
My Horror Confessions
Horror Talk

Episode Thirty-Five

Horror Expo 2004

-Philadelphia. Pennsyvania Convention Center. Late-morning. Inside the building in the main showcase room, are the horror icons getting ready to start off their annual end-of-the-year special horror convention, where they meet with their fans. They sign autographs, sell merchandise, take pictures, hold contests and Q&A's...basically, they have a lot of fun.

-They all have stations divided up all over the showcase room, so they have enough room to greet their fans. In the back also is a stage. Waiting by the the front is Freddy, Jason and Michael. Outside the entrance, their fans eagerly wait to get in.

Freddy Krueger: "It's that time again!"

Jason Voorhees: "It sure is!"

Freddy Krueger: "Horror Expo 2004!"

Michael Myers: "Yeah, after all that Ghostface nonsense, it's nice that things are back to normal again."

Freddy Krueger: "What, are you so still hung up over Kara Strode setting us up?"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah man, it's yesterday's news. It happened last month."

Michael Myers: "I know. I'm just thankful things turned out all right. For us, anyway..."

CUT TO...Kara Strode, battling for her innocense in court, a few weeks earlier. She sits on the stand, holding her own against the prosicuting lawyer.

Kara Strode: "...I swear it! I swear, it was Michael. He set me up."

-The jury members turn to each other, questioning Kara's credibility. The prosicuting lawyer turns back to her.

Lawyer: "But, you said that your were setting Michael up yourself. Is this not true?"

Kara Strode: "I was. I made sure Michael would not escape. But, something happened. Despite beating him to a pulp, he still overcame me. My plan failed. And, he switched disguises. That's why the FBI found me wearing the overalls and mask."

-The opposing lawyer turns to Kara with a suspicous eye.

Lawyer: "Oh, really...?"

-Donald Loomis, watching from the back, sighs. Kara glares back at the prosicuting lawyer.

Kara Strode: "Yes, really! I was there. I tried to stop him. But, he overcame me."

Lawyer: "Tell me. How did 'he' overcome you? You reportedly told police that you fired rounds of bullets from a gun, as well as from a shotgunk at Michael. Or, the "boogeyman" as you keep recalling. And then, you apparently beat him with a bat. Endlessly. And, he still eventually proceeded to get back up. I don't know about the jury here..."

-The jury members turns to Kara, then to back to the prosicuting lawyer.

Lawyer: "...But, I don't know how you can go on, calling this so-called suspect the 'boogeyman'. Is that to say that Scott Peterson is a 'boogeyman' as well? And, Michael Jackson? And, what about Osama Bin Lauden? Is that to say all the suspected murderers and around the world are 'boogeymen'?"

-Donald sighs and mutters to himself.

Donald Loomis: "For Christ's sake, Michael Myers is the boogeyman! How can anyone not understand that?"

-Kara sighs of frustration.

Kara Strode: "You don't get it. None of you do. Michael is literally the boogeyman. That's why he's been able to escape the the law for years. He was sought before by Dr. Sam Loomis. He knew the truth, but, nobody really believed him..."

-Donald, thinking of his late father, shrugs. She's right.

Kara Strode: "...And, he's still out there. Somewhere. I tried to catch him before. I had an elaborate plan to stop him. That's why I faked my death earlier this year. So, he wouldn't suspect me. But, he still got away. And, he set me up for the FBI."

-Donalds sighs. The things she's been through. The prosicuting lawyer finds himself unable to question her anymore. Kara is holding up. The judge, Judge Judy, turns to him.

Judge Judy: "Any more questions for the defendent?"

Lawyer: "Um, no. No more questions."

-Later on, the jury returns with their results over the case. After going over the case and identified evidence, it only took them five minutes to seal Kara's fate. Judge Judy turns to them.

Judge Judy: "And, how do you find the defendent?"

-A jury member, a woman, steps up for the group. She turns to the Judge Judy and then to Kara Strode. Kara, frightened, awaits her fate. The woman shrugs.

Woman: "We find the defendent, Kara Strode, over first and second degree murder, as well as insanity..."

-Kara braces herself.

Woman: "...GUILTY!!

-Kara recoils in disbelief.

Kara Strode: "Nooo...!"

-Judge Judy turns to Kara and mercilessly sneers at her.

Judge Judy: "Oh, shut up, you!"

-Kara shuts up and Judge Judy proceeds to sentence Kara's fate.

Judge Judy: "As the jury insists, you ARE guilty of first and second degree murder. And, you clearly are insane! Really, who believes in the 'boogeyman' anymore? I thought those were night creatures children were afraid of! And, you are not a child. You are a grown woman who needs to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions. And, I'll see to it that you the Smith Grove Warren County Sanitarium!"

-Kara shudders.

Kara Strode: "No!"

Judge Judy: "Yes!"

Kara Strode: "But, I didn't do it! I didn't kill those policemen and FBI agents!"

-Judge Judy heartlessly glares back at Kara.

Judge Judy: "Look, I don't care if you did it or not. I don't care if you just so happen to be innocent. I just want to go home and get some rest. After this exhausting trial, I'm through!"

-Judge Judy turns to the policemen in the court.

Judge Judy: "Take her away."

-As Judge Judy gets up to leave, two policemen handcuff Kara.

Kara Strode: "But, I didn't do it! I'm innocent. I really am!"

-Judge Judy continues walking away. Then, the policemen proceed to assist her out of the court. Donald Loomis sighs, seeing Kara being taken away.

Kara Strode: "Nooo...!"

CUT BACK TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael at the Horror Expo 2004.

Michael Myers: "...Well, at least all that is over. We're back undetected in New York and Kara Strode is stuck in Smith's Grove. I hope she enjoys the food. I know I didn't."

Jason Voorhees: "Anyway, remember last year's Horror Expo? It was so awesome!"

Freddy Krueger: "It so was!"

Michael Myers: "Well, of course. You guys were honored for 'Freddy vs. Jason' and your fans loved you."

Jason Voorhees: "We sure were!"

Freddy Krueger: "Yeah!"

[Flashback to Horror Expo 2003]

-Near the end of the convention, Freddy and Jason are on stage ready to accept their honor or dishonor for "Freddy vs. Jason." About 99% of the horror fans are cheering for them. They loved them in "Freddy vs. Jason." The speaker looks over the poll results from horror fans all over the world. Freddy and Jason anxiously await for the results. Finally, he turns to Freddy and Jason, and then the fans.

Speaker: "And here, to be honored for their excellent work in 'Freddy vs. Jason'...Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees!"

-The speaker happily hands Freddy and Jason awards. Michael watches from the back, happy for Freddy and Jason. The fans, meanwhile, freak out, most of them anyway. The 1%, however, boo. They were very disappointed by "Freddy vs. Jason." That's when the opposing horror fans turn to them and attack `em (Pow! Pow! Kick! Thud! Pow! Kick!...)

[End of flashback]

Freddy Krueger: "And, remember how The Creeper was dishonored and booed for 'Jeepers Creeper 2'?"

Jason Voorhees: "Sure do!"

[Flashback to Horror Expo 2003]

-After Freddy and Jason are honored for "Freddy vs. Jason," The Creeper awaits to see the poll results for "Jeepers Creepers 2." Only a handful of horror fans at the Expo, mostly gay, cheer for him. The speaker looks over the poll results. Finally, he turns to The Creeper, and then the horror fans.

