-Dimension Film studios. Inside, Michael Myers is in the filming of his final "Halloween" film, "Halloween: The Blood
of Michael Myers"...
CUT TO...a house in a suburban neighborhood in the state of Wyoming. The words "October 28, 2012"
appear. Cut to the headline "More murder and bloodshed in Haddonfield" of an open newspaper, in the kitchen of the house.
Pan away to reveal John Tate reading that newspaper at the kitchen table. John sighs.
John Tate: "Won't they ever learn?"
Cut to John's wife, Linda, walking into the kitchen and heading for the refridgerator.
Linda: "Won't who ever learn,
John Tate: "Oh, you don't want to know."
Movie: Cut to Linda grabbing the orange juice from refridgerator
and turning around to her husband.
Linda: "Try me."
John Tate: "Look, it doesn't matter."
Movie: Cut
to Linda grabbing two glasses from the shelf and shrugging.
Linda: "Oh, come on. You're not hiding secrets from me,
are you?"
Movie: Cut to Linda laughing and proceeding to pour orange juice into the two glasses. John sighs.
Tate: "If you must know, some teenagers over Haddonfield tried sneaking into the Myers house. A boy was stabbed to death,
while a girl escaped."
Movie: Cut Linda stopping what she's doing.
Linda: "Oh..."
Movie: Cut to Linda
quickly putting the orange juice away, then heading over to the kitchen table with the two glasses of orange juice. She sits
down and sets one of the glasses of orange juice by John. She turns to her husband. John sighs.
John Tate: "You know,
I escaped the murderous hands of my uncle and stayed in witness protection for the better...or worse. Every so often, I read
about a murder of some teenagers sneaking into that house and never coming out alive the next day. And, the police have inspected
the house several times...and found no traces of him. Whatever he's doing, he's sneaking around. He must know Haddonfield
like the back of his hand."
Linda: "I'm so sorry. And, I know that all this is a strain on you. But, you're safe now.
And, you've been safe. He's not going to find us, not like he found you and your mother before. And what's happened to those
kids in Haddonfield the last several years is not your fault. You don't have to feel so bad."
John Tate: "I can't help
but feel guilty for what going on there. I am his last link of family left. We all are. You, Brian and me. And the longer
I hide from him, the more innocent lives he'll stumble onto."
Linda: "What are you saying?"
John Tate: "I've
thought about this a lot lately. I want to go there and stop him...once and for all."
Linda: "To Haddonfield? Don't
you realize how dangerous that is? He-he could kill you."
John Tate: "Not if I set up a trap."
Movie: Cut to
Linda sighing.
Linda: "You've had this in mind for a while, haven't you?"
Movie: Cut to John shrugging and turning
to Linda.
John Tate: "Yep."
Linda: "Well, knowing you, I guess I can't stop you from leaving. You are a very
determined and well-intentioned man and I love you for it. But...could you sleep on this tonight and make your decision tomorrow?
I mean, what if you have second thoughts and its too late? I-I don't want anything to happen to you."
Movie: Cut to
John turning away for a moment, then turning back to Linda.
John Tate: "All right. I'll see what happens and make my
decisions tomorrow. For you."
Movie: Cut to Linda sighing of relief, then hugging her husband.
Linda: "Thank
you, honey."
John Tate: "I love you."
Linda: "I love you, too."
Movie: Cut to their 8 year old son, Brian,
entering the kitchen. Brian is singing the theme to a familiar commercial.
Brian: "Three more days to Halloween, Halloween,
Halloween, three more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock!"
Movie: Cut to John and Linda sighing. They must've heard
this commercial like a hundred times by now. John turns to Brian.
John Tate: "Can't wait, huh?"
Brian: "To trick-or-treat,
of course not. I love Halloween!"
Movie: Cut to John shuddering at the thought. He's not crazy about it, but...
TO...later on in the movie. Midnight. Cut to the point of view of a figure approaching John's house. Could it be Michael Myers?
It is!
(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)
Movie: Cut to Michael looking the house up and and down. He breathes
heavily. Then, he starts creeping up to the right side of the house. Cut to the point of view of Michael as he peaks inside
the first window along the side of the house. The living room is empty and the lights are out. Everybody must be asleep. Michael
then preceeds to walk towards the back of the house.
Movie: Cut to Michael creeping around the corner and reaching
the back door, leading up to the kitchen. He reaches for the door knob, to slowly turn it. It is unlocked. He slowly opens
the door and sneaks in. Quietly closing the back door, Michael switches on the kitchen light.
Movie: Cut to Michael
heading toward the drawers. Cut to his point of view as he opens up a drawer. No knives Cut to his point of view as he opens
up another drawer. Still no knives. Cut to his point of view as he opens one more drawer...to reveal the forks, knives and
spoons. Cut to the point of view of Michael he grabs a big, sharp kitchen knife from the drawer (Shing!).
Movie: Cut
to Michael turning around and heading for the dark living room. He slowly creeps through kitchen/living room entrance and
proceeds to creep through the living room to the front entrance of the house. Cut to his point of view as he looks to the
right to see the stairway leading up to the second floor. Michael proceeds to walk up the stairs.
Movie: Cut to Michael
quietly creeping up the stairs. Reaching the top, Michael looks to his left to see the hallway. He creeps down the hallway
and stops at the first door. He quietly opens the door to see...an empty room. Michael quietly shuts the door and heads toward
the next door. He reaches the next door and quietly opens it up...to reveal a young boy sleeping in a bed.
Movie: Cut
to Michael looking at the boy suspiciously. Who was this? After all this time, does his nephew finally have one of his own?
Michael shrugs. More blood, more prey, more glory. Cut to the point of view of Michael Myers as he approaches the bed. Cut
to his point of view as he reaches the bed. Cut to his point of view as raises his knife into the air with his outstretched
arm. Finally, cut to point of view of Michael as he proceeds to swing the knife (Shing!)...
Movie: And, that's when
John wakes up, screaming in terror.
John Tate: "No! No! Brian!"
Movie: Cut to Linda being woken by John. She
turns to him to reassure him.
Linda: "John? John, it's okay! It was just a nightmare! Just a nightmare."
sighs of relief and hugs his wife. Then, he lays back and sighs.
John Tate: "I've made my decision. I have to go. I
have to go Haddonfield. If I don't, I don't know what I'll do."
Movie: Cut to Linda shrugging.
Linda: "Then,
I'm going with you."
John Tate: "What? But, you can't go! It's too dangerous! I'm not going to let you go."
"If you're going, I'm going too. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, either."
John Tate: "But, what about
Brian? There's no one that can take care of him while we're gone. Not now during the holiday."
Linda: "I'll watch over
John Tate: "Then, I'll have to watch over both of you. I can't put both you and Brian at risk."
"And, I don't want you at risk either. But, it's the only way I'll let you go. I love you too much. We both do."
Cut to John sighing and turning back to his wife.
John Tate: "Okay. I'll find a safe house for you and Brian. I know
some people there. That's what we'll do, all right?"
Linda: "I'll start packing in the morning."
John Tate:
"All right."
-And that's when director John Carpenter stops the camera and turns to the surrounding film crew.
Carpenter: "Cut!"
-The actor replacing the part of John Tate, a no-name named Benjamin Strong, shrugs and turns to
the actress portraying Linda.
