-Crystal Lake. Early afternoon. Parked along park area of the woods, is a BMW X5 SUV. In the vehicle is Freddy, Jason,
and Michael asleep. After going on the lam in the middle of the night, they are tired. Michael, snoring through his mask,
lays on the back seat. Freddy and Jason, leaning over their passanger and driver side seats, both unintentially snuggle up
to each other.
-Suddenly, Michael's cell phones rings and wakes them up. The ring tone is the eerir "Halloween" theme.
Michael shakes it off and whips out his cell phone. Freddy and Jason, realizing their situation, awkwardly turn away from
each other. Michael laughs and sleepily answers his cell phone.
Michael Myers: "He-Hello?"
Ghostface: "Rise
and shine!"
Michael Myers: "Good afternoon to you, too, I guess."
Ghostface: "What's up?? How you feeling??
Feeling the heat yet??"
Michael Myers: "I'm too tired to feel anything right now, thanks."
Ghostface: "Well,
see ya later!"
Michael Myers: "Hey, wait..."
-Ghostface hangs up on Michael. Michael, feeling tired, puts his
cell phone away.
Michael Myers: "Okay..."
Freddy Krueger: "What was that?"
Michael Myers: "Ghostface.
He, or she, gave us a wake up call."
Freddy Krueger: "What do you mean Ghostface gave us a wake up call?"
Myers: "I mean, Ghostfamce told me rise and shine and so on."
-Michael shrugs and finally realizes the situation.
Myers: "Hey, Ghostface gave us a wake up call!"
-Michael immediately looks around the woodsy setting around them. So
does Freddy and Jason. Was Ghostface there? Could Ghostface have known they were asleep? Not seeing anybody, they sigh.
Krueger: "Great. Ghostface knows, or may know, where we are. We can't do anything anymore without Ghostface's knowledge."
Myers: "All for the better."
Freddy Krueger: "What?"
Michael Myers: "All for the better. If Ghostface knows
where we are, then at least we can break down this sticky situation and finish it. I'd rather do that than wait it out forever.
Hell, if Ghostface is here at Crystal Lake, I'd gladly take him, or her, on in a flash and find out who the bastard is. And
then, we'll overcome Ghostface and move on."
Jason Voorhees: "Well, let's get to the campsite, already."
turns on the ignition to his SUV (Rrrrrrrrrr!...) and starts continuing their way to Camp Crystal Lake.
CUT TO...the
New York/New Jersey border. Freddy, Jason and Michael, took care of the police officers blocking them off and ambulances have
arrived to the scene with body bags. Donald Loomis and the FBI chief, among other FBI agents, are also there.
FBI Chief:
"I can't believe this..."
Donald Loomis: "Um, sir?"
FBI Chief: "...I really can't believe this..."
Loomis: "Chief?"
FBI Chief: "...Donald, not only is about thirty of our men killed off, as well as civilians, so are
about a dozen New Jersey policemen! All because of your obsession with Michael Myers! What was I thinking to listen to you
again about your 'caller'?"
Donald Loomis: "But, this caller rang true. My caller pointed us towards Michael's direction."
Chief: "Yes, and at the expense of our force!"
Donald Loomis: "Chief, I am truly sorry about what has happened, but
we are getting closer and closer to finding Michael. My caller has been dead on so far about Michael's whereabouts."
Chief: "Yet, he always seems to 'conveniently' get away." Donald Loomis: "I never said catching the boogeyman would be
easy. Even my father told you that."
FBI Chief: "Yeah, well, you're father was a..."
-The chief hesitates.
Chief: "...Um, a good man, but at times, he didn't know better."
Donald Loomis: "That is not true. He did everything
in his power to stop Michael. And neither authority from Smith's Grove to Haddonfield to to this very FBI listened to what
he had to say. My father died in vain and I want to salvage it and stop Michael, once and for all. Do you understand?"
chief sighs.
FBI Agent: "Yes, I do. I see where you're coming from. Just tell me when your caller calls next and we'll
move on from there."
Donald Loomis: "All right."
CUT BACK TO...Freddy and Michael, riding with Jason in his
BMW X5 SUV through the woodsy patches of Crystal Lake. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "You know, since everything seems
to be falling into place so quickly, we really need to figure out who Ghostface could be."
Freddy Krueger: "What, like
we haven't been trying to do that before?"
Michael Myers: "No, I know we have. But, everything is coming so close.
We have to find out who Ghostface is. Soon. If we do that, maybe we could outsmart him. Or, her. As of now, Ghostface has
been on our cases again for about two months. We need to think of all the possible identities we've come across in the last
few months before that. Or, even the past year. We need to move beyond John Tate and Jessica Voorhees, and think of other
possibilities. I just don't think it's them."
Freddy Krueger: "Okay. Umm..."
Jason Voorhees: "Well..."
Myers: "Hmm..."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, I know. Ash!"
Michael Myers: "Ash as in 'The Evil Dead'? Ash as in 'Freddy
vs. Jason vs. Ash' a while ago?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! Why not?"
Freddy Krueger: "Okay. First of all, hockeypuss,
Ash has no reason to hassle Mike over the phone. Not like John did before. Ash has nothing to do with Mike. Not like he has
to do with us. Ash is so far-field, it can't be him."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, Mike said we have to figure out who Ghostface
is and pick a figure from recent events. Who's your genius idea, smartypants?"
Freddy Krueger: "I have none. Unless..."
Myers: "Who?"
Freddy Krueger: "Actually, I don't think it be this person. It's too far-fetched..."
Michael Myers:
"Fred, please tell. I'm open to any ideas thrown on the table. I mean, if we're going to bring up my dead nephew, then I don't
see what could be worse."
Freddy Krueger: "Okay. If you want to know, I'll tell you. Well, when John was playing as
Ghostface before and had an agenda to kill you..."
-Michael sighs.
Freddy Krueger: "...He was always calling
you. He never called Jason and I. That's because his agenda was primarily against you. The only reason he tried get to Jason
and I out of the equation as well, is because he knew that you were always chillin' with us. He knew we'd take him out. Well,
Ghostface is back and this whole time, again, he or she has been calling you. Not Jason and I."
Michael Myers: "Okay
then. So, who is it?"
Freddy Krueger: "I'm getting to that. You see, you're pretty much ruling out the possibility
of John surviving last Halloween. So, the question is, who could be following in his footsteps? Who could be the new Ghostface?
Well, I've been thinking of a lot about the turn of events to strike us recently - right down to this summer. And, I think
I know who it is."
Jason Voorhees: "Wow, Really?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yes, I do."
-Freddy turns to Michael.
Krueger: "Now, this may be hard to swallow at first. It may sound unbelievable. In fact, it might sound completely outrageous..."
Myers: "Fred, just tell us already!"
Freddy Krueger: "Okay. I think that Ghostface is..."
-Suddenly, Jason's
cell phone rings. The ring tone is the eerie "Friday The 13th" theme. Freddy and Michael sigh. Jason shrugs.
Voorhees: "Sorry!"
-Jason whips out his cell phone. As he does, he mutters to himself.
Jason Voorhees: "Right
at the good part, too!"
-Jason answers his cell phone.
Jason Voorhees: "Hello?"
Ghostface: "What's up?!"
Voorhees: "Strange to be hearing from you, Ghostface."
Ghostface: "I'd just thought I'd hear to a different voice.
Talking to Michael can get so boring."
Jason Voorhees: "Ghostface, just shove it."
Ghostface: "What did you
just say?"
Jason Voorhees: "I told you to shove it. I'm getting so tired of Ghostfaces. Real ones, fake, prank-calling
ones, they are just getting predictable."
Ghostface: "Funny, I always found you to be predictable in your movies."
Voorhees: "Oh, don't tell me you just said that!"
Ghostface: "Oh, I did!"
Jason Voorhees: "Grrr!"
"Anyway, since I've caught youg in a good mood, I thought we'd have a little chit-chat. Say...how's Todd?"
-Jason freaks
Jason Voorhees: "No way!"
-Jason slows down his BMW X5 SUV and stops to the side of the road (Screech!).
Voorhees: "That was you? You set me and Todd up?! It's because of you, I lost Todd again?!?"
Ghostface: "Wow, for a
retarded hockey goalie, you're quick!"
Jason Voorhees: "I can't believe you! The nerve! How could you..."
"How could I what? Come up with an ingeniusly brilliant plan to set up all your fates? So far, everything is going to plan!
Everything! Well, not everything. When I sent those heroines from your past after you and your son, I expected them to finish
both of you off. Sure, you two are The Crystal Lake Killers, but I thought that all their angry feelings for revenge within
them would overcome your brutal strength. I guess not. They failed half of their mission..."
Jason Voorhees: "Why,
Ghostface: "...But, no matter. Despite that point of error, my evil plan can still prevail."
Jason Voorhees:
"What do you mean?"
Ghostface: "You'll see!"
Jason Voorhees: "No, you tell me right what's going on, or else!"
"See ya!"
-Ghostface hangs up on Jason. Jason sighs of frustration.
Jason Voorhees: "Argh!"
-Jason sighs
again, hitting the dashboard with his fists.
Jason Voorhees: "Argh! Argh! Argh!"
Freddy Krueger: "Jason, relax!
It's okay."
Jason Voorhees: "No, it isn't! Ghostface set me and Todd up. He set up the whole entire thing. It's because
of Ghostface, that I lost Todd! Ghostface killed Todd!"
-Freddy and Michael turn away. Jason breaks down.
Voorhees: "I have to get out. I have to take a walk."
-Jason bursts out of his BMW X5 SUV and heads out into the woods.
BACK TO...Freddy and Michael riding with Jason towards Camp Crystal Lake, later on towards the mid-afternoon. Jason, dead
silent, drives past woodsy patchs of road. Freddy and Michael, stay quiet as not to upset Jason. Jason took his little walk...
to Jason in the woods]
-Jason, having walked deep into the woods, screams out.
Jason Voorhees: "...Aaaaarrgghh!
You bastard! That's it, Ghostface! That's it! You want me? You want a piece of me?! I'm right here! Come and get me! I'm ready
for you! Argh!..."
[End of flashback]
-That's when the BMW X5 SUV starts approaching an entrance. They were
there. Up ahead is sign hanging over the entrance - CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE. The words "Camp Blood" appear to be spray painted over
the sign. Jason drives through the entrance and up to the campsite.
-Up ahead is the offshore of the lake spreading
out to the left and right. To the left is the main cabin, a two story house. To the left of the main cabin are five other
cabins, one story shacks within ten feet of each other. To the right is a dock built over the lake. And, surrounding the cabins
and offshore is the woods.
-Jason parks his SUV by the main cabin and stops. Freddy and Michael step out of the vehicle
and look around the beautiful landscape.
Michael Myers: "Wow..."
Freddy Krueger: "Hey, this is nice..."
steps out his SUV. Freddy turns to him.
Freddy Krueger: "...So, this is it?"
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees:
"Well, it's part of it. There are various campsites all over the lake. This was the campsite I visited just two weeks when..."
sighs. Freddy and Michael turn away.
Jason Voorhees: "Anyway, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to take a walk and
check out my shack out in the woods."
Freddy Krueger: "The one from 'Friday The 13th Part 2'?"
-Jason shrugs.
Voorhees: "That's the one. Anyway, you can check out the campsite all you want. I'll see you guys later."
