-Haddonfield, Illinois. Midnight. It is a windy night along the suburbia that is Haddonfield. Cut to the Myers House.
So prominent in its spot, with its and the town's infamous history of murder and bloodshed. That's when two teenagers, a guy
and girl named Dirk and Liz, quietly creep up to the house.
Dirk: "This is it...the Myers house."
Liz: "Creepy."
"I know. This is where Michael Myers killed his sister..."
-Dirk points up to the right window on the second floor.
"...Right up there..."
-Then, Dirk shrugs and turns to Liz suggestively.
Liz: "...Right after she had sex with
her boyfriend..."
-Liz shoves Dirk and sighs.
Dirk: "Oh, Dirk!"
-Dirk continues turning to Liz suggestively.
"Oh, yeah right. After what happened in that house?"
-Dirk shrugs and laughs.
Dirk: "I'm just kidding! Now,
let's sneak inside."
Liz: "Dirk, I'm really not sure about this."
Dirk: "Oh, come on. We could show everybody
in school. We'd be heroes."
Liz: "Why? What is is so important staying overnight in the local haunted house?"
rolls his eyes.
Dirk: "Because! It's the Myers house! Ever since that Internet incident several years ago, nobody has
been known for entering that it and coming out alive. Everybody always says, 'It was the boogeyman! Michael Myers killed them!'
I want to prove those theories wrong. The whole house has been inspected countless times and no traces of Michael Myers have
been found."
-Liz tenses up.
Liz: "I don't want to. I'm getting really creeped out."
Dirk: "Oh, come
Liz: "I don't know, Dirk..."
Dirk: "Come on, Liz! Let's show them! Let's show everyone in this town that
there is no such thing as the boogeyman! Once and for all! Are you with me?"
-Liz sighs.
Liz: "Okay. Let's go."
"All right!"
-The teenagers start approaching the front door of the house. Cut to the point of view of a figure inside,
looking from the front door window and breathing heavily. Could it be it Michael Myers?
(Cue the eerie "Halloween"
-The teenagers step up the porch and approach the front door. Dirk, hesitantly, grabs hold of the door knob
to turn it but finds it locked.
Dirk: "It's locked."
Liz: "Well, isn't it going to be? Nobody lives here. They
don't anybody, like us, sneaking in."
Dirk: "We'll see."
-Dirk looks around, to the left and right windows which
are both boarded up.
Dirk: "Hey, look..."
-Dirk takes hold of a loose board covering up the right window and
tries to loosen up more.
Liz: "Dirk, maybe we shouldn't be doing this."
-Dirk continues struggling to loosen
up the board.
Dirk: "No way, Liz! Not after all the trouble we've went through already."
Liz: "After only walking
up the porch and finding the door locked?"
-Dirk finally loosens the rest of the board and tosses it on the porch,
leaving a little space to crawl through.
Dirk: "Ah, ha! See?"
-Liz sighs and rolls her eyes. Now with the more
room to work with, Dirk tries grabbing the the length of another board and tugs at it.
Liz: "Dirk, seriously. I don't
think I want to do this."
-Dirk continues tugging at the board to loosen it up
Dirk: "Do you 'think' that you
don't want to do this or do you 'know' that you don't want to? Come on, work with me, Liz!"
Liz: "Well..."
when Dirk finally loosens up the second board, leaving just enough space to crawl though.
Dirk: "Voila!"
sighs. Dirk shrugs.
Dirk: "Well, let's go."
-Dirk looks through the open space into the house. What he sees
is the living room ahead of him, leading to the kitchen. Dirk shrugs.
Dirk: "Okay, I'm going in first!"
gets down to his knees to fit through the open space of the window. He gets his head in, then starts pushing his body through.
He manages to get his body through and looks around.
Dirk: "Hey Liz, you should see this."
Liz: "Well, get in
already and maybe I can!"
Dirk: "Yeah, yeah..."
-Dirk tries to get the rest of his body through, but finds himself
Dirk: "Uh, Liz..."
Liz: "Yeah?"
Dirk: "I think I'm stuck on something. Look around. Are my jeans
caught on the board?"
Liz: "Well let me see..."
-Liz looks at Dirk's butt.
Liz: "Hmmm..."
Liz: "Just kidding, Dirk! You're Jeans are caught on board though. I'll loosen it."
-Liz takes hold of
Dirk's jeans and tries to loosen up it up. Dirk, stuck in the window, looks around helplessly. That's when he hears a noise
back in the kitchen.
Dirk: "Huh?"
-He hears what sounds like a drawer being opened up.
Dirk: "Umm..."
proceeds to hear a 'Shing!' sound and a drawer close. Dirk tenses up.
Dirk: "Uh, Liz?"
Liz: "I know, Dirk. I'm
trying to loosen this up."
Dirk: "Get me out, Liz! Get me out now!"
Liz: "What's wrong, Dirk?"
-Liz turns
to Dirk sarcastically.
Liz: "Oh, are you scared?!"
Dirk: "I'm not kidding, Liz! Get me out! Somebody's in here!"
"Don't kid with me, Dirk! You know I scare easily."
Dirk: "Whatever you do, loosen me up and help me out. Somebody
is really in here in this house..."
-That's when a figure wearing blue overalls and white Halloween mask steps out
of the kitchen and into the living room. It was Michael Myers! Holding a knife, he breathes heavily. Dirk tenses up, big time.
"Get me out! Get me out! I see Michael Myers!"
Liz: "Oh, shit!"
-Michael tilts his head, looking at Dirk with
his dead-like eyes. Then, he shrugs and starts toward him.
(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)
Dirk: "He's coming
for me! Get me out, Liz! Now!"
Liz: "Oh, shit!"
-Liz struggles to loosen Dirk's jeans from the board. finally,
she gets it out.
Liz: "Ah, ha!"
-Then, she struggles to help Dirk out of the window.
Liz: "I loosened
you up, now try to get out!"
-Seeing Michael approach him closer, Dirk tenses up.
