
My Horror Confessions
Horror Talk

Episode Thirty-One

Return To Crystal Lake

-Crystal Lake, New Jersey. Late morning. Todd rides with Jason in his BMW X5 SUV through woodsy patches of dirt road. Jason takes a left turn and, not paying attention to road, runs over a hitchhiker crossing the road. The hitchhiker's body is left mangled and bloody. Jason sighs and thinks back to a few days earlier when he took Todd out for a murder spree along Woody Allen Ave in New York City.

[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXX: Like Father, Like Seed"]

-Jason and Todd are eating at McDonalds after a murder spree.

Todd: "You know what, I'll be there for you. I always will be. I'll be there to take over for you if I have to, and I'll be there if the rest those pesky heroines from your movies come back after you."

Jason Voorhees: "I don't think we have to worry about that now. In fact, I want to show you home."

Todd: "Home? You have no home, you just crash at some random house every night."

Jason Voorhees: "No, I mean Crystal Lake."

Todd: "You're going to show me Crystal Lake? Cool! I would love to see your old hunting grounds."

Jason Voorhees: "And, I can't wait to re-visit them. It's been eleven years since I've been to Crystal Lake. Ever since that whole 'Jason Goes To Hell' fiasco, I decided to stay away for a while. Now, I want to show you my old turf."

Todd: "Awesome! I can't wait!"

[End of flashback]

-Jason sighs and looks over at the vase containing the cremated remains of Todd sitting on the front passanger seat. When he and Todd went out for that murder spree, four of the five remaining heroines from Jason's "Friday The 13th" movies, Ginny, Trish Jarvis, Megan Garris and Rennie, struck back at him and Todd at the McDonald's restaurant.

-Jason was able to handle them, but Todd wasn't. He wasn't experienced enough for such confrontations. After Jason finished off Ginny and Rennie, Trish and Megan ambushed Todd while Jason was taking care of some interfering policemen. When Jason didn't come to Todd's rescue in time, he taught Trish and Megan a lesson, Voorhees-style!

[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXX: Like Father, Like Seed"]

-Jason retrieves his machete and charges for the two heroines hacking up his son. He wasn't going to let them get away with it. He reaches them and is about to grab them, when they both back away from Todd. Jason looks down at Todd. He was motionless.

-Realizing the situation, Megan and Trish back further away from the Jason. Jason kneels down over Todd and rolls him over. He tries to revive him, but Todd doesn't respond. Jason grabs Todd and shakes him around. Nothing. Jason desperately shakes Todd around more, but Todd simply is not responding. Jason sighs, Todd was gone. Megan and Trish had their way with him and finished him off.

-Megan and Trish both watch as Jason gets up. He slowly turns around and faces them. He looks at them with his one good eye. Megan and Trish turn to each other and brace themselves.

Trish Jarvis: "Oh, shit!"

-Jason shrugs, whips out his machete (Shing!) and charges for them, ready to teach them a lesson, Voorhees-style! Trish starts backing away and Megan stops her.

Megan Garris: "What are you doing?"

Trish Jarvis: "Uh, getting the hell out of here!"

Megan Garris: "How can you leave now? We're all in this together."

Trish Jarvis: "Yeah, and Ginny and Rennie are dead!"

-Jason charges further for Trish and Megan. He tightly grasps his machete.

Megan Garris: "And, if we leave now, their deaths will be in vain. Besides, Jason killed your mother and brother! He killed my father and my Tommy Boy! Don't you want to get him back for that? I know I do!"

Trish Jarvis: "Hey, that's right!"

-Trish whips outs her machete (Shing!).

Megan Garris: "Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

-Megan out whips her machete (Shing!). That's when Jason reaches them and proceeds to attack. Jason takes his machete and swings it at Megan. But, Trish shoves Megan away and intercepts Jason's machete with hers (Shing!).

-That's when Trish viciously slashes her machete into Jason's chest (Shing!). Then, she jumps at Jason and kicks the machete, making it sink further into his stomach and out his back (Shing!). Megan follows and slashes her machete at Jason. Jason intercepts it (Shing!) and grabs her.

Megan Garris: "Argh!"

-Jason lifts Megan up high in the air and slams her to the cement ground (Thud!). Megan is shaken. Jason backs away and slowly, gradually pulls the machete sticking into his stomach out his chest. Then, he tosses Trish's machete aside. Trish and Megan look up as Jason proceeds to crack his back like nothing ever happened (Crack!). He looks down at them with his one good eye.

-Trish and Megan turn to each other, and Megan gets back up and charges for Jason.

Megan Garris: "Aaah!"

-She jumps at him and swings her machete at him. Jason intercepts it (Shing!) and swings his machete at her. Megan intercepts his attack with her machete (Shing!) and Jason throws a mean swing at her. Megan, in slow motion, watches as Jason viciously swings his machete at her (Swi-i-ish). Megan, still in slow motion, jumps out of the way and dives for the ground (Thu-u-ud!).

-Laying on the ground, Megan looks up as Jason takes his machete and swings it low at her. She rolls out of the way and Jason ends up slashing the cement (Shing!). Jason follows her and swings at her again. Megan rolls over and Jason misses (Shing!). Jason follows her again and is about to swing his machete when Trish, having retrieved her machete, charges for him.

Trish Jarvis: "Aaah!"

-Jason ducks out her way and Trish goes back after him again. She takes her machete and slashes it across Jason's chest (Shing!). Jason swings his machete at her, but Trish ducks and slices his chest again (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from his wounds. That's when Megan gets back up and slashes her machete across Jason's back (Shing!). Then, Trish slashes his chest again (Shing!). And, Megan slashes him back (Shing!). Bursts of blood spray from Jason's wounds.

-Jason takes advantage of the situation to throw a mean swing. Jason, in slow motion, throws a vicious swing in front of him at Trish (Swi-i-ish). Trish, still in slow motion, ducks out of the way of Jason's attack and dives for the ground (Thu-u-ud!). Jason, in slow motion, continues his mean swing, turning around to swing his machete at Megan (Swi-i-ish). Megan, still in slow motion, ducks out the way and dives for the ground (Thu-u-ud!).

-Back in regular motion, Jason prevails. Trish and Megan get up and turn to each other. Then, they both charge for Jason. Trish lunges at Jason with her machete.

Trish Jarvis: "Aaah!"

-Megan lunges for Jason from behind him with hers.

Megan Garris: "Aaah!"

-Trish and Megan both lunge at Jason and make their moves. Trish slashes her machete through Jason's chest and stomach (Shing!) and Megan slashes her machete through Jason's back and chest (Shing!). Megan jumps at Jason and kicks the machete, making it sink further into his stomach and out his chest (Shing!). And, Trish proceeds to jump at Jason and kick the machete sticking through his chest.

Trish Jarvis: "Aaah!"

-But, Jason pulls a surprise move and viciously swings his machete at her. Jason, in slow motion, swings his machete at a slowly lunging Trish and slices her head off (Shi-i-ing!). Megan, still in slow motion, looks in shock as Trish's head departs from her body, flails about through the air, and falls to the ground (Thu-u-ud!). Trish's body, back in regular motion, falls over and Megan is shocked.

Megan Garris: "Nooo!"

-Then, she looks up to see Jason swing his machete back at her. She ducks out of the way and swingers her machete back at him. Jason intercepts it (Shing!) and suddenly tosses his machete away. Megan shrugs, takes her machete, and throws a vicious swing at Jason.

Megan Garris: "Aaah!"

-But, Jason unexpectedly grabs her and slams her to the cement ground (Thud!). Megan, very determined, gets back up and charges for Jason again. Jason grabs her and slams her to the ground again (Thud!). Megan looks back up at Jason. Jason looks back at her with his one good eye. Then, she gets up and jumps at him once more. She takes takes her machete and swings it at him.

-Jason ducks out the way and charges back at her. He grabs her and presses his hands around the sides of her head. He was pulling his "move"! Jason applies pressure to poor Megan.

Megan Garris: "Argh!"

-Jason wraps his hands around to the back of her head, applying more pressure.

Megan Garris: "Argh!"

-Jason is about to apply more pressure, when Megan desperately takes her machete and sinks it all the way through his chest, stomach and out his back (Shing!). Jason drops Megan, and Megan prevails.

Megan Garris: "Ha!"

-Jason looks down at her with his one good eye. Megan looks back him with her two good eyes. Jason continues looking at her, staring her down. Megan, determined as ever, stares at him more. Jason stares her down more, trying to intimidate her. Megan stares back trying not to get scared.

Megan Garris: "Ha?"

-That's when Jason pulls a quick movement. Megan is startled. Then, she shrugs.

Megan Garris: "Fuck this!"

-Megan jumps back, gets back up and runs for it. Jason quickly pulls the machete sticking all the way through his chest (Shing!), feeling the sting. Then, he throws it after Megan.

