-Haddonfield, Illinois. Midnight. Within the cemetary are the lined up graves of Michael's family line - Judith Myers,
Jamie Lloyd, Debra Strode, John Strode, Tim Strode, John Tate and Kara Strode.
CUT TO...Michael walking up to the graves.
Michael, bracing himself, is holding a shovel. He approaches John Tate's grave. Over the last while, Ghostface has been hassling
him over the phone. Michael thinks back to when Ghostface was originally on his case...
[Flashback to "Horror Talk
V: Sequels and Old Foes"]
-Summer, 2003. Freddy and Jason are chillin' with Michael in his pad. Michael's cell phone
rings and the ring tone is the eerie "Halloween" theme. Michael answers it.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
"What's up?!"
Michael Myers: "What's up? Is that you, Ghostface?!"
Jason Voorhees: "Why is Ghostface calling?"
turns to Freddy.
Jason Voorhees: "I thought you taught him a lesson!"
Freddy Krueger: "I did! I pit him in a
nightmare where more teeny-bopper horror movies like 'I Know What You Did Last Summer,' 'Urban Legend,' and 'Valentine,' were
being made but where Wes Craven still refused to make more 'Scream' movies!"
Jason Voorhees: "Dude, that's each of
our own nightmares!"
Ghostface: "Who's Ghostface? I don't know no Ghostface!"
Michael Myers: "That can't be.
You just pulled a double-negative!"
Ghostface: "What's your favorite scary movie?"
Michael Myer: "Oh, it's that
one called 'Halloween on Elm Street on Friday The 13th.' It's really scary. It's about this annoying prank-calling punk who
gets on the nerves of some well-known horror icons. The idea is that the punk isn't safe when he's awake or asleep, because
two of the horror icons, one with a machete, the other with a big, sharp kitchen knife, gang up on him in reality. All in
the while, the third one, with claws for hands, gangs up on him in his dreams. You should see it. You would love it!"
"Uh, that's okay. Ghostface don't like the sound of this movie!"
Michael Myers: "Hey, you just admitted you're Ghostface!
Hello? Hello?"
-Michael turns back to Freddy and Jason.
Michael Myers: "Well, he just hung up. But, I did get
him good!"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah. That was great!"
-Freddy, Jason and Michael, laugh.
[End of flashback]
the time, Michael thought that the caller was just another regular prank-caller. But, he was wrong...
[Flashback to
"Horror Talk X: The Party"]
-Summer, 2003. Freddy, Jason and Michael, are at a party a week before the release of "Freddy
vs. Jason." Ghostface is also there and has attempted to kill off them off. Now, Freddy, Jason and Michael, have Ghostface
cornered. Ghostface takes off his mask, revealing the face of...
Jason Voorhees: "Whoa!"
Freddy Krueger: "Hey,
it's...wait. Who is that?"
-Michael looks in shocked awe.
Michael Myers: "It's John. John Tate. My nephew."
Tate: "That's right. I was Ghostface! I was the one bothering you with the 'What's up?!' calls. I was the one who sent Rusty
Nail after you. I was the one who sent you and Jason those 'I know...' notes. And, I was who nearly burnt Freddy to a crisp.
You want to know why? I'll tell you why!"
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, boy. Here comes the bondalogue!"
[End of flashback]
no bondalogue was necessary. Michael interrupted him and confronted him. John shrugged and tried to accept his uncle as a
changed person. But, he never quite did...
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XVI: Trick or Treat"]
-Fall, 2003. Haddonfield,
Illinois. Freddy, Jason and Michael, are out trick-or-treating in neighborhood as themselves. When they heard about the murder
of a young trick-or-treater, Michael realized that a copycat killer is trying to get his attention. So, he, Freddy and Jason,
checked out his childhood home to find the copycat killer. Michael eventually found the copycat killer and he turned out to
be John Tate. John was paranoid as ever. After much fighting in the kitchen, John, dressed in the same get-up as Michael,
confronts at him.
John Tate: "How do you ever expect me to get over this? You killed my mother, you killed my friends,
you killed my sister, and you also killed my would-be Aunt. How do you, of all people, get over such sins?"
Myers: "It's not easy, but I cope with it. It's part of the Thorn curse."
John Tate: "Thorn curse? I can't believe
you swallow such bullshit. Be responsible for your actions!"
Michael Myers: "What about you? You killed some innocent
kid and the police think I did it. I don't see you being responsible!"
John Tate: "What? What kid? I didn't kill any
kid. Oh, that's right. But, YOU did. YOU slit his throat and YOU hid his body up on a tree. It was all your technique."
Myers: "I know. You stole it."
-John sighs in frustration and lunges at Michael. Michael ducks out of the way and John
bumps his head into the counter. Getting knocked out, his body falls to the floor. That's when Freddy and Jason walk in. They
saw the whole show. They both clap.
Freddy Krueger: "So...it was John after all."
Michael Myers: "You were right.
One day, he would come back to get revenge on me again."
Jason Voorhees: "You know, that was really great action!"
Myers: "Yeah, I guess."
-Michael notices the wounds on Jason.
Michael Myers: "What happened to you?"
Voorhees: "Chrissy."
Michael Myers: "Your Chrissy?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yep. She was out for revenge, too!"
Krueger: "And, she was sure stark-raving mad! Jason really fucked her up!"
-Michael laughs, then sighs.
Myers: "What am I going to do with John?"
Freddy Krueger: "Not sure. What if we take him to the crazy house? No matter
what he says, no one is going to believe him!"
Michael Myers: "Yeah, true."
-Jason notices John's body missing.
Voorhees: "Hey, where's John?"
-Freddy and Michael look around in surprise. That's when John lunges from the dining
room, ready to attack Michael with the two machetes from the other room.
John Tate: "Aaah!"
Jason Voorhees:
"Watch out!"
-Jason pushes Michael out of John's way and takes the pain for him (Shing! Shing!). John looks up in surprise
to see that he slashed the wrong psycho. For, the two machetes are sticking through Jason's stomach and sticking out of his
back. Jason looks down at John. He stares him down with his good eye and John tenses up.
John Tate: "Oh, shit!"
grabs John and with a tight grasp and strong will, he shoves him against the basement door. John's body breaks through it,
and he falls down the stairs. His body cracks against stairs the steps several times on the way down (Crack! Crack! Crack!).
Finally, he hits the ground and breaks his neck (Crack!). Michael turns to Jason, then to John's body imprint through the
broken basement door.
Michael Myers: "I-I-I can't believe this!"
Jason Voorhees: "What? I took John's wrath
for you!"
Michael Myers: "I know. And, I never thought that John would have the will to really try to kill me like
Freddy Krueger: "It was his paranoia. He never would get over it."
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers:
"Just like his mother."
[End of flashback]
-Michael sighs. John Tate was supposed to be dead. But, Ghostface
was back...
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXVII: The Big Ten"]
-Fall, 2004. Freddy, Jason and Todd, are chilllin'
with Michael in his pad. Michael's cell phone rings and he answers.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Ghostface: "What's
Michael Myers: "Hey, Ghostface. What's up your ass today?"
Ghostface: "Same old, same old. A little slicing
here, a little dicing there, you should know what I mean."
Michael Myers: "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."
"You're going to..."
Michael Myers: "What, die tonight?"
-Ghostface sighs of frustration.
"Yeah, well, if you interrupt me again, I'm going to have to cut you up like a..."
Michael Myers: "Like a fish? God,
Ghostface, you're so predictable!"
Ghostface: "What would you say if..."
Michael Myers: "If what? If you happen
to be watching me right now?"
-Ghostface sighs of frustration again.
Michael Myers: "I don't know who the hell
you are, but I seriously doubt you would happen to know where I live."
Ghostface: "You're good. But, not that good.
It will take more than studying the 'Scream' movies to beat me."
Michael Myers: "I don't believe that. I don't. Do
you know who you're speaking to? The boogeyman!"
Ghostface: "Oh, how scary!"
Michael Myers: "Whoever you are,
I hope you've had your fun. Now, stop calling me!"
Ghostface: "Hey! I wouldn't hang up if..."
-Michael hangs
up on Ghostface. Freddy and Jason turn to Michael.
Freddy Krueger: "Ghostface?"
Jason Voorhees: "John Tate?"