Dirk: "All right! All right!"
tries to push himself out as Liz tries to pull him out. Michael approaches him closer. As he does, Dirk gets more of his body
back out outside the window. Liz tries pulling him out more. Cut to the point of view of Michael as he closely approaches
Dirk. Dirk struggles to push himself out more.
Dirk: "Oh, shit."
-Liz finally starts to pull the rest of Dirk's
body out of the window. Now, only his head to go. She's about to pull the rest of him out...
Dirk: "Hurry up, Liz,
hurry the fuck up!"
-...When Michael finally reaches Dirk and pulls his body back in.
Dirk: "Oh shit!"
Dirk's arms, Michael pulls Dirk back in the window where he was stuck before.
Dirk: "Ow!"
-Michael Myers looks
down on Dirk with his dead-like eyes, tilting his head.
Liz: "Dirk! Dirk!"
-Dirk witnesses as Michael backs
a foot away and takes his knife (Shing!). Dirk shudders.
Dirk: "Umm..."
-Dirk witnesses as Michael Myers raises
the knife in the air with is outstretched arm.
Dirk: "Oh, Liz..."
-Finally, Michael takes the knife and stabs
away at Dirk. Liz backs away shockingly as Dirk's body, helplessly stuck in the window, shakes around and as Dirk screams
in agony.
Dirk: "No! Aaah! Argh! Argh! Argh!"
-Liz continues to helplessly watch as Dirk dies. He screams in
agony and shakes around. Poor Dirk, Liz can only imagine what's going on, on other side of the boarded up window. Liz screams
in horror.
Dirk: "Argh! Argh...Liz, get away from here...get away..."
Liz: "No! No, Dirk!
-And that's when director John Carpenter stops the camera and turns to the surrounding film crew.
Carpenter: "Cut!"
-Pan away to reveal that this is really just the set of "Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers."
The actor portraying Dirk sighs of frustration.
Dirk: "Not again! What's fucking wrong now?"
-The front door
of the Myers house set opens up and Michael Myers steps out a little frustrated too. They've acted out this scene thirteen
times already! John Carpenter approaches Michael and the two young actors.
John Carpenter: "Okay. That was good...but
I just don't think it came off natural enough..."
-Michael sighs. He knew John Carpenter was a perfectionist and tedious
to work with from prior experience, but this was ridiculous. John Carpenter turns to him.
John Carpenter: "...I want
to film each and every scene of this movie with perfection, I want it come off natural. You see, I just don't want it come
off cheap like the last movie of yours."
-Michael shrugs. The man has a point.
John Carpenter: "Okay, let's
do this one more time and get it right. Next!"
-As John Carpenter walks away, the two actors sigh. Michael turns to
Michael Myers: "Try not to mind him. He's just trying to make this the best movie it can be."
Dirk: "But,
we've through this scene a hundred times already. And, it's only the opening scene!"
Michael Myers: "Hey, be happy
that you're only in one scene. I still have to go back and forth with him for the rest of the movie!"
-John Carpenter
turns to Michael and the two actors.
John Carpenter: "All right, back in positions!"
-Michael gets back inside
the Myers house set and and the two actors walk back in front of the house.
-John Carpenter shoots the camera at the
two actors and turns to the film crew.
John Carpenter: "Action!"
CUT TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael at the corner diner, "Restaurant" on another day. They sit at a booth, enjoying breakfast.
Krueger: "I can't believe you're really filming your last 'Halloween' movie! And, its being directed by John Carpenter. Talk about pulling a 'Wes Craven'."
Michael Myers: "I know. And its actually going to be good too!"
Voorhees: "'Halloween: The Blood of Michael Myers'...Hmm, great title, but why didn't they just call it 'Halloween 9: The
Blood of Michael Myers' instead? Let's face it, everybody knows there's a lot of sequels to 'Halloween', are they really that
ashamed of a number? I mean look at me, I'm up to 'Friday The 13th Part X'!"
Michael Myers: "It's for continuity's
sake. Or, discontinuity. Since 'Halloween: Resurrection' wasn't called 'Halloween 8: Resurrection,' there was no point in
calling this one Part 9." Freddy Krueger: "But, this is supposed to be the final 'Halloween' movie. Why not own up the
number films it's taken to reach the end?"
Michael Myers: "Nonetheless, It's for of technicality. Unless 'Halloween
H20' had acknowledged the events of my 'Return,' 'Revenge' and 'Curse,' the rest of the films to follow probably would have
kept with the numbers. But since H20 started fresh with a belated storyline, they stopped going by numbers."
Krueger: "Eh, fair enough."
Michael Myers: "So, what about you guys? Anything new with 'Friday The 13th,' 'A Nightmare
on Elm Street' or 'Freddy vs. Jason 2'?"
Freddy Krueger: "Nothing but rumors. Nothing is official. Word is though that
New Line may want to retire both Jason and I with this film."
Jason Voorhees: "Which, I don't think is fair. I really
want to do 'Friday The 13th Part XI: Return To Crystal Lake!" It would be a regular sequel that disregards 'Jason Goes To
Hell,' 'Jason X', and naturally, 'Freddy vs. Jason,' and go back to the original storyline from Part 1 through 8. I'd be back
at Crystal Lake and there'd be no questions about it! I'd be back on old hunting ground, Crystal Lake, there have more murders
and disappearances of vacationers and camp counsilors..."
Michael Myers: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jason, we all know that
you want to do that."
Freddy Krueger: "I don't know, part of me appreciates the novelty of 'Freddy vs. Jason' being
the last 'Nightmare' and 'F13' movie, after all it was great movie for us and the horror genre. but
I can't help but feel that there's still more I can do. It's like 'Freddy vs. Jason' gave us our dignity back. And now that
I got my own dignity back, I want to use it and make at least one more 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' movie."
Myers: "Yet, you think again, and wonder if this ought to be the end of the straw."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, exactly."