-Jason, in slow motion, watches as his machete flails about through air circling back and forth towards Megan (Swi-i-ish). The machete, still in slow motion, flails about through the air reaching closer to Megan (Swi-i-ish). Megan, in slow motion, tries running away, but that's when the machete sinks into her back (Shing!).

Megan Garris: "Argh!"

-Megan, feeling weak, falls over onto the ground (Thud!). Jason shrugs and walks after her. For Megan, the machete was sticking only partially into her back, so she was okay. That's when Jason reaches her and whips the machete back out of her chest in quick motion (Shing!). Megan feels the sting.

Megan Garris: "Aaah!"

-Then, Jason kicks Megan over, so that she was facing him. Jason looks at Megan with his one good eye with determination. Megan looks back up at Jason with her two good eyes in fright. That's when Jason shrugs and proceeds to viciously swing his machete at her.

Megan Garris: "Nooo...!"

-Pan away over Woody Allen Ave. as Jason takes full use his machete (Shing! Shing! Shing!). Pan over New York City as Jason slashes Megan more (Shing! Shing! Shing!). Pan over the United States of America as Jason slashes Megan relentlessly (Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!). And, pan over earth as Jason finishes Megan off once and for all (Shing! Shing! Shing! Sha-shing!). Pan back to Jason standing over Megan's body. She was macheted beyond recognition. He got her.

-Jason drops the machete and starts walking back to over to Todd. Could he still be alive? Could he be taking his time to come back, just like he does? Did Trish and Megan indeed finish him off? Jason reaches Todd. He still lays motionless on the ground. Jason kneels over him, struggling to revive him. He grabs hims and shakes him around.

Jason Voorhees: "Please."

-No response. Jason shakes Todd around more.

Jason Voorhees: "Come on."

-Jason stands Todd up. His body flails about like a rag doll.

Jason Voorhees: "Come on, please!"

-Jason shakes Todd around, but there is still no response. Todd's legs and arms flail about and his hockey-masked head sags over. Jason sighs and drops Todd's body. He was really gone. He was dead. Trish and Megan killed him. But, he got them. They paid for it. Feeling at his most vulnerable, Jason falls back and freaks out.

Jason Voorhees: "Nooo...!"

[End of flashback]

-Continuing his drive up to Camp Crystal Lake, Jason sighs and looks back over at the vase. Of all things, he was still keeping his promise to show Todd Crystal Lake. He was going to honor Todd's memory and leave his cremated remains by his mother's decapitated head in his shack deep in the woods. Jason turns on the radio, he needs something to soothe him. The radio is playing Alice Cooper's Jason song, "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)."

Music: "...You're with your baby and your parked alone, on a summer night and your deep in love, but you're deeper in the woods, you think you're doin' all right..."

-Jason sighs and turns the radio back off.

Music: "...Did you hear that voice, did you see that face..."

-He didn't need to hear that. That's when Jason breaks down. He stops his BMW X5 SUV and sags his head over the steering wheel. A tear drips off his hockey mask. Finally, Jason contains himself and continues his trip to Camp Crystal Lake.
CUT TO...a Ford Explorer and Chevrolet Caprice Classic station wagon, containing eight high school graduates, also heading down to Camp Crystal Lake. In the Ford Explorer are the guys - Hank, the nerd; Buck, the jock; Ken, the horny guy; Wayne, the movie geek; and Winston, the token black guy. In the Caprice Classic are the girls - Lisa, the sweet girl; Nikki, the slut; and Sylvia, the horny girl.

-As the Ford Explorer leads, Alice Cooper's rock song continues playing on the radio.

Music: "...Oh, but he's back...he's the man behind the mask...and, he's out of control...he's back..."

-Winston, who is tall and sports a little curly afro, is taking drugs.

Winston: "...*Sni-i-i-i-if*, that is whack!"

-Wayne, who wears glasses and has brown, wavy hair, handles a digital camera, filming the environment around him as the Ford Explorer passes bushes and trees of the woods.

Wayne: "I swear, Crystal Lake is so beautiful! My college professors are going to love this footage when I go film school."

-Hank, who has short, dark hair and is sitting in the back middle seat, sighs and thinks back to his high school days.

[Flashback to their high school days]

-Hell School High. In between classes, Hank goes through his locker in the hallway, getting books for his next class. That's when he spots Lisa, his dream girl walking around the corner.
Hank, in slow motion, watches as Lisa gracefully makes each step down the hallway in his direction. He liked her. A lot. Hank, still in slow motion, watches as Lisa passes him. He practially smells the air around her as she passes him.

[End of flashback]

-That's when Buck, a big, buff guy sitting in the front passanger seat, turns around and shoves Hank, interrupting his flashback.

Buck: "Hey, what did I tell you, nerd?!"

Hank: "What?"

Buck: "About my girl!"

-Hank sighs. Unfortunately, Lisa was dating Buck.

Hank: "You told me I can't look at Lisa, that I can't acknowledge her existance, and that I can't smell the air around her. But, I was only a having flashback!"

Buck: "I know! That includes flashbacks, too!"

-Hank sighs. Buck was really tough and imtimidating. Buck takes notice.

Buck: "And, no sighing over her either!"

-Hank sighs.

Hank: "Fine."

-Buck shoves Hank.

Buck: "Hey, what'd I tell you?!"

-Hank shrugs.

Hank: "Fine, I'll have nothing to do with her!"

Buck: "That's better!"

-Winston, sitting to the left next to Hank, turns to him.

Winston: "Yo, don't take that shit from him! Show yourself!"

Hank: "I can't. He's so tough."

Winston: "Hey, Buck may be tough, but you gotta remember, when it really comes down to it, he ain't that bright. Outsmart his ass!"

-Buck, overhearing Winston, turns around to him intimidatingly.

Buck: "Hey, what did you say?!"

Winston: "Oh, nothing..."

-Winston shrugs.

Winston: "...Bling, Bling!"

-Ken, who has short, dark hair and is driving the Ford Explorer, shrugs.

Ken: "I'm horny! I want to fuck my girlfriend already!"

Buck: "Relax, bud. We're all horny..."

-Buck turns around directly Hank.

Buck: "...Except nerdboy here! I don't think he has it in him!"

-Buck laughs, Hank sighs. Buck always mocks him.

CUT TO...the girls in the Caprice Classic. Slyvia, who has a pretty face, has long, brunette hair, and is sitting in the back seat, shrugs.

Sylvia: "I'm horny! I want to fuck my Kenny Boy already!"

-Lisa, who is gorgeous, has long brunette hair and is driving the Caprice Classic, sighs. Sylvia and her horny ways.

Lisa: "Hey, we're getting there, okay? What's the rush? You just did it with Ken three hours ago at the gas station in the bathroom!"

-Nikki, who is beautiful, has long blonde hair and is sitting in the front passenger seat, shrugs and turns around to Sylvia.

Nikki: "Hey, I'm horny too!"

-Nikki looks at Sylvia suggestively and points to the rear trunk area of the station wagon. Sylvia immediately turns away.

Sylvia: "Uh, no thanks."

-Nikki was more than just straight! Lisa reacts in disgust.

Lisa: "Hey, not in my car!"

Sylvia: "What's the difference? You already slept back there with Buck!"

Lisa: "What? How do you...I mean, that's not true!"

Nikki: "Hey, everybody knows you aren't this 'Miss Goody two-shoes' you pretend to be."

Sylvia: "Yeah, it goes around."

Lisa: "Okay, so I've done it..."

-Lisa turns turns to Niiki.

Lisa: "...But, I'm certainly no slut who's done it with every guy in school!"

-Sylvia laughs. Nikki shrugs.

Nikki: "And a one-third of the girls, too!"

Lisa: "Eww!"

Sylvia: "Wow, you really go around!"

Nikki: "Yes, I do. And, I'm proud of it!"

Lisa: "And anyway, if you're going to criticize me about having premarital sex, what about you? You're always doing it with Ken. You two have been caught at school!"

Sylvia: "I know, love is a beautiful thing."

-Nikki shrugs.

Nikki: "Wait, for the record, I haven't slept with every guy in school. I haven't slept with the nerd."

Sylvia: "You mean, Hank?"

Nikki: "Yeah. I'm not going to known sleeping around with an unpopular loser like him."

Lisa: "Hey, don't say that. Hank is not a loser. He's actually kind of sweet."

Sylvia: "Oooh, Lisa likes Hank!"

Nikki: "Lisa and Hanky sitting in a tree..."

Lisa: "Hey, I don't like him. Unlike the whole school, I just act nicely to him, that's all. That's why I invited on this trip."

Sylvia: "Still sounds like you like him!"

Lisa: "Whatever."

-Lisa stops her car upon seeing the boys stop their Ford Explorer ahead of them.

Nikki: "What's going on?"

Lisa: "I don't know."