Freddy Krueger:
"Yeah, I'll see ya."
Michael Myers: "See ya, Jason."
-Jason shrugs and turns around. He heads toward woods surrounding
offshore to the right. Freddy sighs and turns to Michael.
Freddy Krueger: "I feel so bad for Jason. First, he loses
Todd. Again. Then, he finds out Ghostface set him and Todd up the whole time. I can't believe you were right about that."
Myers: "I wish I wasn't. I wish none of this was happening. But, it is. And, we have to stop Ghostface. Once and for all."
Krueger: "Yeah, we do."
Michael Myers: "Anyway, what were you saying before?"
Freddy Krueger: "Huh?"
Myers: "Along the way here. You said that you thought you knew who Ghostface might be. Just before Ghostface interrupted and
called Jason. Who do you think it is?"
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, that. It...doesn't matter anymore. At this point, it couldn't
be true."
Michael Myers: "You sure?"
Freddy Krueger: "I wouldn't want to waste your time with it. It's too
silly beyond words."
CUT TO...Freddy and Michael entering front entrance of the main cabin. The front door happens
to be broken off its hinges and leans against the wall in the hallway. Freddy and Michael step right in.
-To the left
of them is the living room, where a sofa and couple of chairs are set up. In the back behind the living room is a kitchen.
To the right of the kitchen is the reck room. To the right of them is the recreation room. Up ahead is a hallway leading to
a bathroom and closet. Also ahead of them is a staircase leading up to the second floor. To the left of the top of staircase
is a hallway leading around to the bedrooms. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "It's suitable."
Freddy Krueger:
"You know, this might the cabin those teenagers stayed in."
Michael Myers: "What teenagers?"
Freddy Krueger:
"Those teenagers that also came here two weeks ago. You know, when Jason came here for..."
Michael Myers: "Oh, right.
-Freddy and Michael head toward the staircase and start heading up the second floor. Reaching the second floor,
they look down the hall. Freddy opens the door to the first bedroom and checks it out...
Freddy Krueger: "Whoa!"
the middle of the bedroom floor is a dried blood stain. Splattered on the ceiling is dried blood and brains. One of the windows
is also shattered. Jason was busy! Michael takes a quick glance and heads for the next bedroom. Michael opens the door...to
reveal a clean room. Michael shrugs and heads in. Freddy, meanwhile, checks out the third bedroom...
Freddy Krueger:
"Hey, Mike, look at this!"
-Jason was busy again! Dried blood and guts are splattered all over the bed and wall. But,
Michael ignores Freddy and lays down on the bed in the second bedroom. He didn't need to see it. Freddy continues looking
around the third bedroom. That's when he notices a digital camera set on the desk. It was as if it belonged to a movie geek.
Krueger: "Oh, look at this..."
-Freddy, grabbing the digital camera, sees the red light still on.
Freddy Krueger:
"Hey, it's still on."
-That's when Freddy gets an idea.
Freddy Krueger: "Hey, wait a minute..."
looks at the spot on the desk where the digital camera was set. Then, he looks over at the splattered blood on the bed. The
digital camera would have been facing that particular spot...Freddy immediately starts rewinding the digital camera! Looking
through the lense, he continues rewinding until he finds sees something interesting.
Freddy Krueger: "Ah, ha!"
stops rewinding and starts playing the digital camera. He looks into the lense and clearly sees some geeky guy with glasses
laid out on the bed. Freddy also sees Jason come into the room. The geeky guy turns his head and sees Jason. The geeky guy
freaks out and tries to get away. After a bit of a struggle, Jason throws the geeky back on the bed.
-Freddy looks
into the lense and clearly sees Jason approach him. Then, he sees Jason swing his machete at the geeky guy, severing his right
arm off (Shing!). Blood sprays from the shoulder wound over the bed.
Geeky Guy: "Argh!"
Freddy Krueger: "Whoa!"
continues looking into the lense, seeing Jason swing his machete again. Jason ends up slicing deep into the geeky guy's stomach
(Shing!). Blood and guts splatter over the bed and wall.
Geeky Guy: "Argh!"
Freddy Krueger: "You go, Jason!"
looks into the lense once more and sees Jason viciously swing his machete at the geeky guy, severing his upper and lower chest
(Shing!). Blood and guts splatter over Jason, the bed, and the wall.
Geeky Guy: "Argh..."
-The geeky guy is
finished. Jason looks satisfied. Freddy shrugs.
Freddy Krueger: "That was good! I have to see that again!"
proceeds to rewind the digital camera...
CUT BACK TO...Michael laying on the bed in the second bedroom. He sighs his
thinks of all times Ghostface has hassled him...
[Cut flashback]
-But, that would be too many flashbacks to
go through. Michael sighs. He's in way over his head.
CUT TO...Jason walking through the woods. Passing various bushes and trees, Jason heads deeper and deeper into the woods.
Suddenly, a mysterious figure steps out from a tree watching him. Could it be Jason??
Jason Theme: "Chi, chi, chi,
ha, ha, ha. Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha."
-Oh, right, it couldn't be...
-Jason, passing more bushes and trees,
walks further and further into the woods. Finally he passes between two bushes and stops. Right there is his old shack. It
is basically assembled with various pieces of wooden and metalic parts, as well as covers and sheets. The wooden and metalic
pieces range from different sizes and colors. From the outside, the shack looks very tacky.
-Jason approaches it and
walks through the side door. The inside walls are comprised of wood making up the surrounding setting. Settled loosely about
the room are a few chairs and pieces of spare wood. There also a dark sections covered up by curtains. Along the back wall
is a door leading to a back room - the crypt where leaves his mother's decaying decapited head and the urn containing his
son's cremated remains.
-Jason approaches the door and stops. He, hesitantly, reaches for it. He slowly opens the
door. Jason sighs and enters the crypt. There was the table with his mother's decaying head and the urn containing his son.
Jason approaches the table and kneels in front of it. He sighs and recalls his last moments with Todd...
to "Horror Talk XXX: Like Father, Like Seed"]
-Jason and Todd are eating at McDonalds after a murder spree.
"You know what, I'll be there for you. I always will be. I'll be there to take over for you if I have to, and I'll be there
if the rest those pesky heroines from your movies come back after you."
Jason Voorhees: "I don't think we have to worry
about that now. In fact, I want to show you home."
Todd: "Home? You have no home, you just crash at some random house
every night."
Jason Voorhees: "No, I mean Crystal Lake."
Todd: "You're going to show me Crystal Lake? Cool!
I would love to see your old hunting grounds."
Jason Voorhees: "And, I can't wait to re-visit them. It's been eleven
years since I've been to Crystal Lake. Ever since that whole 'Jason Goes To Hell' fiasco, I decided to stay away for a while.
Now, I want to show you my old turf."
Todd: "Awesome! I can't wait!"
[End of flashback]
-Jason sighs
and recalls Todd's death...
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXX: Like Father, Like Seed"]
-While at McDonald's, Jason
and Todd were confronted by four of Jason's heroines from his past - Ginny from "Friday The 13th Part 2"; Trish Jarvis from
"Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter"; Megan Garris from "Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives"; and Rennie "Friday The 13th
Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan."
-After much action, Jason cleans house - but Todd wound up getting ambushed by the
heroines. He was not ready for confronations like this.
-Jason drops the machete and starts walking back to over to
Todd. Could he still be alive? Could he be taking his time to come back, just like he does? Did the heroines indeed finish
him off? Jason reaches Todd. He still lays motionless on the ground. Jason kneels over him, struggling to revive him. He grabs
hims and shakes him around.
Jason Voorhees: "Please."
-No response. Jason shakes Todd around more.
Voorhees: "Come on."
-Jason stands Todd up. His body flails about like a rag doll.
Jason Voorhees: "Come on,
-Jason shakes Todd around, but there is still no response. Todd's legs and arms flail about and his hockey-masked
head sags over. Jason sighs and drops Todd's body. He was really gone. He was dead. The heroines got him. But, he got them.
They paid for it. Feeling at his most vulnerable, Jason falls back and freaks out.
Jason Voorhees: "Nooo...!"
of flashback]
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, I'll get Ghostface for you, Todd, I will. We all will. Me, Fred and Mike will catch
the bastard and teach Ghostface a lesson. Oh, I definitely will. Oh, I'll...slaughter Ghostface all over the place!"
TO...the moon in the night sky over Crystal Lake later on in the evening. Insects chirp within the woods, creating a life
of its own.
CUT TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael in the living room of the main cabin, watching the TV. Playing on the
TV is the news.
News: Cut to a woman reporting from the New York/New Jersey border.
Reporter: "...Just at this
very spot, infamous serial killer, Michael Myers, reportedly slaughtered several New Jersey policemen. Ever since early this
morning, Michael has been on the run from the FBI. It is apparent that FBI agent, Donald Loomis, son of the legendary Dr.
Sam Loomis who followed after Michael Myers for years, has somehow found traces of the infamous serial killer."
Cut to earlier footage of Donald Loomis.
Donald Loomis: "I-I can't tell you how I know. But, I can tell you how this.
Michael is out there and he's dangerous. He could be anywhere...especially in New Jersey!"
CUT TO...99% of the New
Jersey population getting tense. Cut to 1% shrugging it off.
CUT BACK TO...Donald Loomis.
Donald Loomis: "However,
we're getting closer and closer to catching Michael. I just got more feedback from a source about his possible whereabouts.
This source, I can't disclose to you. However, I can promise a great top story in tomorrow's newspaper: Boogeyman, Michael
Myers, captured once and for all."
-Michael turns off the TV.
Freddy Krueger: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Myers: "It means that Ghostface definitely ratted me out to Loomis. What it also means is that Ghostface may know we're here.
He could be here with us right now."
-Jason looks around suspicously.
Freddy Krueger: "Huh. We'll never win,
we'll we?"
Michael Myers: "It doesn't look like it. Not until we find out who Ghostface is."
Freddy Krueger:
"Maybe so. But, even if we do figure who he or she is, what if Ghostface set traps against us?"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey,
yeah. When I talked Ghostface this morning, he, or she, told me how his or her 'evil plan' is going perfectly. Apparently,
Ghostface set up all our fates."
Michael Myers: "Really?"
Jason Voorhees: "That's what Ghostface said."
Myers: "This one's a tricky one, isn't he?"
Freddy Krueger: "Or, she?"
Michael Myers: "Whatever. I can't wait
to find out Ghostface it is, just so we can stop dodging around the 'he' and 'she' and 'his' and 'her', and all that."
Jason Voorhees: "Hell, I would still nominate Ash as Ghostface."
CUT TO (hypothetically)...Ghostface.
The figure takes off his/her ghost mask, revealing the sneering face of Ash.
CUT BACK TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael.
Krueger: "Jason..."
Jason Voorhees: "Why not? Why couldn't it be Ash? What if he was calling Mike, so that we wouldn't
suspect him? What if he was hassling us, because you beat him in our 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash' fight a while ago? What if
he has an agenda against you?"
Freddy Krueger: "What are you talking about?"
Jason Voorhees: "You know perfectly
well what I'm talking about. Ever since you beat him up in our little fight and rock-bottomed him over his car, he's been
meaning to get back at you in 'Freddy vs. Ash Round Two'."