Myers: "Whoever it is, Ghostface has been calling me lately. But, I don't think it's anyone important."
[End of flashback]
the time, Michael thought it was another joker, not another obsessessed and determined figure from his past. But, he/she kept
on calling endlessly. Could it be John Tate? Could he have survived last Halloween?
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXX:
Like Father, Like Seed"]
-Fall, 2004. Michael is chillin' at Pinhead's night club, having a few a drinks. His cell
phone rings and he answers.
Ghostface: "What's up?!"
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "If you're going
to continue calling me like this, could you at least use a different opening? 'What's up?!' is getting so cliched."
"Okay. What about, 'You're dead!'?"
Michael Myers: "Nah."
Ghostface: "What about, 'You're doomed!'?"
Myers: "Nice try."
Ghostface: "Okay, I got it. How about...'What would you say if I were watching you right now?!'?"
Myers: "Oh, how scary!"
Ghostface: "You still think I'm some joker who has nothing better to do, don't you?"
Myers: "What do you think?"
Ghostface: "I think you're starting to suspect me. I think you're starting to freak."
Myers: "Freak? Yeah, right! I'm the boogeyman. Nothing scares me."
Ghostface: "Oh, really?"
Michael Myers: "Yes,
Ghostface: "Then, what about this?"
-Suddenly, Michael hears a familiar voice on the other line.
Tate: "Hello, Uncle!"
Michael Myers: "John??"
John Tate: "How do you feel now?"
Michael Myers: "Actually...*Belch*...I
feel drunk."
John Tate: "What??"
Michael Myers: "I'm sorry...*Belch*...whoever you are, I must have called you
by accident...*Belch*...I'm sorry about this."
-Michael hangs up on the other line. He was getting drunk.
Myers: "I have to be drunk...*Belch*...how else did I just hear John? He's dead. Whatever, I gotta get home."
of flashback]
-That fateful night, Michael thought his imagination was playing games on him. But, afterwards, he still
clearly remembered hearing John Tate on the other line. This has been eating him up inside ever since. How could this be possible?
John was dead. Or, so he thought. Or, did Ghostface manage to get John Tate's voice on the his/her voice box? Was this a new
Ghostface and was he/she fooling around with him? It could be anything. Michael didn't know what to make of this absurd situation.
facing John's grave, shrugs and finally does what he must do. He takes the shovel in his hands and starts digging up his nephew's
grave. He had to be sure. Moments later, Michael has dug all the way down to the coffin. Michael, hestitantly, takes hold
of the coffin. Holding a closed side, Michael loosens the coffin up. He, hesitantly, opens it up...
-Upon opening the
coffin, Michael looks in surprise to see no decaying body in there.
Michael Myers: "No way!"
-Michael immidiately
climbs out of the burial ground and freaks out. John was still alive! He was Ghostface! He had to be!
Michael Myers:
"This can't be happening! It can't!"
-That's when a mysterious figure comes out of nowhere and shoves Michael. Michael,
getting attacked, falls back into the grave (Thud!). He looks back up to the mysterious figure...Ghostface! Ghostface is holding
a voice box to his/her mouth under the ghost mask.
Ghostface: "Hee, hee, hee! I got you! I got you good!"
Ghostface takes off his/her mask, revealing the face of...John Tate! Michael looks in shock. He was right!
Myers: "No!
John Tate: "Yes! It is me! I am Ghostface! Again!"
Michael Myers: "You can't be! Jason threw you
down the basement stairs of the Myers house and you broke your neck!"
John Tate: "Or, so you thought. I survived that.
I lived to tell about it. And now, I am going to get you..."
-John takes the shovel and uses it toss some dirt back
into the open grave over Michael.
John Tate: "...Once and for all!"
-John proceeds to bury Michael in his supposed
Michael Myers: "Nooo...!"
CUT TO...Michael waking up in his pad. It was just a nightmare and it very early in the morning. His fears were really
getting to him. Was John really back? Was he Ghostface? He wasn't sure of anything anymore.
Michael Myers: "Man..."
gets out of bed and heads from his bedroom to the kitchen. Reaching the refrigerator, he opens it and grabs a bottle of Molson
Ice. Michael proceeds to grab a glass from the cabinet, when he faintly hears a commotion down on the ground floor of the
apartment building.
-Michael walks over to the window and looks down the sixty-nine floors below. From what he could
barely make out on his high floor, several police vehicles were parked in front of the building. Michael mutters to himself.
Myers: "What's going on down there? Did someone die?"
-Michael looks around and shrugs.
Michael Myers: "It certainly
wasn't me!"
CUT TO...several FBI vehicles, Ford Excursions, parked out in front of the apartment building. Numerous
FBI agents face their fellow agent, Donald Loomis, and their Chief. The FBI Chief turns to Donald, in front of the entrance.
Chief: "Are you sure about this, Donald?"
-Donald shrugs.
Donald Loomis: "More than ever."
FBI Chief:
"Because, if this turns out be another trick by these mysterious callers of yours, I've had it."
Donald Loomis: "I
can assure you, this is for real this time. If I'm not mistaken..."
-Donald looks up the top of the building, pointing
to the higher floors.
Donald Loomis: "...Michael Myers should live right up there near the top. My caller assured me."
Chief: "How do you know?"
Donald Loomis: "Because, apparently, he, or she, has a similar vendetta to stop Michael too."
Chief: "You mean you didn't get a name?"
Donald Loomis: "Well, the caller told me to call him, or her, by the name
-Donald sighs.
Donald Loomis: "I know all of this sounds silly and far-fetched, but I think its for
real. My instincts have never been more ahead of me."
FBI Chief: "That's what you always say."
-The FBI Chief
FBI Chief: "But, we're here anyway, so I'm going to get this 'Michael Myers/boogeyman' out of the way for good..."
FBI Chief glares at Donald.
FBI Chief: "...You better be right."
-Donald shrugs.
Donald Loomis: "I think
I am."
FBI Chief: "All right."
-The FBI chief faces the several FBI agents facing them. He turns to a small
group of them.
FBI Chief: "All right, you three, head inside lobby and watch the area."
-The three agents proceed
to walk through the front entrance and into the lobby of the ground floor of the building. The chief turns to another group
of agents.
FBI Chief: "...You four, guard the back doors..."
-The four agents start walking around to the rear
end of the building. The chief turns to another group of agents.
FBI Chief: "You three, go into the underground parking
and watch over anybody that leaves. Make sure that nobody pacular gets off these grounds."
-The three agents proceed
to head for the parking lot underneath the building. Ten FBI agents are left. The chief turns to the Donald.
FBI Chief:
"It's your show now."
-Donald turns to the FBI chief, and then to the ten FBI agents.
Donald Loomis: "Okay.
As your commanding officer, you are to enter the building and take the elevator. The suspect lives in apartment no. 666 on
the 69th floor."
-The agents turn to each other and burst out laughing.
FBI Agents: "Hahahahahahahahahaha!..."
Loomis: "What? Why are all of you laughing?"
-The agents continue to laugh.
FBI Agents: "...Hahahahahahahahahahaha!..."
Loomis: "I-I order you to stop laughing right now!"
-But, the agents continue to laugh their hearts out. So does the
chief. Loomis just doesn't get it.
FBI Agents: "...Hahahahahahahahahahaha!..."
FBI Chief: "Ha, ha, ha, ho, ho,
-Donald turns to the chief, and then the agents.
Donald Loomis: "Hey!"
-The chief stops and laughing
calms down the agents.
FBI Chief: "It's okay! It's okay! Stop...heh, heh..."
-The chief turns to the agents
and shrugs.
FBI Chief: "Well, you heard the man. Go into the building and capture the suspect!"
-The ten FBI
agents, one holding a duffle bag with weaponry, turn around and head for the front entrance of the building. Donald watches
as they enter through and head through the lobby.
Donald Loomis (thinking): "Dear God, I hope I'm not setting them
up as bait..."
CUT BACK TO...Michael, now enjoying his glass of Molson Ice, laying back on his sofa in the living room.
He mutters to himself.
Michael Myers: "Heh, someone must have died. Why else would there be so many emergency vehicles?"
when Michael hears several figures stepping up to his front door. Through his killer instincts, he can hear them quietly stepping
up to it. Then, he hears them stop at his door.
Michael Myers: "Oh, hell no..."