John Tate: "I hope that was the right take."
Linda: "Sure do."
John Tate:
"I don't think I can scream any more after so many takes."
-John Carpenter approaches the two actors.
John Carpenter:
"Okay, that was a good shot..."
-The two actors brace themselves.
John Carpenter: "...But, I want to try that
one more time. I want to get the best, most natural reaction possible."
-The two actors sigh. Here they go again. That's
when Michael Myers walks out from backstage onto the onto the bedroom set. John Carpenter turns to him.
John Carpenter:
"Okay, your scenes are done for the day. You can go home and rest."
-Michael sighs of relief. He shrugs and proceeds
to head out of the back door of the studio. Upon leaving, he whips out his cell phone to call Jason. But upon walking out
the back door, he already sees Jason parked outside in the parking lot. Michael puts his cell phone away and gets into Jason's
new car: a brand new 2005 Mazda RX-8 sports car. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "You came early."
-Jason starts
up his car (Rrrrr!...).
Jason Voorhees: "I know..."
-Jason quickly backs out of the parking spot (Screeeeech!).
Voorhees: "...I drove a few laps around the studio."
-Jason speeds up and drives to the end of the parking lot.
Myers: "You know, you don't have to keep picking me up before and after work. I do have my own car."
-With the street
open to him, Jason speeds up and drives onto the road (Screeeeech!).
Jason Voorhees: "I know that. I just want to.
Just being a good friend."
Michael Myers: "You just want an excuse to drive this new car of yours, that's why!"
laughs. Jason laughs with him.
Jason Voorhees: "That too!"
-Jason shifts up to second gear of his car and speeds
up (Screeeeech!). He drives up around a few groups of a cars in a back and forth motion.
Michael Myers: "Jason, slow
down. You don't need to go so fast."
Jason Voorhees: "I know. I just want to!"
-Jason takes a right turn onto
Woody Allen Ave. Not paying attention to the road, Jason almost sideswipes an upcoming car. The upcoming car swerves out of
Jason's way (Screeeeech!) and crashes into another (Crunch!).
Michael Myers: "Jason, do you see what you're doing?"
Jason Voorhees: "What?"
-Jason looks in his rear-view mirror and sees the accident.
Jason Voorhees:
-Jason slows down and shifts back to the first gear.
Jason Voorhees: "...I guess I was going too fast."
Myers: "And, not paying attention to the road either."
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "What? Yes, I was!"
paying attention to the road again, nearly sideswipers an upcoming car. The upcoming car swerves out of the way (Screeeeech!)
and driver struggles to regain control of his car (Screech! Screech!).
Michael Myers: "See?"
Jason Voorhees:
"Oops, sorry."
Michael Myers: "You're lucky the police haven't noticed you by now."
Jason Voorhees: "Nah, I'm
too fast, they wouldn't catch me!"
Michael Myers: "Sure they wouldn't."
Jason Voorhees: "So anyway, how's your
movie going?"
Michael Myers: "It's progressing well. It looks like it should be ready by the end of summer."
Voorhees: "Cool! Can't wait. So, what about tonight? Going to the movies with Fred and I? It's the beginning of the summer
Michael Myers: "Not tonight. I have Stephen over."
Jason Voorhees: "You mean, he's sleeping over
at your pad?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah."
Jason Voorhees: "Uh, you need Fred and I to stay over just in case?"
Myers: "No. Why?"
Jason Voorhees: "Um, your curse, your evil..."
Michale Myers: "Oh, that. I've had Stephen
over for single nights before, and I've been able to control my rage."
Jason Voorhees: "You sure?"
Michael Myers:
"Yeah, I'm sure. But, in case I get the feeling that I can't control myself, I'll call you and Fred anyway, all right?" Jason
Voorhees: "Okay. You know, it's just that I wouldn't want something to happen. After losing Todd, I don't want you to go through
a similar scene."
Michael Myers: "I'll keep that in mind. I guess you're feeling better over Todd then? Any closure?"
Voorhees: "I'm starting to heal."
Michael Myers: "That's good to hear. I just don't want you to feel guilty. You shouldn't
feel that what happened was your fault. It wasn't. it was Kara Strode's. She had set all of us up from the beginning."
Voorhees: "I know. I just wish I had my own chance at her, you know what I mean?"
Michael Myers: "I understand. Don't
worry, when I beat the stuffing out of her, I thought of you. You there too."
Jason Voorhees: "Thanks."
not paying attention to road, almost sideswipes an upcoming car. The upcoming car swerves out of Jason's way (Screeeeech!)
and crashes into another car (Car-runch!).
Michael Myers: "Jason, watch where you're driving!"
Jason Voorhees:
-Jason, not paying attention to the road again, almost sideswipes another upcoming car. The upcoming car swerves
out the way (Screeeeech!) and crashes into another car (Crunch!). And in the process, the other rear-ends another car, leaving
several other lined up cars to rear-end each other like dominoes (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Car-runch!). It is a mess.
Myers: "Jason!"
CUT TO...the evening. Michael is showing Stephen "Halloween II" in the living room of his pad.
Movie: Cut to towards
the end of the movie, when Michael is in shower room in the hospital morgue. Michael Myers, having had his eyes shot out,
tries to violently swing his knife towards Laurie. He ends up swinging the tension of the air (Swish!). That's when Dr. Loomis
turns to Laurie and tells her get away. Laurie runs for it as Dr. Loomis signals Michael to follow his distracting.
Cut to Dr. Loomis turning on the gas pipes. Seeing Michael following the sound of the gas and approaching him, Dr. Loomis
whips out his lighter and lights it up (Flick!).
Dr. Loomis: "It's time, Michael."
Movie: Cut to Laurie limping
away from the shower room, as the shower room explodes (BANG!), making one think Michael Myers and Dr. Loomis were toast.
For a moment, Laurie sighs of relief. But that's when Michael tumbles out of shower room and into the hallway, blazing with
fire. He was still alive! Laurie can't believer her eyes. Michael continues tumbling his way towards her, blazing with fire
all over him.
Movie: Cut to Michael tumbling his way, still going at it. Laurie braces herself. And, that's when Michael
finally loses it. He stops his tumbling dance and falls over, motionless (Thud). Cut to Michael's Halloween mask, burning
up like charcoal. He was done. Or was he?
Movie: Cut to moments later. The police arrive to the scene and Laurie is
taken into an ambulance for another hospital. As the ambulance drives away, cue the song "Mr. Sandman" as Laurie appears completely
unflinched, never to forget this frightening experience. Then, the end credits role.
Stephen: "Wow! That was a great
Michael Myers: "You liked that, huh?"
Stephen: "Sure did! Now, I have to see the rest of them!"
shudders at the thought.
Michael Myers: "Um, uh, I don't think you want to see rest of these movies, Steve."
"Why not? You told me before that all the sequels sucked, yet I liked this one. The rest of them can't be that bad."
Myers: "Well, this one's okay, but trust me, the rest of them do suck and get progressively worse as they get. They are truly
bad, pointless movies that you shouldn't waste your time on."
Stephen: "Why not? I've seen all of Uncle Freddy's and
Uncle Jason's movies. And they rock!"
Michael Myers: "True. But, you have to keep in mind that the 'Halloween' movies
are all loosely based on what's really happened in our family history. I'm surprised you're interested in these films that
are nothing but sensational romps meant to exploit the constant death and bloodshed in our family line. I feel awkward even
watching the original."
