-Pinhead's night club. It is a big, dark rectangular building, two stories high. Over the second story at the entrance
is a giant figure of Pinhead's head, with the pins flickering assorted bright lights. Above the head are big letter's - PINHEAD's.
All around the outside of the club, flickering bright lights abound like a path
around the first and second stories.
CUT TO...Michael walking through the entrance and revealing a huge, dark room
lit by bright lights going around the walls. Along the back and side walls are bars, where Pinhead's cenobites serve as bartenders.
Around the bars are tables where assorted people gather and drink to their heart's content. In the middle of the room is a
huge dance floor leading up to a stage. There is a second floor below the middle hump of the club where Pinhead's dining hall
is. A few chains are seen hanging from the ceiling with blood dripping off.
-Tables and chairs are set over the dance
floor as people gather, watching Jerry Seinfeld do his stand-up act on the stage. Michael walks up to a side bar. A mysterious
figure sitting at the side bar notices and looks over at Michael. He/she snickers.
Mysterious Figure: "Hee, hee, hee..."
stops and turns to the bartender, a large, pale, beastly cenobite with goggle-like eyes.
Michael Myers: "Hey, I'll
have Molson Ice."
Cenobite: "I.D., please."
Michael Myers: "Right."
-Michael shows the cenobite his I.D.
The cenobite glances at it, then turns to Michael.
Cenobite: "Take off your mask."
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "Of course."
-Michael takes off his white Halloween mask, revealing his handsome, unscarred face.
-As the cenobite proceeds to prepare his glass of beer, Michael turns to the stage to listen to Jerry Seinfeld.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...Every mall has a Hoffritz in it. I'm sorry, but this has got to be kind of a scary place to work.
They put like a 16 year old girl behind the counter, and all day people are
coming in saying things like..."
-Jerry turns to the audience as if to
imitate a random person at a knife store.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...'I need knives, I need more knives. Do you have any bigger
knives? Sharper knives? I need a big, long, sharp knife. That's what I'm in the market for. I like
them really sharp. Do you have one with hooks and ridges on the blade? That's the kind of knife I'm looking for. I need one
I can throw'..."
-Jerry swings his arm in a throwing. The audience laughs.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...'And I need another
one I can just hack away with'..."
-Jerry swings his arm in a stabbing motion. The audience laughs more.
Seinfeld: "...'Do you have anything like that?'..."
-The audience laughs
out loud at Jerry. So does Chucky and The Tall Man at one of the tables.
Chucky: "I so know what he means! It's like, I go into the local knive shop and ask for a nice, sharp knife. You know, one
I can really hack away with..."
-Chucky swings his his arm in a stabbing motion.
Chucky: "...And the woman behind
the counter gives me the oddest fucking looks."
The Tall Man: "I can understand that. Imagine the look on the cashier's
face when I ask for a silver ball!"
Michael Myers: "And, imagine the look on the cashier's face when I ask for the
complete knife sets."
-Chucky and The Tall Man look over as Michael sits down at their table.
Michael Myers:
"Hey, Chuck. Hey, Tall Man."
Chucky: "Hey."
The Tall Man: "Hello, Mike. It's been a while."
Michael Myers:
"Yeah, it has. I don't recall seeing you at last year's Horror Convention."
The Tall Man: "I was ill, I wasn't in the
best shape to come. I would have loved to come and greet my fans and tell them the latest news on 'Phantasm's End," but I
Michael Myers: "And, what is latest news on 'Phantasm's End'?"
The Tall Man: "None, actually. Don
Coscarelli's 'Bubba Ho-tup' did well enough in theaters last year despite a limited release, but there hasn't been any new
developments from MGM over my final film."
Michael Myers: "There better be soon. You've been left out on the sidelines
for a while now."
Chucky: "What about 'Phantasm IV: Oblivion'? That one was fucking fantastic!"
The Tall Man:
"Yes, but it went straight-to-video."
Chucky: "Oh, right."
Michael Myers: "Can you still pull a fast one and
bring your fifth movie back to theaters?"
Chucky: "Yeah, how has the last one been doing on video?"
The Tall
Man: "It's done well enough, but MGM is still negotiating over how to approach my end."
CUT TO...Todd riding with Jason
in his BMW X5 SUV down Woody Allen Ave.
Jason Voorhees: "...Okay, one more time."
Todd: "All right. I take care
of naughty teenagers..."
Jason Voorhees: "Right."
Todd: "...I take care of crude and obnoxious teenagers..."
Voorhees: "Right on the spot."
