's operator turns to him.

Operator: "Kid, unless you calm down, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Justin Berry: "You must listen to me! This ride is going to derail! You must the stop the ride now!"

Operator: "Oh, don't give me this 'Final Destination' horse shit! This ride was built this spring and it has been approved for safety. Nothing will happen. Nothing."

Justin Berry: "But, that's where you're wrong! The car is going to derail, and..."

Operator: "That's it! Get off the ride!"

Justin Berry: "Yes! Yes, I will! But, so must everyone else! Everyone!"

-The operator loosens the safety off Justin and pulls him out of the car. Then, he shoves him towards the exit.

Operator: "Get out of here!"

Justin Berry: "But, you must listen to me! All of you!..."

-That's when two policemen arrive to the scene and start dragging Justin away.

Justin Berry: "No! No! All of you must off get off the ride now! Right now! This is your final chance!..."

-The policmen drag Justin around the corner and Christian sits alone in the first row of the first car, embarrassed. He mutters to himself.

Christian Gershon: "Justin and his stupid 'Final Destination' movies..."

-That's when the ride finally starts. All the passangers cheer. The cars start up the first hill
(Crick-crick-crick-crick...). Justin shrugs and gets ready for the drop ahead. A moment later, the the first car has reached the top of the hill (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...). Christian braces himself as his car starts down the curving drop (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Christian Gershon: "Here we..."

-The first car crosses from the curve to the straight dive down (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Christian Gershon: "...Go!"

-Christian can't believe the drop before him (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...). Cut the first car reaching the straight dive down (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Christian Gershon: "Holy shit!"

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Cut to the second car reaching the straight dive down (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Cut to the third car reachin the straight dive down (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Cut to the fourth car reaching the straight dive down (...Crick-crick-crick-crick...).

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Finally, cut to the fifth car reaching the straight dive down


Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Cut the five cars screeching and quickly speeding down the straight dive down.

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Cut the five cars reaching the quick 45 degree turn back up.

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Cut to the five cars taking the quick 45 degree turn back up.

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Finally, cut to the five cars quickly riding up next hill. The passengers relax, for the scariest part is over...But, it isn't! Cut the first car derailing from the track as it reaches the next drop (Cha-ching!).

Christian Gershon: "Oh, shit!"

-Cut to the first car flying off the track. Cut to the rest of the cars derailing from the track (Cha-ching! Cha-ching! Cha-ching! Cha-ching!). They fly off the track with the first car. Cut to the five cars, at the sheer speed they were going, bursting into the air across the park. People on the ground look in shocked awe...

CUT the parking lot. Michael and Stephen head back to Michael's Corvette. They've had a fun day. That's when they spot a huge shadow taking over their own shadows. They look down at the shadow, then look up to see...the five roller coaster cars crashing towards the parked cars ahead of them! The passengers, absolutely terrified, are helpless.

Passengers: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-Michael and Stephen watch as the first roller coaster car crashes and tumbles over a bunch of parked cars (Car-runch! Crunch! Tumble! Crunch!...). They watch as the second car as it crashes and tumbles over other parked cars and the first roller coaster car (...Crunch! Crunch! CRUNCH!! Tumble!...). They continue to watch in horror as the third car crashes and tumbles onto other parked cars and crashed roller coaster cars (...Crunch! Crunch! Tumble! Tumble! Car-runch!...)

-Michael and Stephen look in disbelief as the fourth roller coaster car crashes and tumbles over other parked cars and the other three roller coaster cars (...Car-runch! Tumble! Crunch! Tumble!...). They watch as the last roller coaster car crashes and tumbles its way over other parked cars the rest of the roller coaster cars (Crunch! Crunch! Tumble! Tumble! Crunch!...). Finally, Michael and Stephen watch as the roller coaster cars finally settle among the destroyed cars (...Crunch! Crunch! Tumble! Car-runch! Tumble!).

-Michael and Stephen look in shocked awe for a moment. Then, a crowd from inside the park approach the disaster scene. Within the tumbled roller coaster cars, there didn't seem to be any signs of life...Stephen shrugs.

Stephen: "Holy shit!"

-Michael glares down at Stephen.

Michael Myers: "Stephen!"

Stephen: "What, I think this is a 'Holy shit!' moment!"