Speaker: "And here, to be dishonored for his poor work in 'Jeepers Creepers 2'...The Creeper!"

-The Speaker hands The Creeper an award. The Creeper, hesitantly, accepts it, disappointed.

The Creeper: "How can they do this to me? I'm The Creeper!"

-But, his few fans are still cheering for him anyway. That's when the opposing horror fans turn to them and attack `em (Thud! Pow! Kick! Kick! Pow! Thud!...). The Creeper, looking at his award, sighs. Then, he looks back to the speaker. And, licks his lips. Teh, The Creeper turns to the speaker suggestively. The speaker backs away. But, The Creeper grabs him anyway and drags him away...

Speaker: "Nooo...!"

[End of flashback]

Michael Myers: "Well, Chucky will probably be honored for 'Seed of Chucky' this year. I'm sure he will."

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, he was great in it. It was so gory and funny!"

Freddy Krueger: "That's true. But, there are still a lot of horror fans out there who had a hard time accepting its dark sense of humor. Chucky was lucky to be honored for 'Bride of Chucky' six years ago. He won by slim chances."

Michael Myers: "You're right about that. But, I still enjoyed the movie. Even if it got a little too weird at times."

Freddy Krueger: "And, who thought that, just like in the movie, Tiffany would end up having twins? You don't think that Don Mancini did that because Chucky had twins in reality, do you?"

Michael Myers: "Possibly."

CUT TO...the clock on wall. One more minute until noon.

Michael Myers: "Well, it's time. Let's get to our stations."

Freddy Krueger: "Here we go."

Jason Voorhees: "All right!"

-Watching over the entrance doors of the showcase room is a Horror Expo worker. He gets ready to open the doors for the eager horror fans. He shudders, there are so many horror fans anxiously waiting to get in, they'll trample him as soon as he opens the doors.

Worker: "Okay. As soon I open for it! That way, I won't get trampled by those freaks! Not like Luke was last year."

CUT TO...the clock on the wall. The long arm reaches the twelve hour (Click!). It's time!

-The worker takes a deep breath and starts opening the doors. As he opens them, he looks at the huge number of horror fans. They were everywhere! He opens the doors, and starts to run for it...but, he doesn't survive the wrath of the horror fans. They burst into the room and start running over him. He falls back as the horror fans start trampling over him.

Worker: "No!"

-Horror fans flood into the room, trampling over the worker.

Worker: "Argh! Argh! Argh!..."

-More horror fans flood into the room, trampling over him.

Worker: "...Argh! Argh! Argh!..."

-More and more horror fans endlessly flood into the room, trampling the poor worker.

Worker: "...Argh! Argh! Argh!..."

-Moments the later, the remainder of the horror fans flood into the room and the poor worker is revealed to be trampled and stomped over beyond recognition. The ganitor approaches his motionless body and sighs.

Ganitor: "Poor kid, he didn't stand a chance."

-The ganitor proceeds to clean up the mess.

CUT TO...Jason's station. Jason is selling photos of himself from his "Friday The 13th" films and signing them for his fans. Just for $5. He is also taking pictures with his fans for free.

-The first photo is from "Friday The 13th Part 2," with Jason, wearing the pillow case, confronting the heroine Ginny. Another photo is from "Friday The 13th Part 3," showing Jason wearing the beloved hockey mask for the first time out on the offshore of Crystal Lake. The third one is from "Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter," a shot of Jason's muggy, deformed and disgusting face after little Tommy Jarvis demasks him.

-The next one is from "Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives," with Tommy Jarvis fighting Jason over the canoe over Crystal Lake. Another photo is from "Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood," showing Jason fighting off against telepathic Tina Shephard. And, the last photo available is from "Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan," showing Jason facing the camera by the New York docks after looking at the hockey mask banner.

-Jason proceeds to sign the photo "Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan." He writes - "To Peter, my biggest fan - The Crystal Lake Killer." He finishes it and hands it to the eager fan.

Jason Voorhees: "...And, there you go."

Fan: "All right! Thanks!"

Jason Voorhees: "No problem."

-The fan walks away and next one in line approaches him. He looks at the various Jason photos. He shrugs and points to the photo from "Friday The 13th Part 3."

Fan: "That one!"

Jason Voorhees: "This one?"

Fan: "Yeah, that one."

-Jason grabs a copy of it and a pen.

Jason Voorhees: "And, who I signing this for?"

Fan: "Bill."

Jason Voorhees: "Oh, your name is Bill? I used to know one! Can't say he lasted long, you know what I mean?"

-Jason laughs. The fan laughs with him. Jason eventually signs it and hands back to the fan.

Fan: "Thanks! You're the best! You were great in 'Freddy vs. Jason'!"

-Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "Wasn't I?? That's what I keep Fred, but he never listens to me!"

Fan: "Can I take my picture with you, too?"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, sure."

-Jason gets up to pose for the camera.

Fan: "Could you also pose, like you're about to slash me with your machete?"

-Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "Of course I could!"

-Jason whips out his machete (Shing!), stands behind the fan, grasps him in a threatening manner and holds the machete blade inches away from the fan's neck.

Jason Voorhees: "How about this?"

Fan: "This is just fine, thanks!"

-Jason turns to the photographer. As the photographer looks into lense, the fan puts on a scared face. The photographer takes the picture (Flash!), and Jason breaks from his pose. The photo comes out and photograph hands it to the fan. The fan looks at the photo, then back to Jason.

Fan: "This turned out great. Thanks!"

Jason Voorhees: "Hey, no problem."

CUT TO...Chucky's station. Chucky, being the Good Guy doll he is, stands on top of the table at his station, signing autographs for his fans. He signs one with - "Sorry Jack, Chucky's Back! - Chucky." As he signs it, an unitiated horror fan walks by, looking in disbelief at him. Chucky notices and sneers back.

Chucky: "Hey, what the fuck are you looking at?!"

-The fans in line turn to the other fan.

Fans: "Yeah!"

-The iniated horror fan flees away. Chucky sighs of frustratin.

Chucky: "I'm sorry, where the fuck was I?"

CUT TO...Freddy's station. Freddy proceeds to sign a photo of himself for a fan - "To my biggest nightmare - The Springwood Slasher." He finishes and hands the photo the fan.

Freddy Krueger: "There you go!"

Fan: "Thanks!"

Freddy Krueger: "No problem."

Fan: "Could you give me an autographical nightmare to?"

-The rest of his fans in line cheer for autographical nightmares.

Freddy Krueger: "Oh, I'll be doing those later. I still have to sign autographs for the rest of my children!"

CUT TO...Michael's station. Michael, like Jason, is selling photos of himself from his "Halloween" movies and signing them for his fans. The photos available are from six of his movies.

-The first photo is of Michael wearing the smooth, William Shatner mask from the original "Halloween." The next photo shows Michael in his lesser smooth mask from "Halloween II." The third mask portrays Michael wearing the smoother mask from "Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers." Another photo is of Michael wearing the weird mask from "Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers." The next photo shows Michael wearing the super smooth mask from "Halloween: H20." And, the last photo is of Michael under his smooth yet wrinkly mask from "Halloween: Resurrection."