Todd: "...I take care of teenagers who drink and do drugs..."
Jason Voorhees:
"Uh, huh."
Todd: "...And, I take care of horny teenagers that have sex!"
Jason Voorhees: "Bingo! And, what about
Todd: "Oh, right. I don't take out virgins. They're pure of heart and all that."
Jason Voorhees: "That's
my boy!"
Todd: "But, what if the virgin happens to be crude and does drugs?"
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, that goes
without saying. You kill `em anyway. But, the virgins stick out from the rest of the group. They're usually friendly, nice
and shy."
Todd: "Isn't that a stereotype? This is reality, not one of your movies."
Jason Voorhees: "Of course
it's a stereotype. Where do you think it came from?"
CUT TO...99% of the teenagers living in Manhattan. They are being
naughty, they are being crude and abnoxious, they are drinking and taking drugs, they are being horny and having sex...basically,
they are asking for it.
CUT BACK TO...Jason and Todd.
Todd: "Oh, I see. Nice touch."
Jason Voorhees:
"For the record though, you don't just have to go after teenagers. It can anybody, teenagers, adults, for whatever naughty
Todd: "What about children?"
Jason Voorhees: "Well, unless they happen to be little girls prancing
around like tramps wanting to be the next Britney Spears, I generally don't
go after them. I prefer to let them live a little, You know, until they've developed into naughty teenagers."
Jason Voorhees: "Now, pay attention to this next 'CUT TO...'."
CUT TO...99% of the teenagers and adults
living in Manhattan. They are being naughty, they are being crude and obnoxious, they are drinking and taking drugs, they
are being horny and having sex...basically, they are asking for it.
CUT BACK TO...Jason and Todd.
Todd: "Wow,
that's a lot of people!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know!"
-Jason drives off the street and into a parking lot. Jason
parks his BMW, and he and Todd step out of the SUV. Todd looks up at the store - Machetes 'R Us.
Todd: "This is where
you shop?"
Jason Voorhees: "This is it."
-Jason and Todd walk through the entrance of the one-story building
and the store mananger, an old man, greets Jason.
Manager: "Hey, Jason. Back for another machete?"
-That's when
the manager notices the extra hockey goalie.
Manager: "What's this? Your twin?"
Jason Voorhees: "No, this is
my son, Todd."
Manager: "You have a son? How?"
Jason Voorhees: "Don't ask. Anyway, I'm here to get Todd a machete.
I've shown him through 'boot camp' and I think he's qualified to be the next Crystal Lake killer..."
-Meanwhile, Todd
wonders off and looks at the various machetes on display. There are many different machetes to choose from, small ones and
large ones.
Todd: "Wow."
Jason Voorhees: "...Now, I need to get Todd a nice, long, sharp machete. You know,
something he can really hack away with..."
-Jason swings his own machete and inadverdantly slashes a customer, a man,
to death (Shing!).
Man: "Argh!"
Jason Voorhees: "...I need a machete for him that can really pull his weight..."
swings his machete again and slashes another customer, a woman (Shing!). Blood splatters onto the manager.
Jason Voorhees:
"...Basically, I need a machete that can really do wonders for him. Do you have a machete of such criteria?"
-The manager
wipes the blood off his face and sighs.
Manager: "Yes, I have what you're looking for."
-The manager turns to
a coworker, Brian.
Manager: "Brian, Jason is here with a guest. Get the usual."
Brian: "Yes, sir."
the manager talks into the speaker.
Manager: "Clean up in isle one, clean up in isle one."
CUT BACK TO...Michael,
Chucky, and The Tall Man. Jerry Seinfeld continues his stand up act.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...But, I like my apartment. I like it neat and I like it clean. Neat and clean. That's the way I want to live. My idea of the perfect living room would
be the bridge on the Starship Enterprise: big chair, nice TV, remote control. That's why Star Trek really was the ultimate
male fantasy. Hurtling through space in your living room, watching TV. That's why all the aliens were always dropping in,
because Kirk was the only one that had the big screen. Friday night, Klingon boxing. 'Everyone on the bridge'..."
audience laughs. Michael snickers.
Michael Myers: "He's right. I like
my apartment neat and clean too."
Chucky: "Tiffany always complains to me how I'm always dirty and leave everything
a mess. Every night, it's like..."
-Chucky imitates Tiffany with a femimine
Chucky: "...'You never clean up this, you never clean up that'..."
-Chucky shrugs.
Chucky: "...And,
I'm like, 'shut up, bitch! Leave me alone!'."
-Michael and The Tall Man
glare at Chucky.