Voorhees: "Well, I don't care! I still want to make 'Friday The 13th Part XI: Return To Crystal Lake'! And, I want it to be
set during winter too! It would be a Jason winter wonderland! The blood mix so well with the snow!"
Michael Myers:
"Yes, it certainly would Jason, but the fates of your franchises don't rest in your hands, they rest in New Line's hands.
It's up to them."
Jason Voorhees: "Well, they better do something about it soon. Otherwise, I'll have to slaughter
their hands! All of them!"
Freddy Krueger: "Why are you so hyped up about this? I'm the one with the so-called 'ego,'
Michael Myers: "I think Jason is more hyped about it, because of that recent rumor about Quentin Tarintino
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "No, I'm not!"
Michael Myers: "Yes, you are! When you found
out about the questionable news regarding Quentin Tarintino directing the ultimate Jason movie, you were excited as hell.
Then, when the bomb dropped that he wasn't really going to do it, you were shell shocked. Admit it, you put your hopes ups,
to the highest degree possible. You were so excited about the news and over the potential that only Tarintino could bring
to your series, that you never considered the possibility that it could be too good to be true."
-Jason sighs.
Voorhees: "Well, I thought it sounded cool. 'The Ultimate Jason movie'..."
-Freddy pats Jason's back.
Krueger: "There, there, I'm sure New Line will make another movie for you. I admit, there is so much more New Line can use
with your series than mine. A 'winter wonderland,' Tommy Jarvis returning, and possibly all your heroines teaming up and striking
back at you in the final, thirteenth film."
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, exactly! I want to do all
of that!"
Freddy Krueger: "But, its not the same with my series. The only real loose end left is the Alice/Jacob storyline
and the notion of me invading a teenage Jacob's and his friends' dreams. Either that, or start with fresh characters. It depends
on what New Line would want to do."
-Jason turns to Michael.
Jason Voorhees: "So, what is your final movie going
to be about anyway? What's the plot?"
Freddy Krueger: "Or, lack of plot?"
-Freddy and Jason turn to each other
and laugh. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Well, the plot is much better than the ridiculous rumors plaguing Internet
forums lately. This movie will follow in the footsteps of 'Halloween 4' and take place about ten years later after the previous
films. Several years after events of 'Halloween: Resurrection,' John Tate remains in the witness protection program and I
haven't been able to find him. He's married and has young son about Jamie Lloyd's age in 'Halloween 4.' He's also considerably
aged a little too, so it will be easier to recast the role since Josh Hartnett has refused to reprise his pivotal role."
Krueger: "Sounds good so far. Go on."
Michael Myers: "Anyway, this is kind of inevitable. He's dealt with much personal
agony over his mother's death. The FBI believe it was the crazy clown guy in Smith's Grove that killed her, not me. But, he
knows better. And so, having read news of teenagers sneaking into the Myers house in Haddonfield and never coming out alive
for sometime, John finally decides to go back to Haddonfield himself and stop me once and for all. This is only the the barebones
of the plot, but the action and suspense you'll see is pretty good and will finally bring justice to my series."
Voorhees: "Cool. Sounds like there should be a good fight between you two in the end."
Michael Myers: "You can say
that again. It should be right up there with your climactic fight with Tommy Jarvis in 'Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives,'
Jason Voorhees: "Cool!"
Michael Myers: "The film will build up to a great finale."
Freddy Krueger:
"Wow, I can't wait to see it. And, it comes out at the end summer."
Jason Voorhees: "Sure does! I'll be there to see
it totally!"
-That's when Michael turns around to the audience and points to them (or you).
Michael Myers: "And,
so will you."
-Michael turns back to Freddy and Jason.
Freddy Krueger: "I guess it without saying that the characters
and events from 'Halloween 4' to 'Halloween 6' will be disregarded?"
Michael Myers: "Sadly, yes. I would have loved
to see Tommy Doyle and Kara Strode return, but after what 'H20' and 'Resurrection' did to the storyline to fuck it up, there's
no turning back. It's too late. You'll even find out from Lindsay Wallace that Tommy Doyle's family moved away from Haddonfield
shortly after the original Halloween' massacre."
Freddy Krueger: "You mean the little girl Laurie babysat in the original?"
Myers: "That's the one. She's all grown up and a little fucked up after her experience with the me as a child, much like Tommy
Doyle was in 'Halloween 6.' Juliette Lewis plays her in this."
Freddy Krueger: "Juliette Lewis? That casting is right
on the spot. I could see her in that part. She was pretty fucked up in 'The Other Sister' and in her small bit in the way
disappointing 'Cold Creek Manor'."
-Jason shrugs and snickers.
Jason Voorhees: "That's a lot of fucking up!"
Jason and Michael burst out laughing.
Freddy, Jason and Michael: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!..."
when Chucky enters the diner and approaches their.
Chucky: "Hey, fuckers!"
-Freddy, Jason and Michael turn
to Chucky, then back to each other and laugh their hearts out.
Freddy, Jason and Michael: "Ah, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!..."
Chucky: "What?"
Freddy, Jason and Michael: "...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
-Chucky shrugs and climbs up to the chair. He climbs up and stands up, just looking over the table.
Voorhees: "Hey, Chucky."
Freddy Krueger: "Hey there, Chuckster."
Michael Myers: "Hey Chucky, how are doing?"
"Heh, same old, same old. We fight, we fuck, we clean up the twins, we fight, we fuck, we clean up the twins again...same
old shit."
Michael Myers: "They're still not talking yet?"
CUT TO...Chucky back at home with the seeds on a
previous day. Chucky is trying to teach his seeds, or doll-ish fraternal twins Tobey and Malerie, to speak. Chucky is paying
more attention towards Tobey.
Chucky: "Fuck, Tobey, fuck! Say the word 'fuck' fuck for me!"
-Tobey shies away.
Chucky sighs.
Chucky: "Come on. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Say the word 'fuck'! I know you can do it! Come on!"
shies away again. Chucky sighs and tries one more time.