Stephen: "Yeah, but its only loosely based, right?"
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers:
Stephen: "So, I have no problem with it then. I can't wait to watch 'Halloween 3'!"
Michael Myers:
"Oh, so you like these scary movies about Boogeyman. Well, in that case, you'll love 'Halloween III: Season of The Witch'!
He's in almost every scene and he's scary as hell! Let's just say that its the type of movie that you'll either love to death,
or hate so much that, you'll never want to watch another 'Halloween' movie again! Me, I'm the latter!"
Stephen: "Well,
I'm hoping I like it. What about the new one, though?"
Michael Myers: "What new one?"
Stephen: "I heard they're
making one more 'Halloween' movie. It's supposed to be last one."
-Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "They're making
another 'Halloween'? Blasphemy! Total blasphemy, if you ask me!"
Stephen: "Well, I still want to see the rest of movies
before I see that one."
Michael Myers: "Well, we'll see what happens. Now, let's get bed. It's late."
CUT TO...moments
later. Michael is tucking Stephen into bed.
Michael Myers: "Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite!"
is about to leave when Stephen stops him
Stephen: "Dad, please don't leave. I'm scared."
Michael Myers: "You,
scared? Now, what could you be scared of?"
-Stephen tenses up.
Stephen: "The-the-the Boogeyman!"
turns to Stephen suspiciously.
Michael Myers: "Say that again?"
Stephen: "The Boogeyman. From behind the closet."
sighs of relief and laughs out loud.
Michael Myers: "Oh, the Boogeyman!"
-Michael sits down on Stephen's bed
and turns to him.
Michael Myers: "The Boogeyman behind the closet...is nothing but stories that have been told for
years. They're not true, the Boogeyman doesn't exist."
Stephen: "Are you sure?"
-Michael shrugs. He is the Boogeyman!
Myers: "The only Boogeyman that exists is that killer in our family. And I'm here, and I'm not going to let anything happen
to you."
Stephen: "Really?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah, really. So, get to bed and I'll see you in morning, okay?"
"All right, goodnight, dad."
Michael Myers: "Goodnight, son."
-Michael gets up to leave. He shuts Stephen's
bedroom door and heads toward his bedroom.
CUT TO...moments later. Michael, after changing, lays in bed to sleep. Pan
into his head to reveal a blue sky and shining rainbow, a symbolization of his mind, the conscience he gained years earlier.
Also there is six year old little Michael Myers trapped in a cage, his youth and soul overcome with evil when his thorn curse
got him. But also there is a 38 year old Michael Myers wearing the man in black garment, a symbolization of the conscience
he gained upon the events of 1995. That's when a few dark clouds, symbolizing his evil, start to form...
CUT BACK TO...Stephen's
bedroom. Stephen is trying to sleep. Cut to the closet door, opposite Stephen's bed. The door knob turns. Then, the door starts
to slowly creak open (Creeeaak). Overhearing the creaking, Stephen immediately sits up. The door was partially open. Wasn't
it closed before? Stephen tenses up.
CUT BACK TO...Michael's bedroom. Pan back into Michael's mind. More dark clouds
are forming. Sensing his evil, Michael immediately sits up and shakes it around.
Michael Myers: "No! No! You're not
taking over! Not tonight!"
-Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "I am going to sleep tonight and that's it. I'm not
letting my evil get to me."
-Michael lays back to down to sleep. Pan into his mind to see just the blue sky and shining
CUT BACK TO...Stephen's bedroom. Stephen, scared, tries to sleep and ignore the creepy closet door. He mutters
to himself
Stephen: "It's not the boogeyman, its not real..."
-Cut to closet door. It creaks open a little more
(Creeeaak). Stephen tenses up.
CUT BACK TO...Michael's bedroom. Pan back into Michael's mind. The blue sky and shining
rainbow are still there, but dark clouds start to form again...
CUT BACK TO...Stephen's bedroom. The closet door creaks
even more (Creeeaak). Stephen's had it. He sits up to face the closet. The door was mostly open and he could see nothing but
darkness from within it. Stephen shrugs.
Stephen: "You're not real!"
-Cut to the darkness.
Stephen: "I
don't believe you! Not anymore! Leave me alone!"
-Stephen lays back down to sleep. That's when the closet door creaks
open a little bit more (Creeeaak). Stephen sits back and faces the darkness of the closet ahead of him...
TO...Michael's bedroom. Pan back into Michael's mind to reveal more dark clouds forming. Michael, falling asleep, doesn't
sense the evil...
CUT BACK TO...Stephen's bedroom. Stephen is out of bed and slowly approaching the closet door. Stephen
walks past his bed and creeps up towards the closet. Cut to Stephen's point of view as he approaches the darkness of the closet
ahead of him. Stephen reaches the dark closet. Scared as hell, he takes hold of the door and starts to slowly close it...
BACK TO...Michael's bedroom. Pan back into his mind to reveal more and more dark clouds forming and gradually taking over
his subconscience...
CUT BACK TO...Stephen's bedroom. Stephen is about to shut the closet door...
CUT BACK TO...Michael's
bedroom. Pan back into his mind to reveal dark clouds making most of his conscience. That's when Stephen screams for his life
and the clouds all of a sudden disappear.
Stephen: "Dad!"
-Michael, woken up by Stephen's scream, immediately
sits up.
Michael Myers: "Stephen?"
Stephen: "Dad! Help!"
-Michael jumps out of his bed and runs out of
his room. Cut to his point of view as he runs for Stephen's bedroom.
Stephen: "Dad!"
Michael Myers: "I'm coming,
-Michael bursts into Stephen's bedroom, just in time to see him being dragged into the closet.
-Stephen is dragged into the closet and door slams shut right after (Slam!).
Stephen: "Dad!"
runs for the closet door and opens it up...only to see a dark, empty closet before him. What the hell? Where did Stephen go?
That's when Michael hears Stephen calling for him again, beyond the realm of the closet. He can hear his scream echoing for
Stephen: "Dad!"
-Michael doesn't know to do. Why can he still here him? Where did Stephen go? That's when
he hears Stephen call for him again, but from a further distance.
Stephen: "Dad! Help me!"
Michael Myers: "I'm
coming, Steve!"
-Michael runs out of the room to follow Stephen's screams for help. He ends up running back into his
own bedroom and in front of his own closet door. That's when he hears Stephen's cry for help from behind the door.
-Michael opens his closet door, to reveal his mask collection and several pairs of blue overalls. He clears
the overalls away...to see the closet wall before him. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "What's going on here?"
when Stephen screams for help again, beyond the realm of the closet. He hears his screams echoing.
Stephen: "Dad!"
can't believe the situation. Was there really a Boogeyman...from behind the closet? Michael shrugs. He had to do something.
He was going to face the Boogeyman, once and for all! Michael grabs a pair of overalls and changes into them. Then, he grabs
a pair of shoes from the closet floor. Finally, he looks at his mask collection.