-Michael sighs over the destruction before them. Then, he sighs of relief. That could have been them. Michael turns to Stephen.

Michael Myers: "I don't know about you, but let's go..."

Stephen: "Yeah..."

-They run for Michael's Corvette across the parking lot. Meanwhile, Donald Loomis bursts through the crowd, absolutely desperate to identify Michael.

Donald Loomis: "Michael?? Michael??"

-But, Donald doesn't realize that Michael is driving away from him in the brand new, sixth generation 2005 Corvette across the parking lot (Screeeeech!). That's when Donald spots the destruction of the five roller coaster cars before him.

Donald Loomis: "No way..."

-That's when he realizes that his Ford Taurus was parked right around that area...

Donald Loomis: "Oh, no..."

-Cut to the destruction.

Donald Loomis: "Don't tell me..."

-Cut to the destruction again. Finally, Donald freaks out.

Donald Loomis: "Shit! My car! My car!..."

-That's when someone taps Donald's shoulder. Donald turns around to see a policeman with Sean. Donald turns to Sean.

Donald Loomis: "Oh, Sean..."

-The policeman turns to Donald.

Policeman: "Is this your son, sir?"

-Donald braces himself. He can't believe he left Sean there at the ride to run after Michael!

Donald Loomis: "Um, Yeah, uh..."

Policeman: "What were you thinking, just leaving him like that? He could have gotten hurt!"

-Donald is in disbelief. What has he gotten himself into? He's failed as a father again!

Donald Loomis: "Well, um, it's not what it looks like, uh..."

-The policeman glares at Donald. Sean sighs and turns away from his pathetic excuse of a father. Finally, Donald shrugs and sighs of frustration.

Donald Loomis: "Michael!"
CUT TO...Pinhead's night club, later on in the evening. It is a big, dark, rectangular building, two stories high. Over the second story at the entrance is a giant figure of Pinhead's head, with the pins flickering assorted bright lights. Above the head are big letter's - PINHEAD's. All around the outside of the club, flickering bright lights abound like a path around the first and second story.

-Inside is a huge, dark room lit by bright lights going around the wall. Along the back and side walls are bars, where Pinhead's cenobites serve as bartenders. Around the bars, are tables where assorted people gather and drink to their heart's content. In the middle of the room is a huge dance floor, where several people are dancing. A few chains are seen hanging from the ceiling with blood dripping off.

-Freddy, Jason and Michael are sitting at the side bar, sitting on stools having drinks.

Michael Myers: "Today was one hell of a day, I can tell you that!"

Jason Voorhees: "So true!"

Freddy Krueger: "You could say that."

-That's when Pinhead approaches them.

Pinhead: "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself from over-hearing the word 'hell'??"

Michael Myers: "You can say that again. I was just saying, today was one hell of a day!"

-Pinhead shrugs.

Pinhead: "Yes, yes it was! Why, today I captured 19 souls, and they will serve me quite well!"

Michael Myers: "Well, I took Stephen over the State Fair, and you won't believe what happened."

Pinhead: "I'm not sure about that."

Michael Myers: "You're right. You probably won't have a hard time believing it. Something went wrong with that new roller coaster, 'The Beast.' The cars derailed off the track, and they crashed and tumbled into the parking lot. It wasn't a pretty sight."

Pinhead: "No, I don't find that shocking in the slightest. But for me, it was a shame to miss that. I'm sure that was a beautiful scene to behold."

Michael Myers: "In your own twisted, hellish way, maybe."

Jason Voorhees: "Well, I bought a new machete today. And, I painted the town red with it!"

Freddy Krueger: "Well, you would."

Michael Myers: "Oh, right. That murder spree news story on the 6:00 news. The liquor store, the McDonald's, the lenscrafters. I take it that, that was all your work?"

-Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "That was me all right."

Freddy Krueger: "And the gas staton, the adult book store, and that 'Cheers' bar down the street?"

Jason Voorhees: "Yes, yes and no."

Pinhead: "Actually, I am the one responsible for the blood, murder and mayhem of that sickly bar. I simply had to illiminate it as competition."

-Freddy, Jason and Michael shrug. That Pinhead.

Pinhead: "Now, if you excuse me, I am about to undergo some torture."