-In the Ford Explorer, Buck is bickering with Wayne.

Buck: "Hey, movie geek, are you sure this is the right way? All I see up ahead is a lot woods. You better not have gotten us lost!"

Wayne: "We aren't lost. This is the right way to Crystal Lake. This place is just very woodsy, that's all."

Buck: "It better be! Or else!"

-Wayne, handling his digital camera, looks through the camera lense as Buck waves his fist at him. Then, he sees Buck shove Hank for no reason.

Hank: "Ow! Hey, what was that for?"

Buck: "For thinking about Lisa!"

Hank: "I wasn't thinking about Lisa!"

-Buck shrugs and looks back up front.

Buck: "Yes, you were. I know you were."

-An old man riding a bicycle approaches the two vehicles from the opposite way...Crazy Ralph! Crazy Ralph looks at the vehicles suspicously and stops his bike along the Ford Explorer.

Crazy Ralph: "Hey, are you going to Camp Blood?"

Buck: "Huh?"

Crazy Ralph: "It's got a death curse!"

-Crazy Ralph startles the guys.

Crazy Ralph: "I warned the others and they didn't believe me. You're all doomed..."

-Crazy Ralph looks over at the girls in the Caprice Classic, then turns back to the guys in the Ford Explorer.

Crazy Ralph: "...You're all doomed."

-Crazy Ralph shrugs and continues his way down the dirt road. The guys, silent for a moment, shrug, and continue their way to Camp Crystal Lake. The girls follow after.

CUT TO...the Ford Explorer and Caprice Classic driving up to the entrance of Camp Crystal Lake. Up ahead is a sign hanging over the entrance - CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE. Wayne, handling his digital camera zooms in over the sign and clearly sees "Camp Blood" written over the sign in red spray paint. The two vehicles drive through the entrance stop at the site.

-Up ahead is the offshore of the lake spreading out to the left and right. To the left is the main cabin, a two story house. To the left of the cabin are five other cabins, one story shacks within ten feet of each other. To the right is a dock built over the lake. And, surrounding the cabins and offshore is the surrounding woods.

-The eight high school graduates step out of the vehicles.

Buck: "Camp Crystal Lake? I thought this was a vacation spot."

-Wayne, handling his video camera, films the beautiful landscape of the lake and surrounding woods.

Wayne: "It is. It used to be a summer camp back in the 1950's. There a lot of little campsites all over this lake."

-Lisa looks around at the landscape. Up ahead on the other side of lakes was more surrounding woods.

Lisa: "It's so beautiful. No wonder you picked this place, Wayne."

Wayne: "Yeah, I know. I've always wanted to see this."

-Hank looks around the landscape. Then, he looks over at Lisa. That's when Buck immediately shoves him.

Buck: "Hey, don't even think about it, nerd! I have eyes in the back of my head!"

-Buck walks off and Hank sighs.

CUT TO...the group walking into the main cabin with their luggage. To the left of them is the living room, where sofa and couple of couches are set up. In the back behind the living room is a kitchen. To the right of the kitchen is the reck room. To the right of them is another living room. Up ahead is hallway leading to a bathroom and closet. Also ahead of them is a staircase leading up to the second floor. To the left of the top of staircase is a hallway leading around to the bedrooms. Winston shrugs.

Winston: "If you guys don't mind me, I'm going to smoke some dope in the back!"

-Winston leaves his luggage at the door and walks through the living room to the kitchen. Ken turns to Sylvia suggestively.

Ken: "I'm horny!"

-Sylvia turns back to Ken suggestively.

Sylvia: "So am I!"

Ken: "Let's do it!"

Sylvia: "Okay!"

-Ken and Sylvia run for the stairs. Buck, seeing Ken and Sylvia run for the nearest bedroom upstairs, gets ideas. Hank, getting ideas of his own, turns to Lisa.

Hank: "Hey Lisa, want to have a walk-through its the woods? I hear its..."

-Buck shoves Hank aside and leads Lisa to the stairs.

Buck: "Come on, Lisa!"

-Buck leads Lisa upstairs and runs for next the bedroom. Hank sighs. Then, Nikki turns to the remaining guys. She eyes Hank, then immediately eyes Wayne. Wayne, handling his digital camera, looks through the lense as he sees Nikki turn to him suggestively.

Nikki: "Hey, movie geek, want to play?"

-Wayne almost drops his digital camera.

Wayne: "Really??"

-Nikki leads Wayne upstairs.

Nikki: "Let's go, movie geek."

-Wayne follows Nikki upstairs. Hank sighs, he's all alone. He shrugs and grabs his luggage. He starts up the stairs. Reaching the second floor, he hears moaning and groaning from the bedrooms. He passes the first bedroom.

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

-Hank sighs and passes the second bedroom.

Lisa: "Uh, uh, uh..."

Buck: "Fuck me!"

Lisa: "...Uh, uh, uh..."

Buck: "Fuck me, babe!"

-Hanks sighs and passes the third bedroom.

Wayne: "Oh, my! Oh, my, my, my..."

Nikki: "The first time is always the most surprising..."

Wayne: "You got that right!"

-Hank sighs and goes into the fourth bedroom. He drops his luggage and lays down in the bed. But, he continues to hear moaning and groaning down the hall.

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

Lisa: "...Uh, uh, uh..."

Buck: "Fuck me!"

Wayne: "Oh, my! Of my, indeed!"

Nikki: "I told you you'd be in for a surprise!"

-Hank can't take it anymore. He runs out his bedroom, down the hall and back downstairs. He heads through the living room, over to the kitchen and out the back door. Stepping outside behind in the back of the cabin, Hanks sees Winston sitting down on the back steps, taking drugs. Hank sits down with him and sighs.

Winston: "...*Sni-i-i-i-if*, that is whack!"

-Winston turns to Hank.

Winston: "What's the the matter with you, brotha'?"

Hank: "Everbody else is upstairs..."

-Hank shudders.

Hank: "...Getting it on!"

Winston: "Even the movie geek?"

Hank: "Even the movie geek!"

Winston: "Damn! I didn't think movie geeks like Wayne had lives!"

-Hank sighs.

Hank: "Neither do I."

-Winston, feeling sorry for Hank, offers him drugs.

Winston: "Want to smoke some dope?"

-Hank shrugs.

Hank: "Sure."

-Watching Hank and Winston from the woods is a mysterious figure. Could it be Jason??

Jason theme: "Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha. Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha."
CUT TO...the eight high school graduates chillin' in the living room later on in the afternoon.

Buck: "High school rocked!"

-Buck turns to Lisa.

Buck: "Wasn't it, Lisa?"

Lisa: "I enjoyed it."

-Buck turns to Hank.

Buck: "Wasn't it, nerd? I knew you I enjoyed my company!"

-Hank sighs and thinks back to all times Buck embarrassed him in school.

[Flashback to their high school days]

-Hell School High. Hank is in the cafeteria eating lunch alone at an empty table. Buck walks by with his food. That's when Buck "accidentally" trips and splatters Hank with his tray of food. Everyone in the cafeteria, except Lisa, laughs at him. Hank is embarrassed.

Buck: "Oops, sorry nerd!"

-Hank is now in the library studying. Buck walks by him with a stack of books. That's when Buck "accidentally" trips and knocks his stack of books over Hank. Everyone in the library, except Lisa, laughs at him. Hank is embarrassed.

Buck: "Oops, sorry nerd!"

-Hank is now giving his speech as valedictorian at their graduation in the auditorium on stage.

Hank: "...Anyway, I learned a lot from Hell School High..."

-Buck, hiding up in the rafters above the stage, spills over a bail of pigs blood. The graduating class look in shock as blood splatters over Hank in the middle of his speech. Everyone in the auditorium, except Lisa of course, laughs at him. Hank steps back and looks above to see Buck hanging over the rafters.

Buck: "I'm sorry, was that me??"

[End of flashback]

-Hank turns to Buck sarcastically.

Hank: "Oh, yeah! I had a great time in high school!"

-Lisa sighs. If only Buck didn't hassle Hank so much.

Ken: "I loved high school..."

-Ken turns to Sylvia.

Ken: "...Remember all the times we had sex? I think we did it in every classroom!"

Sylvia: "And, the Principal's office!"

-Nikki laughs at Ken and Sylvia's kinky relationship.

Nikki: "Well, I got to do it with nearly every guy in the school and one third of the girls! I always did it in the ganitor's closet!"

[Flashback to their high school days]

-Hell School High. In between classes, Nikki is in the ganitor's closet, getting it on with guy and girl.

Guy: "Oh, Nikki!"

Nikki: "Oh, Bob!"

Girl: "Oh, Nikki!"

Nikki: "Oh, Barbie!"

-A moment later, the girl casually steps out of the ganitor's closet. Another moment passes, the guy casually walks out. One more moment passes and Nikki casually steps out of the closet. She was being naughty! That's when she runs into the ganitor, an old man. Nikki shrugs and turns to him suggestively.