-His mask collection contains a smooth
mask, a lesser smooth mask, a smoother mask, an ugly mask, a weird mask, a super smooth mask, a smooth yet wrinkly mask and
a smoother mask with blonde hair. Michael grabs the original, smooth, William Shatner mask from the original and puts it on.
to face off with The Boogeyman, Michael approaches the closet. He steps inside and starts passing through his several pairs
of blue overalls hanging on the hooks...only to find himself walking through nothing but darkness. All around him, nothing
but darkness. He now was in The Boogeyman's alternate universe! Further away in the distance, Michael makes out a light, a
light making out the siding of a door, an alternate closet door. Michael follows it.
CUT BACK TO...Stephen, being dragged
by The Boogeyman through the darkness of his alternate universe. Stephen is unable to see what The Boogeyman looks like because
of the darkness all around them. Stephen tries to break out of The Boogeyman's grip, but he won't let him go. Up ahead, Stephen
can see a light making out the siding of a door, an alternate closet door. The Boogeyman reaches the door and enters through,
dragging Stephen with him.
-Stephen is dragged through the door and The Boogeyman shuts the alternate closet door behind
them (Slam!). Startled, Stephen looks around the bedroom he is now standing in. He is unfamiliar with the setting. He is also
unfamiliar with the naked, teenage girl sitting before him checking her make-up at her mirror, with her back turned to him
and The Boogeyman. She doesn't seem to acknowledge their presence.
-That's when Stephen finally looks up at The Boogeyman
whose taken him all this way. The Boogeyman was wearing familiar blue overalls and a white Halloween mask...just like the
Halloween Boogeyman in his family! And no wonder: The Boogeyman can look like anything or do anything you fear. Stephen was
afraid of the killer in his family, and so The Boogeyman behind the closet personofied exactly that.
-Stephen, scared
as hell, continues looking up at The Boogeyman, and The Boogeyman looks back down at him. He glares down at him with his dead-like
eyes. Stephen tenses up and turns away. Okay...so, why did The Boogeyman bring him here? Why didn't he kill him already? What
did this bedroom and the cute, naked teenage girl mean?
-Stephen tries to tug out of The Boogeyman's grip on him, but
The Boogeyman holds his grip and glares down at him again with his dead-like eyes. Stephen tenses up and turns away. The Boogeyman
looks back up at the scene as if waiting for something to happen. What would that something be?
-That's when a little
six year old boy dressed in a clown costume and mask enters the bedroom and approaches the naked, teenage girl. He is grasping
a big, sharp kitchen knife in his right hand. He also doesn't acknowledge the presence of Stephen and The Boogeyman. Stephen
didn't like this. He tugs at The Boogeyman, trying to break out of his grip, but The Boogeyman won't let him go. He just watches
the scene before him.
-The boy slowly walks up to the teenager girl. The teenage girl, sensing his presence, turns
around to him.
Teenage Girl: "Michael!"
-That's when the boy takes the knife and swings it at the teenage girl
(Shing!). Stephen, not taking the scene well, covers his eyes. The boy continues stabbing away at the teenage girl's naked
chest (Shing! Shing!). The teenage girl is not taking this well.
Teenage Girl: "Ow! Ow! Hey!"
-The Boogeyman
watches the boy continue to stab the teenage girl (Shing! Shing! Shing!).
Teenage Girl: "Ow! Ow! Ow..."
the naked, teenage girl looses it and falls over (Thud). The boy looks down at the damage he's done. That's when he hears
somebody calling him and he turns around and walks out of the room. Stephen uncovers his eyes and can't believe what's just
happened. Didn't something like this happen in his family history?
-That's when The Boogeyman looks back down at Stephen.
Stephen tenses up. What was he going to do next, show him another scene from his tragic family history before killing him?
The Boogeyman takes Stephen and turns around to the closet door of the bedroom. And, that's when Michael Myers bursts through
the closet door!
-Michael Myers shuts the door behind him (Slam!) and looks around the room. He immediately recognizes
it. He was now...in the Myers house, upon the night he first struck on Halloween in 1963. The dead, naked teenager was his
older sister, Judith. That's when Michael narrows his eyes and sees Stephen, standing next to...himself? What the hell?
can't believe this whole entire situation, either. Two Boogeymen?? The Boogeyman, upon seeing Michael Myers before him, backs
away from him with Stephen. Stephen tries to tug out of The Boogeyman's grip again, but he won't let him go.
-The Boogeyman
- from behind the closet - stops where he is looks back at Michael Myers with his dead-like eyes. Michael Myers - the Halloween
Boogeyman - looks back at The Boogeyman with his own blue eyes. Then, he turns his head to Stephen. Stephen looks petrified.
That's when the evil from within Michael finally loses it. The Boogeyman from within Michael Myers was supposed to take care
of Stephen, not The Boogeyman from behind the closet!
-Pan into his Michael's head to reveal his mind going nuts. The
blue sky and shining rainbow both disappear as dark clouds quickly formulate. Then, lightning strikes (Shock!). Pan back outside
of Michael's head. Michael turns to The Boogeyman and tilts his head. He glares at The Boogeyman with his now dead-like eyes.
The Boogeyman from within Michael Myers has finally taken over! Michael turns his head from The Boogeyman to Stephen. Stephen
tenses up big time.
Michael looks back up at The Boogeyman. Then, he shrugs and finally goes for him. Michael starts approaching The Boogeyman.
Stephen tenses up. Upon reaching The Boogeyman, Michael shoves Stephen aside to the floor (Thud!), and takes his fist to swing
at The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman catches Michael's fist with his own bare hands (Clench!) and shoves back to wall (Crunch!).
-Michael, cornered into the wall, glares back at The Boogeyman and goes for him again. The Boogeyman shrugs and goes
for Michael. Michael and The Boogeyman meet head on, The Boogeyman swings his fist at Michael. Michael catches The Boogeyman's
fist with his bare hands (Clench!) and attempts to punch The Boogeyman again. He finally punches The Boogeyman square in his
masked face (Pow!), and The Boogeyman tries to punch back.
-Michael ducks away, and he and The Boogeyman struggle with
each other. He was fighting himself! He was fighting his own equal! Watching the two boogeymen struggling with each other
from the floor, Stephen tries to crawl out of their way. Stephen crawls away, backing into Judith's lifeless body. Stephen
looks around and shudders. He quickly crawls out of the way of the body and into the corner of the room.
-Michael and
The Boogeyman continue struggling with each other. That's when Michael turns around and slams The Boogeyman into the wall
(Crunch!). Michael takes The Boogeyman and slams into the wall again (Crunch!). That's when The Boogeyman turns around slams
Michael back into the same wall (Crunch!). Then, Michael goes at The Boogeyman and shoves him to the floor (Thud!).
Boogeyman, shaken, looks up to see Michael getting down and going for him. Cut to Michael's point of view as he gets down
and goes for his throat. That's when The Boogeyman punches him (Pow!) and knocks him to the floor beside him (Thud!). The
Boogeyman rolls over Michael and reaches for his throat. Michael fights him off and struggles with him. Cut to Michael's point
of view as he struggles with his own literal self.
-In defense, Michael kicks at The Boogeyman and knocks him over
(Thud!). Michael rolls back over The Boogeyman and punches him in his own masked face (Pow!). Michael swings his fist back
and punches him again (Pow!). That's when The Boogeyman viciously punches Michael back (POW!) and Michael is sent back on
the floor (Thud!). Michael, shaken, looks up to see The Boogeyman getting to his knees and rising over him.
watches from the corner of the room to see one of the two Boogeymen, on the floor, crawling away towards the hallway. That's
when the other Boogeyman, standing up, quickly turns around and glares over at Stephen. Stephen winces. The Boogeyman knew
he was still there! Michael, meanwhile gets back on his knees and gets back up. Seeing The Boogeyman walking after him, Michael
backs away into the hallway and out of Judith's bedroom.