Chucky: "Well, I never actually say that. But, I sort of think it. I know she means well, but I'm
not fuckin' 'Mr. Clean'! I'm not used to tidying up after myself the same way she is."
Michael Myers: "How are your
twins? Are they opening to you yet?"
Chucky: "They're getting better. Tobey is at least opening up to me more."
Myers: "That's good to hear."
The Tall Man: "My son didn't open up to me until he was eleven months old. I mean, I'm
so tall. From his point of view, every time I walked in the room, I must have looked the jelly green giant."
Myers: "Stephen didn't get used to me until he turned one year old. After that whole 1995 fiasco, he wasn't ready to open
up to me at all. Especially because of my burnt face at the time. But, I kept seeing him, being nice, treating him like a son..."
Chucky: "What about your relations with his mother?"
Michael Myers: "Oh,
that? Well, um, I've always been covering that up very carefully. My situation is very twisted, I know. I mean, I'm this boogeyman
that is supposed to kill off his whole family, including my own son. And, here I am trying to be the best father
to him I can be. If you really think about it, I'm breaking my contract with the thorn mythology."
Chucky: "Why haven't
you went after him?"
Michael Myers: "Well, if you remember, I also acquired my own conscience around `95. From then
on, I've been trying to ignore my thorn responsibilities."
The Tall Man: "Yet, you keep going back to Haddonfield to
kill off any family that moves into your former childhood home?"
-Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "Of course!
That's my home, that's where my earliest known memories exist. I'm not going to let that go."
The Tall Man: "What about
Stephen? What if he figures your plan out?"
Michael Myers: "That is very possible. One day, he may find out the truth.
He could find out who is mother was and he could very well find out that I'm the boogeyman that he's been afraid of all this
time. It's hard enough covering up my similar mannerisms with my actions in my movies."
The Tall Man: "You trying to
be the best father to that poor kid, that is brave. I have a lot of respect for that."
Myers: "Thanks."
Chucky: "I guess I don't have such a hard act to follow. My responsibility as a father
isn't as daunting as yours. Of all things, I'll be able to teach Tobey and Malerie my tricks!"
Michael Myers: "What
about Tiffany? Isn't she against you teaching them to be serial killers?"
Chucky: "Of course. When it comes to kids,
she can be really soft. But, that isn't going to stop me from passing on my heritage to them. It's in their blood!"
Tall Man: "Good for you. My advice to you is to be never let go of them. Never let them out of your sight. Be there for them
and always be supportive when you can."
Chucky: "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
-Michael, Chucky and The Tall
Man, all gulp down their glasses of beers.
CUT TO...married couple, Alex and Nancy Rose living in a duplex along Woody
Allen Ave. Alex and Nancy lay on the couch in the living room, feeling satisfied. They were just being naughty. Nancy, looking
a lot like Drew Barrymore, snuggles up to Alex.
Nancy Rose: "You were
-Alex, looking a lot like Ben Stiller, smiles.
Rose: "Yes, I was."
-Nancy looks under the covers at Alex's lower torso.
Nancy Rose: "And, so were you, Mr.
-Alex laughs.
Alex Rose: "Honestly..."
-Nancy whips out drugs.
Nancy Rose: "Want to
smoke some dope?"
-Alex sighs.
Alex Rose: "No thanks."
-Nancy proceeds to smoke her drugs.
Rose: "I wish you wouldn't smoke those things. They're ruining your health."
-Nancy shrugs and continues smoking her
Nancy Rose: "Whatever."
Alex Rose: "Really. I heard that it was drugs that nearly ruined Drew Barrymore
in late 90's.
Nancy Rose: "Well, I'm not Drew Barrymore, am I?"
-Alex sighs.
Alex Rose: "No, you're not."
Rose: "Then, I don't see what's so wrong."
-Suddenly, Nancy starts to violently cough and hack.
Nancy Rose:
"Argh! Argh! Argh! Argh!..."
Alex Rose: "Nancy?"
-Nancy violently coughs and hacks more.
Nancy Rose:
"Argh! ARGH!! Argh!..."
Alex Rose: "Hey, are you okay??"
-Finally, Nancy mananges to clear her throat.
Rose: "Argh! Argh! ARHG!! Arg..."
Alex Rose: "What was that?"
-Nancy shrugs.
Nancy Rose: "Nothing! Nothing
at all."
Alex Rose: "That wasn't nothing. You were coughing from those drugs. You need to stop using that stuff."
they hear Mrs. Connelly, their old lady tenant living upstairs, struggle.