Chucky: "Fuh-uck! Fuck! Say it for me! Fuh-uck! Fuck! Fuck!
-Once again, Tobey shies away. Chucky sighs. Malerie, however, is watching her father closely and trying to
learn to speak. Chucky doesn't notice, because he's paying more attention to Tobey.
Malerie: "Fffff...fffff...fffff..."
BACK TO...Freddy, Jason, Michael and Chucky at the diner. Chucky sighs.
Chucky: "Nah, not yet. Tobey keeps shying away
from me."
Michael Myers: "What about Malerie?"
Chucky: "What about Malerie?"
Michael Myers: "Have you
tried to teaching Malerie to speak yet? Haven't you paid any attention to her?"
-Chucky shrugs.
Chucky: "Oh,
of course! It's just that, Malerie seems to steer more towards her mother. I don't think she's interested in me as much as
a father figure."
Michael Myers: "Well, how can she when you pay more attention to Tobey?"
Chucky: "What? I
don't pay more attention to Tobey! I just, I..."
Michael Myers: "Pay more attention to Tobey."
Chucky: "Well,
I can't help it! He's my son! My own bonafied son! He's the new me! And, I'm going to show him my bag of tricks! It's in his
Michael Myers: "And, its in Malerie's blood too. I keep telling you, you have both a son and daughter now.
Just because you also have a girl doesn't mean she won't be interested in continuing the family heritage."
"Well, that's easy for you to say! You don't have a daughter! You only have a son! And besides, your brat Stephen, he isn't
just your son, he's also..."
-That's when a waitress walks up to their table. She looks in surprise to see Chucky for
the doll he is.
Waitress: "What, um, would you like, sir?"
-Chucky finds himself caught up in the moment.
-Chucky looks around and turns to Michael awkwardly. Then, he turns to the waitress.
"...Um, okay. I'll have coffee."
-The waitress notes down Chucky's order.
Waitress: "Will that be all?"
"Uh, yes. Just coffee."
Waitress: "Okay, I'll be right back with your coffee."
Chucky: "Uh, thanks."
waitress walks away and Chucky turns back to Michael awkwardly.
Chucky: "Sorry."
-Michael is silent for a moment.
Freddy and Jason turn to each other, then to Michael. That's when Michael finally turns back to Chucky.
Michael Myers:
"It's okay."
-Michael and Chucky turn away from each other, for it is still an awkward moment for them. That's when
the waitress returns with Chucky's coffee.
Waitress: "Here's your coffee, sir."
Chucky: "Thanks."
takes a sip of the coffee. Chucky sets the coffee back on the table and Freddy immediately turns to him.
Freddy Krueger:
"So...now that you have two seeds of your own, especially a daughter, keep in mind that I happen a daughter my own, Maggie."
"Oh, right."
Freddy Krueger: "Granted, I did not go on to teach her to become the next dream master. I didn't even
approach her and really become a father figure for her until last fall. However, I watched over her over the years. And, she
was a fighter. She knew how to fight her own battles and be her own. If you're concerned that Malerie is not going to accept
you for the serial-killing doll you are, you're mistaken. Believe it or not, Maggie and I have managed to reconcile and she
accepts me for who I am. She isn't crazy about me killing Elm Street teenagers every night, but she knows that I'm there for
her whenever she needs me."
Michael Myers: "Fred's right. You know, if killing is in your blood, it will be in Malerie's
just as it should be in Tobey's. Hell, both you and Tiffany are both fucked up, serial-killing dolls anyway. When you consider
that, I'm sure Tobey and Malerie will grow up to be fucked up serial-killing dolls as well."
Chucky: "Gee...I never
thought of that before."
Jason Voorhees: "I don't think you have to worry about your seeds wussying out on you either.
Remember my son, Todd? He wasn't able to accept his roots as a Crystal Lake killer at first, but he eventually accepted it.
And when he had the best of times! I'm sure you will too with Tobey and Malerie when the time comes."
Chucky: "Oh,
right...Todd. I'm so sorry about what happened."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, it's all right. It doesn't matter anymore. When
he came back that last time, he was no longer the son I knew. He was..."
-Jason shudders.
Jason Voorhees: "...Ghostface's
Michael Myers: "You mean Kara Strode's apprentice."
Jason Voorhees: "Kara Strode, Ghostface..."
Myers: "Anyway...Chucky, give Malerie a chance and she'll give you a chance. Give her time. Even though I only have a son,
Stephen shied away from me for the longest time. And somehow, I've been able to be this kids father instead of the boogeyman
inside of me that I'm trying to hide from. Give her time. I did."
Chucky: "You know, you guys are right. I think I'm
going to home right now to see her!"
-Chucky jumps down from the booth to leave the diner (Thud). Before he leaves,
he notices a woman staring at him. Chucky notices and sneers.
Chucky: "What the fuck are you looking at?!"
woman immediatetly turns away and Chucky shrugs and heads out of the diner. Freddy, Jason and Michael laugh. That Chucky.
Voorhees: "So...Kara Strode...what's happened to her anyway?"
Michael Myers: "Last time I checked, she was still locked
away in Smith's Grove.
-Freddy snickers.
Freddy Krueger: "So ironic...locked up in the same crazy house you
started out at...and for a crime she didn't even commit!"
Michael Myers: "Well, she wasn't exactly sane. Over time,
I think she started losing it. When she set us up the way she did last fall, she did sacrifice the innocent life of Jessica
Voorhees to..."
-Michael hesitates. Jason continues.
Jason Voorhees: "To bring back Todd."
Michael Myers:
"Right. Same with John Tate. When he tried to get our attention in Haddonfield when we trick-or-treating there as ourselves,
he sacrificed the innocent life a young trick-or-treater. He lost it, too."
-Freddy shrugs.
Freddy Krueger:
"We all lose it sometimes!"
-Michael laughs.
Michael Myers: "Yes! Yes, we all do. Otherwise, I wouldn't be the
Jason Voorhees: "I wouldn't be the Crystal Lake Killer!"