Nikki: "Hey, ganitor, want to play?"

-The ganitor winces. Nikki and the ganitor casually step into the ganitor's closet...

[End of flashback]

Winston: "High school was alright. What I liked best was all the drugs!"

-Winston takes a drug.

Winston: "...*Sni-i-i-i-if*, that is whack!"

Wayne: "High school was pretty cool. I had a lot fun with my camera!"

[Flashback to their high school days]

-Hell School High. In between classes, Wayne is parading down the hallway with his digital camera. He looks through the camera lense as Ken and Sylvia intensely make out against a locker. Then, he sees them casually lock themselves into the locker...

-Then, Wayne looks through the camera lense as he spots a guy casually stepping out of the ganitor's closet. Then, he films a girl casually stepping out of the same closet. And, finally, Nikki proceeds to casually step out of the ganitor's closet. That's when she runs into the ganitor. Wayne looks through the camera lense as Nikki casually leads the ganitor into the closet...

-Then, Wayne spots Hank watching Lisa walk down the hallway. He zooms in on Hank. Then, he turns the camera over to Lisa and zooms in on her. That's when Buck shoves Wayne against a locker.

Buck: "Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

-Wayne looks through the camera lense as Buck proceeds to punch him (Pow!).

[End of flashback]

Wayne: "Yeah, those were the days."

-Ken and Sylvia both shrug.

Ken: "I'm horny!"

Sylvia: "So am I!"

-Hanks sighs. Here they go again.

Ken: "Let's do it!"

Sylvia: "Okay!"

-Ken and Sylvia leave the room and run for their bedroom upstairs. Buck watches them and gets ideas again. That's when Hank, getting his own ideas, turns to Lisa.

Hank: "Hey, Lisa, do you want to take stroll in the woods? I hear its really beautiful."

-Buck is about to shove Hank aside, when Lisa stops him.

Lisa: "Sure, Hank. I would love to."

Buck: "Huh?"

Lisa: "If you don't mind, I'd like go outside for a breath of fresh air. I'll see you later, Buck."

-Hank leads Lisa out the front door. As he does, he turns to Buck and sneers at him. Buck, getting angry, bangs on the table.

Buck: "Argh!"

Winston: "Relax, Buck. He means no harm. After all, he's just a nerd!"

-That's when Nikki turns to Winston suggestively.

Winston: "Oh, damn!"

CUT TO...Hank and Lisa walking through the woods. They pass various trees and bushes.
Hank: "...It's nice to actually be allowed to talk you again."

Lisa: "I'm sorry about Buck. I keep telling him to stop hassling you, but he doesn't listen."

Hank: "He never listens. All he does is shove me and embarrass me whenever he feels like it."

Lisa: "Really, I am sorry about his antics. I can't stop him from doing that."

Hank: "You have nothing to apoligize about. Buck does. Buck always does that me, because..."

-Hank hesitates.

Lisa: "What? Why does he always hassle you?"

Hank: "Oh, nothing. I don't know why he does this. I thought I knew, but I was wrong. It's nothing."

-Lisa sighs. She knows Hank likes her. She knows that Buck hassles Hank, because of his crush on her. Watching Hank and Lisa from a tree is a mysterious figure. Could it be Jason again??

Jason Theme: "Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha. Chi, chi, chi, ha, ha, ha."

Lisa: "Hey, at least high school is now over. After this trip, Buck won't be able to bother you anymore."

Hank: "You're right about that."

-Hank sighs. He also wouldn't be able to see Lisa anymore, either. Lisa takes notices and sighs with him out of sympathy. Then, she holds his hand. That's when Buck comes out from behind a tree and punches Hank in the face (Pow!). Hank falls over on the ground. Buck had followed them through the woods.

Hank: "Ow!"

-Lisa angerly turns to Buck

Lisa: "Buck! What did you do that for?"

-Lisa helps Hank up. Hank's right cheek is swollen.

Buck: "I had to! Hank was putting the moves on you!"

Lisa: "No, he wasn't!"

Buck: "Yes, he was!"

Lisa: "No, he wasn't, Buck! You are so overprotective. Jeesh!"

-Lisa sighs and turns to Hank.

Lisa: "Let's get to the back cabin. I'll get you an ice pack for your cheek."

Hank: "Okay."

-Lisa starts leading a swollen Hank back to the main cabin. Buck sighs and curses to himself. By beating up on Hank, he was not making his situation any better. He starts to catch up to Lisa and Hank.

Buck: "Gee, I'm sorry. I didn't know!"

Lisa: "Sure you didn't."

-As Buck catches up to the other two, a grungy hockey goalie steps out from behind a tree...Jason! Talk about luck. He came back home to Crystal Lake to honor Todd's memory and some teenagers also visit his turf to be naughty. Now, he has to take care of them!

CUT TO...the moon in the night sky over Crystal Lake later on in the evening. Insects chirp within the woods creating a life of its own.

CUT TO...the eight high school graduates in their main cabin, having dinner in the kitchen. Hank's swollen cheek aches as chews his food.

Hank: "Ow."

-Buck snickers. Lisa glares at him, then turns to Hank.

Lisa: "Oh, are you okay?"

Hank: "I'm all right. Thanks."

-Hank smiles. He's now stealing Lisa's attention from Buck. He turns to Buck and sneers at him. Buck sighs. Then, Hank's swollen cheek aches from sneering.

Hank: "Ow."

-Buck snickers.

Wayne: "So, how do you all like this location?"

Buck: "It's okay. This cabin doesn't offer the best comfort, but I guess it can pass."

Lisa: "I like it..."

Buck: "Actually, so do I!"

Lisa: "...And, I like the woods. While Hank and I walked out there..."

-Lisa glares at Buck.

Lisa: "...I couldn't get over the beautiful landscape around us. It's simply beautiful. It's the type of the landscape you'd see in a summer camp horror movie!"

Ken: "I love it! Sylvia and I can sleep anywhere we want in the woods. I don't know why, but I want to camp out there while we're here."

Nikki: "And, that lake is so nice to swim in. I would love to skinnydip in their while we're here too!"

Wayne: "Funny that you all say that. Crystal Lake may look beautiful, but it has a dark history."

Lisa: "A dark history? What kind of dark history?"

Wayne: "Well, there's a legend here."

Ken: "Oh, cool! A legend? Of what?"

Wayne: "Okay. The legend of...The Crystal Lake Killer!"

-Lisa tenses up.

Lisa: "The Crystal Lake Killer?"

-Seeing Lisa scared, Buck tries to comfort her, but Lisa shoves him away.

Wayne: "Yeah, The Crystal Lake Killer! The story goes like this. Back in the 1950's, this place used to be a summer camp. And, it all started when a boy drowned in the lake. His name was Jason Voorhees..."

Sylvia: "Jason Voorhees?"

Wayne: "Yeah, Jason Voorhees. The counsilors weren't paying attention. They were making love..."

Ken: "You mean having sex and fucking?"

Wayne: "Oh, they sure were! And when his mother, Mrs. Voorhees, found out, she freaked. The following year, two counsilors were found hacked to death by a mysterious killer. And after that, there were some fires as well. So, the camp was closed up until 1979."

Sylvia: "Why until 1979?"
Wayne: "Why? This guy named Steve Christy and a group of counsilors tried to reopen the camp. Let me tell you, they did not live past the first night."

-Lisa tenses up.

Lisa: "They didn't?"

Wayne: "No, they didn't. One by one, they were killed off by a mysterious killer."

Winston: "Hmm...I don't know why, but that sounds a lot like the plot of a horror movie!"

Wayne: "I know! It all happened on a particular date...Friday the 13th!"

Sylvia: "A Friday The 13th?"

Wayne: "Yeah, a Friday the 13th! And, that mysterious killer, it turned out be Mrs. Voorhees, herself."

Nikki: "Mrs. Voorhees?? Didn't see that coming! So, what happened?"

Wayne: "Mrs. Voorhees wiped out all but one counsilor. This survivor, she managed to beat out Mrs. Voorhees and decapitate her!"

Winston: "Damn! Now, that is whack!"

Wayne: "Yes, it is! But, it doesn't end there."

Lisa: "It doesn't?"

Wayne: "Oh, no it doesn't! There's more. That survivor, she claimed to have seen Jason."

Nikki: "But, didn't Jason drown?"

Wayne: "That's what we're supposed to believe. However, there's a legend that Jason came back to get revenge on the counsilor that killed his mother. And, basically every teenager that comes here to Crystal Lake. Especially naughty ones!"

-Everyone at the table turns to each other, realizing they're doomed.

Buck: "Woah, man! What did you get us all into here? Is some psycho going to come and kill us?"

Wayne: "No, not at all! Relax. It's only a legend."