Freddy Krueger: "I've been preferring to ignore his recent
Jason Voorhees: "But, don't you see? By ignoring his challenges like this, he's getting more fed up with
you. And besides that, he's always been jealous of us. All of us have always been at the top of the charts for most popular
horror icons. Ash is in fourth. Thus, he might want to take all of us out anyway. He might have this an agenda to take care
of all us. Especially you. Did you ever think of that?"
-Freddy thinks for a moment.
Freddy Krueger: "No, I
didn't. Nor do I believe it. Of all things, I don't think Ash would go to this much trouble to get our attention. Ash is not
CUT BACK TO (hypothetically)...Ash as Ghostface. An "X" mark appears over him.
CUT BACK TO...Freddy,
Jason and Michael. Suddenly, Michael's cell phone rings. Michael shrugs and answers.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface?" Ghostface:
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface."
Ghostface: "Michael!"
Michael Myers: "You
have some nerve to setting us like this. First you ratted me out to Donald Loomis. Next, because of you, I have to find myself
a new apartment. And also because you, I have to buy a new car."
Ghostface: "Oh, boo hoo!"
Michael Myers: "And,
you setting up Jason and his son like that..."
Ghostface: "I know, it was so clever!"
Michael Myers: "It was
wrong, that's what. When we find you and get our hands on you, we're going to teach you a lesson..."
Ghostface: "Let
me talk to Freddy."
Michael Myers: "Did you hear me? When we find you..."
Ghostface: "I know, let me talk to
-Michael sighs and hands his cell phone to Freddy.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface wants to talk to you."
takes the cell phone and answers.
Freddy Krueger: "Ghostface?"
Ghostface: "Freddy?"
-Freddy shrugs.
Krueger: "Ghostface."
Ghostface: "Freddy!"
Freddy Krueger: "Let me tell you something. You have a lot of nerve
to do this to us. Why don't you just show yourself already? Why don't you reveal your 'secret identity' and then we could
play it out? I know you have an agenda against us."
Ghostface: "Why don't I just fess up about who I am? It wouldn't
be any fun, that's why! Making you guys go on the lam all the way to Crystal Lake and hearing your paranoid delusions, that's
been a lot fun!"
-Freddy looks around suspicously.
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, yeah? Well, I think you've had enough
fun with us. Why don't you show yourself now and get it over with already?"
Ghostface: "Oh, I'm not a fool, if that's
what you think I am. I'm not going to confront you, reveal my identity and deliver a bondalogue! I'm not going to be wasting
your time. I have all your fates set up..."
Freddy Krueger: "We know that already. Tell us something we don't know."
"Let me talk to Jason."
Freddy Krueger: "No, tell me something about your evil plan. We'll play along."
"No, let me talk to Jason!"
-Freddy sighs and hands Michael's cell phone to Jason. Jason takes it and responds.
Voorhees: "Oh, when I get my hands on you..."
Ghostface: "Which you won't."
Jason Voorhees: "How do you know?
How do you know that I won't drag you by your ass and slaughter you all over the place?"
Ghostface: "Because, somebody
else will be slaughtering you all over the place instead."
Jason Voorhees: "What?"
Ghostface: "You'll see. You
all will. Now, does this sound familiar?"
-Jason hears Ghostface tap against something. He hears a familiar echoing
sound...Todd's urn! Ghostface was in Jason's old shack in the woods!
Jason Voorhees: "Hell, no!"
"Hell, yeah!"
Jason Voorhees: "We'll be right there!"
Ghostface: "And, I'll be waiting!"
-Jason hangs
up on Ghostface and gives Michael his cell phone back.
Michael Myers: "What is it?"
Jason Voorhees: "Ghostface
is here! Ghostface is in my shack in the woods!"
Freddy Krueger: "Then, let's go there and teach Ghostface a lesson!"
Voorhees: "Yeah!"
Michael Myers: "Let's go!"
CUT TO...Jason leading Freddy and Micheal to his shack in the woods.
They pass various bushes and trees. A mysterious figure steps out from behind a tree watching them. Who could it be??
theme: "Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha. Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha."
Freddy Krueger: "Well, this is our big moment. We're
about to finally meet up with Ghostface and show him, or her, who's boss."
Michael Myers: "We still need to be careful.
As you said before, Ghostface might have set traps against us."
Freddy Krueger: "You're right about that. I mean, we're
the 'Big Three'. To beat us, Ghostface will have to have an elaborite plan set up."
Jason Voorhees: "I have a feeling
that Ghostface might not be alone."
Freddy Krueger: "What do you mean? More than one Ghostface?"
Jason Voorhees:
"Something like that. After hearing Ghostface brag about how 'ingenious' his or her 'evil plan' is and saying how he or she
has all our fates set up, I get the feeling that Ghostface might have company."
Freddy Krueger: "There's still the
matter of who the offical Ghostface is. Who could it be? We're about to approach Ghostface anyway, so we might as well brainstorm
once more and try to figure it out."
Michael Myers: "Right. Okay, from the beginning, when Ghostface started hassling
me over the phone again, yours and Jason's first assumptions was that John was back and that he survived last Halloween."
TO (hypothetically)...Ghostface. The figure takes off his/her ghost mask revealing the determined face of John Tate.
BACK TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael walking through the woods, passing various bushes and trees.
Michael Myers: "However,
I don't think it's him. I think John really bit the bullet last Halloween when he fell down the basement stairs of the Myers
house. I admit, I've been questionable about John striking back again, especially after hearing him on the phone. But, I think
that was Ghostface trying to fool around with me. I don't think Ghostface is my dead nephew."
CUT BACK TO (hypothetically)...John
Tate as Ghostface. An "X" mark appears over him.
CUT BACK TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael walking through the woods.
Krueger: "Then, there's Jessica Voorhees."
CUT BACK TO (hypothetically)...Ghostface. The figure takes off his/her ghost
mask, revealing the fierce face of Jessica Voorhees.
Michael Myers: "Right. She's been apparantly missing from her
home for about a week now. The possibility of her being Ghostface requires that she's been hassling me instead of Jason, so
that we won't suspect her."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, yeah..."
Michael Myers: "After all, she's the final heroince
left over from Jason's movies to get revenge on him. She survived Jason's wrath in 1993 when Jason went to hell."
gets the heebie-jeebies. He doesn't want to remember that trip.
Michael Myers: "However, I don't think it's her either.
She has the right motivation to stop Jason, I mean who wouldn't?"
-Jason shrugs. He's proud of himself.
Myers: "But, the plan Ghostface has hatched against us is too implausable for her to set up. Think about it. Why would she
set up four other 'Friday The 13th' heroines after Jason first? It just doesn't make sense. Jessica Voorhees may have disappeared
from her home, but I don't think her disappearance has anything to do with our Ghostface situation. I don't think she's Ghostface."
BACK TO (hypothetically)...Jessica Voorhees as Ghostface. An "X" mark appears over her.
CUT BACK TO...Freddy, Jason and Michael walking through the woods, passing various bushes and trees. Jason sighs.
Voorhees: "What I was talking about before on the way here...Ghostface didn't kill Todd."
Michael Myers: "What? What
are you talking about?"
Jason Voorhees: "When me and Todd were confronted by those four heroines, he wasn't ready.
I had been training him to be the next Crystal Lake Killer and all that, but he wasn't ready for big confrontations. Not like
that one."
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees: "At one point, two of the heroines managed to ambush him. I rushed
to save him. Then, they ambushed him again. But, I wasn't able to come to his rescue in time. I should have realized he wasn't
ready. I should have grabbed Todd and gotten us the hell out of there. But, I didn't. Todd was my responsibility. It was my
fault Todd didn't make it."
-Jason sighs again.
Michael Myers: "Jason...I don't know what to say."
Voorhees: "I don't know, either."
Freddy Krueger: "I'm so sorry, man."
-Freddy, Jason and Michael pass bet ween
two bushes and stop. There in front of them is Jason's shack.
Jason Voorhees: "Here we are."
Freddy Krueger:
"Here we are indeed."
Michael Myers: "Yes, we're here."
-Michael turns to Jason.
Michael Myers: "Don't
worry about it, Jason. We'll get Ghostface. We all will. For you and for Todd."
Jason Voorhees: "Thanks."
Krueger: "Yeah, we will. After everything that's happened, I could not be more disgusted with Ghostface right now. Why, I'll
invade Ghostface's dreams and find out what makes him, or her, tick. I'll teach Ghostface a lesson, Krueger-style!"
Myers: "Because of Ghostface, I have to move to a new pad again and buy a new car. Oh, Ghostface will pay. Why, I'll teach
Ghostface a lesson, Myers-style!"
Jason Voorhees: "And, I'll teach Ghostface a lesson, Voorhees-style! I'll slaughter
Ghostface over the place! Oh, I sure will!"
Michael Myers: "I'm sure you will. Now, let's do this thing."
Jason and Michael start approaching the old shack.
Michael Myers: "Let's look around the area first."
Voorhees: "Yeah."
-Freddy, Jason and Michael walk up to the right side of the shack. Nothing. They walk around the
back. Nothing suspicious. They walk around the left side. No Ghostface or traps. Finally, they find themselves back in front
of the old shack.
Jason Voorhees: "Well, there's nothing here. Let's go inside."
CUT TO...the inside of the
old shack. The side door opens and Freddy, Jason and Micheal walk through. Freddy, looking around the main room, shrugs.
Krueger: "Just like in the movie."
-Freddy recognizes the back door.
Freddy Krueger: "I guess that door leads
to the crypt?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yep."
-Jason approaches the door. He, hesitantly, reaches for it. He slowly
creaks open the door. Then, he quickly jumps in.
Jason Voorhees: "Hey! I know you're..."
-But, Ghostface is
not there. Just the table with his mother's decaying decapitated head and Todd's urn. Freddy and Michael walk in after.
Krueger: "Hey, that's your mother's head! You really kept that damn thing!"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, don't curse around
my mom!"
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, um...sorry."
-Jason walks around to the back of the crypt. Freddy and Michael
Michael Myers: "Ghostface must be sneaking around somewhere."
-That's when Michael's cell phone rings.
Michael immediately answers.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface!"
Ghostface: "At your service."
Michael Myers:
"Where are you?"
Ghostface: "Right behind you."
-Freddy, Jason and Michael turn around to hear a familiar voice.
Ghostface walks into the crypt and closes the door behind him/her, wearing the ghost mask, black cloak and all. Ghostface
puts his/her cell phone away and turns to them. Then, Ghostface shrugs and puts the voice box up to mouth of the ghost mask.
"Well, here we all are. I've been waiting for this. So far, everything is going to plan. Everything! What can I say, I love
it when a plan comes together!"
Michael Myers: "What plan?"
Ghostface: "Oh, you'll see!"
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "But, we're all here. Why not just share it with us now?"
Ghostface: "Actually, not everybody..."
Myers: "What do you mean?"
-Suddenly, a grungy hockey goalie breaks through the left wall of the crypt (Crunch!). It
was another Jason!
Jason Voorhees: "No way!"
-The hockey goalie turns to Jason and slides off his/her hockey
mask...revealing the messed up face of Todd! Todd was back!
Jason Voorhees: "Todd??"
Ghostface: "Yes, Todd.
After you let him die to those pesky heroines of yours, I decided to bring him back. After all, wouldn't you want revenge
if your father abondoned you?"