Mrs. Connelly: "Argh!"
Alex Rose:
"Sounds like she's smoking the same drugs you're taking."
Nancy Rose:
"What are doing? Help her!"
Alex Rose: "After everything she's done to us??"
-Nancy thinks for a moment while
Mrs. Connelly continues struggling upstairs.
Mrs. Connelly: "Argh! Argh! Argh! Arg..."
-Silence. Alex and Nancy
look up yell for her.
Alex Rose: "Mrs. Connelly?"
Nancy Rose: "Hey, are you okay?"
-No answer. Alex and
Nancy shrug and lay back on the couch.
Alex Rose: "I hope the old hag hacked herself to death!"
Nancy Rose:
-Suddenly, there's a knock at the front door.
Nancy Rose: "Get it."
Alex Rose: "Why do I have
to get it?"
Nancy Rose: "Get it. Answer the door."
Alex Rose: "But, I got up the last time we interrupted between...you
know, when Mrs. Connelly kept interupting us."
-Nancy shrugs.
Nancy Rose: "Go get it."
Alex Rose: "Fine."
and puts his jeans back on. Then, he walks out of the living room and heads for the front door. He opens the door, revealing
a grungy hockey goalie.
Alex Rose: "Hey, I know you! You're one of those serial killer guys!"
-The hockey goalie
just stands there.
Alex Rose: "You are...Freddy! Freddy Krueger, right?"
-The hockey goalies shakes his head.
Meanwhile, another hockey goalie walks down the stairs behind Alex and heads for the living room.
Alex Rose: "Oh, you're
-The hockey goalie shakes his head again.
Alex Rose: "Oh, wait. You can't be Freddy. He's the guy with
burnt face and claws. You, you're wearing a mask. So you have to be...Michael! Michael Myers!"
-The hockey goalie shakes
his head. Meanwhile, the other hockey goalie is seen strangling Nancy behind Alex. Alex fails to take notice.
Rose: "Argh!"
Alex Rose: "You're not Michael, either?"
-The hockey goalie shakes his head. All in the while,
the other hockey goalie proceeds to shove Nancy to the wall and slash his machete through her and the wall (Shing!).
-Alex still fails to take notice.
Alex Rose: "Oh, you can't Michael Myers. Michael is the 'Halloween'
guy with the white Captain Kirk mask. You're wearing a hockey mask. So you have be...Jason Voorhees!"
-The hockey goalie
shakes his head.
Alex Rose: "What? You're not Jason? You have to be. Jason wore a hockey mask and grungy clothes."
hockey goalie shakes his head again. That's when Alex hears a figure step behind him. Alex turns around expecting it be Nancy.
Rose: "Oh, Nancy..."
-Alex, turned around, faces another hockey goalie.
Alex Rose: "Jason?"
-The hockey
goalie nods his head. Alex sighs of relief. Then, he notices Nancy macheted to wall. He turns to back to Jason shaking.
Rose: "Jason?"
-The hockey goalie nods his head again. Then, Alex turns around to the first hockey goalie.
Rose: "Then, um, who are you?"
-The hockey goalie turns to Jason. Jason shrugs and backs away. Then, the other hockey
goalie turns to Alex in a menacing fashion. Alex gulps. The hockey goalie shrugs and proceeds to whips out his machete (Shing!).
Rose: "Nooo...!"
CUT BACK TO...Michael, Chucky and The Tall Man. Jerry Seinfeld continues his stand up act.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...When
you're a kid, and you're in the back seat of your parents' car, it's like you're
a prisoner back there. You're being held captive. There's nothing to do back there. All the good stuff's up in the front seat.
You look up there, the steering wheel, the radio, the temperature controls, it's all up there..."
-Jerry turns to the
audience as if to imiate a child.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...'Ooh, if I could get my little hands on some of that stuff. I
would be making some changes, boy. We would not be listening to this, I'll tell you that'..."
-The audience laughs.
Chucky gulps down another glass of Heineken. The Tall Man turns to Michael.
The Tall Man: "I understand that Jason
now has a son."
Michael Myers: "Yeah, he's 21."
The Tall Man: "How could this be?"
Michael Myers: "Well,
to make a long story short...over twenty years ago when Jason was watching over Crystal Lake, he, like
all of us, eventually developed a conscience. And when he did, he got curious..."
The Tall Man: "Oh, I see. And, how
exactly did this kid come about? Wouldn't the poor girl aborted this child?"
Michael Myers: "Apparently, she did...thirteen
The Tall Man: "Wow, Jason really must have strong blood."