-Michael backs out into the hallway, carefully watching The
Boogeyman's every move. Not until now did he ever have to face someone of this much strength, certainly not equal. Finally,
The Boogeyman goes for him. Michael ducks out of the way, and The Boogeyma bumps into the railing (Slam!). Michael takes the
opportunity and elbows The Boogeyman's back (Elbow!). The Boogeyman takes it and quickly punches him back (Pow!).
takes it and stands his ground. The Boogeyman stands back up right and punches him again (Pow!). Michael backs away, taking
the punch. The Boogeyman follows after punches after and punches again (Pow!). And, again (Pow!). And, once more (Pow!). Michael,
taking it like the Boogeyman he is, continues backing away towards the corner of the hallway and towards the stairs.
peaks out of Judith's bedroom, to see one of the Boogeyman plummating the other Boogeyman with punches to his chest (Pow!
Pow!). Reaching the corner of the hallway, the Boogeyman takes his fist and throws a vicious swing at Michael (POW!). Michael,
still taking it, backs away past the corner around the next hallway. The Boogeyman turns to Michael to punch him once more.
when Michael catches The Boogeyman's fist with his bare hands (Clench!) and shoves him away. Then, he throws his own vicious
punch at The Boogeyman in his masked face (POW!). The Boogeyman backs away, and Michael punches him again (Pow!). Michael
punches The Boogeyman once more (Pow!), and The Boogeyman backs away into the wall opposite the open stairs (Crunch!).
Boogeyman, cornered into the wall, glares back at Michael and goes for him. But, Michael ducks out of the way and slams The
Boogeyman into the wall (Crunch!). He grasps The Boogeyman and slams into the wall again (Crunch!). That's when The Boogeyman
grasps Michael, turns around themselves around, slams Michael into the wall (Crunch!).
-Michael takes it, and in defense
kicks at The Boogeyman (Kick!). The Boogeyman backs away and Michael goes for him. He punches The Boogeyman square into his
masked face (Pow!). The Boogeyman continues backing away and taking it, and Michael punches him again (Pow!). Michael attempts
to punch him again.
-That's when The Boogeyman ducks out of the way and goes for Michael. The Boogeyman grasps for
Michael, and two struggle with each other. Stephen watches from the other hallway as the two Boogeymen struggle with each
other, walking around back and forth near the open stairs. Michael struggles with The Boogeyman, trying to shove him forward.
Stephen watches as one of the Boogeymen tries shoving the other Boogeyman towards the open stairs.
-The Boogeyman tries
fighting back, grasping at Michael. That's when Michael finally fights off The Boogeyman and shoves him toward the stairs.
But, The Boogeyman reaches for Michael with his outstretched arm. Grasping Michael, the two Boogeyman are sent tumbling down
the stairs (Tumble! Tumble! Tumble! Tumble!...).
-Stephen watches as the two Boogeymen tumble towards the bottom of
the stairs and first floor of the Myers house (...Tumble! Tumble! Tumble! Tumble!...). Michael and The Boogeyman tumble to
the bottom (...Tumble! Tumble! Tumble! Tumble!...) and land on the first floor (Thud! Thud!).
-Stephen slowly walks
to the corner of the hallway. Stephen slowly walks around the corner of the hallway and looks down the stairs. The two Boogeymen,
one with its back to the floor, the other laying up, are motionless in the front entrance of the Myers house. In front of
the front entrance along the stairs was a hallway To the left of the front entrance was the living room, leading to the kitchen
in the back. To the right of the front entrance is the dining room, leading up to the other end of the kitchen. Stephen tenses
up. Were they finished off?
-That's when the Boogeyman laying up, Michael Myers, quickly sits up in a mechanical manner
and turns his head to other Boogeyman laying a foot away. The Boogeyman was motionless. Then, Michael turns his up to Stephen
at the top of the stairs. He glares up at him with his dead-like eyes. Stephen tenses up big time. That's when The Boogeyman
quickly sits up in a mechanical manner and turns to Michael. Michael turns back to The Boogeyman before him, and The Boogeyman
punches him in his masked face (Pow!).
-Michael, taken by surprise, falls back (Thud!), and The Boogeyman gets down
on his knees. Cut to point of view of Michael Myers as he sees The Boogeyman reaching for him. Michael takes his fist and
punches The Boogeyman out (Pow!). The Boogeyman falls back and Michael gets on his knees. Then, Michael gets up and rises
above The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman looks up to see Michael glare down at him with his dead-like eyes. The Boogeyman glares
back up to him with his own dead-like eyes.
-The Boogeyman crawls back and starts getting back up. Michael watches
as The Boogeyman stands back up to his level. For a moment, they face each other. Stephen braces himself. Finally, they go
for each other. The two Boogeyman meet head on and The Boogeyman swings his fist at Michael. Michael ducks out of the way
(Swish!) and slams The Boogeyman into a wall along the front hallway (Crunch!).
-The Boogeyman grabs Michael and slams
him into the opposite wall of the hallway (Crunch!). The Boogeyman slams Michael once more (Crunch!), then Michael takes his
fist and throws a vicious swing at him (POW!). The Boogeyman bumps into the opposite wall and Michael goes for him. The Boogeyman
ducks out of the way and backs back into the front entrance area. Michael stands his ground follows after.
when The Boogeyman goes for Michael. Michael tries ducking out of the way, but The Boogeyman grabs him and violently shoves
him to the floor of the front hallway (Thud!). Stephen watches through the railing of the stairs as one of the Boogeymen gets
down on his knees over the other Boogeyman. Then, he watches as the overpowering Boogeyman punches the other square in his
masked face (Pow!). The Boogeyman punches Michael again (Pow!). The Boogeyman throws one more vicious punch (POW!) and Michael
is shaken.
-The Boogeyman swings back one more time. But, Michael catches the fist with his own bare hands (Clench!)
and shoves The Boogeyman back. The Boogeyman falls back on the front entrance floor (Thud!) and Michael gets up to his knees.
Stephen watches as the overpowering Boogeyman stands back up and rises over the other Boogeyman. Michael looks down at The
Boogeyman on the floor and goes for him.
-Cut to the point of view of The Boogeyman, as Michael gets down to pick him
up. Cut to the point of view of The Boogeyman, as Michael picks him up and turns around. Finally, cut to the point of view
of The Boogeyman, as Michael slams him into the one of the walls of the front hallway (Crunch!). Michael turns around and
slams The Boogeyman into the opposite wall (Crunch!). Finally, Michael lifts up The Boogeyman into the air with his outretched
arms and slams him across from the hallway to the front entrance wall (Crunch! Thud!).
-Stephen watches as the overpowering
Boogeyman looks down at other Boogeyman. The Boogeyman was motionless. That's when Michael quickly turns his head to Stephen
watching him from the top of the stairs. Stephen winces and flees into one of the bedrooms. Michael shrugs and heads into
the living room. He walks through toward the kitchen.