Buck: "Well, as long as it's only legend. Continue."

Wayne: "Okay. Months after that faithful Friday The 13th..."

-Lisa tenses up and Hank comforts her. Buck turns to him intimidatingly. Hank shrugs and sneers at him.

Wayne: "...The only counsilor to survive the wrath of Mrs. Voorhees disappeared. They say that Jason got her. And, after that, every once in a while, the murders just start up."

Buck: "So?"

Wayne: "So, whether you believe it or not is up to you. Personally, I don't think its true. But, it would be kind of cool it was real. I wonder what it would be like to run into Jason."

Buck: "Jason? If you ask me, this Jason guy sounds like a pussy!"

Wayne: "Hey, I wouldn't say that if I were you! What's been said him...he's supposed to be a rotting zombie by now that always comes back. In fact, he even wears a hockey mask!"

Ken: "A hockey mask? Cool!"

Buck: "He wears a hockey mask? That is so lame! What does he have to hide?"

Winston: "Actually, what do you have to hide?"

Buck: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Winston: "I've seen you before after school. You aren't so tough, you're a pussy underneath!"

Buck: "How would you know? You're the one who's always taking those drugs and going, 'Now, that is whack!'."

-Everybody laughs at Winston.

Winston: "Whatever. I don't care. If you don't mind me, I'm going to my room to smoke some dope!"

-Winston gets up and leaves the kitchen.

Wayne: "Anyway, that's why I chose this spot for our trip. I want to check out this landscape and see if Jason really exists."

Buck: "Well, Jason still sounds like a pussy in my book! If I ever ran into him, I'd stare him down and pulverize him."

Hank: "So, you say."

Buck: "Hey, I do say! And, you won't be saying anything if you keep touching my girl!"

Lisa: "I am not your girl!"

Buck: "What did you say?"

Lisa: "I'm not your girl! Not anymore!"

Buck: "Oh, so you're leaving me for the nerd?"

Lisa: "Hank is not a nerd. He's very sweet. But, I'm not choosing sides yet. You-you leave me disgusted."

-Lisa gets up and leaves the kitchen. Buck turns to Hank.

Buck: "Look what you did, nerd!"

Hank: "Hey, I didn't do anything! You're the one who keeps shoving me and mocking me. And, you're the one punched me in the woods this afternoon."

Buck: "Whatever. I'm going out for a walk."

Wayne: "Say 'hi' to Jason for me!"

Buck: "Oh, sure! Sure I will. Morons!"

-Buck walks out the back door in a huff. He steps outside and shuts the door. Then, he heads out into the woods.

Buck: "I'm so stupid! Why did I have to hit nerdboy? It only made Lisa want him more! And now, she's angry at me!"

-Buck walks further into the woods, passing various bushes and trees.

Buck: "Oh, I'm going to get him! I am so going to get nerdboy for this! He's not going to get away with this!"

-Buck, not paying attention, bumps into a tree.

Buck: "Ow."

-Buck steps back and bumps into, what he thinks is, another tree. He turns around stares up a grungy figure wearing a hockey was Jason!

Buck: "Oh, crap!"

-Buck backs away and Jasons follows after. Buck, tensing up, walks back further. Then, he backs into another tree. Jason approaches him and whips out his machete (Shing!). That's when Buck pussies out.

Buck: "Oh, please don't kill me! Please! Please don't kill me!"

-Jason is puzzled. This guy was supposed to be a tough guy. He was really a pussy underneath. Jason shrugs and approaches him more.

Buck: "No! Please don't kill me! I'll be good! I'll be good from now on!"

-Jason reaches Buck, ready to swing his machete.

Buck: "No! You can't! I don't want to die! I want to live!"

-Jason unexpectedly stops. This was too easy. He tosses his machete aside. Buck sighs of relief.

Buck: "Whew!"

-That's when Jason grabs Buck and drags him away deeper into the forest.

Buck: "No! Let me go!"

-Jason stops at a tree and faces Buck to it.

Buck: "No! You can't do this!"

-Grasping Buck, Jason, with all this might, violently proceeds to slam Buck into the tree. Cut to the point of view of the tree as Buck's face slams crushingly toward it.

Buck: "Nooo...!"

-Cut to the insides of the tree as Buck's face imprints the aging bark (Crunch!). Cut back outside the tree as Jason shoves Buck's lifeless body to the ground. His face was bloody and messed up. Buck was finished.
CUT TO...Nikki walking by the offshore of the lake. She tosses stones across the lake. She shrugs.

Nikki: "I've always wanted to skinnydip in a nice lake!"

-Nikki walks over to the dock over lake. She walks across it to the end and looks around to see if anybody is watching. Then, she starts to strip. She takes off her shirt, pants,, she's completely bare, revealing her well-rounded breasts. And, they were real, too! Nikki shrugs.

Nikki: "Look at my boobies!"

-Nikki walks up the end of end the dock. Then, she dives in (Splash!) and emerges over the surface.

Nikki: "Ooh, the water's cold!"

-Nikki starts swimming out in the lake.

Nikki: "Aah, this is so nice! I love skinnydipping!"

-Nikki swims further out into the lake. That's when she stop and looks at the landscape around her. Behind her was the offshore where the cabins and surrounding woods were. In front her was glorious woods across the lake. And to left and right was the rest of the surrounding woods of Crystal Lake. It was beautiful. That's when Nikki senses something and feels creeped out.

Nikki: "What was that?"

-Silence. Nikki shrugs.

Nikki: "I guess that was nothing."

-Nikki looks around at the beautiful landscape. That's when a figure suddenly emerges from the water surface (Splash!)...Jason! Nikki freaks out.

Nikki: "Oh, no! Jason!"

-Jason sinks back into the water and Nikki doesn't know what to do.

Nikki: "Uh, I have to get out of the lake!"

-Nikki starts swimming back to the offshore of the lake. She swims around a longer way, so she can miss Jason's path.

Nikki: "Uh, uh, uh..."

-Nikki swims further back to the offshore.

Nikki: "...Uh, uh, uh..."

-That's when Nikki is pulled under the water.

Nikki: "No..."

-Nikki is pulled under the water by Jason. Being held under by Jason, she struggles to get away.

Nikki: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!"

-Nikki struggles to get away from Jason more, but Jason won't lose his grip on her.

Nikki: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!"

-That's when Jason whips out his machete (Shing!) and swings it at Nikki.

Nikki: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!"

-Above the surface of the water, Jason's machete is seen swinging out of it and back in lake (Shing!). The machete swings above the water again (Shing! Shing!) and blood floats to the surface of the water. The machete swings above the water more times (Shing! Shing! Shing!) and more blood floats above to the surface of the water. The machete swings above the water one more time (Sha-shing!) and one more splatter of blood floats to the surface of the water. It is one big splatter of blood.

-Eventually, Nikki's body floats back up the surface of the water. Then, Jason emerges (Splash!). Jason grabs Nikki's body and proceeds to drag her back to the offshore of the lake.

CUT TO...Winston sitting on the steps in the back of the back cabin. Of course, he is taking drugs.

Winston: "...*Sni-i-i-i-if*, that is whack!"

CUT TO...Hank in his bedroom. He lays back on the bed, just thinking. So far, he's starting to win Lisa over. Lisa already seems to have had it with Buck. Now, all he had to do was to be there for her. Hank smiles.

CUT TO...Wayne in his bedroom, watching his digital camera. He fast-forwards through boring woodsy parts and stops at the part where he and Nikki are getting it on. That's right, he had the audacity to tape them together!

Wayne: "Now, when I tell my movie geek friends that I lost my virginity, they'll believe me! Hee, hee, hee!"

CUT TO...Ken and Sylvia in their bedroom, getting it on. They are completely under the covers and Sylvia is on top of Ken.

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

CUT TO...Lisa sitting in her bedroom, waiting for Buck. She has to talk to him.

CUT TO...Jason, looking up at the main cabin. He got the jock and he got the slut. Now, it was time for the others! Jason starts approaching the main cabin.

CUT TO...Hank walking downstairs and heading into the kitchen, where he sees Lisa sitting alone at the table.

Hank: "Hey, are you okay?"

Lisa: "I'm okay..."

-Lisa sighs.

Lisa: "...I'm just waiting for Buck."

Hank: "Listen, I hope I didn't interfere in between you and Buck before. I mean, I don't want to..."

Lisa: "You didn't do anything. You are not at fault. Buck is. He's the one who's always hassling you and he's the one who punched you earlier today. He's also the one who's always dragging me around, whether it's out on the town or to his bedroom..."

-Hank sighs.

Lisa: "...And, I think I've had it. I don't know what I saw in him. I should tell you, if wasn't for me, Buck would not be harassing you at all. It's my fault."

Hank: "No, it's my fault. If it weren't..."

-Hank hesitates.

Lisa: "Yes?"