-After signing a photo for a fan, the next fan approaches Michael and looks at the photos.

Fan #1: "Umm..."

-The fans waiting in line wait paciently.

Fan #1: "...Uh...Umm..."

-The fans continue waiting patiently.

Fan #1: "...Um...uh...let me see..."

-The fans waiting in line lose their patience and turn to other fan.

Fan #2: "Hey, pick already!"

Fan #3: "Yeah, make up your mind!"

-The fan sighs of embarrasment.

Fan #1: "Uh, sorry!"

Michael Myers: "It's all right. Just pick your favorite mask."

Fan #1: "Well, I would, but it's not up there."

Michael Myers: "Oh, really? Which one?"

Fan #1: "The mask from 'Halloween 5'."

-Michael shudders.

Michael Myers: "Oh, that one..."

Fan #1: "Yeah, I don't see it up there with the rest of them."

-Michael sighs.

Michael Myers: "Well, I didn't brings photos of that one. I didn't think anyone would want that one..."

Fan #1: "Well, I kind of like it. I think it personifies you when you are at you are at the peak of your rage. I also enjoyed the movie. I don't think it's as bad as many say."

Michael Myers: "You know, that is really nice to hear. Thanks. So, what would you say is your second favorite mask?"

Fan #1: "I really like the one from 'Resurrection'."

Michael Myers: "Oh, okay."

-Michael grabs the photo from "Halloween: Resurrection."

Michael Myers: "So, who am I signing this to?"

Fan #1: "Ricky."

Michael Myers: "Okay, Ricky..."

-Michael signs the photo and hands it to the fan.

Michael Myers: "...Here you go."

Fan #1: "Thanks."

Michael Myers: "You're welcome. So, you like my mask from my last movie. But, how did you like the movie?"

Fan #1: "Are you kidding? It stunk!"

-The fan walks away and Michael sighs. Then, the next fan in line approaches him.

Fan: "I liked 'Halloween: Resurrection.' I thought it was fun."

Michael Myers: "Hey, thanks. Glad somebody liked it."
CUT TO...later on in the mid-afternoon. To right wall of the showcase room is a tank with water. And, sitting over the tank on a diving board is Jason. Connected with the diving board is a base plate. As one of the fun activities of the Horror Expo, horror fans try to hit the plate with a baseball and have Jason splash into the water. A horror fan steps up. He grabs a baseball and, underhandedly, throws the ball towards the plate. But, the ball misses and hits the wall instead. Jason laughs.

Jason Voorhees: "Nice try!"

-The horror fan grabs another baseball and throws it toward the plate...and misses again. The ball bounces against the wall and Jason laughs.

Jason Voorhees: "Ha ha, try again!"

-The horror fan grabs another baseball and throws it with all his might. The ball misses the plate once more and bounces against the wall.

Jason Voorhees: "Nice try, kid. All right, next!"

-The horror fan sighs and starts to leave. That's when Freddy stops him.

Freddy Krueger: "Oh, you're not giving up that easily, kid!"

-Jason turns to Freddy.

Jason Voorhees: "Hey, what are you doing??"

-Freddy grabs a baseball and shows the horror fan how to throw it.

Freddy Krueger: "You don't throw like that..."

-Freddy, overhandedly, throws the baseball.

Freddy Krueger: "...You throw it like this!"

-The baseball hits the plate (Ding!), the diving board dips over and Jason splashes into the tank (Splash!).

Freddy Krueger: "See?"

-Jason emerges from the tank angry.

Jason Voorhees: "Hey, no interference!"

Horror fan: "Oh, I get it! I don't throw it underhanded, I throw it overhanded!"

-Jason sits himself back up onto the diving board.

Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, exactly!"

-The horror fan grabs a baseball and throws it overhandedly toward the plate. It bounces against the plate (Ding!) and Jason splashes back into the water (Splash!).

Freddy Krueger: "Hey, you got it!"

-Jason emerges from the tank again. He turns to Freddy.

Jason Voorhees: "Hey, no fair! You aren't supposed to help!"

-Freddy turns to Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Who says??"

-Jason sits himself back onto the diving board and grrrs at Freddy. That's when the horror fan throws another baseball at the plate (Ding!). The baseball bounces against the plate and Jason, once more, splashes into the water (Splash!).

Horror Fan: "All right!"

-Jason emerges from the tank once more, dripping wet. Then, he turns to horror fan in a threatening manner.

Jason Voorhees: "That's it, your turn's over!"

-The horror fan flees away and Jason sits himself back on the diving board. Several other horror fans who watched the scene, step up to the tank.

Jason Voorhees: "Ah, more victims! Think you can handle it??"

-The first of the new horror fans steps up and grabs a baseball. He swings his arm back overhandedly and proceeds to throw the baseball.

Jason Voorhees: "Oh, no!"

-The horror fan, in slow motion, throws the baseball. The baseball, still in slow motion, flies toward the plate. Jason, in slow motion, recoils.

Jason Voorhees: "Nooo...!"

-The baseball, still in motion, bounces against the plate (Di-i-ing!). Jason, back in regular motion, splashes into the tank (Splash!). Jason splashes into the tank (Splash!) as another horror fan hits the plate (Ding!). He splashes into the tank again (Splash!). He splashes into the tank once more (Splash!). Cut to Jason continually splashing into the tank several more times (Splash!) (Splash!) (Splash!) (Splash!) (Splash!) as more and more horror fans keep hitting the plate (Ding!) (Ding!) (Ding!) (Ding!) (Ding!). Jason emerges from the tank, drenched and angry.

Jason Voorhees: "Oh, Freddy's going to pay for this!"

CUT TO...Phantasm's station. Phantasm is selling rare super-duper special edtion DVD's of his "Phantasm" films. He is also selling other "Phantasm" merchandise including "Phantasm" dolls of himself.. His fans eagerly swipe merchandise from his station and throw money at him.

Phantasm: "Please, only so many at a time. Don't worry, there's plenty to go around!"

-A fan steps up.

Horror Fan #1: "Can you tell us if your next movie is being made yet?"

-Another horror fan steps up.

Horror Fan #2: "Yeah, I want to know, too!"

-The rest of the fans cheer.

Fans: "Yeah!"

Phantasm: "Well, as matter of fact, my good friend Don Coscarelli has finally started production of my last movie, 'Phantasm's End'."

-The fans cheer.

Fans: "Yeah!"

Phantasm: "I, of course, will return for my ultimate and fateful end, and so will cast regulars A. Michael Baldwin and Reggie Banister.

-The fans cheer again.

Fans: "All right!"

Phantasm: "No date is set for release yet, but rest assured. 'Phantasm's End' is coming soon!"

-The fans freak out.

Fans: "'Phantasm's End'! 'Phantasm's End'! "Phantasm's End'!..."

CUT BACK TO...Chucky's station. Chucky is selling DVD's of his "Child's Play" movies, as well as "Bride of Chucky." He is also selling Good Guy doll replicas of himself that spit out lines ranging from "Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'll be your friend to the end, hiedy ho!" to "Don't fuck with the Chuck!" Tiffany is also there showing fans photos of their real-life "seeds" - their doll-like fraternal twins, Tobey and Malerie.

Chucky: "...Anyway, I'm only selling my movies separately for $10 dollars each. But, if you don't have any of them yet, you can buy the first movie and the boxset containing the first three sequels, just for $30 bucks."