-He faintly hears the figures
drop a duffle bag and proceed to grab various equipment. Michael walks away into the kitchen and sets the glass on the counter.
Then, he opens a drawer and grabs a big, sharp, kitchen knife (Shing!).
-Michael leans against the counter for a moment,
listening on in the several figures. He shrugs and slowly starts approaching the door. As he does, he hears the figures preparing
to get in. Michael stops where is in front of the living room and waits for them to burst in. He didn't know what to make
of the situation. That's when the door bursts open and the several figures, the ten FBI agents holding guns and rifles, charge
for Michael. Michael, gripping his knife and tilting his head, shrugs and charges for them...
CUT TO...Donald Loomis
in the elevator. Moments after sending the FBI agents up to Michael's apartment, he was now heading up to see for himself.
He mutters to himself.
Donald Loomis: "...I am to going to catch Michael, yes I am. I am going to catch Michael..."
Donald Loomis: "...I am so going to catch Michael. I am so close. I have to catch him..."
-The elevator
continues its way up.
Donald Loomis: "...I absolutely, postively have to catch Michael. I am going to catch Michael.
I will catch the boogeyman once and for all!"
-That's when the elevator stops on his intended floor and the doors slide
open. Donald steps out the hallway and down the hall. Donald slowly approaches Michael's apparent apartment. This was it.
This was his big moment. Donald stops at the Michael's door. Apartment no. 666. Donald, hesitantly, approaches it.
doesn't know whether to knock or barge in. Did those FBI agents take care of Michael? Or, could have Michael overcame them?
His father once told him of Michael's exploits. Michael has apparently wiped out Haddonfield's entire police squad. -Donald
finally takes action. He's about to knock on the door, when a fellow FBI agent, with particularly handsome and unscarred face,
suddenly steps. The agent quickly shuts the door behind bumps into Donald. The agent looks surprised to see him.
Agent: "Oh, uh, sorry."
Donald Loomis: "Well?"
FBI Agent: "Uh..."
Donald Loomis: "What about Michael?"
Agent: "Oh, right. We got him. He's out for the count."
Donald Loomis: "Really?"
FBI Agent: "Oh, he sure is,
sir. You'll be pleased."
Donald Loomis: "Wow! I have to see."
FBI Agent: "I don't think you want to, sir."
Loomis: "Why not?"
FBI Agent: "It's not a pretty sight. The rest of the men...let's just say...are rounding up his
body as we speak. I'm going back down stairs to get a body bag."
Donald Loomis: "That's okay. I can take a grisley
-The agent shrugs.
FBI Agent: "Okay. But, don't say I didn't warn you."
-The FBI agent steps
out of the way and Donald approaches the door. The agent, strangely, quickly screeches up to the elevator as if in a hurry.
Donald is about to turn the knob when something hits him. There was something pacular about that agent.
Donald Loomis:
"Wait a minute..."
-Donald thinks back to when he was at Pinhead's night club a while back. He sat at a side bar with
a "Halloween" fanatic. Or so he thought...
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXIX: The Contest"]
-Pinhead's night club.
Donald walks up to a side bar and sits down. Donald turns his head to see a strange figure next to him. A tall man with a
handsome, unscarred face, wearing blue overalls. He also notices the figure grasping a white Halloween mask set on the counter.
But, Donald shrugs. He doesn't know that boogeyman was clever enough to get plastic surgery for his burnt face. He turns to
the "Halloween" fanatic and laughs.
Donald Loomis: "A fan, huh?"
Halloween Fanatic: "You could say that."
TO...moments later. Donald has had an interesting discussion with the fellow, and the fanatic was now getting up to leave.
Loomis: "Hey, I'll cover your tab."
-The fantaic grabs his Michael Myers mask from the counter.
Halloween Fanatic:
-The fanatic puts his Michael Myers mask back on. Before he leaves, he turns to Donald once more.
Fanatic: "Hey, good luck on your case."
Donald Loomis: "Thanks."
[End of flashback]
-Donald smacks himself
on the head.
Donald Loomis: "No!"
-Donald slowly turns his head to the FBI agent down the hall, waiting for
the elevator. That FBI agent was the same "Halloween" fanatic he ran into in the night club. He was no FBI agent, he was Michael
Myers! He had to be! Donald turns to Michael.
Donald Loomis: "Hey, you!"
-Michael turns his head and gulps.
That's when the elevator doors slide open. He steps in and immediately presses the botton for the underground parking lot.
As the elevator doors start to close, Michael sees Donald stop in front of the elevator and face him.
Donald Loomis:
-Just before the elevator doors close up on him, Donald, nearly out of breath, stares at Michael. Michael stares
at him back. Then, the doors close and the elevator starts going back down. Donald kicks the elevator doors.
Loomis: "No!"
-Donald sighs. Then, he immediately whips out his walkie-talkie and radios his fellow FBI agents.
Loomis: "Michael just escaped in the elevator. He's on his way downstairs. Somebody go into the basement and stop that elevator!"
sighs of relief. At least he was still prepared for this. That's when he looks down the hall at Michael's apartment. He, hesitantly,
starts walking up towards it. He had to see. He approaches apartment no. 666 and stops. He, hesitantly, takes hold of the
knob and starts to turn it. Then, he starts to slowly open the door.
-As Donald sees from the hallway, the lights are
off. He opens the door and, hesitantly, reaches for the light switch. He turns on the light...and looks in shock to see three
dead FBI agents laying in puddles of blood in the hallway in front of him. Two of them have stab wounds and other's head is
Donald Loomis: "No..."
-Donald steps into the hallway and around the bodies. Stepping past the hallway,
he looks to his left to see the living room and a kitchen ahead of them. The seven other FBI agents were killed brutally all
over the place. Three agents laying on the sofa and one agent on the floor have stab wounds. One agent hangs from the wall,
impaled by a butcher knife. Another agent hangs from the wall, impaled by a shotgun. The last agent lays in kitchen floor
with his head crushed. The blood was everywhere.
Donald Loomis: "Oh, god!"
CUT TO...Michael in the elevator.
With the duffle bag revealing one of his white, plain Halloween masks and pair of blue overalls, Michael proceeds to dress
back into his regular gear. Michael shrugs and mutters to himself.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface! It had be Ghostface.
Ghostface ratted me out. I can't believe this!"
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "Now, Donald knows my face. My
jig is up. What am I going to do now?"
-Suddenly, the elevator stops in its tracks between the 22nd and 23rd floor.
The power is cut and Michael finds himself in darkness. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Well, first of all, I have
to find another way out of here."
-Michael, now dressed in his Halloween gear, whips out a lighter and lights up a
flame (Flick!), Michael look ups at the elevator ceiling above him. Recognizing a panel, Michael shrugs and burns the flame.
Michael Myers: "Here, I go."
-Michael reaches for the panel and starts to move it out of place. Just like in
the movies. That's when Michael hears something above him. Michael moves the panel out of the way and looks up to see the
elevator doors of the the 23rd floor proceed to pry open. Michael sighs and sets the panel back into place.
Myers: "Great. Company."
CUT TO...the elevator doors on the 23rd floor prying open. Two FBI agents step forward and look down the elevator shaft
at the stopped elevator a few feet below them. The first agent shrugs.
FBI Agent #1: "Here it is."
-The second
agent shudders.
FBI Agent #2: "There he is."
FBI Agent #1: "Hey, you're not scared, are you?"
FBI Agent
#2: "Well, Loomis is always saying this Michael Myers guy is 'evil,' 'evil on two legs,' 'pure evil', 'the boogeyman' and
all that."
FBI Agent #1: "Oh, you shouldn't bother listening to Donald. He's a quack."
-The second agent continues
looking down at the elevator. The first agent turns to him.
FBI Agent #1: "Well?"
FBI Agent #2: "What? You don't
expect me to go step down there first, do you?"
FBI Agent #1: "Of course. Last time we did an elevator job, I went
down first."
FBI Agent #2: "I don't want to go down first!"
FBI Agent #1: "Oh, don't chicken out on me! Don't
tell me you're afraid of the boogeyman!"
-The second agent shudders.
FBI Agent #1: "Besides, the boogeyman isn't
real. I told you already, Donald is a quack. Just like his father."
FBI Agent #2: "I don't know about that."
Agent #1: "Well, I do. Step down!"