-Cut to Michael's point of view as he steps inside the kitchen
and approaches a drawer. Cut to Michael's point of view as he opens the drawer to reveal forks, knives and spoons. Cut to
his point of view as he grabs a knife (Shing!). Michael looks down at the knife he just swiped. It is a big, sharp one. Finally,
Michael turns around and heads back for the front entrance area.
-Michael walks back through the living room, and back
into the front entrance. He looks up the stairs, to finally go after Stephen. That's Michael turns his head to see The Boogeyman's
body gone from the front entrance area where he left him. He wasn't finished yet. Michael cautiously looks around the front
entrance. No sign of the that damned Boogeyman from behind the closet. Finally, Michael turns around and heads back into the
living room.
-Michael walks through the living room and steps back into the kitchen. There at the other end of kitchen,
stepping from dining room is The Boogeyman waiting for him. Michael raises his knife (Shing!). The Boogeyman whips out his
own knife (Shing!). Michael glares at The Boogeyman with his dead-like eyes. The Boogeyman glares back at Michael with his
own dead-like eyes. They face each other for a moment.
-Finally, the two Boogeyman start charging for each other. Michael
walks away from the kitchen/living room entrance and The Boogeyman walks from the kitchen/dining room entrance. Cut to Michael's
point of view as he approaches The Boogeyman towards the center of the kitchen. Cut to The Boogeyman gripping the knife in
his hands.
-Finally, the two Boogeyman meet head on and The Boogeyman swings the knife at Michael. Michael ducks back
and The Boogeyman ends up stabbing the air (Swish!). Michael takes his knife and stabs it toward The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman
ducks away (Swish!), then tries attacking Michael back.
-Michael ducks out of the way of The Boogeyman's knife (Swish!),
then goes for him. Michael shoves The Boogeyman, and The Boogeyman backs away. Then, Michael takes his knife and stabs it
into The Boogeyman's chest (Shing!). The Boogeyman backs away and looks down at the knife sticking into his chest. Then, he
looks back up Michael and glares at him with his dead-like eyes. Michael glares back with his own dead-like eyes.
Boogeyman takes hold of the knife and quickly whips it out of his chest like its nothing (Shing!). Now with two knifes, The
Boogeyman goes for Michael. Michael ducks out of the way of one knife (Swish!), then the other (Swish!). The Boogeyman goes
for Michael again. Michael ducks out of the way of one knife (Swish!), but The Boogeyman ends up slicing Michael's arm with
other (Shing!).
-Michael looks down at the wound on his arm and looks back up at The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman, standing
his ground, goes for him. Michael shrugs and goes for The Boogeyman. Michael ducks out of the way one knife (Swish!), has
chest sliced by the other (Shing!), then he violently attacks The Boogeyman and shoves him to the ground. The Boogeyman falls
back (Thud!) and the two knife are sent shattering to the kitchen floor further away (Shing! Shing!).
-Michael looks
down at The Boogeyman before him. Then, he gets down on his knees. Michael picks The Boogeyman up and stands him up to his
level. Then, he turns around and slams him into the kitchen cabinets, shattering them to pieces (Crunch!). Michael turns around
slams The Boogeyman into the opposite cabinets before them (Crunch!). Michael glares up at The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman, taking
it, glares back at Michael.
-Then, Michael turns around and slams The Boogeyman into the same cabinets again (Crunch!).
Michael turns around to slam The Boogeyman into the other cabinets again, but that's when The Boogeyman grabs Michael and
slams him into the same one (Crunch!). The Boogeyman takes Michael and slams him into the cabinet again (Crunch!). Then, he
turns around slams Michael into the opposite cabinet, shattering it to pieces (Crunch!).
-Stephen peaks around the
dining room corner into the kitchen to see the overpowering Boogeyman slamming the other Boogeyman into a shattered cabinet
(Crunch!), then shoving him to the kitchen floor (Thud!). The Boogeyman backs away and looks down at Michael on the kitchen
floor. Then, he gets down on his knees.
-Cut to Michael's point of view as The Boogeyman picks him up to his level.
That's when Michael fights back again. Michael grabs The Boogeyman, and the two Boogeymen struggle with each other. Fighting
himself was one thing, but this was getting ridiculous! Stephen watches as the two Boogeyman struggle with each other the
kitchen. That's when one of them, The Boogeyman, takes the other and violently slams Michael into the kitchen table. The kitchen
table s legs shatter and Michael is sent crashing to the floor (Thud! Car-runch!).
-Michael is shaken. The Boogeyman
looks down at him. Then, The Boogeyman quickly turns his head behind him. Stephen quickly ducks back into the dining room.
The Boogeyman looks down at the two knives on the floor. Stephen, hiding around the dining room corner, tenses up as he hears
The Boogeyman swipe the two knives from floor (Shing! Shing!). Did he see him? The Boogeyman looks around the corner suspiciously,
then turns around to Michael.
-Michael, still laying over the broken over kitchen table on the floor, is motionless.
The Boogeyman approaches him. That's when Michen sits up in a mechanical manner and turns his head up to The Boogeyman. The
Boogeyman quickly goes for Michael. Michael tries to defend himself from The Boogeyman, but The Boogeyman gets down and stabs
him with one of the knives (Shing!).
-Michael takes it and fights back. He grabs The Boogeyman and tries to push him
back, but The Boogeyman slams Michael to the kitchen table (Thud!) and stabs him with the other knife (Shing!). The Boogeyman
whips quickly whips out the knife (Shing!) and stabs him once more (Shing!). Stephen peaks back around the corner to see the
overpowring Boogeyman stabbing away at other (Shing! Shing! Shing!).
-Michael, trying to take it, tries reaching for
the other knife sticking into the chest. The Boogeyman takes his knife and stabs it into Michael's chest again (Shing!). Michael
takes hold of the other knife's handle and struggles to pull it out his chest. The Boogeyman continues to stab away at Michael
(Shing! Shing!). Finally, Michael pulls the other knife out his back and swings it back. But, that's when The Boogeyman takes
his knife and stabs him once more. The knife stabs into Michael's chest and into the kitchen table and floor (Sha-shing!).
loses his grasp on his own knife and weirily looks up at The Boogeyman. Cut to Michael's point of view as he loses sight of
The Boogeyman and world around him. Finally, Michael loses it and his head sags back. The Boogeyman gets back and looks down
at Michael. He is motionless. For, Michael has just been figuratively defeated by himself!. That's when The Boogeyman quickly
turns around to Stephen. Stephen tenses up. The Boogeyman glares back at him with his dead-like eyes and grabs the other knife
from Michael's hand (Shing!).
-Upon seeing The Boogeyman getting up and turning around for him, Stephen runs for it.
Cut to Stephen running from the dining room. Cut to The Boogeyman turning around the kitchen/dining room entrance following
after. Cut to Stephen running for the front door. The door is locked from the inside and he can't get out. Cut to The Boogeyman
turning around the corner of the dining room and into the front entrance area. Stephen tenses up and runs for the stairs.
-Finally, cut back to Michael in the kitchen. For a moment, he is motionless. That's when his hand moves around. He
was still alive! He was only momentarily taken down. Michael looks around and looks up. Cut to his point of view as he sees
the knife pinning him to the kitchen table and floor. He weakly takes hold of the knife's handle. With a strong tug, he takes
the knife and quickly pulls it out of himself and the kitchen floor (Shing!).