Horror Fan #1: "How come the boxset only has the sequels?"

-Chucky shrugs.

Chucky: "Because, Universal Studio fucking sucks, that's why!"

-Another horror fan plays around with the Good Guy doll of Chucky. He pulls the string.

Chucky doll: "Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'll be your friend to the end, hiedy ho!"

Horror Fan #2: "Cool!"

-The horror fan pulls the string again.

Chucky Doll: "Sorry Jack, Chucky's Back!"

Horror Fan #2: "Awesome!"

-The horror fan pulls the string once more.

Chucky Doll: "Classics never go out of style!"

-The horror fan pulls the string one more time.

Chucky Doll: "Don't fuck with the Chuck!"

-Chucky, the real doll, turns to the horror fan.

Chucky: "You like?"

Horror Fan #2: "Yeah! How much?"

Chucky: "About $35."

-The horror fan goes through his wallet. Disappointed, he turns back to Chucky.

Horror Fan #2: "Um, what about $25?"

-Chucky shrugs.

Chucky: "Done."

-The horror fan gives Chucky his remaining $25.

Horror Fan #2: "Thanks, you're the best!"

-The horror fan walks away with the Chucky doll. Tiffany turns to Chucky.

Tiffany: "Chucky, that was so sweet."

Chucky: "Well, what I could do? He's a fan."

Tiffany: "You're going to be a wonderful father."

Chucky: "Whatever."

-Another horror fan looks at the photos of Tobey and Malerie. Then, she turns to Chucky and Tiffany.

Horror Fan #3: "Wow, I can't believe you really had twins. Just like in 'Seed of Chucky'!"

Chucky: "Well, what I can say? Life is full of suprises."

Tiffany: "You can say that again."

CUT TO...Pinhead's station. Pinhead is selling DVD's of his "Hellraiser" films and other "Hellraiser" merchandise, including puzzle boxes. He is also selling a book of his memoirs and quotes. One horror fan checks out the puzzle box.

Horror Fan #1: "Cool!"

-The horror fan turns to Pinhead.

Horror Fan #1: "Hey, is this puzzle box the real thing?"

Pinhead: "You think I would illegitamitedly sell something to my fans that is fake?! Why, I never!"

-The horror fan is shaken.

Horror Fan #1: "No! Not at all! I was just wondering, that's all..."

Pinhead: "You know nothing, you fool! Why, I should take that puzzle box and strip whatever life you have within you. I'll pull you into my world and bring you extreme torture. Down the dark decades of your pain, this will seem like a memory of..."

Horror Fan #1: "Hey man, I just want to know how much it is."

Pinhead: "In that case, it is $15 dollars."

-The horror fan gives Pinhead and $15 dollars and starts to walk away with the puzzle box. Suddenly, the lights go out and a hook-attached chain comes out of the darkness, pulling the horror fan face to face with Pinhead.

Pinhead: "But, wait, my child. You aren't leaving that easily. Why, if you ever cross me again, your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!"

-The lights go back on and the hook-attached chains disappear with the darkness. The horror fan, freaked out, flees away. Another horror fan turns to Pinhead.

Horror Fan #2: "When is 'Hellraiser: Hellworld' and 'Hellraiser: Deader' supposed to be coming out? It's been taking forever!"

Pinhead: "I think, AHEM, you mean 'Hellraiser: Deader,' THEN, 'Hellraiser: Hellworld'."

Horror Fan #2: "Oh, sorry. It's just kind of hard to keep up them in the right order without numbers or roman numerals labeling each part."

Pinhead: "What did you say?!"

-The horror fan is shaken.

Horror Fan #2: "Oh, nothing!"

Pinhead: "Anyway...Dimension Films has held back their releases to next year, possibly around Halloween."

Horror Fan #2: "Why is it taking so long for the studio to release them already? I mean, haven't they already been made for a while?"

Pinhead: "Yes, they are certainly completed. But, Dimension is just holding them back for proper releases, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less."

Horror Fan #2: "Whatever. Dimension sucks!"

-Suddenly, the lights go out and hook-attached chains tug at horror fan.

Pinhead: "What did you say?!"

Horror Fan #2: "Nothing! Nothing at all! Dimension totally rocks!"

Pinhead: "That's better!"

-The lights go back on and the hook-attached chains disappear with the darkness. The horror fan, freaked out, flees away. Another horror fan approaches Pinhead.

Horror Fan #3: "Hey, Pinhead..."

Pinhead: "Yes?!"

CUT BACK TO...Michael's station. Michael is selling VHS tapes of "Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut," and other "Halloween" merchandise. Numerous horror fans crowd around Michael's station for the extremely hard-to-find Producer's Cut of "Halloween 6: The Curse of Michaels."

Michael Myers: "Hey, only so many at a time. Don't worry, there's enough copies for everyone. In fact, I finally have my beloved Producer's Cut on DVD..."

-The horror fans cheer. Michael picks up a box from the floor and sets it onto the table.

Michael Myers: "...That's right, I got in touch with an independent DVD company several months ago, and here are DVD's for everyone. Just $15 dollar a piece."

-Michael whips out his big, sharp, kitchen knife (Shing!), and cuts open up the box. Then, he starts handing DVD copies of "Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut" to his fans. A horror fan looks through his empty wallet and sighs.

Horror Fan #1: "You said $15 dollars?"

Michael Myers: "Yeah."

-The horror fan sighs again. Out of sympathy, Michael hands him a copy anyway.

Michael Myers: "Here, this one's on the house."

Horror Fan #1: "Hey, thanks! You're the best!"

Michael Myers: "Don't mention it."

-Another horror fan turns to Michael.

Horror Fan #2: "So, is there an alternate version of 'Halloween 5' also?"

-Michael shrugs.

Michael Myers: "I wish!"

CUT TO...Freddy's station, where he is holding an autographical nightmare with a group of his fans. His fans lay back in chairs asleep, while Freddy has set them up in his dark, gloomy boiler room. One sleeping fan wonders around a dark corner of the boiler room, seeing fog all around the place. Suddenly, Freddy unexpectedly pops out of the fog.

Freddy Krueger: "Ah, ha!"

Fan: "Ahh!"

-Another sleeping fan walks along the top floor of catwalks of the three story boiler room setting. She cautiously walks up the catwalk, approaching an intersection. She continues looking around. That's when Freddy pops out of nowhere from the intersecting catwalk.

Freddy Krueger: "Miss me?!"

Fan: "Ahh!"

-The autographical nightmare continues for another a moment until the sleeping fans are all awakened by a Freddy. They wake up, frightened. Freddy got them good. They look around dazed. Then, they see Freddy appear back in reality in front of them. Freddy shrugs.

Freddy Krueger: "Hmm...sounds like to me you all had nightmares you'll never forget!"

-Freddy's fans laugh and cheer. They love autographical nightmares. Freddy shrugs.

Freddy Krueger: "Thank you. Thank you all. I hope..."

-Suddenly, Jason, looking drenched, runs at Freddy. Freddy looks in surprise to see Jason charge for him.

Freddy Krueger: "Oh, shit!"

-Jason rams Freddy, shoving him to the ground (Thud!). Freddy gets back up and faces Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Jason, be careful around our fans!"