-Hanks sighs.

Hank: "If it weren't for the crush I have for you and Buck knowing about it, he wouldn't be overprotective with you and he would be harassing me."

-Lisa sighs.

Lisa: "I know."

Hank: "You do?"

Lisa: "I know that you that you've liked me since Grade school."

Hank: "Really?"

Lisa: "Yep."

Hank: "Oh."

Lisa: "So, what do you want to do about it?"

Hank: "What do you mean?"

-Lisa approaches Hank and kisses him. Hank can't believe it. Lisa steps back and looks Hank in the eyes. Hank approaches Lisa and kisses her back. He and Lisa both make out for a moment and prevail. Then, Lisa leads Hank out the back door and down the steps, passing Winston. Winston watches as Hank and Lisa start walking into the wood, holding hands. They had a lot to talk about.

Winston: "You the man, brotha'! You the man!"

CUT TO...the front door of the cabin opening up. Jason enters and shuts the door. He looks around the first floor. Nobody is to be seen. Then, he approaches the stairs leading to the second floor.

CUT BACK TO...Ken and Silvia in their bedroom, continuing to get it on. They could get it on all day!

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

-As they two continue to go at it, the knob on their door slowly twists around. Then, the door slowly opens up and Jason silently sneaks in. Jason quietly shuts the door and approaches Ken and Sylvia under the covers. They are being naughty!

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

-Jason slowly and quietly whips out his machete (Shi-i-ing). Then, he steps up to their bed. From his one good eye, he watches the two naughy teenagers. Both completely under the covers, Sylvia was on top of Ken. Both were so into their naughty act, they didn't hear Jason come in.

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

-That was it. Jason takes his machete and proceeds to slash his machete through the young lovers and their bed. But, he stops at last second (Swish). That was too easy. He can always swing his machete around. This had to be special. He puts his machete aside.

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

-Jason gets another idea. He proceeds to grab the ends of their bed, so that he can fold them and the bed in half. But, he stops himself again. He's done that too. He had do something different. That's when Jason gets an idea.

Ken: "Oh, Sylvia!"

Sylvia: "Oh, Ken!"

-Jason approaches the bed and picks Sylvia off of Ken.

Sylvia: "Argh!"

Ken: "Hey!"

-Jason, grasping Sylvia, heads for the window. Ken watches as Jason violently throws his girlfriend out the window.

Ken: "Nooo...!"

-The window shatters as Sylvia is violently thrown through it (Shatter!) and, in slow motion, falls from the second story of the main cabin (Swi-i-ish). Sylvia, still in slow motion, falls through the air to her death (Swi-i-ish). Her body, in slow motion, hits the ground (Thu-u-ud!) and her necks is broken upon impact (Cra-a-ack!). Sylvia's lifeless body lays motionless on the dirt ground by main cabin. She was finished.

-Ken is horrified. That's when Jason turns around and faces him.

Ken: "No!"

-Jason charges for Ken and Ken jumps for the door. Ken is about to turn the knob when Jason reaches him and pulls him away.

Ken: "No!"

-Jason drags Ken to the center of the room and stops. Then, he presses his hands over the sides of Ken's head and neck.

Ken: "Argh!"

-Jason applies more pressure and Ken can't stand it.

Ken: "Argh!"

-Jason, applying even more pressure around his head and neck area, lifts Ken up to the ceiling.

Ken: "Argh!"

-Jason applies a lot more pressure and Ken starts to lose it. He cries blood and crackling is heard from within his head (Crackle).

Ken: "Argh!"

-Finally, Jason applies more oomph and Ken's head explodes before Jason's one good eye. Ken's head explodes and his blood and brains splatter over Jason the ceiling (Splatter!). Ken's bodys falls to the floor and Jason prevails.

CUT BACK TO...Wayne in his bedroom watching the action between him and Nikki on his digital camera. He's rewound their scene several times, he's so proud of himself. Wayne finally stops the tape and sets the digital camera on the desk. He lays back on his bed a proud of men. Wayne smiles.

-That's when the knob to his door starts to turn. Wayne, not paying attenion, doesn't take notice. The door starts to open and Wayne still doesn't notice. Jason steps into the room and approaches Wayne. Wayne turns his head and sees Jason.

Wayne: "Oh, crap! Jason!"

-Wayne freaks out and jumps off the bed, to the other side of the room. Jason stops where he is and stares Wayne down with his one good eye.

Wayne: "I can't believe it! You're real!"

-That's when Jason whips out his machete (Shing!) and jumps at Wayne. Wayne gets out of the way and runs to the other side of the room.

Wayne: "Ha!"

-Jason gets back up and Wayne runs for it. He runs for the door. Jason takes his machete and throws it at Wayne. Just as Wayne is about to burst out the door, the machete sinks into his back (Shing!).

Wayne: "Argh!"

-Upon action, Wayne falls over to the ground. The machete is only sticking partially into his back, so he is okay. Jason walks over to Wayne and, in a quick motion, whips the machete out of his back (Shing!). Wayne feels the sting.

Wayne: "Aaah!"

-Then, Jason picks Wayne up and throws him back on his bed. Jason approaches Wayne, gripping his machete.

Wayne: "No! No!"

-Wayne's digital camera faces the bed. Through the lense, you can see clearly see Wayne sprawled out on the bed and Jason approaching him. Peer through the lense as Jason swings his machete at Wayne, severing his right arm off (Shing!). Blood sprays from the shoulder wound over the bed.

Wayne: "Argh!"

-Peer through the lense again as Jason swings his machete at Wayne again, slicing deep into his stomach (Shing!). Blood and guts splatter over the bed and wall.

Wayne: "Argh!"

-Peer into the lense one more time as Jason viciously swings his machete at Wayne, severing his upper chest from his lower chest (Shing!). Wayne's blood and guts splatter all over Jason, the bed and the wall. His heart is also visibly splattered over the wall. Wayne was finished.

CUT BACK TO...Winston sitting on the back steps of the main cabin taking drugs.

Winston: "...*Sni-i-i-i-if*, that is whack!"

-That's when Winston sees Hank and Lisa come back from the woods, holding hands. They look happy.

Winston: "Well, look at you two!"

Lisa: "Hey, Winston. Did you see Buck come back yet?"

Winston: "No, I didn't."

Lisa: "I don't understand. He should be back by now."

Hank: "If I didn't know better, he will be back. If he knew that you were with me, he'd want to come back and pulverize me in a second."

-Lisa sighs.

Lisa: "That's not going to happen. Not anymore. Buck and me are over now. Don't worry, I'll talk to him. You don't have worry about him anymore."

-Lisa kisses Hank on his swollen cheek. Hank likes it!

Hank: "Okay."

-Hank and Lisa walk through the back door into the kitchen. Winston shrugs.

Winston: "Damn! I need more dope!"

-Winston gets up from the steps and follows Hank and Lisa into the kitchen. Hank and Lisa head through living room to the stairs.

Lisa: "Maybe Buck came through front door. He could have went all the around to offshore."

Hank: "Maybe."

Lisa: "I'll check upstairs. Maybe he did come back that way."

-Lisa heads upstairs to check for Buck. Winston comes around through living room and congratulates Hank.

Winston: "You the man, dog! You got the girl by the leash!"

-Hank smiles.

Hank: "Actually, she sort of has me by the leash. I never knew when to make the right moves."

Winston: "Well, either way, she's yours now. You showed Buck!"

Hank: "I sure did!"

CUT TO...Lisa checking her bedroom to see if Buck came back. Of course, he didn't. She gets out of her bedroom and goes over to Ken and Sylvia's bedroom. She doesn't hear them, but a tie is still hanging on the door knob, indicating that Ken left it there so that nobody would disturb them. They had to be there.

Lisa: "Ken? Sylvia?"


Lisa: "Hey, guys, are you there? Do you know if Buck came at all?"

-Silence. The tie was indeed hanging over the knob, so Ken and Sylvia had to be there. She turns the knob and slowly starts to open the door.

Lisa: "Ken? Sylvia?"

-The lights are off, so Lisa can't see anything. Lisa opens the door more.

Lisa: "Ken? Sylvia? Are you guys here?"

-Lisa opens the door and switches on the light...revealing the bloody remains of Ken. His body lays on the ground headless. Blood oozes out of the open neck. His brains are splattered over the ceiling and blood also drips from the ceiling. She also notices the window completely shattered. Lisa, horrified, freaks out.

CUT TO...Hank and Winston hearing a blood-curdling scream downstairs.

Lisa: "Aaaaaaaaah!"

Hank: "Hey, that was Lisa!"

-Hank and Winston run upstairs and meet Lisa at the doorway of Ken and Sylvia's bedroom. Lisa is broken up.

Lisa: "It's in there!"

-Hank and Winston look at Ken's bloody remains and are shocked.