Michael Myers: "You can say that again. Anyway,
since she couldn't abort the baby, she naturally gave birth to it and her family immediately gave the baby to adoption."
Tall Man: "Intresting."
Michael Myers: "But, it doesn't stop there. This kid, whose name became Todd, was apparently
demented and a bit crazy." The Tall Man: "Hmm...sounds like Jason!"
Myers: "I know! And in 1989, when he went on vacation with his foster family here in Manhattan, he apparently saw Jason in
action. Jason was relentlessly chasing two teenagers down the street, and this traumatized Todd to some effect.
Tall Man: "Oh, right. 'Jason Takes Manhattan'."
Michael Myers: "You got it. Shortly after that vacation, his adoptive
family was killed in an 'accident'. And, several other adoptive families were as well. Todd seemed to have a hard time adapting
to new environments. This happened all through his teenage years."
The Tall Man: "Sounds like
a case of 'like father, like son' to me."
Myers: "Sure does. And there's still more. It was last Halloween when Jason found out about Todd. He found out that Todd was
working as a surgeon at St. Agnes Hospital, the same hospital where Chucky and Tiffany's twins would be born."
"That's right!"
Michael Myers: "And by December last year, Tiffany's water broke and she got into labor."
"That was so gross!"
Michael Myers: "So, Freddy, Jason and I, helped Chucky and Tiffany to the hospital."
"And, Tiffany and I were nearly killed! Jason was driving us and he was drunk!"
Michael Myers: "Yes, but that's not
the point. Jason eventually met up with Todd..."
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XX: Seed of Chucky"]
Agnes hospital. Jason, along with Freddy, approaches Todd in the hallway. Todd is petrified, he's had nightmares and hallucinations
of Jason since he was a kid. But, that's nothing compared to what Jason is about to tell him. Todd, in slow motion, braces
Jason Voorhees: "Tooooodd, I-I-I-I-I aaaaamm yooouurr faaaaatthheeeeerr!"
-Todd, still in slow motion,
freaks out.
Todd: "Noooo...!"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeeeeess...!"
Todd: "Noooo...!" Jason Voorhees: "Yeeeeess...!"
Krueger: "Shuuuuutt uuuuupp!"
[End of flashback]
Michael Myers: "...As Fred and Jason tell me, Todd wasn't able
to face the truth. How could he? So he ran out the entrance to the hospital, where Jason and Fred stop him..."
"Um, does this mean another flashback?"
Michael Myers: "Sure does!"
-Chucky gulps down another glass of beer.
to "Horror Talk XX: Seed of Chucky"]
-Todd runs out the entrance area and Freddy and Jason follow.
Freddy and Jason stop outside and see Todd running down near the road exiting the hospital parking lot.
Jason Voorhees:
"Todd, stop!"
-Todd stops on the road and faces Jason.
Todd: "Are you the reason I'm emotionally disturbed?
Are you the reason I drew obscene pictures when I was a kid? Are the reason that my fellow peers thought I was crazy in school?"
doesn't know how to respond.
Jason Voorhees: "Um..."
Todd: "Screw you!"
-Todd is about to walk away when
he's suddenly run over by a bus!
Jason Voorhees: "No!"
-The bus runs Todd over and crashes into a telephone
pole. Todd is still in one piece, but motionless. His face is also messed up. Jason looks in shock. That's when Todd suddenly
regains his strength and gradually starts getting up. Jason sighs of relief. Todd stands up and cracks his back like nothing ever happened. He was of Jason's blood! Having just impossibly survived the bus, Todd
realizes his true ties with Jason. He turns to Jason.
Todd: "Dad!"
Jason Voorhees: "Son!"
-That's when
a car being driven by a drunk driver hits Todd. The impact sends Todd across the road into an oncoming car (Crunch!). The
car stops barely stops in time. That's when the drunk driver crashes into the other car and crushes Todd (Crunch!).
Voorhees: "No!"
-Todd's body, stuck between two cars, falls forward. Jason looks in shock. But, that's when Todd regains
his strength again and gets back up. He was a machine, just like Jason! Jason
sighs of relief again. And, that's when the telephone pole the bus crashed into breaks and starts to fall over Todd and the
two cars he is stuck between.
Jason Voorhees: "No!"
-Todd looks in bewilderment as the telephone pole is about
to strike him and the cars he's trapped between.
Todd: "Oh, shit!"