-Jason shrugs.

Jason Voorhees: "I don't care!"

-Jason charges for Freddy, and Freddy ducks out of the way. Jason charges at him again. As he does, the horror fans get excited.

Horror Fan #1: "Hey, it's 'Freddy vs. Jason Round 2'!"

Horror Fan #2: "All right!"

-Freddy ducks out of Jason's way. Jason stops and faces him. He stares Freddy down with his one good eye. Freddy faces Jason back and stares him down with his two good eyes. The horror fans back out of the way, leaving them more room. Finally, Freddy charges for Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Aaah!"

-Jason charges for Freddy. He whips out his machete (Shing!). They meet head on and Freddy makes the first move, by slicing Jason's chest with his clawed hand (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wounds.

Freddy Krueger: "Ha!"

-Jason turns to swing his machete, but Freddy ducks out of the way (Swish). Freddy turns to slice Jason again, but Jason grabs hold of Freddy and lifts him high into the air with his outstretched arms. Then, he violently slams him to the ground (Thud!). Freddy, dazed, looks back up to see Jason approach him. Freddy backs away, gets up and faces Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Still think you won in 'Freddy vs. Jason'?"

-Jason stares back at Freddy with his one good eye. Freddy shrugs.

Freddy Krueger: "We'll see!"

-The horror fans, excited as hell, can't believe their eyes.

Horror Fans: "Freddy vs. Jason! Freddy vs. Jason! Freddy vs. Jason!..."

-Finally, Freddy charges for Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "Aaah!"

-Jason charges for Freddy. They meet head on and Freddy makes the first move by slicing his claws at Jason's chest (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from his wounds. Then, Jason swiftly slices his machete across Freddy's chest (Shing!). Blood sprays from Freddy's wound.

Freddy Krueger: "Aah!"

-The horror fans love this! Freddy shrugs and jumps back at Jason with his claws...

CUT TO...the men's room in the building. The horror fan who bought the puzzle box washes his hands from the sink. Then, he gets an idea.

Horror Fan: "Hey..."

-The horror fan whips out the puzzle box he purchased from Pinhead. The horror fan analyzes the puzzle box, trying to figure out how to solve it. He just tried before and it is frustrating. That's when the horror fan notices a circle mark on one of the sides.

Horror Fan: "Hey, wait..."

-The horror fan presses his fingers around the circle.

Horror Fan: "Ah, ha!"

-The horror fan senses something and the box suddenly starts opening up. He sets the puzzle box on the bar bathroom counter and watches as the puzzle box opens up and closes down diagonally forming a different shape. Then, it opens up and closes as a square as it originally was. Then, a tiny space opens up and chains whip out of its tiny dimensions and sic at him all over his body.

Johnny Carpenter: "Owww! No!!"

-The chain sic all over his chest, face and hands. The strength of the chains tug at him.

Johnny Carpenter: "Ahh! Oww!"

-That's when the lights go out.

Horror Fan: "Oh, shit."

-Then, Pinhead walks out of the darkness and approaches up to him.

Horror Fan: "Oh, shit!"

-The chains tug at him more.

Horror Fan: "Ahh! Oww!"

Pinhead: "Unbearable isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song at the center of the world, Johnny, and it is the sounds of razors going through flesh."

-The chains tug at the horror fan more.

Horror Fan: "Ahh! Oww! What is this? Why are you doing this to me?"

Pinhead: "You're so's harvest time!"

Horror Fan: "No! No! How can you do this? What are you?"

Pinhead: "Angels to some, demons to others..."

Horror Fan: "You're a sicko to me!"

Pinhead: "Don't be rash. Or else...the torture will only worse!"

-The chains tug at Johnny more.

Horror Fan: "Ahh! Oww!"

Pinhead: "Well, I'll be seeing you again very soon."

Horror Fan: "But, you can't! You can't!"

Pinhead: "Why, I have such sites to show you. I have eternity to know your flesh."

Horror Fan: "No!"

-Pinhead backs away and disappears into the darkness. Then, the chains tug at him and start pulling him into the puzzle box.

Horror Fan: "Argh!"

-The chains proceed to pull and drag the horror fan into the inner dimensions of Hell.

Horror Fan: "Nooo...!"

-The poor horror fan disappears into the puzzle box and the space closes. Then, the lights go back on in. That's when another horror fan enters the men's room. He notices the puzzle box on the counter and shrugs.

Horror Fan: "Oh, cool, a puzzle box!"
CUT TO...later on in the late afternoon. The horror icons appear on the stage in front of their fans. It was time for the award cerimony. Freddy and Jason, after fighting it out, look bloody and unkept. Chucky braces himself, he's up to be honored or dishonored for his work "Seed of Chucky." About two-thirds of horror fans are cheering for Chucky. The speaker looks over the voting results from horror fans all over the world. Finally, he turns to Chucky, and then to the fans.

Speaker: "And, here, to be honored got his great work in 'Seed of Chucky'...Chucky!"

-The speaker approaches Chucky, gets down on his knees and hands Chucky his award.

Chucky: "All right!"

-Chucky turns to the horror fans.

Chucky: "Thank you! Thank you all!"

-Most of the horror fans cheer for Chucky. The other horror fans, however, boo. Tiffany hugs Chucky.

Tiffany: "Oh, congratulations, baby!"

Chucky: "Yeah!"

Speaker: "And, and also to be honored for her work in 'Seed of Chucky'...Tiffany!"

-Tiffany looks in surprise.

Tiffany: "Me? I won too?"

-The speaker approaches Tiffany, gets on his knees and hands Tiffany her award.

Speaker: "Yes, you too. Congratulations!"

-Tiffany's eyes tear up.

Tiffany: "Why, thank you!"

-Tiffany turns back to Chucky.

Tiffany: "Chucky, I won! I won an award!"

Chucky: "You sure fuckin' did!"

-The speaker looks over some other notes and turns to the horror fans.

Speaker: "Ladies and gentlemen, I believe there is has been a change in the charts."

CUT TO...the horror charts, a list of the ten top popular horror icons based on internet polls over the world. In first place is Jason. Freddy follows in second. Michael is third. Ash is in fourth. Chucky follows in fifth place. Leatherface comes in sixth. Pinhead is in seventh. Frankenstein follows in eight place. Dracula comes in ninth. And, in tenth place is Ghostface.

-The horror fans react in surprise. What was the change? Who was up or was down? Freddy, Jason and Michael turn to each other and brace themselves. They've been in the lead for years, could Ash be moving up before them? Ash, with a determined look on his face, shrugs. It had to be him. He had to finally be moving further up the charts. The speaker looks over the notes and looks back toward the horror fans.

Speaker: "In the first place...Jason Voorhees!"

-Jason sighs of relief. Ash looks disappointed.

Speaker: "In second place...Freddy Krueger!"

-Freddy turns to Jason and sighs of relief. Ash, staying determined, shrugs. He had to be up to at least Freddy and Jason.

Speaker: "In third place..."

-Ash braces himself.

Speaker: "...Michael Myers!"

-Ash looks really disappointed. He was at still retaining his fourth spot. Right?

Speaker: "In fourth place..."

-Ash braces himself.

Speaker: "...Chucky!"

-Ash looks in disbelief.

Ash: "Chucky?!"