Hank: ""

Winston: "Damn! Now, that is whack!"

Lisa: "Who would do something like this??"

-Hank thinks to what Wayne was talking about earlier that evening.

Hank: "It's Jason! It has to be him. Wayne told us about him at dinner."

Lisa: "Oh, my God! We have to get Wayne!"

-Hank, Lisa and Winston, barge into the next room...and find Wayne's bloody remains. His chest is slaughtered in half, his right arm is severed and blood and guts are splattered over the bed and wall. Hank, Lisa and Winston, are shocked.

Lisa: "Wayne! I can't believe this!"

-Hank shudders.

Hank: "Poor Wayne."

Winston: "Damn! Shit! Now..."

Hank and Lisa: "That is whack!"

Winston: "Yeah, exactly!"

Lisa: "What about Nikki? We have make sure she's okay too!"

-Hank, Lisa and Winston, check Nikki's room and, of course, don't find her.

Lisa: "Where is she?"

Hank: "I don't think I want to know..."

-Suddenly, all the lights go out and the three of them find themselves in complete darkness. Jason cut the power! Lisa tenses up.

Lisa: "Oh, no!"

Hank: "We have to get out of here! Now!"

-Hank, Lisa and Winston, slowly creep down the hallway and down the stairs. They are now facing the front door.

Winston: "There's the front door. Let's get the hell out of here!"

-Winston runs for the front door, but finds it locked.

Winston: "Oh, shit!"

-Suddenly, an ax breaks through front door and sinks into Winston's chest (Shing!).

Winston: "Argh! Shit, man!"

-Winston falls back and spits out blood. Bursts of blood spray from Winston's chest wound. He turns to Hank and Lisa.

Winston: "Go! Get out of here! Brothers like me never survive situations like this!"

Hank: "Then, how come you're still alive?"

Winston: "Oh..."

-That's when Winston's head sags back. Now, he was dead. Suddenly, Hank and Lisa hear something slam agains the front door. (Slam!). The door breaks off its hinges and falls over Winston's body. A figure steps inside...Jason! Jason sees the two remaining teenagers and charges for them.
Hank: "Go! Run for it!"

-Hank and Lisa run through the living room to the kitchen. They open the back door...and find Nikki's naked body hammered to the outside blocking them off!

Lisa: "Oh my god! Nikki!"

-Hank and Lisa turn around and see Jason facing them the kitchen entrance. Jason shrugs and whips out his machete (Shing!). Lisa turns to Hank.

Lisa: "It's Jason! What are we going to do?"

Hank: "I know what to do! Back away!"

-Lisa backs away, leaving more space for Hank. Hank runs for it and shoves Nikki's body from the outside wall. Her hands from tear from the nails hammered into the house and her body falls over.

Hank: "Now, let's get out of here!"

-Hank and Lisa run out the back door and to the side of the house where the cars are parked. Jason is surprised. Usually, the teenagers aren't smart enough to shove bodies away like that. They usually just freak out and stupidly go the other way. These teenagers knew better. Jason shrugs and goes after them.

CUT BACK TO...Hank and Lisa running to the side of the house to Lisa's Chevrolet Caprice Classic station wagon.

Hank: "You have your keys on you?"

Lisa: "I think I do."

-Lisa goes through her pockets.

Hank: "Come on."

-Lisa goes through her pockets more.

Hank: "Come on!"

Lisa: "Hey, I'm trying!"

-Lisa goes through pockets again and finds them.

Lisa: "Got `em!"

-Lisa steps into the drivers seat and Hank sits up front on the passanger side. They close their doors. That's when Jason walks around the corner of the house.

Hank: "There he is! Hurry up!"

-Lisa inserts the car keys into the ignition to get it started, but it won't start (Rrrrr...)

Lisa: "Come on."

-Lisa tries starting the car again (...Rrrrr...). Jason approaches her car.

Lisa: "Come on!"

-Lisa tries again, but it the engine still fails to start (...Rrrrr...).

Lisa: "Come on, damn it!"

-That's when Jason reaches her car. Lisa, completely petrified, tries starting the engine one more time and it works (...RrrrrRRRRR!...).

Lisa: "All right! Here we go!"

-Lisa backs her car up, then drives forward going straight for Jason.

Hank: "Get him!"

Lisa: "Here you go..."

-Lisa runs Jason over and drives off.

Lisa: "...Fucker!"

-Hank looks back.

Hank: "You got him! You got him!"

Lisa: "Yes, we did!"

-Lisa continues down the dirt road away from Crystal Lake. They made it. But, that's when a mysterious figure steps out from a tree to their left and jumps out on the road.

Lisa: "Hey!"

-Lisa steers out the mysterious figure's way and looses control of the car.

Lisa: "Oh, no!"

-The Caprice Classic crashes into the a tree on the right (Crash!), and Hank and Lisa are shaken. Hank looks up from the dashboard.

Hank: "Ow."

-Hank turns to Lisa. Lisa is knocked out. Her head lays over the steering wheel.

Hank: "Lisa?"

-No response. Hank shakes Lisa around.

Hank: "Lisa??"

-Hank shakes Lisa around more. Finally, Lisa regains conscienceness and looks up. She bumped her head.

Lisa: "Ow."

Hank: "Lisa, we have to get out of the car..."

-Suddenly, the engine starts burning up.

Hank: "...Now!"

Lisa: "Oh, crap!"

-Hank unbuckles her seatbelt and opens his passenger side door. Lisa tries to unbuckle her seatbelt, but can't.

Lisa: "I can't get out! My seatbelt's stuck!"

-Hank ties to unbuckle her seatbelt, but can't budge it.

Hank: "Come on!"

-The engine continues to burn up. They can smell the smoke. Hank struggles to unbuckle Lisa's seatbelt.

Hank: "Come on! Please!"

-Hank plays around with Lisa's seatbelt one more time and finally unbuckles it.

Hank: "Got it!"

Lisa: "All right!"

-Lisa opens her driver's door and runs for it. Hank does the same.

Hank: "Jump for it!"

-Lisa both jump for it and the Chevrolet Caprice Classic station wagons explodes (BANG!). Hank and Lisa get back up and catch up to each other.

Lisa: "My car!"

Hank: "What are we going to do now?"

-Suddenly, Jason appears before them. Naturally, he survived getting run over and caught up to them up the dirt road. Jason whips out his machete (Shing!) and charges for them.

Hank: "We have to go!"

-Hank runs for it and leads Lisa into the woods. Jason follows. Hank and Lisa pass various bushes and trees as flee from Jason. That's when Lisa trips and falls to ground.

Lisa: "Ow!"

Hank: "Get back up!"

-Hank helps Lisa back up and start running for it. That's when Sylvia's broken, lifeless body falls from a tree (Thud!). Hank and Lisa look in shock.

Lisa: "Oh, no! Sylvia!"

-Hank turns to Lisa.

Hank: "We have to keep going! Jason is catching up!"

-And, indeed, Jason is catching up. He tightly grips his machete. Hank and Lisa run for it again. Jason continues to follow. Hank and Lisa pass various bushes and trees as they continue to flee from Jason. That's when they run into Buck's body, hanging over a tree. Hank and Lisa look in horror as his face is bloody and messed up.

Lisa: "Buck!"

-Lisa hugs Hank for comfort.

Hank: "I'm sorry about Buck, but what we have to keep going! Now!"

-Hank and Lisa continue their way through the woods fleeing Jason. They pass various bushes and trees. That's when they reach the end of the woods and find themselves facing the back of the main cabin. As it turns out, they wound running all the way back to where they started.

Lisa: "Hey, we're back!"

Hank: "Yeah!"

Lisa: "What do we do now?"

Hank: "Ken's Ford Explorer! We have to get his keys!"

-Hank and Lisa run back inside the cabin through the back door. That's when Jason steps out the woods and spots the back door swinging closed. This was ridiculous. Why are the last one or two people always so hard to get?? Jason shrugs and charges for the house.

CUT TO...Hank and Lisa upstairs in Ken and Sylvia's bedroom, desperately looking for Ken's keys to his Ford Explorer. They can't find it. Hank, looking through the drawers, shrugs.
Hank: "I can't find them!"

-Lisa, looking all over the desk, shrugs.

Lisa: "I can't either! I don't understand, they have to be somewhere!"

-That's when Hank turns to Ken's headless body laying on the floor. Blood oozes from the open neck.

Lisa: "What?"

Hank: "His jeans! They have to in his jeans!"

Lisa: "You mean the jeans on his body? Eww!"

Hank: "I'll get 'em!

-Hank hesitantly walks up to Ken's bloody, headless body and kneels over it. He hesitantly puts his hand into the left jean pocket. Nothing. Lisa cringes at what Hank must do. Hank puts his hand into the right jean pocket...and finds them!

Hank: "Got `em!"