-Todd glares at Jason and slides his hockey mask back on. He doesn't look happy.
Voorhees: "What?? Todd, don't listen to Ghostface! Ghostface is not to be trusted!"
-But, Todd just continues standing
there unresponsive. He wasn't believing him.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd? Todd, listen to me! Ghostface is the bad guy! I
am the good guy! Don't listen to him! Or, her!"
-Todd still doesn't respond.
Ghostface: "Oh, if I were you,
I wouldn't mess with Todd here. He's very angry. He's very, very angry with you! Why shouldn't he? You let him go! You let
him go like he was nothing!"
-Todd turns to Ghostface, then back to Jason.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, don't listen
to Ghostface. You can't. Ghostface is trying to manipulate you. I'm your father, I tried to save you but I couldn't. I swear
-Todd shrugs and turns to Jason.
Todd: "As far as I'm concerned, I have no father."
-Jason falls
back, dumbfounded.
Jason Voorhees: "Nooo!"
Ghostface: "Yes! Todd is no longer on your side, not anymore. You
see Todd's realized his priorities and has moved on. Well, after he finishes you off anyway, he will."
-Michael steps
up and turns to Ghostface.
Michael Myers: "You're crazy! Why, you're crazier than the last Ghostface! How did you even
bring Todd back?"
Ghostface: "How? Well, it goes like this..."
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXXI: Return To Crystal
-Camp Crystal Lake. Jason came back home to honor Todd's memory and to, obligatorily, take care of some naughty
teenagers. As Jason drives away in his BMW X5 SUV, Ghostface jumps out from behind a tree. Ghostface had been following Jason
the all along! Ghostfaces puts his/her voice box up to the mouth of the ghost mask.
Ghostface: "Hee, hee, hee! Now,
I know where Jason lives. Everything is going to plan!"
-Cut to Ghostface sneaking into the crypt of the Jason's old
shack and taking Todd's urn.
-Cut to Ghostface approaching the front door of a house in a suburban neighborhood. Ghostface
knocks on the door. A woman, Jessica Voorhees, opens the door.
Jessica Voorhees: "Who are you? Are you supposed to
be Ghostface from those 'Scream' movies?"
-Ghostface, holding the voice box to the mouth the ghost mask, shrugs.
"I sure am!"
-Ghostface suddenly grabs Jessica and holds a hankerchief to her mouth. Jessica tries to struggle out
of Ghostface's grip, but faints to an odor...
-Suddenly, Jessica wakes up in an enclosed room. She looks around and
runs to the door. But, she's locked in.
Jessica Voorhees: "Help! Help me!"
-But, no response. She was trapped.
That's when she notices an urn in the middle of the room. She approaches it.
Jessica Voorhees: "What is this?"
takes off the lid and looks inside - ashes.
Jessica Voorhees: "Eww."
-Jessica backs away. Then, she feels an
urge. She stops as if in a trance. Lost in the "Jason Goes To Hell" trance, she shrugs and goes for the urn. She picks up
the urn and puts it up to her mouth, to swallow the ashes...
-Cut to Ghostface waiting outside of the room in his/her
pad. That's when Jessica Voorhees, now in the form of Todd, wearing the hockey mask, grungy clothes and all, breaks through
the door (Crunch!). Todd was back!
-Cut to Ghostface manipulating Todd.
Ghostface: "Ghostface is good. Jason
is bad. Jason left you for dead by his heroines. Ghostface wants to help you. Ghostface is your master..."
[End of
Jason Voorhees: "I can't believe you! First, you have the nerve to send those four heroinces after me and
Todd. Then, you not only bring todd back, but have the audacity to manipulate him? You, you're despicable!"
"Why, thank you!"
-Freddy steps up and turns to Ghostface.
Freddy Krueger: "You're sick, you know that? I don't
know who you are, but I can't wait to enter your dreams and find out what makes you tick!"
Ghostface: "Oh, it won't
be my dreams you'll be entering."
Freddy Krueger: "What are you talking about?"
-Ghostface shrugs.
"You'll see!"
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, don't give that 'You'll see' bullcrap. I want to see now!"
-Suddenly, Ash
breaks through the right wall of the crypt, chainsaw and all (Rrrrr! Rrrrr!).
Freddy Krueger: "Ash?"
Ash: "Freddy."
turns back to Ghostface.
Ash: "You recruited Ash?"
Ghostface: "I sure did!"
[Flashback to a week ago...]
night club. Ash sits at a side bar. He gulps down a glass of Coors Light. That's when Ghostface approaches the side bar and
sits next to him.
Ghostface: "Ash?"
-Ash finishes gulping down his Coors Light.
Ash: "That's my name.
Don't wear it out."
-Ash finally turns to the stranger, a figure wearing a ghost mask and black cloak.
"And, who the hell are you supposed to be?"
-Ghostface puts the voice box up the mouth the ghost mask.
"Who I am supposed to be doesn't matter. What matters is that I know where Freddy is."
Ash: "Eh, I know where Freddy
is. And, he still refuses to fight me again. That pussy."
Ghostface: "What if I could make Freddy fight you?"
"If you could do that, I'd probably buy you a round of beer."
Ghostface: "Then, let's indulge!"
Ash: "Huh?"
"I can make Freddy fight you again. Just leave it to me."
Ash: "How?"
Ghostface: "You'll see. Now, where's my
round of beer already? I want my Bud Light!"
-Ash shrugs.
Ash: "It's right here."
-Ash turns to the bartender,
a big cenobite with goggle-like eyes.
Ash: "I'll have another round of Coors. I'll also get my friend here a Bud Light..."
of flashback]
Ghostface: "...And, what a drink it was!"
-Ash shrugs and turns to Freddy.
Ash: "Well,
well, well. Look who it is. The pussy!"
Freddy Krueger: "Funny, I remember that so-called pussy beating you and rock-bottoming
you over your car."
Ash: "Yeah, well, you were lucky! Now its time for 'Freddy vs. Ash Round 2'!"
Freddy Krueger:
"Who says?"
Ash: "I say! Technically, I was the loser of the match..."
Freddy Krueger: "You're sure right about
Ash: "...So, as the loser, I have the right to challenge you again and set things straight!"
Krueger: "Oh, really? Well, since I was the winner, I have the right to decline from your challenge and remain undefeated!"
sighs of frustration.
Ash: "Oh, you wouldn't do that! I have a reputation!"
Freddy Krueger: "So do I!"
"Hey, put a sock in it, you two! You'll get your chance to fight!"
-Ghostface turns back to Michael.
"Well, the tables have turned, haven't they?"
-Michael sighs. He doesn't know what to make of the absurd situation.
Ghostface turns to Todd and Ash.
Ghostface: "Todd, Ash..."
-Ghostface steps back. Todd shrugs and whips out
his machete (Shing!). He turns to Jason and faces him. Then, he charges for Jason. Jason doesn't know what to do. He doesn't
want to hurt Todd. Todd reaches Jason and violently shoves him through the back wall of the crypt (Crunch!).
-Ash shrugs
and turns to Freddy. Then, he turns to his chainsaw and tests runs it (Rrrrr! Rrrrr!). Finally, Ash goes for it and starts
running for Freddy.
Ash: "Aaah!"
-Ash reaches Freddy, jumping for him. But Freddy ducks out of the way, leaving
Ash to break through the back wall (Crunch!). Freddy shrugs and shows off his claws (Shing!).
Freddy Krueger: "It's
show time!"
-Freddy walks out the back after Ash. Now, it was only Michael and Ghostface in the crypt.
"Well, here are are."
-Michael is silent. Ghostface shrugs.
Ghostface: "I said...well, here we are!"
remains silent. Ghostface shrugs again.
Ghostface: "Oh, never mind!"
-Ghostface puts the voice box away and
faces Michael. Ghostface stares Michael down with his/her two good eyes. Michael stares Ghostface down his dead-like eyes.
Ghostface finally charges for Michael. Micheal stays where he is. Ghostface reaches Michael and proceeds to attack him.
Michael suddenly grabs Ghostface and slams him/her against the back wall of the crypt (Crunch!). Ghostface falls to the ground
(Thud). Ghostface starts picking him/herself back up. Ghostface gets back up and faces Michael. Then, Ghostface whips out
a knife (Shing!). Michael shrugs and whips out his knife (Shing!). Michael and Ghostface face eachother.
-Then, Ghostface
charges for Michael. Michael charges for Ghostface. Michael and Ghostface meet head on and Ghostface tries stabbing Michael.
But, Michael ducks away from Ghostface and tries stabbing him/her. Ghostface ducks out the way and jumps at Michael.
in slow motion, stabs his/her knife toward Michael's chest (Swi-i-ish). Michael, still in slow motion, tries to duck away.
But the knife, in slow motion, proceeds to stab into Michael's chest (Shi-i-ing!). Michael, back in regular motion, backs
away. He looks down and sees the knife sticking partially into his chest. A bit of blood oozes from the wound. He looks back
up to Ghostface. Ghostface shrugs and puts his/her voice box up to the mouth of his/her ghost mask.
Ghostface: "Gotcha!"
shrugs and grabs the end of the knife. He proceeds to slowly, gradually pull the knife out his chest. He cracks his back (Crack!).
Ghostface is dumbfounded. But, that's when Ghostface puts his/her voice box away and charges back at Michael. Ghostface lunges
at Michael. But Michael sees Ghostface's actions and grabs him/her . Michael grasps Ghostface and slams him/her to the ground
(Thud!). Ghostface gets back up and charges for Michael. Michael grabs Ghostface again and slams him/her to the ground (Thud!).
frustrated, gets up once up once more and jumps at Michael. Michael backs away and lets Ghostface fall to the ground (Thud!).
Ghostface gets back up. Ghostface puts the voice box up the the mouth of the ghost mask.
Ghostface: "You're good. But,
not that good."
-Ghostface puts the voice box away and faces Michael. Michael faces Ghostface back. Ghostface stares
Michael down with his/her two good eyes. Michael stares Ghostface down with his dead-like eyes. That's when Ghostface lunges
at Michael again. Michael proceeds to attack Ghostface per usual, but Ghostface stops. Michael is caught in surprise. Then,
Ghostface kicks Michael. Michael falls back. Ghostface steps over Michael and puts the voice box up to the mouth of the ghost
Ghostface: "Well, who's the bigger boogeyman now?"
-Suddenly, Michael raises his legs and kicks Ghostface.
Ghostface falls back, dropping the voice box. Michael gets back up and looks down on Ghostface. He picks ghostface up and
slams him/her against the back wall (Slam!). Ghostface falls to the ground (Thud). Michael picks Ghostface again and slams
him/her against the back wall (Crunch!). Ghostface falls to ground (Thud).
-Ghostface looks up to see Michael pick
him/her up once more. Michael raises Ghostface high in the air with his outstretched arms. But, the he doesn't slam Ghostface
against the back wall. Instead, Michael holds Ghostface against the back wall and stops.
Michael Myers: "Who are you?"
is silent.
Michael Myers: "I said, who are you?"
-Ghotface remains silent.
Michael Myers: "I guess I'll
have to find out myself."