-All the horror fans, however, cheer on for Chucky. Not all of them liked "Seed of Chucky," but they think Chucky deserves his recognition for his other works.

Chucky: "Well, it's about fuckin' time!"

Tiffany: "Chucky, you're up to fourth. I'm so proud of you!"

Speaker: "In fifth place...Ash!"

Ash: "I lost to a doll? I lost to a stupid doll? Why, I never!"

-Chucky, overhearing Ash, turns to him.

Chucky: "Hey! Don't fuck with the Chuck!"

Ash: "Oh, really? Well, I think you're a pussy!"

-Freddy and Jason turn to each other. There goes Ash again with his macho talk... Chucky glares back at Ash.

Chucky: "Oh, don't tell me you just fucking said that!"

Ash: "Oh, I did! I fucking did!"

Chucky: "Why, I'll..."

Tiffany: "Chucky, ignore him. He's not important. What's important is that you're higher up on the charts now. That's all that matters."

Ash: "Oh, are you really just to take it like that? Pussy?"

-Chucky shrugs.

Chucky: "No!"

-Chucky turns to Tiffany.

Chucky: "Step back, Tiff."

Tiffany: "But, Chucky..."

Chucky: "I said, step back."

-Tiffany sighs and steps back. Chucky steps up and looks up to Ash, facing him. Ash looks down at Chucky to face him. The horror fans freak out.

Horror Fans: "Chucky vs. Ash! Chucky vs. Ash! Chucky vs. Ash!..."

-Finally, Chucky charges for Ash.

Chucky: "Argh!"

-Ash charges for Chucky.

Ash: "Aaah!"

-Chucky and Ash meet head on. Ash tries to make the first move and kick Chucky. But ,Chucky whips quickly whips out his knife (Shing!) and stabs Ash's kicking leg (Shing!).

Ash: "Argh!"

-Chucky steps back for Ash to fall over in agony (Thud). Then, Chucky tosses his knife aside (Shing!). He approaches Ash and, with all his little might, kicks him in his chest (Kick!).

Ash: "Ow!"

-Chucky kicks him again (Kick!).

Ash: "Ow, hey!"

-Chucky kicks Ash once more, this time in his groin (Kick!)

Ash: "Oy, vey..."

-The horror fans laugh at Ash and cheer Chucky on.

Horror Fans: "Chucky! Chucky! Chucky!..."

-That's when Ash, with a determination face, takes his fist and punches Chucky in his plastic face (Pow!). Chucky falls back on the stage. Blood drips from his nose.

Tiffany: "Chucky, you're nose! You're bleeding!"

-Chucky gets back up and faces Ash.

Chucky: "Why, I oughta..."

-Chucky charges for Ash, but Ash finally gets up. Chucky looks up to see Ash look down on him.

Ash: "How about this??"

-Ash takes his good leg and kicks Chucky, sending him across the stage. Sliding over end the stage, Chucky barely grasps the edge. He struggles to climb up and picks himself back onto the stage. Upon getting up, he sees Ash's feet before him. He looks up to see Ash sneering at him. Then Ash picks Chucky up and violently slams him to the wooden floor of the stage (Thud!). Chucky is dazed.

Chucky: "Ow..."

-Tiffany looks in disbelief at poor Chucky.

Tiffany: "Chucky!"

-Tiffany shrugs and runs for Ash.

Tiffany: "Aaah!"

-Tiffany reaches Ash and jumps at the bad leg.

Ash: "Argh!"

-Ash falls over and looks up to see Tiffany.

Tiffany: "Grrr!"

-Then, Tiffany kicks Ash in his chest (Kick!).

Ash: "Ow!"

-Tiffany kicks Ash again (Kick!)

Ash: "Ow, hey!"

-That's when Chucky gets up and joins in. He sneers at Ash.

Chucky: "Don't fuck with the Chuck!"

-Chucky punches Ash in his face (Pow!).

Ash: "Ow!"

-Tiffany kicks Ash in his groin (Kick!).

Ash: "Ow! Oy, vey..."

-Chucky punches Ash again (Pow!).

Ash: "Ow!"

-Chucky and Tiffany continue beating up poor Ash and the horror fans love it.

Horror Fans: "Chucky! Chucky! Chucky!..."

Horror Fans: "Tiffany! Tiffany! Tiffany!..."

CUT TO...a little later in the late afternoon. After Chucky's and Tiffany's mockery of Ash, it was now time for the Q&A. Ash, after his mockery, looks unkept. The horror icons stand on the stage, ready to be asked questions regarding them and their franchises from their fans. The speaker steps off the stage and meets with the horror fans. All of the horror fans are eager to ask their favorite horror icons a lot of stuff. He hands the microphone to the first horror fan. The horror fan looks up to stage.

Horror Fan #1: "Is there really a 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash' movie being made?"

-Freddy, Jason and Ash all turn each other in disbelief. Here they go again... Finally, Freddy faces back to the horror crowd.

Freddy Krueger: "'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash'?!"

-Jason shrugs and faces back to the horror fans.

Jason Voorhees: "'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash'?!"

-Ash faces back to the horror fans, almost looking hopeful.

Ash: "'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash'?"

-Freddy, Jason and Ash all turn to each other again. They turn to each other competitively. Here we go again... Freddy looks Ash down with his two good eyes. Jason looks Ash down with his one good eye. Ash looks Freddy down, then Jason with his two determined eyes. Freddy, Jason and Ash all back away from each other. They face each other intensely. Finally, Freddy shows off his claws (Shing!). Jason shrugs and whips out his machete (Shing!). And, Ash whips out boomstick (Ching!).

-The horror fans can't believe their eyes. First, "Freddy vs. Jason" and "Chucky vs. Ash," and now this! They start to freak out.

Horror Fans: "Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash! Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash!..."

-Finally, Freddy, Jason and Ash start approaching each other. Freddy waves his claws around. Jason grips his machete. Ash grips his boomstick. They meet head on, ready to make their moves...when they unexpectedly stop and burst out laughing! The horror fans don't know what to make of this. Freddy, Jason and Ash continue laughing at each other, enjoying themselves. The horror fans turn to each other in utter disbelief. Finally, Freddy, Jason and Ash calm down and turn back to the horror fans.

Freddy Krueger: "'Freddy vs. Jason vs...what? No way!"

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, of course not!"

Ash: "'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Mwa'? I don't think so!"

-The horror fans react in surprise. Ever since the success of Freddy's and Jason's versus movie in 2003, "Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash" rumors started and gave Ash ideas. Not since 1993's "Army of Darkness" was he last seen on the big-screen. Ash had been desperate for a gig. Sam Raimi had apparently moved on from the "Evil Dead" franchise was currently working on the "Spider-man" series.

-When 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash' came up, he jumped at the chance. Freddy and Jason, however, didn't. They wanted to move on with their own respective franchises. In return of this, Ash challenged Freddy and Jason. Freddy and Jason eventually gave in too his challenge and they all ripped each other apart. In end, Freddy won. And, he won again, just recently at Crystal Lake. Ash turns to the horror fans and shrugs.

Ash: "I don't know what all of you are talking about, because 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash' is not happening. You see, New Line tried to make this supposed double versus project. But, it didn't work out. In fact, in my good buddy Sammy's words, 'It ain't happening.' To make a movie with three of us would be ridiculous. I see no point in intruding on Fred's and Jay's turf. Whatever rumors you may still hear...don't listen to them."