-The second agent sighs.
FBI Agent #1: "All right."
-The second gets
down on his legs and climbs down onto the elevator.
FBI Agent #1: "Now, that's what I'm talking about. Now, remove
the panel and take a look."
FBI Agent #2: "What??"
FBI Agent #1: "Remove the panel and look inside the elevator!"
Agent #2: "I told you, I don't want to! If I peak my head in, the boogeyman is going to grab me and kill me!"
first agent sighs of frustration.
FBI Agent #1: "Fine, I'll do it!"
-The first shrugs and jumps down onto the
elevator (Thud!).
FBI Agent #2: "Hey, be careful! You're going to tell the boogeyman where we are!"
-The first
agents gets down on his knees and approaches the panel.
FBI Agent #1: "I think you're whining already did that."
first agent takes hold of the panel and slowly lifts it up to the second agent.
FBI Agent #1: "Here."
-The second
agent grabs the panel and first agent approaches the square space within the ceiling.
FBI Agent #2: "Be careful."
Agent #1: "Quiet."
-The first agent peaks his head into the darkness of the elevator. FBI Agent #1: "I don't see
anything. Just darkness."
-Suddenly, Michael grabs the first agent and pulls him into the elevator.
FBI Agent
#1: "Argh!"
FBI Agent #2: "Bob!"
-Inside the elevator, Michael drops the first agent to the ground (Thud!).
Then, Michael reaches down and grabs him. Grasping his neck, Michael takes the agent and slams him against the wall (Slam!).
Agent #1: "Argh!"
-Michael slams the agent two more times (Slam! Slam!). The FBI agent struggles within Michael's grasp.
Agent #1: "Argh! Argh!"
-That's when the second agent jumps in and attacks Michael.
FBI Agent #2: "Hey, boogeyman!"
falls the elevator floor and drops the first agent (Thud!) (Thud!).
FBI Agent #1: "Argh..."
-The second agent
quickly gets up, whips out his gun and points it at Michael.
FBI Agent #2: "Don't move! Stay where you are! Now!"
laying on the his back, stares back at the agent down with his dead-like eyes.
FBI Agent #2: "Oh, shit!"
gets up and approaches the agent. The agent tries to shoot him, but Michael shoves the gun away. Michael, standing up, grabs
the second agent by his neck and shoves him up to the wall (Slam!).
FBI Agent #2: "Argh!"
-Michael applies pressure
to the poor agent.
FBI Agent #2: "Argh!"
-Then, Michael proceeds to raise the agent up to the ceiling of the
elevator. He continues his strangling hold.
FBI Agent #2: "Argh!"
-The poor agent struggles to get out of Michael's
FBI Agent #2: "Argh!"
-Alas, the second agent finally loses it. His feet flails over and he dies. Michael
drops the body (Thud) and turns around to other agent. Regaining his strength and breath, the first agent looks at the other
agent's lifeless body. Then, he looks up to Michael. Michael, tilting his head, looks him down.
FBI Agent #1: "Oh,
no you don't!"
-The first agent gets up and lunges at Michael. He shoves Michael against the wall (Slam!) and punches
him in his masked face (Pow!). He punches Michael again (Pow!). Then, he kicks him in his chest (Kick!). That's when Michael
throws a mean punch at the agent, shoving him to the other wall (Slam!).
FBI Agent #1: "Ow."
-The agent looks
back at Michael. Then, he notices the gun the other agent dropped. He quickly grabs it and points it at Michael.
Agent #1: "Oh, now you're getting it..."
-The agent shoots Michael (Bang! Bang!).
FBI Agent #1: "...You son
of a bitch!"
-The agent continues shooting Michael (Bang! Bang! Bang!). Michael flails about and falls to the ground
(Thud). The agent stops and looks down at his body. But, Michael proceeds to move his arms in order to pick himself up.
Agent #1: "Oh, no you don't!"
-The agent fires at Michael again (Bang! Bang!). Michael falls back down loosing his
gripping. The agent continues shooting Michael down (Bang! Bang! Bang!). The agent goes for it one last time (Bang! Bang!).
The FBI agent stops and steps back. The barrel was now empty and Michael was motionless. And, that's when he moves his arms
to picks himself up again.
FBI Agent #1: "No!"
-The agent jumps at Michael to attack him. He lands on Michael's
back, keeping him on down on the ground (Thud!). The agent punches at Michael's back a couple of times. Then, he goes at his
neck and tries strangling him. That's when Michael overpowers him and rolls over. Now, Michael was over the agent strangling
FBI Agent #1: "Argh!"
-But, Michael was feeling weak from being shot. The agent overpowers him and is over
him now, stranging him. Michael tries to get him off him, but he's just too weak at the moment. The FBI agent continues strangling
FBI Agent #1: "Die, you fucker! Die!"
-Michael struggles to do something. That's when he notices the
screwdriver hanging from the control panel. Every so often, the elevator doors stall and he and his neighbors have to use
the screwdriver, in order to mess with the circuits. Michael tries reaching it.
Michael Myers: "Argh..."
Agent #1: "Oh, no you don't!"
-The agent applies more pressure around Michael's neck. Michael was feeling weaker. But,
he keeps trying to reach the screwdriver.
Michael Myers: "...Argh..."
-The agent continues going at Michael's
FBI Agent #1: "Die! Die!"
-Finally, that's when Michael reaches the screwdriver. He grabs it, and with
a strong tug, whips its cord from the control panel. Then, takes hold of the screwdriver and raises his arm.
to the shadows on the wall. The agent's shadowy body is struggling to strangle Michael and finish him off. Michael's shadowy
arm is raised in the air. Then, the shadowy arm makes its attacks and goes for the agent's shadowy neck (Shing!). A burst
of blood splatters on the wall and the agent falls back.
FBI Agent #1: "Argh!"
-Michael rises and looks down
on the struggling agent. The screwdriver is sticking into his neck and puddle of blood is spreading on the elevator floor.
Agent #1: "Argh..."
-Finally, the agent dies. Michael shrugs and cracks his back (Crack). He was back. Michael Looks
up at the space in the ceiling. He reaches for it and picks himself up. Michael proceeds to pick himself over the elevator
ceiling and climb over. Sitting up over the ceiling, Michael looks around the elevator shaft. Then, he looks around to see
an air vent within the 23rd floor. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Ah, ha."
CUT TO...Donald catching up with
the FBI Chief in front of the apartment building's entrance area. Donald, having went taken the stairs all the way back down,
is out of breath.
Donald Loomis: "Heh, heh, heh, I'm, heh, back..."
FBI Chief: "So, what happenend upstairs?"
Donald Loomis: "Heh, heh, upstairs?"
FBI Chief: "Yeah, up on that high floor your boogeyman apparently
lives on. You sent up ten of our top agents up there after him. What happened?"
Donald: "Heh, heh, um..."
chief glares at Donald.
FBI Chief: "Well...?"
-Donald shudders.
Donald Loomis: "He got `em."
Chief: "Say that again?"
Donald Loomis: "He got them, sir. Michael, um, slaughtered all ten of them in his apartment."
Chief: "You mean to tell me I let you send ten of our top agents after this boogeyman of yours, only to have them killed?!"
Loomis: "Yes, but that's why I called in to tell you that he escaped down the elevator."
FBI Chief: "And, you also
let him go??"
-Donald sighs.
Donald Loomis: "Yes. He fooled around with me. When I approached his apartment,
I was about to go in when a fellow FBI agent suddenly burst out. At least I thought he was an FBI agent..."
-The Chief
sighs of frustration.
Donald Loomis: "...And, it was too late when I realized he wasn't. He was already on the elevator
when it hit me. And, his face! I saw his face, Chief! I finally saw his damn face! In fact, I've seen him before at..."
Chief: "Oh, shut up, Donald!"
Donald Loomis: "Chief?"
FBI Chief: "I said, shut up!"
-The Chief sighs
of frustration. Donald sighs as well.
Donald Loomis: "Anyway, what happened? Did the guys shut down the elevator?"
Chief: "Yes, and I sent two agents up to catch him."
Donald Loomis: "You only sent two agents to catch him? Michael's
a monster, he's not human! You should have sent at least five guys to get him through the elevator shaft!"
FBI Chief:
"After I let you sent ten of our other agents for slaughter?!"