-Michael holds Ghostface against the back wall with his left arm. With his right arm, he
reaches for the ghost mask. Ghostface doesn't appear to struggle out his grip. Michael, holding the ghost mask, starts sliding
it off. That's when Ghostface suddenly kicks at Michael. Michael falls back. Ghostface falls back on his/her two feet. Ghostface
grabs the voice box from the floor and puts it up to mouth of the ghost mask. What Michael hears is a familiar voice.
Tate: "Ha, gotcha!"
-Ghostface, realizing the situation, immediately presses another botton on the voice box.
"I mean, Ha, gotcha!"
-Ghostface puts the voice box away and runs for it out the door between the crypt and main room.
Michael gets back up and follows. Michael enters through to the main and looks around. No Ghostface. Michael heads for the
side door. Reaching the side door, Michael steps outside. He looks around. Then, he spots Ghostface in the distance in the
-Ghostface was waiting for him. Seeing Michael, Ghostface whips out his/her cell phone. snickers and runs away
it down the woods. Michael's cell phone rings and he answers.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface?"
Ghostface: "Follow
me if you to find out who Ghostface is!"
-Ghostface hangs and starts fleeing away. Michael shrugs and follows after.
TO...Jason and Todd in the surrounding woods of Crystal Lake. Todd is slamming Jason against a tree (Crunch!).
Voorhees: "Todd, stop!"
-Todd slams Jason against the tree again (Crunch!).
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, I know you're
better than this."
-Todd slams Jason against the tree once more (Crunch!).
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, I don't want
to hurt you!"
-Todd lets Jason drop the ground. He looks down on Jason. Todd, manipulated, shrugs.
Todd: "The
better for me."
-Todd picks up Jason.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, You don't have to do this."
-Todd slams
Jason to the dirt ground (Thud!).
Todd: "My master told me too."
-Todd picks Jason back up.
Jason Voorhees:
"Ghostface isn't your master!"
-Todd slams Jason to the ground (Thud!).
Todd: "Yes, Ghostface is."
picks up Jason again.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, you are your own master! Ghostface manipulated you! Ghostface fooled with
your mind!"
-Todd slams Jason to the ground (Thud!). Jason, naturally, is taking it.
Todd: "That's what my master
told my you'd say."
-Todd proceeds to pick up Jason, but Jason crawls away. Jason gets back up and cracks his back
like nothing ever happened (Crack!). He faces Todd.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, you don't know what you're doing. Ghostface
tricked you. He's using you to kill me."
Todd: "Really?"
Jason Voorhees: "Really."
-Todd shrugs and runs
to Jason as if to hug him.
Todd: "Dad!"
Jason Voorhees: "Son!"
-But, Todd really runs up to Jason and
shoves him to the ground (Thud!). He wasn't being fooled.
CUT TO...Freddy and Ash in the surrounding woods of Crystal
Lake. Ash is going at Freddy with his running chainsaw mounted on his right arm (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy is backing away,
ducking from Ash's attacks (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash jumps at Freddy with his chainsaw (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy ducks out
of the way (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash jumps at Freddy again (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
-Freddy ducks out of the way and slashes
his clawed hand at Ash's chest (Shing!).
Ash: "Aah!"
-Freddy snickers.
Freddy Krueger: "Remind you of
old times??"
-Ash jumps back at Freddy with his chainsaw (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy ducks away again and slashes Ash's
chest (Shing!). Burst of blood spray from the wounds (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Ash: "Aah! Not this!"
-Ash turns back
to Freddy and suddenly swings his chainsaw at him (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy tries to duck out the way, but doesn't make
it in time (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash clips at Freddy's right arm and blood bursts from the wound (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Krueger: "Argh!"
-Freddy falls back on the dirt ground (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...!). Ash walks up to him (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
"How do you like that??"
-Suddenly, Freddy kicks at Ash. Ash falls over, leaving his chainsaw to clip his leg (...Rrrrr...).
-Freddy gets back up and walks up to him.
Ash: "And, how do you like that??"
-Ash tries to kick
at Freddy, but Freddy backs away. Ash shrugs and kicks his legs, rolling up and standing back on his two feet. He faces Freddy.
Freddy faces Ash. Finally, Ash lunges at Freddy. Freddy ducks out the way. Ash lunges for Freddy again. Freddy ducks out the
way. Then, he jumps at Ash. But, Ash unexpectedly punches Freddy in his burnt face (Pow!). Then, Ash grabs Freddy and slams
him to the ground (Thud!).
-Freddy gets back up and is clotheslined by Ash (Thud!). Freddy gets up again and Ash clotheslined
(Thud!). Freddy, dazed, starts to get back up. Seeing Ash charging him at him with his outstretched arm, Freddy stops and
trips Ash. Ash falls over and Freddy crawls up to him. Freddy punches Ash in the face (Pow!). Freddy punches Ash again (Pow!).
-Then, Ash rolls them over and punches Freddy back (Pow!). Ash punches Freddy again in his burnt face (Pow!). Ash
is about to punch Freddy once more when Ash rolls over to punch him (Pow!)...
CUT TO...Michael walking through the
woods after Ghostface. He passes various bushes and trees. Michael stops. He lost Ghostface's trace a while back. He should
have caught up. He looks around suspiciously. That's when his cell phone suddenly rings. Michael answers.
Michael Myers:
Ghostface: "Lost me?"
-Suddenly, Ghostface appears in the distance, dancing around. Michael hears
Ghostface snickering over the phone.
Ghostace: "Hee, hee, hee!"
-Michael hangs up on Ghostface and follows
CUT BACK TO...Jason and Todd. Todd continues beating up on Jason. Jason is not fighting back, because he doesn't
want to hurt Todd. Todd is still under Ghostface's manipulation. Todd is slamming Jason to a tree (Crunch!).
Voorhees: "Todd, you can't keep this up."
-Todd slams Jason to the tree again (Crunch!).
Jason Voorhees: "Todd,
stop this."
-Todd slams Jason against the tree once more (Crunch!). Todd backs away and Jason slides down to ground.
He picks himself back up.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, what are you doing? Listening to somebody else's orders? That's the
not Todd I know. My Todd was like me. He didn't listen to anybody, he lived by own rules. Now, you're living by the rules
of a stranger you don't know."
Todd: "How do you know? To me, you're a stranger. I don't know you. I only know that
you left me to die."
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, that is not true. You can't believe that."
Todd: "Oh, yeah?"
shrugs and whips out his machete (Shing!). Todd approaches Jason. Jason backs away.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, you don't
want to do this."
Todd: "Yes, I do."
-Todd continues after Jason and slices his chest with the machete (Shing!).
Jason, continuing to back away, watches as Todd follows and slices his chest again (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the
wounds. Jason, of course, takes this like a man. Todd continues following Jason and slices the machete at him once more (Shing!).
Then, he takes the machete and sinks it into Jason's chest (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wounds.
however, is still not fighting back. Not against his own son. Todd whips his machete out of Jason's chest (Shing!) and slashes
it at him again (Shing!). Todd ends up slashing all the through Jason's stomach and out of his back. Jason shrugs.
Voorhees: "Do you really want to do this? Honestly? I mean, I could take this all day if I had to!"
-That's when Todd
takes the machete and twists it around Jason's stomach. More bursts of blood spray from the wounds. Jason shrugs.
Voorhees: "Oh, like I haven't felt that before."
-Todd continues twisting the machete around Jason's chest. That's
when Jason finally kicks Todd away. He takes the end of the machete and slowly, gradually pulls it out of his stomach. Jason
cracks his back like nothing ever happened (Crack!). Then, Jason hands the machete back to Todd.
Jason Voorhees: "Tell
me when you're ready to stop. I'll be ready."
-Todd looks at Jason. Then, he looks down at the machete. He looks back
at Jason. Then, back to the machete. He looks back at Jason. He continues looking at Jason. Jason looks back at Todd. But,
Todd isn't back yet. Todd suddenly takes the machete and viciously swings it at Jason's chest (Shing!). Jason backs away and
Todd follows after. Todd slices the machete at Jason's chest (Shing!). He swings it at him again (Shing!). Bursts of blood
spray from the wounds.
-Jason continues backing away as Todd continues to violently slash the machete at him (Shing!
Shing! Shing!). Jason takes it and waits for Todd to, hopefully, return to his normal self. But, Todd continues after Jason,
and Jason continues backing away (Shing! Shing! Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wounds. That's when Jason backs into
a tree. Todd stops and faces him. Jason looks back at Todd with his one good eye. Todd looks back Jason with his two good
-But, Todd isn't finished yet. He takes his machete and sinks it through Jason's chest and into the bark of the
tree (Shing!). He whips it back out (Shing!) and slashes it back to Jason again (Shing!). Blood oozes from Jason's wounds.
Todd continues to slash the machete at Jason and tree to no end (Shing! Shing! Shing! Sha-shing!). Jason, taking the pain
okay, spits out blood through the holes of his hockey mask. Would Todd come back? Was he changed forever? He had to do something.
Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "That's it!"
-As Todd slashes the machete through Jason's chest and the tree,
Jason suddenly kicks Todd away. Todd gets right back up and lunges back at Jason. But, Jason viciously punches him (POW!).
Todd falls back, dazed. Then, Jason grabs hold of the machete pinning him to the tree and slowly, gradually pulls it out of
the tree and his stomach. Todd looks up to see Jason crack his back like nothing ever happened (Crack!). Jason shrugs and
turns to him. He even hands him his machete back again.
Jason Voorhees: "You still think I'm the bad guy? You still
think I would let you go?"
-Todd looks up at Jason. Then, to his machete. He looks back up at Jason. Then, back to
Jason. Then, Todd shrugs and puts his machete away. He gets up and faces Jason.
Jason Voorhees: "Now, that's better."
Todd charges at Jason and shoves him to the ground (Thud!). Jason gets back up, only to see Todd grab him and slam him to
the ground (Thud!). Jason gets back up, and seeing Todd run at him, ducks out of the way. He turns around to Todd and grabs
him. Grasping him, Jason takes Todd and slams him to the ground (Thud!). Todd eagerly gets back up and lunges at Jason. Jason
grabs Todd and slams him to the ground (Thud!).
CUT BACK TO...Freddy and Ash. Freddy is slicing his claws across Ash's
chest (Shing!).
Ash: "Aah!"
-Ash slashes his claws at Ash again (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wounds.
Freddy Krueger: "Feels good, doesn't it??"
-That's when Ash overcomes Freddy and punches him in his burnt
face (Pow!). Freddy falls back, dazed. Ash looks down on him.
Ash: "But, not as good as that felt."
-Ash gets
down and picks up Freddy. Freddy looks up as Ash takes him and slams him to the ground (Thud!). Ash picks Freddy up again
to slam and slams him to the ground (Thud!). Ash shrugs.
Ash: "You aren't so tough."
-Ash gets down to pick
Freddy up again. That's when Freddy kicks him away. Ash falls back and Freddy crawls over him and punches him in his face
(Pow!). Freddy punches him again (Pow!). Then, Freddy throws one more vicious punch (POW!). Ash takes it and rolls them over
to punch him (Pow!). Ash punches Freddy again (Pow!).
-Ash is about throw his own vicious punch when Freddy rolls
over them and slices his claws across Ash's chest (Shing!).
Ash: "Aah!"
-Freddy slices his slashes claws at
Ash again (Shing! Shing!). Bursts of blood sprays from the wounds and onto Freddy. Freddy tastes the blood.