-Another horror fan raises his hand. The speaker hands the microphone to him.

Horror Fan #2: "What about an 'Evil Dead 4'?"

-Suddenly, all the horror fans break out in excitement. Ash calms them down.

Ash: "A fourth 'Evil Dead'? Let's just say...yes! Hell, yes!"

-The horror fans freak out.

Ash: "I've been in talks with Sammy lately about a possible fourth entry to my wildly popular 'Evil Dead' series and he said he would considering doing it. Not immediately, though..."

-The horror fans groan.

Ash: "...Maybe in another few years. My buddy Sammy, he's working on 'Spider-man 3' at the moment for a 2007 release. After that, though, he would like to do the next 'Evil Dead'..."

-The horror fans cheer.

Ash: "...Just be patient. I am. I can wait a little longer. In the meantime, I'll continue to attend each and every horror convention and Horror Expo that goes around the country and greet my many, many fans like you. Thanks for being very loyal. You've been very well-informed and very loyal. Just remember this: when 'Evil Dead 4' comes, I'll be needing you on opening night."

-The horror fans freak out. Ash, himself, looks hopeful. He finally stopped caring about the stupid 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash' rumors and cares about his next eventual upcoming priority - "Evil Dead 4"!

Horror Fans: "Ash! Ash! Ash! Ash!..."

Horror Fans: "'Evil Dead 4'! 'Evil Dead 4'! 'Evil Dead 4'!..."

-The horror fans eventually calm down. The next horror fan raises his hand. The speaker hands the microphone to him. The horror fan turns to Freddy and Jason.

Horror Fan #3: "So, what about you guys? Does this mean that there's going to be a 'Freddy vs. Jason 2' with just you two?"

-The horror fans react in mixed results.

Freddy Krueger: "In pre-production stages, yes. There is a finished script and shooting is supposed to start this spring."

-Half of the horror fans cheer, the rest boo.

Jason Voorhees: "We know, we're disappointed too. We'd rather move on with our own respective franchises. I mean, I want to do 'Friday The 13th Part XI: Return To Crystal Lake'!"

-The horror fans cheer for Jason.

Freddy Krueger: "And, I want to make 'A Nightmare on Elm Street 8: The Dream...Whaterver'."

-The horror fans cheer for Freddy.

Freddy Krueger: "But alas, New Line is really high on the versus fad right now and they think they can make an equally successful versus movie to our classic original. Jason and I are stuck."

Jason Voorhees: "Yeah."

Freddy Krueger: "Until then, we'll just have to see what happens. Hell, if this apparent script is even good, I'd love to do it. But, until then, we all have to wait and see. We'll give you all some word when the time comes."

-Another horror fan raises his hand and the speaker hands him the microphone. The horror fan turns to Michael.

Horror Fan #4: "When will your 'Halloween' movies ever go back to the thorn storyline?"

-Half of the horror fans boo. They didn't like the thorn plot.

Michael Myers: "I've been over this with Moustapaha Akkad several times and he still refuses to refer back to that storyline and 'Halloween 4' through 'Halloween 6'. I know, I would like to go back to that old storyline too, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. This may come to a surprise, but the reason Akkad decided to disregard the previous subplot in 'Halloween: H20' and up is because Jamie Lee Curtis requested it. When she decided to reprise her role as Laurie Strode, she didn't want the previous movies mentioned, because she wasn't in them."

-The horror fans boo.

Michael Myers: "I know, I know, it sucks. Believe me, I would have done everything in my power to prevent this from happening, but Akkad never listens to me anymore. The new 'Halloween' films will, unfortunately, continue on its belated storyline. Any other questions?"

-The next horror fan raises his hand. The speaker hands him the microphone.

Horror Fan #5: "In 'Halloween: Resurrection,' after you killed you Laurie, why didn't you go after John Tate? Why did you go after those Internet teenagers in your house instead?"

Michael Myers: "That's a fair question. One: I had just accomplished the ever-lasting goal of finally killing off my sister, Laurie. Think about it, it took six movies for me to finally reach my initial kill. So, I decided to head back home for some rest before going after my nephew. And two: when I returned home, I found some annoying teenagers snooping around in my house. In my house! And, they were broadcasting the entire thing over the Internet. Why wouldn't I want to dispatch them??"

-The horror fans laugh and cheer Michael on. He had a point.

Michael Myers: "But, looking at it from a technical point of view, I understand why many of you were disappointed. Akkad and co. never should have had me preying on some random unrelated teenagers in my house. I should have returned to an empty house, chilled for a while, and then went after my nephew. But, Akkad didn't do that, did he?"

-Another horror fan raises his hand and the speaker hands him the microphone.

Horror Fan #6: "What about 'Halloween 9'? What's going to happen in that? You won't be going up in space, will you?"

-The horror fans boo. Michael shudders.

Michael Myers: "Of course not. A well known fact: Upon the making of of 'Halloween 4,' John Carpenter was approached to direct. Believe it or not, he only would have directed if the plot featured me in space or something. Obviously, that didn't happen and it still won't. But, realistically, the plot of my next movie should have me preying after John Tate. I have to be. He's my only official living relative left in the storyline. Just like the rest of you, Akkad and co. are still not telling me anything about the plot. The movie is only in the pre-production. Trust me, once some news comes out, I will tell you on my website."

-Another horror fan raises his hand. The speaker hands him the microphone. The horror fan turns to Michael.

Horror Fan #7: "Whatever happened to Ghostface?"

Michael Myers: "What do you mean? What about Ghostface?"

Horror Fan #7: "I mean, the Ghostface that apparently set you up for the FBI."

Michael Myers: "Oh, the real Ghostface. I thought you were talking about the ones from the 'Scream' movies. Well, as I went over before last month, Ghostface, whose identity I won't reveal, was prank-calling me. Not only that, Ghostface had an agenda against Freddy, Jason and me. But, we won."

Horror Fan #7: "Why can't you tell you us who it was? I want to know!"

-The rest of the horror fans cheer. They all want to know who Ghostface was!

Michael Myers: "I'm sorry, but we can't tell."

-The horror fans groan.

Michael Myers: "I know you want to know, but it really isn't important. In the end, the whole Ghostface business wound up a personal matter for all of us in a big way..."

-Jason sighs.

Michael: "...I'm especially glad that when the FBI discovered the 'suspect' behind the mask, they kept it underwraps from the public."

-Michael turns to Freddy and Jason, then back to the horror fans.
Michael Myers: "But, I can tell you this. Ghostface, the menace he or she was, will not strike back. Ghostface will be locked away for a very, very long time..."
CUT TO...Smith's Grove. Cut to a hallway of cells containing mentally unstable psycho's, murderer's and nutjobs. Cut to cell no. 664. Inside is Karen Barclay, mother of Andy Barclay whom Chucky sought after so long. Karen mutters to herself on and on, trying to get attention from doctors.

Karen Barclay: "...But, I'm not crazy! The doll was real. Chucky was alive! Why won't any of you listen to me?"