-Donald sighs.
Donald Loomis: "Well, did you
hear from them yet?"
CUT TO...the underground parking lot. Three FBI agents patrol the area. Cut to the air vent built
into the cement wall in the back...
FBI Agent #1: "Can you believe the job the Chief has us on tonight? It's total
FBI Agent #2: "Yeah, at is. Back at home, I was about to get laid!"
FBI Agent #3: "So was I! You
know, if this turns out to be another false alarm, I'm going to kill Donald."
FBI Agent #2: "Him and his obsession
with Michael Myers! I swear, he's a quack!
FBI Agent #1: "Yeah, just like his father!"
-Suddenly, they hear
a noise in the back.
FBI Agent #1: "Hey, what was that?"
FBI Agent #2: "I don't know. Could it be the boogeyman??"
three agents turn to each other and laugh. Then, the second and third agents turn to the first one.
FBI Agent #1: "What?"
Agent #2: "Go check."
FBI Agent #1: "Who, me? I-I don't want to!"
FBI Agent #2: "Oh, are you scared??"
Agent #3: "Are you afraid the boogeyman is going to get you??"
-The second and third agents turn to each other and
FBI Agent #1: "No, I just don't want to!"
-The second agent shrugs.
FBI Agent #2: "Go get it."
Agent #3: "Yeah."
FBI Agent #1: "Why me? Why do always have to check up on the mysterious noises?"
FBI Agent
#3: "Because, we have seniority over you!"
FBI Agent #2: "Yeah!"
FBI Agent #1: "But, you guys will always have
seniority over me! You both started working for the FBI before me."
FBI Agent #2: "I know, and we want you to go check
on that mysterious noise!"
FBI Agent #3: "Yeah!"
-The first agent sighs.
FBI Agent #1: "Fine."
first agent whips out his gun and starts walking towards the back. The second agent turns to the third and snickers.
Agent #2: "Watch out for the boogeyman!"
-The first agent, walking closer to the back, sneers back at them.
agent #1: "Ha, ha."
-The second and third agents continue to laugh as the first agent appraoches the back of the underground
parking lot.
FBI Agents #2 and 3: "Hahahahahahahahahaha!..."
-The first agent reaches the back wall of the parking
lot where they heard the noise. Just a couple of parked cars and the air vent. The cage of the air vent was sealed. The agent
looks around. No one is be seen. He stops and listens for a moment. Silence. Then, creeping. The agent looks around suspicously.
Agent #1: "Hey guys?"
-More creeping.
FBI Agent #1: "Guys? I think I hear something..."
-That's when
the second and third agents creep up on first agent and scare him.
FBI Agents #2 and 3: "Boo!"
FBI Agent #1:
-The second and third agents burst out laughing.
FBI Agent #2: "That was good! We so got you!"
Agent #3: "Yeah, we did! That was great!"
-The first agent sighs as the they all start to head back to the front section
of the parking lot.
FBI Agent #1: "Oh, you guys..."
-The second and third agents continue laughing.
Agents #2 and 3: "...Hahahahahahahahahaha!..."
FBI Agent #1: "Well, other than you two assholes, there was nothing
back there..."
-Suddenly, they a hear a car start. The three agents stop in their tracks and turn around.
Agent #3: "Did you hear that?"
FBI Agent #2: "Yeah."
FBI Agent #1: "Oh, very funny, guys. I'm sure that's just
another fellow agent playing pranks."
-The second and third agents turn to the first.
FBI Agents #2 and 3: "Sssh!"
third agent turns to the second.
FBI Agent #3: "I never heard anybody come through the entrance section."
Agent #2: "Neither did I."
-Suddenly, a Corvette Z-06 drives around the corner and heads toward the front exit. The
agents step in front of the Corvette's path.
FBI Agent #2: "Stop your car, sir!"
FBI Agent #3: "Stop right now!"
Agent #1: "Stop this instant!"
-But, the driver just speeds up and heads for the front exit. It was Michael! The agents
whip out their guns and aim them at the Corvette. The driver continues speeding their way. The agents turn to each other and
start shooting at the Corvette. Michael sighs of frustration.
Michael Myers: "Hey!"
-Michael speeds up more
and drives for the front exit. Seeing that the Corvette is not stopping, the agents jump out of Michael's way. Michael proceeds
to drive up the ramp to the front lot of the apartment. Donald looks over to see the Corvette suddenly screech out of the
underground parking lot of the apartment building (Screech!). He shrugs.
Donald Loomis: "Michael!"
seeing the front lot of the apartment building being blocked off by numerous FBI Ford Excursions, floors it (Screech!). Michael
shifts to this second gear of his car and drives toward two of the Ford Excursions. He drives head on between two of them
(Crunch!) (Crunch!), causing them to screech out of the way (Screech!) (Screech!). Michael makes it through and drives away
down Woody Allen Ave. Donald falls back and sighs.
Donald Loomis: "Nooo...!"
-As Michael drives away, he whips
out his cell phone and calls Jason.
Jason Voorhees: "Mike? What's going on, it's the dead of night."
Myers: "Jason, I'm in trouble."
Jason Voorhees: "What kind of trouble?"
Michael Myers: "Ghostface ratted me
out. I think he, or she, called Donald Loomis and told him about my whereabouts. The FBI just raided my apartment."
Voorhees: "Crap, man."
Michael Myers: "I know. I barely escaped from my building. I'm driving down Woody Allen Ave.
right now. Jason, I need to find a place to hide out at. At least for a while. I have to keep a low profile until I figure
what is exactly going on."
Jason Voorhees: "I know, Crystal Lake."
Michael Myers: "Crystal Lake?"
Voorhees: "Yeah, man. Camp Crystal Lake. It's not too far from New York. Ghostface and the FBI won't know to find you there.
I'll get Fred and we'll catch up to you."
Michael Myers: "All right."
CUT TO...Michael driving his Corvette down the highway away from New York, later on in the late morning. The front his
car is a little banged up. Michael casually drives down the highway, trying not to look suspicous. Then again, what if the
FBI knew about his Corvette? Could Ghostface known about it? Could Ghostface have told the Donald Loomis his license plate
CUT TO...the license plate at the rear of Micheal's Corvette. It reads - BMan666.
CUT TO...a Ford Taurus
further back, with a father, mother and teenage son. Suddenly, the teenager wakes up from a dream or trance.
"Aaah! Oh, my god!"
-The father and mother turn back to their son.
Mother: "Christopher!"
Father: "What
what I we told you? You don't say the lord's name in vain!"
Teenager: "I'm sorry. It's just that I had a nightmare.
No! I had a preminition!"
-The father and mother turn to each other. Those damn "Final Destination" movies. The mother
turns back to her teenager son.
Mother: "What kind of preminition?"
Teenager: "Well, there was this car chase
going on. And, this truck. And, the truck got out of control..."
-The teenage shudders.
Teenager: "...And then,
a lot of bad stuff happened!"
-The mother turns back to her husband, then to her son.
Mother: "What kind of
bad stuff? What happened?"
-The teenager shudders.
Teenager: "Umm..."
-The mother turns to her husband.
Then, the father looks back to his son.
Father: "That's it, no more 'Final Destination' movies for you, young man!"
"What?? No! 'Final Destination 3' is supposed to be coming out next year!"
Mother: "And, you won't be seeing it."
teenager freaks out.
Teenager: "Nooo...!"
CUT BACK TO...Michael, continuing to casually drive down the hallway.
That's when his cell phone rings. He, hesitantly, answers.
Michael Myers: "Uh, hello?"
Freddy Krueger: "Hey,
Mike. Jason and I are on our way. We just hit the highway."
Michael Myers: "Good."
Freddy Krueger: "Are you
Michael Myers: "I'm all right. I'm just...actually, I'm really surprised by the recent turn of events. There's
so much crazy shit going on. First, Ghostface comes back. Then, Ghostface found out where I live. Then, he..."
Krueger: "Or, she."
Michael Myers: "...Yeah...calls Donald Loomis and rats me out."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, Jason
told me that the FBI raided your pad. How'd you escape?"
Michael Myers: "It wasn't easy. First, I had to take care
of ten FBI agents that raided my pad. Then, I changed disguises with one of the FBI agents and snuck out of my apartment.
That's when I ran into Donald Loomis."
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, crap. Really?"