Freddy Krueger: "And, I wouldn't be the
Dream Master!"
Michael Myers: "And, the Springwood Slasher!"
-Freddy shrugs.
Freddy Krueger: "That's
right! And, you can add the dream doctor to that list, too."
Jason Voorhees: "The dream doctor?"
Freddy Krueger:
"Yeah, the dream doctor. I recently leased a health clinic here in the city. I'll be going over later today to set it up."
Voorhees: "A health clinic? What do you need a health clinic for?"
-Freddy shrugs.
Freddy Krueger: "What do
you think? To help people with their dreams, silly! You see, having haunted the dreams of the miserable drones living in this
city for some time, I thought about starting my own clinic where I put people to sleep, analyze their dreams and tell them
what their dreams mean and what's wrong with them. Oh, if only you guys knew how depressing the lives of the people living
in this city are and how much they've been asking for a guy like me to come along and set up shop."
Michael Myers:
"That is a really good idea, Fred. However, 'by analyzing their dreams,' doesn't that mean invading their minds and private
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, they'd be aware of that. There's no way for me to avoid crossing their personal thoughts
when invading their minds. That's why the sessions are confidential."
Michael Myers: "Okay, now that makes sense."
Krueger: "So, whatever comes out of a session will be confidential. It would only be between me and the pacient. However,
that doesn't mean I wouldn't tell you guys later on about my patients and how pathetic they are!"
-Jason and Michael
laugh. Freddy and his cruel ways. That's when Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza and Elaine Benes enter the diner. They look
in dismay to see...Duh, duh, DUH!...the horror icons occupying their booth. Jerry shrugs.
Seinfeld: "They took our booth!"
George Costanza: "Those bastards!"
-Elaine, seeing the rest of the booths in
the diner taken, shrugs.
Elaine Benes: "Well, alright. Let's sit up front on the stools then."
-Jerry and George
look to the empty stools at the front of the diner available. Duh, duh, DUH!
Jerry Seinfeld: "I don't think so!"
Costanza: "No way!"
Elaine Benes: "What? Why not? What's wrong with sitting up there?"
George Costanza: "Because
you can't have a conversation sitting there! Everything gets contorted, mixed up and confusing! Everything falls apart over
Jerry Seinfeld: "Yeah!"
Elaine Benes: "Fine. Be babies about it. Let's just go to that coffee shot down
the street. I think its called 'Central Perk'."
-Seeing the horror icons continue to occupy
their booth, Jerry shrugs.
Jerry Seinfeld: "Then, let's go!"
George Costanza: "Yes, to Central Perk!"
sighs at her friend's immature behavior and they head out of the diner to Central Perk. That's when Freddy, Jason and Michael
get up to leave.
Michael Myers: "Let's go."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, I'm filled up."
-Michael heads toward
the cashier to pay for the bill. While at it, Jason leaves a $5 dollar tip at the booth. Having paid the bill, Michael starts
leading Freddy and Jason out of the diner. That's when Jason quickly comes back to the booth and takes back one dollar of
his tip.
CUT TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael leaving the diner and heading to their cars. Michael stops up to his brand new, sixth
generation 2005 Chevrolet Corvette. Freddy shrugs. Michael and his Corvettes. Jason walks up to his BMW X5 SUV. Michael shrugs.
Jason and his SUV's. Freddy turns to Jason.
Freddy Krueger: "I can't believe you still have this thing! I thought you
would have trashed it by now!"
-Freddy laughs. Jason and his driving. Jason shoves him and laughs with him.
Voorhees: "Shut up!"
-Michael gets in his Corvette and starts the engine (Rrrrr!...) and Freddy joins him. Jason, stepping
into his SUV, turns to Freddy.
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, I thought you were riding with me!"
Freddy Krueger: "With
the way you drive? You can forget about that! You almost caused five accidents on the way here!"
joins Michael in his Corvette. Freddy shrugs.
Freddy Krueger: "Nice ride!"
Michael Myers: "Isn't it?"
disappointed, starts up his SUV (Rrrrr!...) and follows Michael as he drives onto the road and down Woody Allen Ave. Driving
to the end of a block, Michael stops his Corvette before a red light. Jason, not paying attention to road, almost doesn't
slow down in time behind Michael (Screeeeech!). Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "Jason..."
-Jason shrugs. Him
and his driving.
Jason Voorhees: "Whatever."
-That's when Jason turns on the radio. And playing on the radio
is Alice Cooper's Jason song, "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)."
Radio: "...You're with your baby, and you're parked
alone, on a summer night, you're deep in love..."
Jason Voorhees: "All right! It's my song!"
-Seeing the light
turn green, Michael speeds up (Screeeeech!). Seeing Michael accelerate quickly, Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "Oh,
show off, will ya?"
-Jason speeds up his SUV (Screeeeech!) and follows after.
Radio: "...Did you hear that voice,
did you see that face, or was it just a dream, this can't be real..."
-Michael takes a left turn and Jason follows.
Not paying attention, Jason nearly sideswipes another car, leaving the car to swerve around him (Screeeeech!).
"...Oh, but he's back...the man behind the mask...and he's out of control..."
-Jason shrugs and starts singing to the
Jason Voorhees: "...He's back, duh, nuh, the man behind the mask, duh, nuh, nuh, and he crawled out of his hole..."
stops his Corvette at another red light and Jason stops his SUV right after (Screeeeech!). Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees:
"Great song, man, great song!"
Radio: "...You're swimming with your girl, out on lovers' lake, and the wind blows cold,
it chills your bones..."
-The light turns green and Michael speeds up his Corvette (Screeeeech!). Jason speeds up right
after (Screeeeech!).
Radio: "...But the moon was full, and you had the chance, to be alone, but you're not alone..."
drives his Corvette across an open intersection and Jason follows.
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, cause I'm back! Duh, nuh,
nuh! I'm the man behind the mask! Duh, duh, duh! I'm out of control!..."