-Back upstairs, Stephen is running into a bedroom. He runs for closet and opens the side-opening doors. He gets inside
and shuts the side-opening doors. Then, he grabs a pole and sets it up against the side-opening doors. He waits for what feels
likes forever. That's when he spots a shadow walk into the bedroom. It was The Boogeyman! Stephen tenses up.
watches as the shadow shifts back and forth around the room. The shadow continues shifting around the room for a moment. That's
when he sees the shadow approach the closet. Stephen tenses up. The shadow shifts right up to the closet and stands its ground.
Then, The Boogeyman tries to open up the side-opening doors, but they won't budge.
-The Boogeyman continues trying
to open up the side-opening doors of the closet, but the pole Stephen set won't let them bulge. The Boogeyman backs away and
Stephen sighs of relief.
Stephen: "Whew."
-And, that's when The Boogeyman punches through side-opening doors,
shattering one of the pieces of wood (Crunch!). Stephen tenses up. He witnesses as The Boogeyman punches through side-opening
doors again and again (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!). Much of the wood shatters and settles around Stephen. Then, The Boogeyman
peaks inside the closet.
-Stephen witnesses as The Boogeyman peaks his masked head in. He looks down and sees nobody.
He turns his head to the right corner and sees nobody. Finally, The Boogeyman turns his masked to his left and sees Stephen
hiding at the left corner. Michael glares at him with his dead-like eyes. Stephen tenses up big time. The Boogeyman grabs
at the shattered wood of the side-opening doors, break in more (Crunch! Crunch!). Stephen, scared as hell, doesn't know what
to do.
That's when Michael Myers approaches The Boogeyman, creeping right up behind him. Michael grabs him by the
shoulder, turns him around and violently shoves shoves to the other side of the room. The Boogeyman slams into the opposite
wall (Crunch!), and falls to the floor (Thud!). The Boogeyman, taken by surprise, looks up at Michael. Michael Myers - the
REAL Boogyman - was back! The Boogeyen starts standing back up.
-The Boogeyman rises back to Michael's level and stares
him down with his dead-like eyes. Michael stares The Boogeyman down with his own dead-like eyes. Stephen peaks around the
shattered closet door to see the two Boogeymen facing each other intensely. That's when they both turn their masked faces
towards Stephen. Stephen tenses up and turns away. The two Boogeymen face each for a moment.
-Finally, they go for
each other. The Boogeyman reaches for Michael, but Michael ducks out his way and shoves him to the wall (Crunch!). Michael
grabs The Boogeyman slams him to wall (Crunch!). That's when The Boogeyman grabs Michael, and slams Michael into the corning
wall (Crunch!). Michael fights back and punches him square in his masked face (Pow!). Michael punhes him again (Pow!). And,
again (Pow!). And, once more (Pow!).
-The Boogeyman backs away as Michael punches him. That's when he throws a vicious
punch back at Michael (POW!). Michael is thrown to the ground (Thud!) and The Boogeyman goes for him. Michael looks up to
see The Boogeyman getting down, reaching for him. Michael kicks him away and The Boogeyman falls back (Thud!).
crawls over to The Boogeyman and whips out his knife (Shing!). Gripping the knife, Michael stabs at The Boogeyman's chest
(Shing!). Michael stabs at The Boogeyman more and more (Shing! Shing! Shing!). Stephen peaks around the shattered closet doors
to see the overpowering Boogeyman stabbing away at the other (Shing! Shing! Shing!).
-That's when the Boogeyman suddenly
shoves Michael back. Michael falls back and his knife shatters further away (Shing!). The Boogeyman gets to his knees and
rises over Michael. Michael crawls back, then rises to The Boogeyman's level. Michael shrugs and goes for The Boogeyman. He
shoves him against wall (Crunch!). Then, he grasps him and slams him against the cornering wall (Crunch!). The Boogeyman takes
it shoves Michael away. Michael backs away and sees The Boogeyman whip out his knife (Shing!).
-Stephen watches from
the closet as one of the Boogeymen swings his knife at the other. The other Boogeyman ducks back and the knife stabs the air
(Swish!). The Boogeyman swings his knife at Michael again and Michael ducks back (Swish!). That's when Michael goes at The
Boogeyman and shoves him against wall (Crunch!). The Boogeyman tries to stab Michael, but Michael catches his hand grasping
the knife (Clench!). The Boogeyman tries to dominate over Michael, but Michael won't let him. Michael and The Boogeyman struggle
with each other.
-Stephen watches from the closet as the two Boogeymen struggle each other, walking back and forth
around the room. That's when The Boogeyman finally dominates over Michael and shoves him to the wall (Crunch!). Then, he takes
the knife and swings it back. The Boogeyman viciously swings the knife towards Michael (Swish!), but Michael catches his hand
grasping the knife (Clench!).
-The Boogeyman tries to take back his hand and knife, but Michael won't let go. The
Boogyeman glares at Michael with his dead-like eyes. You may be the Halloween Boogeyman, but I'm the real one! Michael glares
back at the Boogeyman with his dead-like eyes. I'm the real Boogeyman, no matter what! Finally, Michael dominates over The
Boogeyman and shoves him back. Then, he takes the knife and tosses it aside across the room (Shing!). He didn't need a knife
to play! The Boogeyman steps back from Michael. Michael steps after. Then, he shrugs and goes for The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman
goes for Michael.
-Michael and The Boogeyman meet head on, and Michael throws a swing at him. The Boogeyman ducks back,
and Michael swings the tension of the air (Swish!) The Boogeyman punches at Michael. Michael ducks aside (Swish!) and punches
back at The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman ducks down (Swish!) and punches at Michael's chest (Pow!). Michael takes it and backs
-Then, Michael steps up and punches The Boogeyman in his masked face (Pow!). He punches him again (Pow!). And,
again (Pow!). And, one more vicious swing (POW!). Stephen watches from the closet as The Boogeyman backs away out of the bedroom
into the hallway from Michael. Michael follows right after. The Boogeyman bumps into the railing, and Michael goes for him.
grabs The Boogeyman and punches him some more. (Pow! Pow!). The Boogeyman tries to punch Michael back, but Michael ducks out
his way and violently shoves him against the railing, shattering the wood to pieces. That's when Michael wraps his arms around
The Boogeyman and slams him over the shattered railing.
-Michael and The Boogeyman fall from the second floor towards
the front hallway. They crash land to the wooden floor, Boogeyman first, breaking though the wood (Car-runch!). Breaking through
the floor of the first floor, they crash land toward the hard basement floor. They crashland over the floor, Boogeyman first,
but by the bizarre confines of The Boogeyman's alternate universe, they find themselves crashing through a wooden floor and
into the basement again (Car-runch!)
-Michael and The Boogeyman crash land towards the hard basement floor again. They
end up crashing through floor and through a wooden floor again and into the basement once more (Car-runch!). Crashing landing
towards another basement floor, Michael and The Boogeyman brace themselves. They crash land through another wooden floor (Car-runch!)
and through into the basement again. This time, they crash land onto the hard floor of the basement, Boogeyman first (THUD!).
No more tricks.
-The Boogeyman, taking Michael's fall, is shaken. Michael, a little shaken himself, rolls off of The
Boogeyman. They lay there on the basement floor motionless. That's when the basement door slowly opens and the basement switch
on. Stephen steps down from the kitchen onto the basement stairs and looks down. There on the basement floor were the two
Boogeyman knocked out from the fall. Where they done yet? Stephen waits there for moments on end.