Michael Myers: "Yep. I shrugged and
pretended to be an FBI agent. I told him we captured the 'suspect.' Then, I quickly got to the elevator. But, Donald eventually
suspected me."
Freddy Krueger: "How?"
Michael Myers: "He saw me before at Pinhead's night club. I was there
having drinks. It was around the same time we were having that contest."
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, right. The contest. I
still can't believe Jason won!"
Michael Myers: "Anyway, he saw me at the bar with my mask off. I thought he would have
realized the situation, but he didn't. He thought I was just some 'Halloween' fanatic."
Freddy Krueger: "You never
told Jason and I this."
Michael Myers: "I didn't think it mattered. And back in my building, Donald eventually realized
I wasn't another FBI agent. He yelled back at me and tried to stop me. I barely escaped down the elevator shaft and through
the air vent to the underground parking lot. But, Donald now knows my face."
Freddy Krueger: "Crap. So, what are you
going to do?"
Michael Myers: "As of now, I'm going to wait out at Crystal Lake for a while. Jason told me go there.
I have to keep a low profile and figure out to get myself out of this mess."
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, so we're pretty much
vacationing at Jason's old hunting grounds for a while. That's cool."
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "I was
also thinking about Jason...and how he lost Todd again."
-Freddy sighs.
Freddy Krueger: "I know.
Myers: "All this nonsense is happening so sudden lately. I can't help but think that..."
Freddy Krueger: "What? What
is it?"
Michael Myers: "I can't help but think that...Ghostface has to do with Todd's death."
Freddy Krueger:
"Wait, you think that Ghostface may have to do with, um, that tragic event? You think that he, or she, set them up?"
Myers: "Possibly."
Freddy Krueger: "I don't know what to say. But at this point, it could be anything. I mean, we still
don't know who Ghostface is yet."
Michael Myers: "I feel like this is a 'Scream' movie. Some mysterious psychopath,
or some survivor from one our pasts, set us up and the worlds around us are breaking apart."
Freddy Krueger: "We'll
find out what's going on soon enough. In the meantime, we'll have to chill and figure things out."
Michael Myers: "Yeah.
But, don't tell Jason about our little conspiracy theory concerning Ghostface and Todd. I don't think he should hear it. At
least not yet."
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, I won't. Don't worry."
Michael Myers: "I'll see you guys later."
Krueger: "Yep."
-Michael hangs up on Freddy. Freddy, riding with Jason, in his BMW X5 SUV, puts his cell phone away.
Jason turns to him. Jason Voorhees: "What was that all about?"
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, we were just going over this
stupid Ghostface situation. You know, last year's Ghostface was one thing. But, this one is another. Whoever it is, even if
its John again, Ghostface is putting a lot more effort into it. We're really in deep this time."
Jason Voorhees: "We
sure are."
CUT BACK TO...Michael, casually driving down the highway. Further back, are five FBI Ford Excursions. Riding
in one of them is Donald Loomis and FBI Chief.
FBI Chief: "You sure about this, Donald?"
Donald Loomis: "Yes,
I'm sure. The caller told me that Michael might escape this way."
FBI Chief: "How do you know this 'caller' is for
real? How do you know its not your boogeyman messing around with you again?"
Donald Loomis: "I don't think it is, sir.
I mean, my source pointed us out to his apartment."
-Donald points to a duffle bag in the rear seat containing Michael's
mask collection, blue overalls and knife collection.
FBI Chief: "You may have been right about that..."
chief sighs.
FBI Chief: "...But, it didn't help the fates of twelve of our men."
Donald Loomis: "I'm sorry about
that, sir. But, it's not like I haven't warned you guys before about how dangerous Michael is. Hell, my father warned everyone
in Haddonfield about Michael and they didn't listen."
FBI Chief: "Well, so be it. But, if this is another false alarm
and if I see another face behind that mask other than Michael's..."
-Donald gulps.
FBI Chief: "...I'll personally
see to it that you are kicked off the force. Permanently. You better not be wasting my time with another one of your 'callers'
again. You got that?"
Donald Loomis: "Perfectly."
-Donald shrugs and looks out in front. That's when he spots
a Corvette Z-06.
Donald Loomis: "That's it! That's the car! that's Michael!"
FBI Chief: "Are you sure?"
Loomis: "Well, let me see."
-Donald looks ahead at the license plate on the rear end of the Corvette.
Loomis: "B...Man...666...BMan666! That's what the caller told me!"
-Donald turns to The chief.
Donald Loomis:
"That's Michael!"
FBI Chief: "All right. Let's do it."
-The chief whips out a walkie-talkie and radios the FBI
Ford Excursions around him.
FBI Chief: "The suspect is straight ahead in the yellow Corvette Z-06. Surround the suspect
and slow him down. But, whatever you do, watch out for civilians on the road."
-The FBI agent driving the first Ford
Excursion radios back.
FBI Agent #1: "Yes, sir."
-The FBI agent driving the second Ford Excursion responds back.
Agent #2: "Will do."
-The FBI agent driving the third Ford Excursion radios back.
FBI Agent #3: "Certainly,
-The FBI agent driving the fourth Ford Excursion responds back.
FBI Agent #4: "Hell, yeah!"
the FBI agents turn on their sirens in their cars and start catching up to the Corvette. The
FBI agent driving Donald
Loomis and the chief turns on his sirens and follows.
CUT BACK TO...Michael, continuing down the hallway. Hearing sirens
behind him, he looks back to see four familiar Ford Excursions driving his way.
Michael Myers: "No way..."
Ford Excursions continue after. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Here I go again!"
-Michael shifts up to his
car's third gear and speeds up. The drivers in the Ford Excursions watch as the Corvette screeches away (Screech!). Then,
the chief radios them.
FBI Chief: "He's getting away. Go after him!"
FBI Agent #1: "All right."
FBI Agent
#2: "Let's do this thing!"
FBI Agent #3: "Certainly, Chief."
FBI Agent #4: "Hell, fuckin, yeah!"
four FBI agents speed up and start go heading after the Corvette. Michael, driving at 80 miles per hour, swiftly drives around
several packs of cars down the highway. He looks in the mirror to see the Ford Excursions catching up. With their sirens blaring,
cars clear out of the way of the Ford Excursions. Michael speeds up a more and drives past more cars.
FBI Agent #2:
"Do you guys see how fast that Corvette is going?? I want one!"
FBI Agent #3: "Speed up, everyone. We have to keep
up with the suspect."
-Michael, driving swiftly around other packs of cars, looks in the mirror. More cars were clearing
out of the way for the Ford Excursions.
Michael Myers: "I thought those big things were too big and heavy to drive
that fast. They must be souped up for the FBI."
-Michael shrugs and shifts up to the fourth gear of his car. Screeching
up to 120 miles per hour (Screech!), he drives past more cars. The agents, seeing the Corvette drive further away, start speeding
up more after Michael.
FBI Agent #4: "Holy shit! Until now, we've never been able to drive this fast on the job! Yee-haw!"
Agent #3: "Hey, our jobs aren't to drive fast after suspects. Our jobs are to stop suspects, by any means necessary. But,
we have to careful too. Watch out for civilians."
FBI Agent #1: "Our suspect is running out of road. Up ahead is more
cars and more traffic. He'll have to slow down."
FBI Agent #3: "Very good. Now, we'll be able to catch to him."
swiftly driving around packs of cars, looks in despair.
Michael Myers: "Oh, no."
-Up ahead was more and more
cars. Traffic! Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Damn New York traffic."
-Michael, realizing the situation, starts
slowing down. He had get past these extra cars. As he does, he sees cars behind him clearing out of the way for the Ford Excursions.
They were starting to catch up.
Michael Myers: "Ah, great."
-Michael slows down more to drive past bigger packs
of cars. He also sees the Ford Excursions catching up more.
FBI Agent #1: "Here we go."
FBI Agent #2: "All right!"
Agent #3: "We're getting him."
FBI Agent #4: "Yee-haw!"
-More cars clear out their ways, creating a path for
them. They were catching up to the Corvette. Michael, bracing himself, drives slower past more and more cars. He was down
to 70 miles per hour. He looks back again and sees the Ford Excursions nearing him.
Michael Myers: "Oh, I'm in deep."
looks back ahead. More traffic.
Michael Myers: "Oh, come on."