Krueger: "Mmm...tasty!"
-Freddy is about to slice his Ash's chest once more, when Ash rolls them over. Ash is about
to punch Freddy, when Freddy suddenly kicks at him and rolls away. Freddy backs away and gets. So does Ash. The two figures
face each other. That's when Ash charges at Freddy. Freddy charges at Ash. Freddy and Ash meet head on, and literally, bump
heads. Freddy and Ash fall back, knocked out.
CUT TO...Ash in his dreams. The setting is the creepy woods from the
two "Evil Dead" movies. Fog is everywhere and Ash can hear a monster lurking around in the distance. It was the evil dead
demon! From the point of view of the demon, it lurks between trees and foggy atmosphere.
Demon: "...Mwaaaaa!...."
shrugs and starts heading down the woods. He passes various bushes and trees, as well as mists of fog. Suddenly, Freddy jumps
out of the fog in front of him and slices his chest with his claws (Shing! Shing!). Bursts of blood burst from the wounds.
Freddy Krueger: "Gotcha!"
Ash: "Oh, not you too!"
-Ash suddenly takes his fist and throws a punch
at Freddy (Pow!). Freddy falls back and Ash steps over him. He looks down on him. Then, he looks at his chainsaw mounted on
his right arm.
Ash: "Oh, right, my chainsaw! I almost forgot!"
-Ash starts up his chainsaw (Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Ash swings his arm low to slash his chainsaw at Freddy (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy rolls out of the way and the the chainsaw
breaks up the dirt ground (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash follows after Freddy with his chainsaw. Freddy continues rolling away until
he rolls up to a tree. Freddy looks back up to see Ash swing his chainsaw low at him.
Ash: "I got you now!"
desperately, kicks at Ash. Ash falls back and his chainsaw clips his leg (...Rrrrr...).
Ash: "Argh!"
immediately gets up and stomps on the same leg.
Ash: "Argh!"
-Then, Ash takes his other leg and trips Freddy.
Freddy falls back and Ash crawls over to him. Freddy looks up to see Ash punch him in his burnt face (Pow!). Then, Ash looks
to see Freddy roll them over and punch him (Pow!). Then, Ash rolls them back over to punch back at Freddy (Pow!). Freddy looks
up to see Ash punch him again (Pow!). Ash looks to see Freddy roll them over and slice his claws at his chest (Shing!).
-Freddy slices his claws at Ash again (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wounds.
Ash: "Aah!"
BACK TO...Michael and Ghostface. Michael has followed Ghostface nearly all the through the woods back the offshore of the
campsite. He passes various bushes and trees. Michael stops. He lost trace of Ghostface a while back again. He looks around
suspiciously. That's when his cell phone suddenly rings again. Michael answers.
Ghostface: "Lost me again?"
Myers: "Where are you, you little weasel? Where'd you go?"
Ghostface: "Right..."
-Ghostface suddenly jumps out
from behind a tree and attacks Michael (Pow!).
Ghostface: "...Here!"
-Michael falls over on the dirt ground
(Thud!). He looks up to see Ghostface lunge at him.. Michael rolls over and Ghostfalls lunges to the ground (Thud!). Then,
Michael crawls over to Ghostface to punch him/her masked face (Pow!). Michael punches Ghostface again (Pow!).
when Ghostface rolls them over and punches Michael (Pow!). Ghostface punches Michael again in his masked face (Pow!). Ghostface
is about to punch Michael once more when Michael rolls them over. He punches Ghostface (Pow!). Then, Ghostface rolls them
over again.
-But, Ghostface doesn't punch Michael. Instead, he/she whips out a knife (Shing!) and stabs Michael in
the chest (Shing!). Ghostface stabs him again (Shing!) and bursts of blood spray from the wound. Michael takes it. Ghostface
is about to stab Michael again when Michael rolls them over. He grabs the knife and tosses it away.
-Ghostface, in
slow motion, watches as the bloody knife flails about through the air (Swi-i-ish) and hits the dirt ground (Shi-i-ing). Ghostface,
still in slow motion, whips out the voice box.
Ghostface: "Nooo...!"
-Ghostface, back in regular motion, looks
back up to see Michael pick him/her up. Michael grasps Ghostface and lifts him/her into the air. Then, he slams Ghostface
to the ground (Thud!). Ghostface looks back up to see Michael pick him/her up again. Michael grasps Ghostface and slams
him/her to the ground again (Thud!).
-Michael looks down to pick Ghostface up again. That's when Ghostface suddenly
kicks him away. Michael falls back and Ghostface gets back up. Ghostface grabs his/her voice box on the dirt ground and runs
for the end of the woods. Michael gets back up cracks his back (Crack).
-Michael walks up to the end of the woods
and looks around the offshore of the lake. To his left, he sees Ghostface waiting for him at the third cabin. Ghostface sees
him and whips out his/her cell phone. Michael's cell phone rings and he answers.
Ghostface: "Hurry up, boogeyman!"
hears Ghostface snicker over the phone.
Ghostface: "Hee, hee, hee!"
-Michael hangs up and sees Ghostface go
inside the cabin. Michael shrugs and follows. He passes the main cabin. Then, he passes the first and second cabins. He stops
at of the third cabin and approaches approaches it. He grabs the door knob and slowly creaks it open. Then, he bursts in.
-No one in sight. The cabin consists of beds to the left and right walls and tables at alternate corners. He also
sees a duffle bag set on one of the beds. Ghostface had to be here. Michael walks in and closes the door behind him.
he shuts the door, Ghostface is revealed to be hiding behind it at the corner. Ghostface, with all his/her might, jumps at
Michael and shoves him to the floor (Thud!). Michael looks up see Ghostface lunge at him. Michael rolls away and Ghostface
follows after. Michael rolls all the way to the wall. He look backs up to see Ghostface kick at him (Kick!). Ghostface kicks
at Michael's chest again (Kick!).
-That's when Michael grabs Ghostface's kicking leg and trips him/her. Ghostface falls
over and Michael crawls up to him/her. Michael punches Ghostface in his/her masked face (Pow!). Michael punches Ghostface
again (Pow!). Then, Michael throws a vicious punch at Ghostface (POW!). Ghostface is dazed. Michael gets back up and looks
down at Ghostface.
-Then, Michael gets on his knees. He reaches for the ghost mask. He grasps the end of it and slowly
starts to slide it off. That's when Ghostface unexpectedly throws a mean punch at him (POW!). Michael falls back and Ghostface
goes for him again.
CUT BACK TO...Jason and Todd, continuing to fight towards the offshore of the lake. They are reaching the end of the
woods. At first, Jason let Todd have his way with him in order to get through with him. But, that didn't do anything but make
him a sitting duck. Now, he was fighting against his son in order to set him straight.
-Todd, raising his machete,
charges for Jason. Jason whips out his machete (Shing!) and charges for Todd. Jason and Todd meet head on and Todd swings
his machete to Jason. Jason intercepts with his (Shing!) and fights back. Todd intercepts it with his machete (Shing!). Then,
he stops and looks Jason down with his two good eyes. Jason looks back at Todd with his one good eye.
-Todd makes his
move and suddenly swings his machete. Jason interecepts it (Shing!) and swings his machete back. Todd intercepts and, unexpectedly,
slashes his machete into Jason's chest (Shing!). Jason stops and looks down to see the machete sticking partially into his
stomach. Jason looks back up to see Todd jump at him and kick the machete. The machete sinks deeper stomach and out his back
(Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wound and Jason falls back on the dirt ground.
-Todd walks up to Jason. Then,
he suddenly whips the machete back out of him (Shing!). Jason feels the sting. Then, Jason trips Todd. Todd falls over and
Jason crawls up to him. Jason punches Todd in his masked face (Pow!). Jason punches Todd again (Pow!). He's about to punch
one more when he looks at Todd's masked face - and the eyes behind it. Jason sighs and drops his fist. He can't do this.
when Todd rolls them over and punches Jason in his masked face (Pow!). He punches Jason again (Pow!). Then, Jason rolls over
and gets back up. He backs away and allows Todd to get up. Todd gets up and faces Jason.
Jason Voorhees: "Todd, you
still don't have to do this. Who are you kidding? You've proven that you're strong guy, just like me. Why are we fighting
like this? Why do you keep this up?"
Todd: "Because my master told me to. Because you abondoned me."
Jason Voorhees:
"I never abondoned you. If anything, I've always been there for you. For as long as I knew about you."
Todd: "You abondoned
me! You let me die!"
Jason Voorhees: "No, I didn't! Ghostface told you that to mess with your head. Your so-called
master lied to you."
Todd: "I don't believe you."
Jason Voorhees: "But, I believe in you. You're my son."
looks back at Jason in surprise. He shrugs.
Todd: "I have no father! My father is dead!"
-Jason is dumbfounded.
That's when Todd charges for him. Jason doesn't know what to do. Todd reachs Jason and body slams him (Slam). Todd ends up
body slamming Jason right out of the end of the woods and onto the offshore of the lake. Jason tumbles back and Todd tumbles
with him. Jason lands back and stops. He looks back up to see Todd laying near him.
-Todd picks himself up crawls toward
Jason. Jason backs away. Todd reaches Jason and punches him (Pow!). Todd punches Jason in his masked face again (Pow!). That's
when Jason kicks Todd away. Todd falls back and Jason gets back up. He cracks his back like nothing ever happened (Crack!).
gets back up and faces Jason. He cracks his back like nothing ever happened (Crack!). He looks Jason down with his two good
eyes. Jason looks Todd down with his one good eye. That's when Todd shrugs and lunges at Jason. Jason ducks out of the way
and Todd splashes into the shallow coast of the lake (Splash!). Todd gets back up and faces Jason. He lunges at him again.
tries to duck out of the way, but Todd body slams him over the offshore (Thud!). Jason falls over and so does Todd. Todd crawls
up to Jason to punch him. But, Jason gets up and rolls over him. Jason punches Todd in his masked face (Pow!). He punches
him again (Pow!). Then, Todd rolls them over and punch Jason (Pow!). He's about to punch Jason again, when Jason rolls them
back over.
-Jason punches Todd in his masked face (Pow!). He punches him again (Pow!). Jason punches Todd some more
(Pow! Pow! Pow!). Jason stops and backs away. He didn't want to do this. As Jason backs away, he sees Todd sit up and and
look up to him. Todd, continuing to look back at him, gets up.
Jason Voorhees: "Have you had enough?"
"I'll never have enough blood."
-Todd charges for Jason. He reaches Jason, butJason suddenly grabs him and shoves him
to the ground of the offshore (Thud!). Todd gets back up and charges back at Jason. Jason grabs Todd and slams him to the
ground again (Thud!). Todd gets back up once more, looking frustrated. He faces Jason. Jason faces Todd. Todd faces Jason.
approaches Jason. Jason backs away. Todd approaches Jason more. Jason, turning around and facing the shallow coast of the
lake, backs away. Finally, Todd shrugs and runs for Jason. He reaches him and body slams him over the shallow coast of the
lake (Splash!). Jason falls back into the water with Todd. He starts to get up, when Todd grabs him and pulls him back down
-Todd pulls Jason back down to the wet ground and punches him in his masked face (Pow!). He punches him
again (Pow!). Then, Jason suddenly punches Todd back (Pow!). Jason rolls them over and punches him again (Pow!). Then, Jason
takes his and throws a mean swing (POW!). Todd falls back (Splash!) and Jason backs away. He gets up and looks down on Todd.