-Jason, getting hyped up and not paying attention
to the road, nearly sideswipes another car. The car swerves out his way (Screeeeech!) and crashes into an upcoming car (Car-runch!).
Voorhees: "...I'm back! Duh, nuh, nuh! The man behind the mask! Duh, nuh, nuh! I'm out of my hole!..."
-Michael takes
a right turn and Jason follows. Not paying attention to the road again, Jason almost side-swipes another. The car swerves
out his way (Screeeeech!) and crashes into an upcoming car (Crunch!). Then, the upcoming car rear-ends another car (Crunch!)
and various other cars rear-end each other like dominoes (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Car-runch!). It is a mess. Michael and Freddy
start noticing the carnage around Jason.
Freddy Krueger: "Do you see all this?"
Jason Voorhees: "...Yeah, cause
I'm back! Duh, nuh, nuh! I'm the man behind the mask! Duh, nuh, nuh! And, I'm out of control!..."
Michael Myers: "Yes,
I do. We gotta stop him."
-Following Michael down an open block, Jason drives recklessly, almost driving straight into
upcoming car.
Jason Voorhees: "...I'm back! Duh, nuh, nuh! The man behind the mask! Duh, nuh, nuh! And I'm after your
soul, baby!..."
-The upcoming car swerves (Screeeeech!...) out his way and stops his car in time (...Screeeeech!).
The driver sighs of relief, then looks to his right in horror: a bus was coming right for him (Honk! Honk!). The bus driver,
not able to slow down in time, crashes into the car and driver is screwed.
Driver: "Nooo...!"
-The car explodes
(BANG!) and he's toast! That's when Jason's cell phone rings. The ring tone is the eerie "Friday The 13th" theme. Jason whips
out his cell phone and answers.
Jason Voorhees: "...Yeah, hello??"
Michael Myers: "Jason, what do you think
you're doing?!"
Jason Voorhees: "What, I'm, uh, driving!"
Michael Myers: "Your taking a crash course, that's
what you're doing!"
Jason Voorhees: "No, I'm not, I'm listening to..."
Michael Myers: "Jason, slow down!"
Voorhees: "What?"
Michael Myers: "Jason, slow down now! In front of you!"
-Jason looks back on the road to see
himself about to drive right into an upcoming car.
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, shit!"
-Jason, unable to slow down in
time and in slow motion, crashes head on with upcoming car (Car-runch-runch-runch-runch-runch!). Jason, still in slow motion
and having not warn his seat belt, crashes through his windshield (Shatter-atter-atter-atter-atter!). Jason, in slow motion,
flies through the air over the upcoming car (Swi-i-i-i-iift!) and violently lands and tumbles onto the cement road (Thud-ud-ud-ud-ud!).
in regular, Jason sits up from the ground, shaken. Then, he proceeds to get up and crack his back like nothing ever happened
(Crack!). That's when Jason turns around to see...Duh, duh, DUH!...his precious BMW X5 SUV totalled. The front of his SUV
was completely shattered and everything to the rear was out whack. Jason can't believe his eyes.
Jason Voorhees: "No!
My baby!"
CUT TO...Puddy's garage later on in the day. Having had his poor SUV towed to Michael's mechanic, Jason is
anxious over the fate of his precious SUV. Puddy checks the rear of his SUV.
Puddy: "Dude..."
-Puddy walks to
the left side of the SUV.
Puddy: "Dude..."
-Puddy walks up to the front of the SUV.
Puddy: "Dude..."
Puddy opens up the hood and takes a look at the crumpled engine.
Puddy: "Dude!"
-Puddy closes hood of the car
(Slam!) and turns to Jason.
Puddy: "Dude, this car is completely totalled!"
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees:
Puddy: "Let me tell you, I am New York's only honest mechanic. Just ask Jerry."
Jason Voorhees: "Who?"
"Or, your friend Michael. And unless you're willing to shell out a lot of dough, you're better off buying a whole new car
altogether. I don't even know why you bothered towing it here to my garage."
-Jason shudders at the thought. Buy a
new car?
[Sad montage; cue the song, "The Road is Long"]
-Summer, 2004. Cut to Jason driving Todd in his BMW
X5 SUV from the movie theater, after unexpectedly running into him and finding out he came back beyond the grave.
2004. Cut to Jason driving Todd in his BMW X5 SUV, catching up on lost times and getting ready to start a killing spree with
him down Woody Allen Ave.
-Fall, 2004. Cut to Jason driving Todd in his BMW X5 SUV, catching up on more lost time
and getting ready to start another killing spree with him down Woody Allen Ave again.
-Fall, 2004. Cut to Jason driving
Todd in his BMW X5 SUV to start his and Todd's fateful, final murder spree together down Woody Allen Ave.
-Fall, 2004.
Cut to Jason driving all the way from New York City to Crystal Lake with the urn containing the cremated remains of Todd.
of montage; uncue music]
CUT TO...a two-story townhouse, Michael's new pad. Cut to the inside. Through the front door
is the front entrance. To the left of the front entrance is the living room, leading to the kitchen. To the right is the dining
room. Up ahead is the hallway, also leading to the kitchen. Also up ahead is the is the stairway, leading up to the second
floor, where the bedrooms are. Cut to the kitchen where Michael and Jason are. Michael is by the refridgerator grabbing bottles
Molson Ice and Budweiser. He goes over to the table where Jason is and hands him his Budweiser.
Jason Voorhees: "So,
I took to my BMW to Puddy's just like you said..."
Michael Myers: "Even though it was totalled..."
-Jason sighs.
Voorhees: "Yes, even though it was totalled..."
Michael Myers: "And, what did he told he tell you?"
Jason Voorhees:
"He told me that it completely totalled and that I was better off buying a new car."
Michael Myers: "Funny, Fred and
I told you the same thing."
Jason Voorhees: "Funny, I didn't know that your were a mechanic!"
Michael Myers:
"Jason, it shouldn't take a mechanic to tell you that you probably needed a new a car after what your truck took."