FBI Agent #1: "He's running out road."
Agent #2: "Yes, he is. Yes, he is."
FBI Agent #3: "He's slowing down."
FBI Agent #4: "We're getting him! We're
getting him!"
-Michael, driving down to 60 miles per hour, drives past bigger packs of cars. He looks back around.
The Ford Excursions were right behind him. Michael gulps. He looks back up ahead. More traffic and less open road.
Agent #2: "We're right behind him. Let's start trapping him in."
FBI Agent #1: "I'll drive up to his left side."
Agent #3: "I'll drive up to the right."
FBI Agent #4: "Hell, I'll drive ahead and block him in front."
FBI Agent
#2: "And, I guess I'll block him from behind."
-Michael swiftly drives his Corvette past more cars, but he sees cars
behind him clear out of the way for the Ford Excursions. One of them, the first one, starts driving up to his left side.
Myers: "Oh, hell no."
-Then, he sees another one, the fourth one, start driving up to his right side.
Myers: "You guys aren't catching me. No way."
-But, with too many cars ahead, Michael has no way to go. He stays at
65 miles per hour, leaving the two Ford Excursions to drive up to his sides. The first Ford Excursion drives up to the Corvette's
left side.
FBI Agent #1: "I'm getting him."
-That's when the first FBI agent sees the Corvette suddenly ram
swerve up to his Ford Excursion, side-swipping him (Crunch!). The FBI agent almost loses control of his vehicle (Screech!
FBI Agent #1: "Hey, the suspect just side-swiped me!"
FBI Agent #4: "Well, I got him."
fourth Ford Excursion drives up to the right side of the Corvette. Michael looks to his left and right to see himself being
blocked off. Not only could he not speed up ahead because of traffic, he was now being blocked off at the sides. That's when
Michael gets an idea. He suddenly starts slowing down (Screee...). But, the rear of his Corvette unexpectedly bumps into the
front of another Ford Excursion, the second one (Crunch!). Michael sighs, the rear of his car is banged up.
-Now, Michael
is stuck all four ways. Too many civilian cars were blocking high way in front him and Ford Excursions block his left, right
and rear sides. He looks ahead for openings.
Michael Myers: "Come on."
-Michael desperately looks ahead. But,
he's stuck where he is.
Michael Myers: "Oh, come on!"
-That's when Michael sees the Ford Excursion to his right
start to drive ahead. Seeing an opportunity, Michael starts to steer to his right. But, as the fourth Ford Excursion drives
up ahead, another Ford Excursion, the third one, quickly starts driving up to his right side.
Michael Myers: "No way."
third Ford Excursion proceeds to block off Michael's right side. And then, the fourth Ford Excursion starts driving in front
Michael Myers: "No, no."
-The fourth Ford Excursion drives into Michael's lane and in front him. As it
now stood, Michael was blocked off in front him, behind, and to the left and right him, by the FBI Ford Excursions. He was
FBI Agent #1: "We got him."
FBI Agent #2: "Oh, yeah, we sure did."
FBI Agent #3: "We got him!"
Agent #4: "Hell, yeah! Yee-haw!"
-The Fifth Ford Excursion catches up to the scene.
Donald Loomis: "They've
trapped him. They've actually trapped him. They got Michael!"
-The FBI Chief radios the other Excursions.
Chief: "Good job. Now, start slowing down the suspect."
-Michael looks in despair. What he was he going to do? That's
when the Ford Excursion in front him suddenly starts slowing down. Michael, not ready for this action, doesn't break in time.
The front of his Corvette bumps into the Ford Excursion, banging it more (Crunch!). Michael sighs.
-Then, in response
to slowing down, the Ford Excursion behind him ends up bumbing into his rear (Crunch!). His rear is banged up more also.
the Ford Excursions slow him down, the first and third Ford Excursions to his left and right slow down keeping up the other
FBI vehicles. Michael was trapped. In the fifth Ford Excursion, Donald Loomis sighs of relief.
Donald Loomis: "At last,
I'll be able to catch him. At last, I'll be able to catch...the boogeyman."
-The FBI chief sighs over Donald's rambling. That's when a black, long-nosed big rig carrying a boxed-in trailer honks
behind the Ford Excursion (Honk! Honk!). It was Rusty Nail! The tractor-trailer speeds up towards Ford Excursion. The FBI
chief turns to the FBI agent driving them.
FBI Chief: "Watch out!"
-The agent tries to steer out of the way
in time, but the big rig rams it (Crunch!). The fifth Ford Excursion, upon action, loses control and crashes off the road
into a pole (Crash!). Rusty Nail shrugs speeds up after the other Ford Excursions. Michael, meanwhile, is being slowed down
more and more by the Ford Excursions blocking him off. That's when his cell phone rings. Michael, hesitantly, answers.
Myers: "Hello?"
Rusty Nail: "Candy Cane..."
Michael Myers: "Rusty Nail?"
Rusty Nail: "I heard about the
FBI raiding your apartment building over news on my radio. I also heard the FBI over my CB-radio and heard there was trouble
up the highway.
Michael Myers: "You have no idea."
Rusty Nail: "Stay put. I'll be there in a moment."
Myers: "You will?"
Rusty Nail: "You'll see..."
-Suddenly, the Ford Excursion blocking Michael's Corvette slows
down more. Michael slows down with it. Then, the Ford Excursion behind him bumps into him, trying to slow him down more (Crunch!).
The rear of his Corvette is banged up more. Michael sighs for his Corvette.
Michael Myers: "I swear, they're going
to pay for this..."
-That's when Michael hears blaring noise behind him (Honk! Honk!). Michael looks around to see
a black, long-nosed big rig carrying a boxed in trailer behind it...Rusty Nail! The FBI agents in the first Ford Excursion
blocking the Corvette's rear look around to see the tractor-trailer about to side-swipe them.
FBI Agents: "Aaah...!"
Nail steers to his left and viciously sideswipes the first Ford Excursion (Crunch!). The Ford Excursion is sent violently
tumbling to side of the road (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!...). Finally, it tumbles to a stop (...Crunch!). Then, it explodes
(BANG!). The FBI agents in the three remaining Ford Excursions look back in shock. Michael sighs of relief.
Nail, continuing after the Ford Excursions, drives after the third one blocking the right side of the Corvette. The agents
in the third Ford Excursion look in horror as the the tractor-tractor rams straight into it (Crunch!). The Ford Excursion
is sent up the road, nearly losing control (Screech! Screech!). Then, Rusty Nail speeds up and rams it again (Crunch!).
Ford Excursion is sent tumbling down the road (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!). The Ford Excursion continues tumbling down the road
(Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!). Finally, the Ford Excursion stops on its four wheels on another lane and the FBI agents sigh of
relief. Then, they see a car proceed to crash into them.
FBI Agents: "Aaah...!"
-The car crashes into the Ford
Excursion (Crash!), and upon action, the Ford Excursion explodes (BANG!). Then, the car explodes (BANG!).
meanwhile, manages to steer himself away from the two remaining FBI Ford Excursions. With less traffic deal with, he has more
open road. He goes for it and screeches away (Screech!). Michael shifts to the second gear and speeds up. Then, he shifts
up the third gear and drives further away (Screech!).
-But, the remaining FBI agents aren't giving up yet.
Agent #4: "Let's not let him get away! Yee-haw!"
FBI Agent #1: "Let's get `em!"
-The first and fourth Ford Excursions
go back to chasing the Corvette. But, Rusty Nail isn't finished. He shrugs and speeds up after the Ford Excursions. Michael,
now driving at 100 miles drives around packs of cars. And behind him, he sees cars clearing away for the two remaining Ford
Excursions. Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Here we go again!"
-Michael speeds up and screeches away (Screech!).
The Ford Excursions continue after.
FBI Agent #1: "After all this trouble, we aren't letting him get away! No way!"
Agent #4: "Yee-haw!"
-Rusty Nail, catching up to the Ford Excursions, honks his horns (Honk! Honk!). Nearing the fourth
Ford Explorer, he goes for it and proceeds to ram side-swipe it. But, the Ford Excursion steers out the way in time (Screech!).
Rusty Nail, still in his steering motion, isn't quick enough to steer the other way and loses control of his truck. Michael,
who left his cell phone on over the passanger seat, overhears Rusty Nail.