-The telephone pole hits the cars and the
impact of contracting metal electricutes Todd. Jason looks in bewilderment as Todd is relentlessly shocked by the telephone
pole's fall. Jason can't believe what is happening. He found his son and now his son was dying. There was nothing he could
do. The electruting gradually stops and Todd's frantic body falls over burnt up. Jason waits for moments on end for Todd to
regain his strength again. He never does.
[End of flashback]
The Tall Man: "I don't understand. I thought he
came back."
Michael Myers: "He did. Again. Do you remember reading tabloid stories about a killer copycatting Jason
this summer?"
The Tall Man: "I believe so."
Michael Myers: "That was Todd. Something brought him back from the
dead, just like with Jason. He was copycatting as Jason, so that he could Jason's
attention and find him."
The Tall Man: "Oh."
Michael Myers: "And ever since, Jason has kept a strong leash on
him. He has already showed Todd his 'Friday The 13th' movies."
The Tall Man: "All of them?"
Michael Myers: "Yes,
all of them. He showed him marathon at my pad."
The Tall Man: "Oh."
Michael Myers: "Basically, Jason his catching
up on lost time. He's out with Todd right now. I think they're having a murder spree."
The Tall Man: "And, what is
Todd like?"
-Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "He's like Jason. He's goofy, homicidal and cool to chill with. And also like
Jason, he doesn't know any better at times. You know what I mean?"
The Tall Man: "Yes, I do."
Michael Myers:
"He also dresses the same way as Jason. Hockey mask, grungy clothes and all. It's like
having two Jasons around!"
CUT BACK TO...Jason and Todd continuing their murder spree along Woody Allen Ave.
Montage; cue George Michael's song, "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"]
-Jason and Todd take care of people in variety store.
Jason grabs a guy and punches a hole through his stomach, grasping his steaming heart. Blood bursts from the fatal wound and
the guy spouts blood on Jason.
Guy: "Argh!"
-Todd, meanwhile, takes his brand new machete and slashes a woman
in half (Shing!). Her above torso falls over and the her legs flail to the ground. Blood spraying from her above torso also
splatters all over Todd. Jason looks over and laughs at Todd.
-Jason and Todd are now are in a video store. The video
clerk is sprawled out on the counter and Jason is slashing his machete over his back (Shing! Shing! Shing!)
"Argh! Argh! Argh!"
-Todd, meanwhile, is raising a man and crushing his head.
Man: "Argh!"
-Todd, pulling
Jason's "move," applies more pressure around the back of the man's head. The man's head caves in, his skull gets crushed,
and blood sprays from the top of his head like a fountain. Todd ducks and the
blood sprays across the isle onto Jason. Todd laughs at Jason.
-Jason and Todd are now in a book store. Jason whips
out his machete (Shing!) and double-machetes off the heads of two poor librarians (Shing!) (Shing!). Bursts of blood spout
of the librarians' necks as their bodies fall over. Todd, meanwhile, slams a man against a book shelf and slashes his machete
across his chest (Shing! Shing! Shing!). Little bursts blood spray from the wounds.
Man: "Argh! Argh! Argh!"
slashes him one more time and he spouts out blood on Todd. Todd, in return, shoves him against the book shelf. The book shelf
falls over and onto another books shelf. All the rest of the book shelves in the book store proceed to tumble over like dominoes.
-In between the last and second last book shelves, Jason is slamming a guy
against the final book shelf (Slam! Slam!). That's when Jason sees the the rest of the book shelves tumbling over. Jason whips
out his machete (Shing!) and slashes it through the guy and the book shelf (Shing!).
Guy: "Argh!"
-Jason jumps
out from between the two book shelves. The struggling guy looks up to see the second last book shelf about to crush him.
-The two book shelves tumble over like dominoes and guy is
crushed to death. Blood spreads from the fallen book shelves. Jason turns Todd.
Jason Voorhees: "Was that you?"
Todd: "Yeah!"
-Jason laughs. Todd laughs with him.
[End of cheesy montage; uncue music]
BACK TO...Michael, Chucky and The Tall Man. Jerry Seinfeld is finishing up his stand up act.
Jerry Seinfeld: "...According
to most studies, peoples' number one fear is public speaking. Death is number two. Does that seem right? That means to the
average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."
-The audience
stands up and cheers for Jerry Seinfeld. They enjoyed his act.
Jerry Seinfeld: "Thank you. Thank you. Take care and
good night!"
-Jerry Seinfeld walks off the stage.
Michael Myers: "I enjoyed that. Jerry Seinfeld, he never fails
amuse me."
Chucky: "Fuck, yeah!...*Burp*...That was great!"
Michael Myers: "What was that? Are you drunk?"