-Karen falls back on her and sobs. Sixteen years. She's been there for sixteen years and she still hasn't cracked. Nothing will. When the "Chucky" murders were up in question in trial, she testified about Chucky being real. The police, however, denied it, realizing nobody would believe them. But, Karen fought long and hard to prove her case. And, here she is. She gets back up.

Karen Barclay: "You have to listen to me! I'm not crazy! I saw Chucky! I saw him!"

-Karen falls back again and sobs.

-Cut to cell no. 665., where a woman lays strapped to her bed. Previously on TV that summer was a TV special called "When Toaster's attack!" Unfortunately for her, she went crazy and sees visions of an attacking toaster. Struggling to get out of her straps, she freaks out.

Woman: "Help! Help me! I see the toaster! It's right there on the floor!"

-As the woman sees it, a "toaster" lays there on the floor. "It" lays there motionless, waiting to make its move.

Woman: "Help! Someone help me! It's going to attack!"

-That's when the "toaster" jumps up and goes for her.

Woman: "Nooo...!"

-Cut to cell no. 666. Inside it, Kara Strode lays on the bed eating her dinner. She spits out the food and gags. The sanitarium food was terrible.

Kara Strode: "Yuck!"

-That's when a psychiatrist, Dr. Miranda Grey, looking a lot like Halle Berry, approaches her cell.

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Kara?"

Kara Strode: "Doctor?"

-Kara gets up and Dr. Miranda Grey unlocks her cell to get in.

Dr. Miranda Grey: "I'm Dr. Grey. I'm here to help you."

Kara Strode: "Well, thank God! I'm glad someone finally is. Nobody around here believes me!"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "It's okay. Just tell me your story and I'll try to sort it out for you."

Kara Strode: "Umm...okay. It goes like this. I'm cousins with Laurie Strode. Or, I would be cousins with her. You know what I'm talking about?"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Yes. Her and all that terrible Halloween tragedy. I'm so sorry."

Kara Strode: "Well, in that case, you must know that there is a murderer in our family. Her brother, Michael."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "But, he's dead."

Kara Strode: "No, he isn't."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Yes, he is. He hasn't been seen in years. Nothing but copycats."

Kara Strode: "That isn't true. Michael, he's always been able to escape from the law. All those terrible murders in the last few years, it's him. It's always been him. He just keeps finding decoys."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Kara, I can't help you if..."

Kara Strode: "Just hear me out...please."

-Dr. Grey sighs.

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Okay."

Kara Strode: "Michael is out there. He always has been. He first went after me in 1995. He wound up killing my whole family except for me and my son, Danny. Only I survived with Danny, a friend Tommy Doyle, and Michael's son, Stephen."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Michael's son?"

Kara Strode: "Yes, his son. It was part of a druid thing. It's too much to explain."

-Dr. Grey sighs in disbelief.

Kara Strode: "Well, after that family tragedy, I decided to enter the witness protection program. I would go in with Danny, Tommy and Stephen. For protection from Michael. But before making it in, Michael struck back only to get his son back. And, I was stuck in witness protection for a long gap. I thought the FBI would try to track Michael down, but they didn't. I heard Michael stories here and there, but nothing came about. Eventually, Michael went after his nephew, John Tate. He killed people, yada, yada, yada, but John survived and Michael escaped again."

-Kara sighs and takes a deep breath. Dr. Grey is listening intently.

Kara Strode: "Well, after that, John joined the witness protecton program. He got in touch with Tommy and I. We all thought that Michael would evenutally be caught. But for a long time, nothing happened. Nothing. Michael was bound to be heard of again, but nothing came about. So, Tommy and John came up with this crazy idea to stop Michael. And, they never came back..."

-Kara sighs. Dr. Grey continues listening intently.

Kara Strode: "They also fell under Michael's wrath. So, I decided to leave the witness protection program and fake my death. That way, Michael would never suspect me. I set up this elaborite plan, so that I could trap him, stop him. It almost worked. But, he somehow got right back up again and overcame me. He set me up for the FBI. He changed disguises between us."

-Kara sighs. Dr. Grey has been listening intently.

Kara Strode: "So, do you believe me?"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "I don't know. It sounds preposterous, but I get a feeling from you. You sound genuine."

Kara Strode: "I am genuine. I have been the whole time."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Could you, perhaps, tell me a little more. How did you try setting him up?"

Kara Strode: "Well, some of this is going to sound really hard to swallow, but its true. Michael Myers isn't the only known serial killer out there. There's also...Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees..."

-Dr. Grey turns to Kara suspiciously.

Kara Strode: "...Believe it or not, Michael lives outside in the world like a regular person...when he's not killing people. In fact, he is often seen with Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. They're known as the "Big Three." In order set up Michael..."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Okay, that's enough!"

-Kara sighs.

Kara Strode: "I know it sounds crazy, but..."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "But, what?"

Kara Strode: "It's true. I'm not making his up."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Okay, let me think about all of this for a moment..."

-Dr. Grey sits back and goes over all the bullshit she just heard. Then, she turns back to Kara and faces her. Kara braces herself.

Dr. Miranda Grey: "'re crazy! You're absolutely crazy! You know, I was starting to believe you, I really was. But, hearing that Michael lives out a regular person...I mean, come on!"

Kara Strode: "But, it's true!"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "No, it isn't! And, you know it. You know what I think? You've watched too many horror movies. You must have a really active imagination or something. Because, that is the stupidest story I've ever heard!"

Kara Strode: "Why can't you open your mind? Why can't you understnad?"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Because, I'm sane! I'm sane and rational. You, clearly, or not."

-Dr. Grey gets up to leave.

Kara Strode: "You can't leave me. You have to believe me."

Dr. Miranda Grey: "I don't think so, honey. Not that one."

-Dr. Grey start open to the cell. Kara stops her.

Kara Strode: "Please!"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Let go of me!"

Kara Strode: "You have to believe me! You're the only one I can trust!"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Let me go, you psycho!"

Kara Strode: "But, I'm not psycho! Michael is!"

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Help! A pacient is trying to attack me!"

Kara Strode: "No, I'm not!"

-Two guards arrive to the cell and pull Kara off Dr. Grey.

Dr. Miranda Grey: "Put that bitch in the shock treatment room! She needs it!"

Kara Strode: "What?? Shock treatment??"

-Dr. Grey walks away in huff and the two guards start wraping Kara in a straight jacket.

Kara Strode: "You can't do this to me! I'm not crazy!"

-Kara struggles to get out of the guard's grips, but they manage wrap her up in the straight jacket (Zip!). Then, they start dragging her down the hallway to the shock treatment room. Kara struggles to get out the straight jacket.

Kara Strode: "Let me go! You must let me go!"

Guard #1: "Not on my time, honey!"

Guard #2: "That's right, sweetheard. You're going to be here for a very, very long time!

Kara Strode: "Nooo...!"

-The first guard turns to the second guard, and the second guard whips out a roll of ducktape. Next thing Kara knows, one of the guards is slapping ducktape over her screaming mouth.

Kara Strode: "Nooo...mmm...mmm...Mmm!"

Guard #1: "Oh please! That whole 'Nooo...!' thing is so cliche!"

Guard #2: "Yeah, it is sweetheart. No way are you getting out this!"

Kara Strode: "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmm!"

-The two guards deviously laugh as they drag Kara down to the shock treatment room. Poor Kara, just another decoy for Michael.


Freddy vs. James Bond