Would he ever give up?
-Todd looks back up at Jason. Looking at him with determination in his eyes, Todd picks himself
up. Standing back on his two feet, he faces Jason. Jason faces Todd. Then, Todd backs away and lunges at him. But, Jason ducks
away. Todd lunges at Jason again, and Jason ducks away.
-Todd faces Jason. Jason faces Todd back. Finally, Todd lunges
at Jason once more. Todd reaches Jason, but Jason grabs him and slams him over the shallow coast of the lake (Splash!). Todd,
looking drenched, gets back up and lunges at Jason again. Jason grabs him slams him to the ground (Splash!).
gets back up, looking frustrated. Facing Jason, he lunges at him once more. Jason tries to attack him back per usual, but
Todd overcomes him and body slams him over shallow coast (Splash!). Todd gets up and looks down at his father. Jason looks
back up to his son. He looks up to see Todd pick him up and slam him over the shallow coast (Splash!). Todd gets down on his
knees to pick Jason up again.
-But Jason unexpectedly kicks him away. Todd falls back (Splash!) and Jason backs away.
Jason gets up. So does Todd. They face each other intensely. Todd was no longer the son Jason knew. Jason was just a target
to Todd to take care of. Ghostface really messed around with Todd. Finally, Jason and Todd both charge for each other.
head on, Jason grabs Todd and tries to overcome him. But, Todd grabs Jason and meets his match. Todd was Jason's match. Then,
Jason punches at Todd (Pow!). Todd punches back at Jason (Pow!). Jason punches back at Todd (Pow!). Todd punches Jason back
in his masked face (Pow!). Then, Todd punches him again (Pow!).
-Jason and Todd continue grasping each other, trying
to overcome each other. Jason punches back at Todd in his masked face (Pow!). Todd punches Jason (Pow!). Jason punches Todd
back (Pow!). Then, he punches him again (Pow!). And, once more, Jason takes his fist and throws a vicious swing at Todd (POW!).
Todd nearly falls back from the attack. Jason catches him. Jason picks Todd up, wraps his arms around him and proceeds rock-bottom
him over the shallow coast (Splash!).
-Jason and Todd are tired out. Jason rolls off of Todd and back away from him.
They lay both lay down for a moment. Then, Jason starts to rise. He sits up and looks over to Todd. He was still dazed. Jason
starts to pick himself up. That's when Todd suddenly reaches for him to pull him back down. Jason turns back punches and Todd
(Pow!). Todd falls back (Splash!) and Jason rises. He looks over his son. Or, who use to be his son.
-Todd suddenly
sits back up. He looks up to see Jason punch him (Pow!). Todd, again, falls back (Splash!). But, he was not going to let his
father stop him. He struggles to get himself up. Jason punches him (Pow!). He picks Todd up (Pow!). Then, Todd gets up and
stands on his two feet (Pow!). Todd looks back over to Jason.
-Jason is about to punch him when he Todd stops him
and grabs him. But, Jason fights back. Jason and Todd struggle with each, trying to overcome each other's brutal strength.
Finally, Jason backs away from Todd. Then, he charges at him and grabs him. Grasping Todd, Jason proceeds to slam him to the
shallow coast. But, Todd overcomes Jason and grabs him.
-Todd presses his hands around Jason's head. He applies pressure.
He was pulling Jason's move! Jason tries to struggle, but Todd overcomes him. He continues to apply pressure to Jason's head.
Then, Todd starts applying pressure to the back of his head. Jason struggles to overcome Todd. That's when he suddenly whips
out his machete (Shing!) and slashes it through Todd's body and out his back (Shing!).
-Todd lets Jason go and backs
away. He looks down to see the machete pinned through his body. Blood oozes from the wound. Todd grabs the end of the machete
and quickly whips it out of him (Shing!), feeling the sting. He faces Jason. Then, lunges at him with the machete. Jason ducks
away. Todd lunges at Jason again. Todd reaches him, but Jason grabs Todd and slams him to the shallow coast of of the lake
-Jason quickly snatches his machete back and looks down on him. He looks down on the hockey mask covering
his face - and the eyes. But, Todd was gone. He was no longer the Todd Jason knew. Todd sighs and does what he must do. He
takes the machete and proceeds to take care of his son.
-Pan away from Crystal Lake as Jason swings the machete at
Todd (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!). Pan further away from Crystal Lake as Jason continues his deed (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!).
Pan even further away from Crysal Lake as Jason must slaughter his son (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!). Pan away From Crystal
Lake once more as Jason finishes off Todd (Shing! Shing! Shing! Sha-shing!).
-Cut back to Jason standing over Todd
within the shallow coast of the lake. Todd, looking really messed up, was motionless. He was finished. Jason sighs and starts
to walk away. That's when he hears Todd start to pick himself back up. He was still there. Jason turns back to makes take
care of his son...
CUT BACK TO...Freddy and Ash in Ash's dream. Within the creepy woods, the evil demon is closer. From the point of view
of the demon, it lurks between trees and foggy atmosphere.
Demon: "...Mwaaaaa!..."
-Ash swings his running
chainsaw at Freddy (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy ducks out of the way and slices his clawed hand across Ash's chest (Shing!).
Bursts of blood spray from Ash's cut up chest.
Ash: "Aah!"
-Ash sneers back at Freddy and swings his chainsaw
at the his chest (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash clips Freddy's chest (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Freddy Krueger: "Argh!"
Ash keeps at it and continues digging the chainsaw into Freddy's chest and stomach (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Bursts of blood sprays
from Freddy's wound and onto Ash (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash tastes the blood (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Ash: "Mmm...not bad!"
Freddy jumps back from the running chainsaw (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). And Ash sees the Freddy's wound suddenly heal (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Ash is dumbfounded (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...).
Freddy Krueger: "I'm not the Dream Master for nothing!"
-Ash, frustrated,
jumps back at Freddy with with the chainsaw (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Freddy ducks out the way and, in a surprise move, shoves
Ash back, swiping his chainsaw off his right arm (...Rrrrrrrrrr!...). Ash, in slow motion, watches as his chainsaw snaps off
his right arm, flails about through the air (Swi-i-ish) and disappears beyond the fog around them (Thu-u-ud!) (...Rrrrr...).
-That's when Ash looks around to see Freddy slice up his chest with his claws (Shing!).
Ash: "Aah!"
backs away as Freddy slashes him some more (Shing! Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from the wounds.
Ash: "Aah! Aah,
-Freddy continues slashing poor Ash's bloody, cut up chest (Shing! Shing! Shing!). More and more bursts of blood
spray from the various wounds.
Ash: "Aah! Aah! Aah!"
-Freddy swings his clawed hand at Ash again. Freddy swings
his arm to slice Ash's chest from the left (Shing!).
Ash: "Aah!"
-Freddy swings his clawed arm from the right
(Shing!). Bursts of Blood sprays from Ash's wounds.
Ash: "Aah!"
-Ash, desperately, turns to Freddy and swipes
at his claws. Freddy, in slow motion, watches as his clawed glove swipes off his hand, flails about through the air (Swi-i-ish)
and disappears beyond the fog around them (Shi-i-ing).
Freddy Krueger: "Nooo...!"
-Then, Freddy looks back to
see Ash punch him in his burnt face (Pow!). Freddy backs away as Ash follows and punches at him again (Pow!). Then, Freddy
watches as Ash throws one more mean punch at him (POW!). Freddy falls back and Ash stands over him. Then, Ash looks around
to see himself standing just outside the woods and facing a familiar setting - the creepy cabin from the his "Evil Dead" movies.
He hears the demon lurking closer. From the point of view of the demon, it lurks between trees and foggy atmosphere.
-Cutting back to Freddy and Ash, that's when Freddy trips Ash. Ash falls over and Freddy crawls up
to him. Freddy takes his fist and punches Ash in his face (Pow!). Freddy punches him again (Pow!). Freddy is about to punch
him once more, when Ash rolls them around and punches him back (Pow!).
-Ash punches Freddy in his burnt face again
(Pow!). Then, he takes his fist and throws a vicious swing (POW!). Freddy is dazed. Ash gets back up and picks Freddy up.
He raises him into the air. Then, he slams him to the ground (Thud!). Ash picks Freddy up again. He glares at him and slams
to the ground again (Thud!). Ash gets down to pick up Freddy once more when Freddy suddenly punches him (Pow!).
falls back and Freddy gets up. He picks Ash up and slams him to the ground (Thud!). Ash gets back up, only to be clotheslined
by Freddy (Thud!). He gets back up and is clotheslined again (Thud!). Ash gets back once more. Seeing Freddy running at him
with his outstretched arm, he ducks and body slams him to the ground (Thud!).
-Freddy falls back and Ash falls with
him. Then, Ash punches Freddy in his burnt face (Pow!). He punches him again (Pow!). He throws one more vicious punche (Ka-pow!).
Freddy is more dazed. Ash gets down to pick him up. He picks him up to his level. Then, he grasps Freddy's neck to strangle
-That's when Ash hears the demon close by. He was right behind the cabin! The demon, from its point of view, goes
for the cabin.
Demon: "...Mwaaaaa!..."
-The demon rushes to the cabin, breaks through the back door (Crunch!),
goes through the hallway, breaks through hallway door (Crunch!), goes through the main room, breaks through front door (Crunch!)
and charges for Freddy and Ash in front of the woods!
Demon: "...Mwaaaaa!..."
-The demon goes Freddy and Ash,
just standing in front of the woods. Almost out of it, Freddy pinches himself, causing himself to wake up. Ash looks in surprise
to see Freddy disappear from his hands. Then, he turns his head to see the demon come for him.
Demon: "...Mwaaaaa!..."
-Back in reality, Freddy wakes up within the surrounding woods of Crystal Lake. There laying near him is
Ash, completely out of it. With that evil demon, he's sure in for a nightmare. Freddy won.
CUT BACK TO...Michael and
Ghostface in the cabin. Michael, grasping Ghostface, is slamming him/her against the wall (Slam! Slam! Slam!). Michael drops
Ghostface and starts to walk back. But Ghostface, still at it, reaches for Michael and trips him. Michael falls over and Ghostface
crawls up to him. Ghostface punches Michael in his masked face (Pow!). Ghostface punches Michael again (Pow!).
Michael rolls them over and punches Ghostface (Pow!). He punches Ghostface again (Pow!). Then, he takes his fist and throws
one more mean punch (POW!). Ghostface falls back. Michael backs away and looks down at Ghostface. Ghostface looked dazed.
But, he had to be sure. Michael gets down and picks Ghostface up. Then, he slams Ghostface down the floor (Thud!). He picks
Ghostface up again and slams him/her to the ground (Thud!).
-Michael is about to pick Ghostface up again, but stops.
That was enough. Ghostface had to be finished. Michael backs away and sits on one of the beds for a moment. He was tired.
Not paying attention, Ghostface picks him/herself up and reaches for the other bed. Ghostface reaches for the duffle bag he/she
left there earlier. Michael looks back up to see Ghostface reaching for the duffle bag.
Michael Myers: "No!"