Voorhees: "Whatever. I guess I'll just get a new car."
Michael Myers: "Well, of all things, now you cannot say that
Puddy isn't the only honest mechanic in New York. Any other mechanic would have shrugged and tried fixing it for all that
it was worth. And, they probably would have charged you up the mile."
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, you can say that again..."
TO...the garage. In the back, Puddy is revealed to impaled to the wall with a wrench.
CUT BACK TO...Michael's pad.
Myers: "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" -Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, nothing."
Michael Myers:
"No, I know you better than that..."
-Jason shrugs and gulps down his Budweiser.
Michael Myers: "No, no you
-Jason finishes gulping down the Budweiser.
Michael Myers: "Don't tell me you...took care of him.
Did you?"
-Jason sets the Budweiser back on the counter and shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Oh, why'd you have to do
it? Why?! He was the only honest mechanic in New York!"
-Jason shrugs and shatters the Budweiser over the table (Shatter!).
Voorhees: "Yeah, well, he just shrugged and told me to buy a new car! Just like that! How would you feel if that was your
Corvette all totalled?"
Michael Myers: "Well, my Corvette wouldn't be totalled, because I pay better attention to the
-Jason sighs of frustration.
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, well..."
-Jason hesitates.
Jason Voorhees:
"...Never mind."
-Jason walks over to living room and lays over the sofa. Michael follows.
Michael Myers: "Well?"
Jason Voorhees: "It was my fault. It was my own damn fault. If it weren't for me getting all hyped up over my
own song..."
Michael Myers: "You mean the 'The Man Behind The Mask'?" Jason Voorhees: "...And...and, getting all
ancy over Todd..."
Michael Myers: "What about Todd?"
Jason Voorhees: "Over his demise. Over what happened to
him. Not a day goes by that I don't feel deep regret over having to..."
-Jason shudders.
Jason Voorhees: "...Take
care of him myself."
Michael Myers: "You mean you're still upset over Todd? That was over six months ago."
Voorhees: "Well, for me, it feels like forever."
Michael Myers: "I had no idea you still felt so bad about this."
Voorhees: "Well, no father should have to take care of their own children. I did."
Michael Myers: "I don't know how
it feels to have to take down your own child..."
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "...But, I know how it feels
to have murderous impulses inside of you barking at you and telling you to take care of your own. Every time I'm with with
Stephen, I fight off those impulses. My rage, my curse...it all drives me crazy sometimes."
-Michael sighs.
Myers: "It's like what Fred said earlier today in the diner...we all lose it sometimes."
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, is that
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees: "But, losing my truck today...was like losing Todd all over again."
Myers: "What do you mean?"
Jason Voorhees: "Everything about my BMW reminds me of him. After finding out he came back,
before our little murder sprees and upon taking his urn to Crystal Lake...I was always driving him in my SUV. Those memories
are important to me."
Michael Myers: "Now, I get it. Your truck, it had sentimental value."
Jason Voorhees:
"Yeah, it did."
Michael Myers: "Well, I don't know what to say...except that, maybe you were better off trashing truck
today. Sooner or later, if you hadn't trashed your truck yourself, it would have eventually broken down and you never would
have never been able to let go of it. I think it was better for you to lose your truck sooner, otherwise you never would have
let Todd go. You see what I'm saying?"
Jason Voorhees: "I guess I do. But, I don't want to forget Todd."
Myers: "I never said you did. The experiences you had with him, you'll always remember them. But he's passed on, in one way
or another. And you have to accept that."
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees: "You're right."
Michael Myers:
"Now, that your truck is gone, give it time. I'm sure you'll eventually feel closure over Todd."
Jason Voorhees: "I
hope so."
Michael Myers: "Give it time. You'll feel better."
-That's when there's a ring at Michael's front door. Michael heads from the living room over to the front entrance. Michael
opens the door to reveal Freddy and he walks right in.
Freddy Krueger: "Hey, Mike. Back from the office. Had my first
my session today!"
-Michael shuts the door and turns to Freddy.
Michael Myers: "Really? So, how'd it go?"
Krueger: "Let's just say that, my first pacient, he was a real closet case!"
CUT TO...Dr. Fred Krueger in the waiting
room of his dream clinic. His first pacient, Robert Smith, a male in his late 30's/early 40's, walks in to greet him.
Smith: "Hi, I couldn't help but notice your new clinic set up here along Woody Allen Ave. Apparently, you can help me with
my dreams?"
-Dr. Fred Krueger, who is still unpacking equipment and furniture around the waiting room, turns around
to Robert and shrugs. Upon seeing the burnt, disfigured face of Dr. Fred Krueger, Robert winces.
Dr. Fred Krueger:
"Sure do! My name is Dr. Fred Krueger and I specialize in people's dreams and help them understand what they mean. May I help
Robert Smith: "I hope you can. My whole life, I've always having these weird, vague dreams that I just can't
explain. I only had them a little so often when I was growing up. But, I've had a lot more of them in recent years. They're
getting weirder and weirder and they're driving me crazy!"
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Well, you know what they say...we all
lose it sometimes!"
Robert Smith: "But, do you think you can help me?"
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Well, answer this:
are all these weird dreams you've had similar to each other? Any common links?"
Robert Smith: "Well...sort of. But,
I can't put my finger on what it is."
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Then, to your dreamworld we go!"
Robert Smith: "Excuse
Dr. Fred Krueger: "I mean, to my office we go! Come, I'll show you. But, before I start your session, I'll have
to explain how it all works first..."
-Moments later, Dr. Fred Krueger has Robert set up in his office. Robert lays
over the sofa, while Dr. Fred Krueger prepares to invade his mind. Dr. Fred Krueger sets a pendulem on the table and turns
to Robert.
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Okay, now that I've explained the process, just look at this pendulem."
sets the pendulem back, and the pendulem proceeds to start swinging back and forth.
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Follow the pendulem
as it swings back forth...back and forth...back and forth..."