-Hank and Lisa run out of Ken and Syvlia's bedroom and see Jason facing them at then end of the hallway.

Lisa: "Aaah!"

Hank: "Oh, shit!"

-Jason stares them down with his one good eye. The trouble they're making him go through! That's when Jason shrugs and whips out his machete (Shing!). He starts charging for them with determination in his eye.

Hank: "Go!"

-Hank runs for it and leads Lisa down to the end of the hallway to the last bedroom. They burst in and slam the door shut. Then, Hank pushes the bed up to door to block it.

Hank: "There. Now, he won't get in!"

-But, the bed screeches away anyway, as the door is burst open by Jason (Slam!).

Hank: "Never mind!"

Lisa: "Hank, we have to do something!"

Hank: "Yes, we do!"

-Hank, feeling determined, approaches Jason and faces him.

Hank: "Go ahead! Hit me!"

-Jason shrugs and swings his machete at him. But, Hank ducks away (Swish). Lisa, watching from the corner, watches in fear at what Hank is doing.

Lisa: "Hank! Be careful!"

-Hank approaches Jason again, challenging him.

Hank: "Too slow! Try again!"

-Jason tries swinging his machete at Hank again, but Hank ducks it (Swish).

Hank: "Oh, you can do better than that! Try once more!"

-Jason, with determination in his eye, pulls a mean swing at Hank. Hank barely ducks it (Swish). Then, Hank takes the opportunity and jumps at Jason. With all this might, Hank shoves Jason, knocking him over. Jason falls over back into hallway. He's motionless.

Lisa: "Hey, you got him."

-Hank grabs the machete Jason dropped (Shing!).

Hank: "I think he's just knocked out."

-Hank and Lisa hesitantly approach Jason's body as he lays in between the doorway. Hank carefully steps over Jason into the hallway. As he does, he looks down at his hockey masked face. Then, Lisa steps over Jason into the hallway. As she does, she looks down at his hockey masked face. That's when Lisa sees Jason open his one good eye and go for her!

Lisa: "Aaah!"

-Hank helps Lisa out the way and slashes the machete at Jason (Shing!). Jason takes it and starts to get up. Hank continues slashing Jason with tje machete, but Jason just takes it like it's nothing (Shing! Shing! Shing!). Jason stands up and proceeds to crack his back like nothing ever happened (Crack!).

Hank: "Oh, shit!"

Lisa: "Let's go!"

-Lisa leads Hank down the hallway. Jason follows. That's when Lisa trips and falls over.

Lisa: "Ow."

Hank: "Not again!"

-Hank stops to help her up. That's when Jason reaches them and grabs Hank.

Hank: "No!"

-Jason, grasping Hank's neck, lifts him up to ceiling.

Hank: "Argh!"

-Finally, Jason takes action and slams Hank from the second floor hallway, over the railing, and all the way to the wooden floor of the first floor (Thud!). Lisa, still laying on the hallway floor, looks in shock.

Lisa: "Hank!"

-Hank is motionless. Then, Jason turns to Lisa.

Lisa: "No!"

-Lisa desperately crawls away from Jason. Jason follows. Lisa makes it the end of the hallway to the stairs. That's when Jason grabs her.

Lisa: "No! Let me go!"

-Jason, grasping the side of her neck and head, applies pressure. He was pulling his "move"!

Lisa: "Argh!"

-Hank, meanwhile, recovers from his fall and coughs it up. That's when he sees Jason grasping Lisa by the top of the stairs.

Lisa: "Argh!"

Hank: "No!"

-Hank takes the machete he took from Jason and proceeds to throw it at him. Hank, in still motion, throws the machete (Swi-i-ish). The machete, still in slow motion, flails about up through the air towards Jason (Swi-i-ish). Jason, in slow motion, drops Lisa aside and tries to duck out the machete's way (Swi-i-ish). But, the machete, still in slow motion, reaches Jason and sinks partially into his head at the top (Shi-i-ing!).

-Back in regular motion, Jason tumbles around at top of the stairs. Not since "Friday The 13th Part 3" has this happened. Lisa crawls out of the way as Jason continues to tumble around in a dazed fashion from the attack. Finally, Jason loses it and passes out. Jason falls over and proceeds to tumble down the stairs (Crunch!). He tumbles down (Crunch!) and stops on the main floor (Crunch!). He was motionless.

-Lisa gets back up and turns to Hank.

Lisa: "Hank!"

Hank: "Lisa!"

-Lisa runs down the stairs and meets up with Hank. She hugs him.

Lisa: "We made it! We beat Jason!"

Hank: "Are you sure?"

-Lisa looks over at the grungy hockey goalie. He was still motionless.

Lisa: "Yeah, I'm sure."

Hank: "So, what are we going to do now?"

-Lisa turns to Hank suggestively.

Lisa: "What do you think?"

-Hank smiles.

Hank: "Oh!"

CUT TO...the following morning. Hank wakes up with Lisa in a canoe. They were naughty! They did it in the canoe set up by the dock and the canoe is now floating around in the middle of the lake. Hank wakes Lisa up.

Hank: "Hey, Lisa!"

-Lisa opens her beautiful eys to Hank.

Lisa: "Oh, Hank. Good morning!"

Hank: "Good morning to you!"

-Suddenly, Jason emerges from the water (Splash!) and takes hold of the canoe. The canoe proceeds to flip over as Jason pulls Hank and Lisa under the water with him.

Lisa: "Aaah!"

Hank: "Nooo...!"

-The canoe flips over and Hank and Lisa are doomed.

-Suddenly, Hank wakes up again. That was dream. But, he and Lisa still did the dirty act in the canoe in the middle of the lake. Hank wakes up Lisa.

Hank: "Lisa?"

-Lisa opens her beautiful eyes to Hank.

Lisa: "Oh, Hank. Good morning!"

-Hank shrugs.

Hank: "Good morning to you!"

-Suddenly, a machete slashes through bottom of the canoe and Lisa's body. Lisa spits out blood on Hank. It was Jason!

Lisa: "Argh!"

Hank: "Lisa!"

-The machete suddenly whips out of her body and back into the the lake. Lisa, struggling, turns to Hank. Water starts to flood the canoe

Lisa: "I-I feel cold."

Hank: "It's the water! It has to be the water!"

Lisa: "I don't think it's the water..."

Hank: "Lisa! Lisa?"

Lisa: "I'll never forget you..."

-Lisa's head sags in Hank's arms. Hank sighs.

Hank: "I'll never forget you."

-Suddenly, Jason emerges from the water and jumps for Hank. Hanks ducks out the way and jumps for the water. He jumps in and swims for it. Jason sinks back into the water and follows after. Hank swims for the dock as fast as he can.

Hank: "Uh, uh, uh..."

-Hank continues swimming for it.

Hank: "...Uh, uh, uh..."

-Hank almost reaches the dock when he is suddenly pulled under the water.

Hank: "No!"

-Hank is pulled under by Jason. Jason tightly grasps Hank. Hank tries to get away.

Hank: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!"

-Hank struggles to get away from Jason's grip, Jason won't budge. After all the the he's caused him, he was not going to let him go!

Hank: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!"

-Jason holds Hank under longer and Hank tries kicking Jason away. Jason just watches him struggle about with his one good eye.

Hank: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!"

-Finally, Hanks starts to lose it. His arms and legs stop flailing about.

Hank: "Gurgle, gurgle, gurg..."

-Hank was gone. Jason finally finished them off. Jason lets Hank go and his body floats up to the surface. Then, Jason emerges (Splash!). He shrugs and proceeds to pull Hank's body out of the lake.

CUT TO...Jason in his shack deep in the woods. Jason is in the back room. The bodies of the eight graduated high school students lay by the back wall, as Jason faces the table where his mother's decaying decapitated head lays. Jason sets the vase containing Todd's cremated remains next to her head and kneels over. He sags his head. A tear drips off his hockey mask.

CUT TO...Jason leaving Crystal Lake. He opens the driver's side door of his BMW X5 SUV and steps in. The last two days he's had...he came back home to Crystal Lake to honor Todd's memory and some naughty teenagers also wound up there. The first six teeangers were easy, but the the last two...And, the ax to his about a splitting headach! But, what's is done. Jason shrugs and turns on the radio. Playing on the radio is Alice Cooper's Jason song, "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)."

Radio: "...Yeah, cause he's back...he's the man behind the mask...and, he's out of control..."

-Jason shrugs. It's a great song. Jason continues to listen to it as drives away from the campsite.

Radio: "...He's back...the man behind the mask...and he crawled out his hole..."

-As The BMW X5 SUV drives away from campsite, a mysterious figure jumps out from a tree...Ghostface! Ghostface, holding a voice box to his/her mouth underneath the Ghost mask, shrugs.

Ghostface: "Hee, hee, hee! Now, I know where Jason lives! Everything is going to plan!"


Michael vs. Castration