Ghostface pulls the duffle bag to floor and goes through it. Ghostface whips out a gun and aims it at Michael. Then, Ghostface
puts the voice box up the mouth of the ghost mask.
Ghostface: "Oh, no you don't."
-Ghostface aims the gun at
Michael and shoots him (Bang!). Michael flails about and Ghostface shoots him some more (Bang! Bang!). Ghostface, pulling
him/herself up to the bed, continues shooting Michael. (Bang! Bang! Bang!). Michael, flailing about, falls to the ground.
Ghostface pulls himself up and stands on his/her two feet. Ghostface walks up to Michael's body.
-Naturally, Michael
starts to pick himself up. He wasn't going to be taken down by a gun. That's when Ghostface takes the gun and shoots at him
again at his chest (Bang! Bang!). Michael flails about on the floor, as Ghostface continues at him (Bang! Bang! Bang!). Ghostface
unleashes the final bullet (Bang!) and sits back on the bed. Ghostface watches over Michael. He was motionless.
that's when Michael starts to get up again. Ghostface desperately goes for the duffle bag...and whips out a shotgun! Michael,
continuing to pick himself up, sits up. Ghostface aims the shotgun at him and shoots him (Bang!). Michael falls back. Then,
he sits up again! Ghostface shoots him again (Bang!).
-Then, Ghostface gets up and fires at his body more (Bang! Bang!
Bang! Bang!). Michael flails about on the floor. Ghostface continues shooting Michael down (Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!). Ghostface
finishes him (Bang! Bang!) and tosses aside the shotgun. Michael is motionless again. Ghostface watches him for a moment.
And, naturally, Michael starts picking himself back up! Ghostface looks back in the duffle bag...and whips out a bat!
approaches Michael as he starts to pick himself back up. Ghostface takes the bat and hits Michael with it (Whack!). Michael
falls flat on the ground. Then, he starts picking himself back up. Ghostface hits Michael again (Whack!). And, again (Whack!).
And, once more (Whack!)...
CUT TO...Jason standing over Todd's lifeless body. Todd was officially gone. Jason gets
down picks up Todd's body from the shallow coast of the lake. He carries it up the dock over the lake and stops by a canoe.
Jason gets down and gently settles Todd's body in the canoe. He takes a match and lights it up. Then, he tosses it into the
canoe. Jason gets down and pushes the canoe out into the lake. He watches canoe starts to burn up. Todd was finally getting
the proper burial. He was home.
CUT BACK TO...Michael and Ghostface. Michael is out cold. Ghostface really made good
use of that bat. Ghostface sits at the bed watching Michael on the floor. He was motionless. That's when Ghostface looks back
into the duffle bag...and whips out a tank of karosine. Ghostface opens the lid and spills the gas about around the cabin.
-Ghostface shrugs walks to the front door. Ghostface takes a match and starts to light it up. That's when Michael
starts to awake. He was back! He looks around groggily. He groggily sees Ghostface lighting a match. Then, he clearly sees
Ghostface continuing to light that match. Ghostface turns and sees Michael awake. What Michael hears behind the mask is an
unfamiliar voice.
Woman: "No!"
-Ghostface, realizing the situation, immediately puts the voice box up to the
mouth of the ghost mask.
Ghostface: "I mean, no!"
-Michael, smelling the karosine around him an dseeing Ghostface
with the match, shrugs. He whips out his knife (Shing!). Michael, in slow motion, throws the knife toward Ghostface (Swi-i-ish).
The knife, still in slow motion, tosses back and forth toward Ghostface (Swi-i-ish!). Ghostface, in slow motion, tries to
duck away. But the end of the knife, still in slow motion, knocks Ghostface in the his/her head. Ghostface, back in regular,
motion falls over knocked out.
Michael sighs of relief. That's when Freddy and Jason arrive to the scene.
Krueger: "Hey, are you okay?"
Michael Myers: "I'm all right."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, man."
-Michael turns
to Freddy and Jason.
Michael Myers: "What about you guys? What happened?"
Freddy Krueger: "I beat Ash. Again."
turns to Jason.
Michael Myers: "What about Todd?"
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees: "He's gone."
Myers: "What do you mean he's gone?"
Jason Voorhees: "Todd...he was no longer my son. I had to take care of him."
turns and points to the lake. The canoe Jason kicked out is seen sinking. The flame dies out. Jason sighs again.
Voorhees: "He's gone now."
Michael Myers: "I'm sorry to hear that."
Jason Voorhees: "No, it's for the better."
and Michael turn away. Jason notices Ghostface on the floor.
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, you got Ghostface!"
Myers: "I sure did."
Jason Voorhees: "Let's see who it is!"
Michael Myers: "Yes, let's see."
gets down on his knees and reaches for the ghost mask. Grasping the mask, he slowly slides it back revealing the face of...
TO...Four FBI Ford Excursions driving up to Camp Crystal Lake. They park by the main cabin. Donald Loomis bursts out of one
of them and looks around the location. The FBI Chief gets out and turns to Donald.
FBI Chief: "Here we are. Let's find
your boogeyman."
Donald Loomis: "Yes."
-Numerous FBI agents step out of the Ford Excursions and line up before
Donald and the chief. The chief turns to the agents.
FBI Chief: "Okay, gentlemen. Search the location for the suspect.
The offshore, the cabins, look all around the area."
-The agents flee around the campsite. The chief turns to Donald.
Chief: "You better be right."
-Donald gulps.
CUT TO...moments later. Most of the agents approach Donald and
the chief. One of the agents turns to the chief.
FBI Agent: "We didn't find the suspect, sir."
-The chief turns
to Donald. Donald sighs. The rest the other agents approach them. One of them turns to the chief.
FBI Agent: "We found
the suspect, chief."
FBI Chief: "Did you?"
FBI Agent: "Yes, we did. He's in the fourth cabin."
Loomis: "I have to see this!"
-Donald runs runs past the main cabin, the first two cabins, and up the third. He enters
through the front door and sees Micheael's unconscience body on the floor. He also smells karosine. The chief and the agents
arrive to the scene.
FBI Chief: "Well, is it him?"
Donald Loomis: "I still have to see, chief."
gets on his knees and reaches for the white Halloween mask. Grasping the mask, he slowly pulls off the mask, revealing the
face of...Kara Strode! Donald falls back.
Donald Loomis: "No! No, it can't be!"
[Flashback to...]
2004. Kara Strode, just like her cousin Laurie, was reportedly killed in "car accident." Michael had read about it in the
newspaper. So did Donald, who had been aware of her whereabouts.
-Fall 1995. After the horrorific events that Halloween
in Haddonfield, Kara went into the witness protection program with her son, Danny, along with Tommy Doyle.
-Fall 1998.
After the horrorific events that Halloween at the private school in California, John Tate also joined the witness protection
program. Kara got in touch with him.
-Summer 2003. When Tommy mysteriously disappeared, Kara become worried. When
his body was found later that summer, she became paranoid.
-Fall 2003. John, very paronoid himself, reportedly killed
a young trick-or-treater that Halloween in Haddonfield - and proceeded to kill himself. Kara never believed it and knew Michael
was behind it. At least she thought so. But, the FBI never believed her. Just as they never believed Donald. After that, she
became increasingly paranoid.
-Summer 2004. Right back to Kara and her apparent "car accident." When Laurie was caught
in her "car accident," she was doing it to gain a new identity and join the witness protection program. She was trying to
fool Michael. But of course, Michael eventually got her.
-Kara, however, had already been involved with the witness
protection program when she, too, faked her death in a "car accident." As it turns out, she really was escaping from total
existence to stop Michael on her own.
[End of flashback]
-Donald sighs. Kara Strode was his caller. She had
to be. She tried to stop Michael, but failed. And, Michael switched disguises with her.
FBI Chief: "Donald! You better
have a good explanation for this!"
Donald Loomis: "Um..."
-Fellow FBI agent, Samuel Raimi, recognizes Kara.
Raimi: "Hey, that's Kara Strode!"
FBI Chief: "Who?"
Samuel Raimi: "Kara Strode! She's somehow related to Michael
Myers. I think she supposed to be cousins with Luarie Strode. Anyway, Kara was one of the few survivors in the 1995 Halloween
massacre in Haddonfield."
FBI Chief: "So?"
Samuel Raimi: "So, she went into the witness protection program after
that. I heard she kind of freaked out."
FBI Chief: "Wait a minute, wasn't she killed this summer in a car accident?"
Raimi: "Or, so we thought. She must have faked her death, just like Laurie did."
FBI Chief: "Oh, right..."
Raimi: "Kara Strode, she must have gone crazy!"
FBI Chief: "Yes, she must have!"
-Donald sighs. He can't believe
what he's hearing. The chief turns to Donald.
FBI Chief: "Donald, you just solved this case!"
Samuel Raimi:
"Actually, I did..."
Donald Loomis: "Uh, sir, no I didn't. You have it all wrong. Kara Strode is not..."
Chief: "Great job!"
-The chief walks away satisfied. Donald sighs.
CUT TO...Jason driving Freddy and Michael
away from Crystal Lake in his BMW X5 SUV. Michael is dressed in the Ghostface outfit. Ash lays in the back trunk area, still
passed out.
Freddy Krueger: "I can't believe Kara Strode was Ghostface!"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, who thought?"
Myers: "I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Dying in a car accident, my ass! So, did my sister. And look what happened!"
Krueger: "You know, that's actually who I suspected to be Ghostface before on the way here. I can't believe I was right."
Myers: "Well, at least it is all over now."
Freddy Krueger: "What do you think will happen to Kara Strode when the
FBI find her?"
Michael Myers: "Hmm...they'll probably send her to a mental hospital, like Smith's Grove. No matter
what, no one will believe her!"
Freddy Krueger: "Of course not!"
CUT BACK TO...The FBI at the campsite. Kara
Strode, now awake, is taken away into a Ford Excursions.
Kara Strode: "But, it wasn't me! It was Michael! I had Michael!
I had him captured! But, he escaped somehow!"
FBI Chief: "Yeah, sure, sweetheart. You're going to be put away for a
very, very long time!"
Kara Strode: "But, it wasn't me! I can explain..."
-The chief closes the door on her
and the Excursion drives away.
Kara Strode: "Nooo...!"
-Donald watches the Ford Excursion take Kara away. He
foiled again by Michael! The chief walks up to Donald.
FBI Chief: "I don't know why I ever questioned you..."
Loomis: "I don't know about that..."
FBI Chief: "...The lives of some of our men were lost, including those of a few
New Jersey policemen..."
Donald Loomis: "Not to mention civilians..."
FBI Chief: "...But, we caught the culprit.
Thanks to you. Good job!"
Donald Loomis: "But, it doesn't make sense. What about my caller? Whatever happened to my
FBI Chief: "I can only suspect that your caller wanted to hint us. No matter. Your caller is a hero for helping
us in this case."
Donald Loomis: "But, the caller led us to Michael's whereabouts. Yet, we find Kara Strode. How can
you explain that?"
FBI Chief: "For all I know, there could more to this case than we think. But, at least we have Kara
Strode. She'll fess up eventually and tell us what's really going on."
Donald Loomis: "But, sir, she did."
Chief: "We'll see. Anyway, good job."
-The chief walks away. Donald freaks out and falls back. He was fooled again
by Michael!
Donald Loomis: "Nooo...!"