Rusty Nail: "Uh, oh..."
Michael Myers:
-Then, Michael looks around to see Rusty Nail's losing control of his truck.
Michael Myers: "Oh, crap..."
Nail tries to keep the steering steady, but is having trouble. All in the while, the trailer behind him starts to drag to
the left of the road. (Scree...!). Rusty Nail tries to regain control, but simply can't. The trailer continues dragging to
the left (...Screech!...)
CUT TO...the Ford Taurus with the father, mother and teenage son, to the right of the road.
They look in horror to see the trailer breaking off and unhooking from the big rig and (...Screech!...Crunch!...).
they see the trailer proceed to tumble down the left side of the road, crushing over various cars (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
Crunch!...). They watch as the trailer continues to tumble down the higway, crushing over more cars (...Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
Crunch!...). Then, they watch the trailer tumble its merry way down the road, crushing over two FBI Ford Excursions (...Crunch!
Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!...). Finally, they see the trailer crush over a few more cars (...Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!...)
and finally stop (...Car-runch!)
-The father and mother look in shock. All those poor people... Their son turns to
Teenager: "See, I told you!"
CUT TO...Michael driving back down the highway away from the scene.
Myers: "Whew."
-That's when Michael sees Rusty Nail drive to the right of him. He finally regained his steering. Michael
grabs his cell phone. Michael Myers: "Hey, are you okay?"
Rusty Nail: "Other than my cargo, I'm fine."
Myers: "Thanks for coming to my rescue."
Rusty Nail: "Don't mention it."
Michael Myers: "I'm sorry about your
cargo back there."
Rusty Nail: "Don't worry about it. It's my problem, not yours. But, what about you? You're car looks
-As it stands, Michael's Corvette is pretty banged up in the front and back.
Michael Myers: "Oh, that.
I'll be all right."
Rusty Nail: "Well, I guess I'll see you another time."
Michael Myers: "Yes, we will."
Nail: "Keep a lookout for Candy Cane for me."
Michael Myers: "Of course."
-Rusty Nail speeds and drives off
in his black, long-nosed big rig.
CUT TO...The fifth Ford Excursion, looking banged up, driving up to the scene where
the trailer tumbled over. Donald Loomis and the FBI chief step out of the vehicle and look in shock.
Donald Loomis:
-The chief sighs of frustration
FBI Chief: "Donald!"
Donald Loomis: "Chief?"
Chief: "Do you see what's happened?"
-Donald sighs.
Donald Loomis: "Yes, I do, sir."
FBI Chief: "Look
at that! Just look at that!"
-Donald looks at the destruction.
FBI Chief: "More of our top agents are killed.
As well as civilians. What do you have to say for yourself?"
-Donald sighs.
Donald Loomis: "That Michael escaped
and that a tractor-trailer lost control. I don't know what else to say."
FBI Chief: "Oh, Donald, if only..."
Donald's cell phone rings. Donald immediately answers.
Donald Loomis: "Hello?...Yes?...Oh, you..."
-The chief
swipes the cell phone from Donald.
Donald Loomis: "Hey!"
FBI Chief: "Hello? Who is this?"
-Silence. Then,
a hang up. The Chief sighs and hands Donald back his cell phone. Donald takes it and tries to respond, but sees that the caller
hung up. He sighs and turns to the chief.
Donald Loomis: "Chief? How could you do that? That was the caller. He, or
she, was going to tell me where Michael might be going."
FBI Chief: "Your friend didn't tell me."
Donald Loomis:
"Because, you scared him, or her, off, that's why! Now, I'll have to wait again!"
FBI Chief: "Donald, this better be
for real. All this death around us...it better be for a reason."
Donald Loomis: "You don't know what death is."
TO...Michael riding with Freddy and Jason, in Jason's BMW X5 SUV later on in the late morning.
Michael Myers: "Thanks
for your help, guys."
Freddy Krueger: "Hey, no problem."
Jason Voorhees: "It's just a shame you had to ditch
your Corvette. It was so cool to ride in!"
-Michael sighs and thinks about all the times he had with his Corvette...
montage; Cue the song, "The Road is Long"]
-Cut to Michael waiting at the garage, as his machanic, Putty, is repairing
his Corvette.
-Flashback to "Horror Talk VI: At The Movies." Michael, in his Corvette with Jason, is being chased through
the streets of New York by Rusty Nail in his Viper. Michael outruns Rusty Nail.
-Cut to Michael waiting at the garage,
as Putty is tuning the engine of his Corvette.
-Flashback to "Horror Talk XV: At The Movies II." Michael, in his Corvette
with Freddy, street races down the streets of New York against two punks in a 1994 Ferrari F355. Michael manages outruns the
-Cut to Michael driving his Corvette all the way from New York City to Haddonfield, Illinois. A family has made
the misfortune of moving into his childhood home.
-Flashback to "Horror Talk XXIV: At The Movies III." Michael, driving
his Corvette as always, and Rusty Nail, driving his Viper, both chase Knight Rider, Michael Knight in his Pontiac Trans Am,
K.I.T.T., down the streets of New York. Michael and Rusty Nail outrun Knight Rider and teach them a lesson.
-Cut to
Michael, in his Corvette with Putty, street racing down the streets of New York against the likes of street demons, Brian
O'Connor and Dominic Toretto. Michael, as always, outruns them.
[End of montage; uncue music]
-Michael sighs
Michael Myers: "I had to, the FBI identified it and my plate. Besides, it was too totalled to have Putty fix
Freddy Krueger: "I can't believe that Rusty Nail came to your rescue like that."
Michael Myers: "Well,
he did."
Freddy Krueger: "He always seems to be around when we're in the most trouble."
Jason Voorhees: "Anyway,
we should be nearing the border between New York and New Jersey soon."
Freddy Krueger: "Wait a minute..."
turns to Michael.
Freddy Krueger: "...You don't think that New Jersey police will be waiting for us, do you? Could
the FBI have radioed them?"
Michael Myers: "It's possible."
Freddy Krueger: "What are we going to do then?"
Myers: "I don't know yet."
-Suddenly, Michael's cell phone rings. He, hesitantly, answers.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
"What's up?!"
Michael Myers: "Well, you're really determined to get me, aren't you?"
Ghostface: "I sure am!"
Myers: "Let me tell you something..."
Ghostface: "No, let me tell you something! I know where you're going! I know
where you, Freddy and Jason, are all planning to hide out at."
Michael Myers: "There's no way you could know that."
"Oh, trust me, there is. I've had all this planned out for a long time."
Michael Myers: "How long?"
"What, you think I'm going to tell you and possibly hint at my secret identity? Of course not!"
Michael Myers: "Honestly,
this 'Ghostface' persona could not be anymore superficial. Why don't you just reveal who you are, so that we can duke it out.
Man-to-man or man-to-women..."
-Ghostface snickers.
Michael Myers: "...Whatever it is. How would like that?"
"Oh, we'll get to go at it eventually. You'll see."
-Ghostface hangs up on Michael.
Michael Myers: "Ghostface?
-Michael sighs and puts his cell phone away.
Michael Myers: "This Ghostface is not playing around.
He, or she, must mean business. Ghostface also said that he, or she, knows where we're going."
Jason Voorhees: "To
Crsytal Lake? There's no way Ghostface could know that."
Michael Myers: "That's what I thought."
Freddy Krueger:
"What should we do then? Keep heading to Crystal Lake or some place else?"
Michael Myers: "Hmm...I think Ghostface
is just trying to scare us. Let's continue going to Crystal Lake."
-That's when Jason stops his BMW.
Jason Voorhees:
"Hey, guys..."
-They were now at the border between New York and New Jersey and several police cars were blocking their
way. Police officers step out of the vehicles and look over at them suspicously.
Michael Myers: "Oh, shit."
Krueger: "So, what are we going to do?"
-Michael shrugs and whips out a big, sharp kitchen knife (Shing!). He turns
to Freddy and Jason, and proceeds to step out of the SUV. Jason shrugs and whips out his machete (Shing!). He turns to Freddy.
Freddy shrugs and shows off his claws (Shing!). Freddy and Jason step out of the SUV and join Michael's side. They face the
blockade and police officers. Then, they start walking towards the blockade, ready to teach the New Jersey police officers
a lesson, Myers-, Voorhees-, and Krueger-style!