"No!...*Burp*...I'm not drunk at all!"
Michael Myers: "Yes, you are. I better help you home."
The Tall Man:
"That's okay. I'll let him ride with me in my hearse. I have to leave right now anyway."
Michael Myers: "All right.
See ya, guys."
The Tall Man: "See ya, Mike. I'll see you at this year's Horror Convention."
-The Tall Man proceeds
to help Chucky out of Pinhead's night club. Michael shrugs and heads over to the side bar for another beer. Michael sits down
at the side bar and turns to the bartender, the large, pale, beastly cenobite with goggle-like eyes.
Michael Myers:
"I'll have another Molson Ice."
-The cenobite serves Michael another glass of Molson Ice and Michael gulps it down.
That's when his cell phone rings. The ring tone is the eerie "Halloween" theme. Michael answers.
Ghostface: "What's
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "If you're going to continue calling me like
this, could you at least use a different opening. 'What's up?!' is getting so cliched."
Ghostface: "Okay. What about,
'You're dead!'?"
Michael Myers: "Nah."
Ghostface: "What about, 'You're doomed!'?"
Michael Myers: "Nice
Ghostface: "Okay, I got it. How about...'What would you say if I were watching you right now?!'?"
Myers: "Oh, how scary!"
Ghostface: "You still think I'm some joker who has nothing better to do, don't you?"
Myers: "What do you think?"
Ghostface: "I think you're starting to suspect me. I think you're starting freak."
Myers: "Freak? Yeah, right! I'm the boogeyman. Nothing scares me."
Ghostface: "Oh, really?"
Michael Myers: "Yes,
Ghostface: "Then, what about this?"
-Suddenly, Michael hears a familiar voice on the other line.
Tate: "Hello, Uncle!"
Michael Myers: "John??"
John Tate: "How do you feel now?"
Michael Myers: "Actually...*Belch*...I
feel drunk."
John Tate: "What??"
Michael Myers: "I'm sorry...*Belch*...who you are, I must have called you by
accident...*Belch*...I'm sorry about this."
-Michael hangs up on the other line.
Michael Myers: "I have to be
drunk...*Belch*...how else did I just hear John Tate? He's dead. Whatever, I gotta get home."
-Michael tries to get
up from the bar. He feels dazed.
Michael Myers: "I can't drive like
this. I gotta call a cab. I'll get my Corvette tomorrow."
CUT TO...Jason and Todd chillin' at a McDonalds restaurant, having a late evening dinner.
Todd: "That murder spree
Jason Voorhees: "Yes, it did! Yes, it did."
Todd: "I really enjoyed that."
Jason Voorhees: "I
think you're ready."
Todd: "I am? For what?"
Jason Voorhees: "I think you're now qualified to be the next Crystal
Lake Killer."
Todd: "Wow! Really?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah. I think you'll be ready to take my place."
"Take your place? What do you mean?"
Jason Voorhees: "Well, somewhere along the line, I will eventually die. I can't
live in this world forever. And, neither can you. When I die, you'll be the new Crystal Lake Killer and you will continue
in my place for many years to come. You will be taking care of upcoming generations of naughty teenagers."
Todd: "That
sounds like a huge honor, but I still don't understand. How will you die? I
thought you were indestructable."
Jason Voorhees: "And, so are you. We are both nearly indestructable zombies. But,
when it comes down to it, I can be killed. The same applies to you. Remember when you..."
-Jason sighs.
"What? When I was killed at the hospital?"
-Jason sighs again.
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah...things can kill us. I
was killed and brought back to live numerous times in my movies. Just like with
you. You were..."
-Jason shudders.
Jason Voorhees: "...Run over, crushed between cars, and electrocuted."
Todd: "Don't remind me."
Jason Voorhees: "Ive been through all that and much more in my lifetime.
I've been through much worse things than you."
Todd: "So, what are you trying to tell me?"
-Jason sighs.
Voorhees: "Things change. There will come a time when something, I'm not sure what, will happen to me and I'll die. And, I
might not come back."
Todd: "What something?"
Jason Voorhees: "Anything. For one, I've always had heroines from
my movies coming after me to avenge me. Remember this summer when we ate out at that Chinese restaurant?"
-Todd thinks
back to when he, Jason, Michael and Freddy, ate out at a Chinese restaurant. Upon leaving, they ran into Tina Shepard, the
telepathic heroine from "Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood." Tina toyed around with Jason and Todd, trying to kill them,
but they eventually took care of her.