-Pinhead eagerly wonders off into the back. He can be seen in the back, meeting up with a female cenobite with pale skin and wearing a slick, black, rubber suit, holding chains in her hands.

Female Cenobite: "Ready?"

Pinhead: "Oh, yes, my dear! Oh, yes!"

-The female cenobite lures Pinhead into the back room with the chains. Pinhead eagerly awaits for his torture! Freddy, Jason and Michael laugh. Pinhead and his fetish for torture! Michael turns to Freddy.

Michael Myers: "So, how'd it go with Maggie today?"

Freddy Krueger: "Fine. Just fine. Actually, I reached a breaking point with her today. She questioned me about why I'm still going after Elm Street teenagers and I didn't know what to say."

Michael Myers: "Stephen put me on the spot, too. He asked why we can't live together. I hate having to lie to him, but I have no other choice if I want to be his father."

Freddy Krueger: "I don't know, I've reunited with Maggie, but I still have a burning passion to go after those brats in Springwood. It still burns up me inside what their parents did to me."

Michael Myers: "And, they took Maggie away from you."

Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, exactly. But, I think I got through to her."

Michael Myers: "And, I still have to keep covering up for my past sins. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up before Stephen suspects me. To him, I'm Michael Long. But, I'm really Michael Myers, the Boogeyman he's been running from all this time. The whole thing is so twisted."

Freddy Krueger: "Until that day comes, Just live the rest of your days together, one day at a time. Enjoy it all while you can. You still have him while he's a kid. It wasn't until Maggie was an adult when I finally reuninted with her."

Jason Voorhees: "Yes, cherish each moment like its the last. I did while I still had Todd."

Michael Myers: "I'll keep that all in mind."

Freddy Krueger: "So, what do you think went wrong with that roller coaster? Wasn't it brand new?

Michael Myers: "Yeah, kind of odd and it broke down so suddenly..."

William Bludworth: "It was death."

-Freddy, Jason and Michael turn their heads to a mortician sitting at the end of the side bar, looking a lot like Tony Todd.

William Bludworth: "What happened today at the State Fair was all in Death's plan."

-Freddy, Jason and Michael turn to the mortician suspiciously.

Michael Myers: "What are you talking about?"

-The mortician turns to Michael.

William Bludworth: "You know what I'm talking about. You've escaped it for years. But, not much longer. Your time is coming."

-The mortician turns to Jason.

William Bludworth: "Why, you've experienced it plenty of times. You've went through hell and back with death. But, one more. One more will mark your demise. You're thirteenth will be your last."

-Finally, the mortician turns to Freddy.

William Bludworth: "And, you. What keeps you away from your end is the fears you bring to your children. But, that isn't going to last forever."

-Freddy, Jason and Michael turn each other, than back to the mortician. They knew he was a whacked out mortician, but was he...death in human form? What did all this mean? Freddy, Jason and Michael turn each other again, then back to the mortician. They slowly step off their stools and back away from the side bar. They slowly step back. Then, they turn around and flee out of the night club. They were creeped out!

-Cut back to the side bar. The mortician laughs to himself. Then, he turns around to a familiar face sitting at the other end of the side bar. It was Justin Berry, the teenager who had the preminition of the roller coaster de-railing and escaped certain death when he was kicked off the ride. The mortician turns to him.

William Bludworth: "Think you're still safe?"

-The teenager turns away. He knows who he is.

William Bludworth: "Well, you're not. Its just a matter of time for you."

-The teenager ignores him.

William Bludworth: "It could tomorrow."

-The teenager continues ignoring the mortician.

William Bludworth: "It could be in another year."

-The teenager tries to keep ignoring the pesky mortician.

William Bludworth: "It could be just a couple of months."

-The teenager continues trying to ignore the mortician.

William Bludworth: "Or..."

-Cut to the teenager sweating bullets.

William Bludworth: "...It could be right now!"

-The teenager finally loses it. He gets up and flees away from the night club.

Justin Berry: "Aaaaaaaahhh!"

-The mortician laughs.

William Bludworth: "Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

-Then, he turns to the readers (or you).

William Bludworth: "As for you, it's just matter as time as will be next year in early spring...when 'Final Destination 3' is released in theaters! Will you be alive to see it? Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"


Chucky vs. fatherhood