-Robert follows the swinging pendulem.
Smith: "Okay..."
-Robert continues following the swinging pendulem. He is starting to feel drowsy. Dr. Fred Krueger
watches as Robert closely follows the swinging pendulem. Robert gets more drowsy and tired. Finally, his head sags back and
he falls asleep. Dr. Fred Krueger shrugs.
Dr. Fred Krueger: "It's showtime!"
-Dr. Fred Krueger prepares to invade
Robert's dreams... CUT TO...Robert's first official moments of life as he is delivered from his mother's womb. From his
groggy, baby-like eyes, he can basically make out the face of the male doctor that delivered him. However, upon seeing his
mother for the first time, her face appears to be blurred out.
CUT TO...Robert at his high school graduation. Robert
is the valedictorian and he steps up to podium. Nervous and sweating bullets, Robert remembers what his grandfather told him:
picture everyone in the audience naked! Robert shrugs and finally faces his graduating classmates, and starts his speech.
Smith: "Hell School High...one hell of a school if you ask me!"
-His classmates laugh it up. But, something is very
pacular. Robert is only seeing his male classmates naked. The females are still clothed and their faces are blurred out. What
the hell?
CUT TO...Robert at work. Working in an office job in a cubical, Robert's telephone rings. Robert answers.
Smith: "This is 1-800-Safe-Auto. can I help you?"
-The caller on the other line sounds feminine, but he can't clearly
hear her. She sounds like she's mumbling.
Caller: "Mumumu, mamama, mimimi..."
-Robert Smith can't believe what
he's hearing. The caller sound just like the vague, mumbling voices of the aduld characters in the "Peanuts" comics and cartoon.
What the hell is going on?
Caller: "...Mamama, mimimi, mimimi..."
-Feeling creeped out, Roberts gets up and
slowly backs out of his cubical. Upon stepping out his cubical, he bumps into a female co-worker. Robert turns around to apologize.
Smith: "Oh sorry, Sharon..."
-But Robert looks in shock to see Sharon's face blurred out.
Robert Smith: "Sharon!
What the hell! What's going on here?!"
-That's when a male co-worker, David, bumps into Robert. David turns to him
to apologize.
David: "Excuse me."
-David's face, on the other hand, is clearly visible. David sees Sharon.
"Morning, Sharon."
-David proceeds to walk away as if nothing was wrong. Robert doesn't know what to make of all this...
TO...Robert with his wife, Joyce, in bed. Robert turns Joyce suggestively.
Robert Smith: "I'm horny!"
turns to her husband suggestively.
Joyce: "So am I!"
Robert Smith: "Let's get it on!"
Joyce: "Okay!"
and Joyce start making out...then, they start moaning and groaning...they moan and groan louder...they are getting in on!
As Robert and Joyce moan and groan and get it into it more, Robert turns to his wife...only to see her face blurred out!
Smith: "No!"
-Robert freaks out and looks over at his family photos at the nightstand. On the picture of him and his
wife, his wife's face is blurred out. And on the family picture, his wife's and daughter's faces are blurred out as well,
leaving only him and his son. What is going on??
CUT TO...Robert with his mistress, Kate, in bed at a cheap motel...
"...Oh, Bob!"
Robert Smith: "Oh, Kate!"
Kate: "Oh, Bob!"
Robert Smith: 'Oh, me!"
-That's when
Robert turns to Kate...only to see her face blurred out!
Robert Smith: "No! No! What is all this?! What is going on?!"
TO...Dr. Fred Krueger waking Robert back up in his office. Robert wakes up groggily to see burnt, disfigured Dr. Fred Krueger.
Krueger: "Robert, wake up, wake, up, wake up, wake up..."
-Robert gets up and looks around in disbelief. Then, he turns
to Dr.Fred Krueger.
Robert Smith: "I don't know what you did, but those are dreams I was talking about!"
Fred Krueger: "You mean, only seeing your male classmates naked at graduation and seeing all the faces of all the women in
your life blurred out?"
Robert Smith: "Yeah! Those are the dreams!"
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Well, your case is simple.
You're gay!"
-Robert shrugs.
Robert Smith: "I'm gay? Wow! I didn't know that!"
-That's when Robert comes
Robert Smith: "Wait a minute! How could I be gay? I can't be! I have a wife! I have children. I even have a mistress!
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Well, here's the twist. You're not just gay, you are sexually confused! You've always been
until now! That's what your dreams are telling me."
Robert Smith: "But, I don't understand..."
Dr. Fred Krueger:
"Well, don't worry. There is another "doctor" out there that can help you move on from here."
-Dr. Fred Krueger hands
Robert a card. Robert reads the card and turns back to Freddy.
Robert Smith: "'The Creeper'?..."
Dr. Fred Krueger:
"Yeah, he knows all about your situation! He'll know what to do with you!"
-Robert doesn't know what to say.
"Well...I guess."
Dr. Fred Krueger: "Now, have a good day!"
-Robert leaves Dr. Fred Krueger's dream clinic,
CUT BACK TO...Michael's pad.
Michael Myers: "Oh my gosh! Introducing your first pacient to The
Creeper? He's in for a new world!"
-Freddy laughs.
Freddy Krueger: "I know! But, that's what his dreams told
me. I didn't know who else to point him too."
-Freddy turns to Jason.
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, so, how's your car?"
Jason Voorhees: "It's totalled, but I'll get a new one."
Freddy Krueger: "Really? I thought didn't want
to buy a new car."
Jason Voorhees: "It doesn't matter anymore, I can get a new one."
Freddy Krueger: "Hey, that's
cool. So, what car are you going to get?"
Jason Voorhees: "I don't know. Maybe I'll get a sport's car, kind of like
Michael Myers: "Hey, now we could both street race through the city!"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, we could!
Hell, let's go out now and get my new car!"
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah!"
Michael Myers: "Let's go!"
and Michael join Jason to buy a new car. What car is Jason is going to get?