-And that's when
one of the Boogeyman, The Boogeyman, sits up in a mechincal manner and turns his to Stephen. He glares up at Stephen with
his dead-like eyes. Stephen tenses up. When will this end? But, that's when Michael rolls over, sits up in a mechanical manner
and reaches for The Boogeyman. He punches him (Pow!), and The Boogeyman falls back. Michael gets to knees and starts getting
back up. Upon rising over The Boogeyman, Michael turns his head to Stephen. Stephen tenses up big time and runs back upstairs
into the kitchen.
-Michael turns his head back down to The Boogeyman. Michael gets down to pick up The Boogeyman.
But, The Boogeyman kicks at Michael (Kick!) and crawls back. The Boogeyman gets up and rises back to Michael's level. They
glare at each other with their dead-like eyes. This was it. The final battle. It all ends here. Finally, Michael goes for
The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman ducks out of his way.
-Michael turns around and goes for The Boogeyman again. The Boogeyman
ducks out the way. Then, he goes at Michael and punches him in his masked face (Pow!). He punches him again (Pow!). The Boogeyman
goes to punch Michael once more, but Michael catches his punch with his own bare hands (Clench!). Then, he takes The Boogeyman
shoves him against the hard basement wall (Thud!).
-Michael takes his fist and punches The Boogeyman in his masked
face (Pow!). He punches him again (Pow!). And, again (Pow!). Then, he throws one more vicious one at him (POW!). Finally,
Michael grabs The Boogeyman to shove him to the floor. But, The Boogeyman fights back and shoves Michael back into the same
wall (Thud!).
-The Boogeyman takes Michae andl slams him into the wall (Thud!). He slams Michael again (Thud!). But,
Michael takes it and shoves The Boogeyman to the floor (Thud!). Michael was the real Boogyman, not him! Michael gets down
to his knees and goes for The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman tries to punch Michael, but Michael ducks out the way of his fist (Swish!).
Michael gets down and reaches for the Boogeyman's throat. The Boogeyman tries to fight back, but Michael ducks and punches
him instead (Pow!). The Boogeyman's head knocks against the hard basement floor (Thud!).
-The Boogeyman is shaken.
Taking the opportunity, Michael reaches for The Boogeyman's throat to strangle him. Wrapping his around his neck, he starts
strangling him. The Boogeyman tries to fight back, but Michael won't let go. The Boogeyman tries grabbing at Michael, but
Michael continues strangling The Boogeyman. That's when The Boogeyman throws a punch at Michael.
-Michael ducks out
of the way of the punch (Swish!) and continues strangling The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman tries punching Michael again. Michael
ducks his head out of the way, and while still keeping his choke hold, slams The Boogeyman's head against the hard basement
floor (Thud!). The Boogeyman is shaken.
-Michael continues strangling The Boogeyman like never before him. That's when
The Boogeyman starts to lose it. He grabs at Michael, trying to shove him back, but he starts losing his grip on him. Stephen
watches from the top of the basement stairs as the lesser Boogeyman is being mercilessly struggled. Finally, cut to the point
of view of The Boogeyman as he loses sight of Michael. His head sags back and he's done. Michael lets go of his throat and
steps back.
-Michael gets back up looks down at defeated Boogeyman before him. Stephen looks at the defeated Boogeyman
from the top of the top of the basement stairs. And, that's when lifeless body of The Boogeyman disappears. Seeing one of
the two Boogeyman defeated and disappearing, Stephen sighs of relief. And, that's when Michael turns his head to Stephen.
Stephen tenses up. It wasn't over yet! Michael glares up at Stephen with his dead-like eyes and approaches the basement stairs.
Stephen tenses up big time.
-And, that's when the world around them starts to fall apart. The Boogeyman's alternate
universe was falling apart before them! Cut to the basement of the Myers house shattering around them. Cut to the darkness
of The Boogeyman's alternate universe taking over. Cut to Michael being thrown off into the darkness. Cut to Stephen ald being
thrown off into the darkness. Cut to Michael crash landing outside of his bedroom closet back in his pad (Thud!). Cut to Stephen
crash landing outside of his bedroom closet back in his father's pad (Thud!).
-Michael, shaken, looks around. Pan into
his his head to reveal his mind back to normal. A blue sky and shining rainbow. Upon crash landing back in reality, His conscience
took over again. Michael is in disbelief. What the hell just happened? That's when he hears Stephen in his room.
Michael Myers: "Stephen?"
Stephen: "Dad!"
-Realizing he has one of Halloween masks on, Michael
pulls it off throws it in his closet. Then, he immediately gets up and shuts the closet. Upon shutting his closet door, Stephen
runs in.
Stephen: "Dad!"
Michael Myers: "Steve! What's wrong? Where were you?"
Stephen: "I was in The
Boogeyman's alternate universe!"
Michael Myers: "You were where?"
Stephen: "The Boogeyman's alternate universe!
He dragged me into the closet!"
Michael Myers: "Where in the closet? I was changing before when I heard you screaming.
I looked all over the house for you. I couldn't find you."
Stephen: "Never mind. You won't believe me anyway."
shrugs and turns to Stephen questionably.
Michael Myers: "All right. Tell me what happened."
Stephen: "Okay.
The Boogeyman dragged me into the closet and into this alternater universe of his."
Michael Myers: "Alternate universe,
Stephen: "Yeah, it was nothing but darkness. Then, I saw this light. The Boogeyman dragged me into the light
through a door into this old house. There was this girl. She was naked. Then she was..."
-Stephen shudders.
"...Stabbed by this boy in a clown costume. I couldn't watch it, I covered my eyes."
-Michael, getting a serious case
of deja vu, turns to Stephen suspiciously.
Michael Myers: "Really?"
Stephen: "Yeah."
Michael Myers: "What
about this Boogeyman? What did he look like?"
Stephen: "Oh, right! The Boogeyman! He-he looked like The Boogeyman in
our family!"
Michael Myers: "Say that again?"
Stephen: "And, then the real Boogeyman in our family showed up!
And they fought to the death in the house."
-Michael turns to Stephen in disbelief.
Michael Myers: "Two Boogeymen?
Stephen: "Yeah, two of them!"
Michael Myers: "I don't know about you, but that sounds more like a dream.
Maybe you had it, because of that movie I showed you tonight?"
Stephen: "Oh, right. 'Halloween'..."
shudders at the thought.
Stephen: "Actually, after all that, I don't think I want to see the rest of those movies anymore."
shrugs and sighs of relief.
Michael Myers: "Hey, it's all right. I never said you did. They're silly movies to begin
Stephen: "And, I don't think I want to sleep tonight, either. I'm really creeped out now."
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "You know what, me neither. Why don't we stay up tonight, just the two of us, and watch some movies. We'll watch some
of those silly slasher movies of your Uncle Freddy's and Uncle Jason's."
-Stephen shrugs.
Stephen: "Yeah! Let's
do that!"
Michael Myers: "All right."
-Micheal leads Stephen outside to the hallway.
Stephen: "And, 'Freddy
vs. Jason'! We gotta watch that, too!"
Michael Myers: "Yeah, and 'Freddy vs. Jason'..."