[Flashback to "Horror Talk XXV: Showdown in Chinatown"]
-Tina, after much
battle with Jason and Todd, checks around and under police cars. No hockey goalies. Tina cautiously backs away and bumps into
Jason and Todd. Jason and Todd grab her and are about to machete her. Tina uses her telepathic powers and the two police cars
start driving towards them. Tina jumps out of the way and the police cars crash into Jason and Todd pressing them against
the wall of a building.
-Jason and Todd are stuck. Tina heads over to them ready to finish them off. That's when Jason
and Todd turn to each other and throw their machetes at her. Not fast enough, Tina doesn't duck away in time and the machetes
slash into her chest. Feeling weak, Tina falls over. Jason and Todd turn to each other and with a lot oomph, push the police
cars away. They head over to Tina.
-Tina, feeling weaker, struggles to use her powers to pull the machetes out of her
chest. They start to slowly come out.
-That's when Jason and Todd step on the ends of the machetes and they sink back
in her chest.
Tina Shepard: "Argh!"
-The machetes sink deeper into her chest and stomach, and she grows weaker.
Blood oozes from her wounds and she spouts blood from her mouth. Tina faintly looks at Jason and Todd. Then, her head falls
back motionless. They got her.
[End of flashback]
Todd: "Oh, right."
Jason Voorhees: "She is just one
of many heroines from my movies. So far two of them have come back to strike back at me. One was Tina Shepard and the other
was your mother."
-Todd thinks back to what to what Jason told him after they took care of Tina.
to "Horror Talk XXV: Showdown in Chinatown"]
-Jason and Todd just finished off Tina Shepard. Freddy and Michael watched
the whole thing. They come over seeing Jason and Todd standing over Tina's body.
Michael Myers: "You got her?"
Voorhees: "Two down, five to go."
Todd: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Jason Voorhees: "So far, two heroines
from my 'Friday The 13th' films have struck back at me. The last one is here, Tina Shepard. The other one was your mother
from 'Friday The 13th Part 3'."
Todd: "What?"
Jason Voorhees: "You want to know more about your mother? When
she had you, she was ashamed to be pregnant with the child of a well known serial killer. She tried to abort you thirteen
times. It didn't work, my blood was that strong. When she finally gave birth to you, her family immediately gave you away
for adoption."
-Todd can't believe his ears.
Jason Voorhees: "Just last year, during Halloween, she struck back
at me to get revenge for making her pregnant and having you. She almost had me, but Freddy gave me a helping hand.
Krueger: "Or, claw."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, and he did the only thing he could and took care of her."
turns to Freddy.
Todd: "Is this true?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yes." Todd: "Thanks."
-Todd turns back to
Todd: "Let's go home."
[End of flashback]
Todd: "Okay, so what are you saying? That the rest those
heroines will come back and ambush you."
Jason Voorhees: "It's possible."
Todd: "Not if I can help it! I'll
be there to help you. In your words, we'll slaughter them all over the place!"
Jason Voorhees: "That's very flattering,
but there's more to it than that."
Todd: "What else is there?"
Jason Voorhees: "Times will change. I will change.
I have to tell you something, I'm not same zombie I was twenty years ago. I've changed a lot over time. After being killed
and being brought back from the dead so many times, it puts on a toll on me. You see, I am still great at what I do, but I
won't be as great in say, another twenty years. In terms of being a zombie, I'm getting older and I'm feeling it. I mean,
I'm 57 years old. In human years, I'd be considered middle-aged."
Todd: "So, you could naturally die as a zombie?"
Voorhees: "I don't know. I don't know how it works in this way. The point of this whole discussion is that if such a time
comes for me, and I finally die off, you will take over for me."
-Todd sighs.
Jason Voorhees: "I understand."
hugs Jason.
Todd: "Dad!"
Jason Voorhees: "Son!"
Todd: "You know what, I'll be there for you. I always
will be. I'll be there to take over for you if I have to, and I'll be there if the rest those pesky heroines from your movies
come back after you." Jason Voorhees: "I don't think we have to worry about that now. In fact, I want to show you home."
"Home? You have no home, you just crash at some random house every night."
Jason Voorhees: "No, I mean Crystal Lake."
"You're going to show me Crystal Lake? Cool! I would love to see your old hunting grounds."
Jason Voorhees: "And, I
can't wait to re-visit them. It's been eleven years since I've been to Crystal Lake. Ever since that whole 'Jason Goes To
Hell' fiasco, I decided to stay away for a while. Now, I want to show you my old turf."
Todd: "Awesome! I can't wait!"
BACK TO...Michael riding in cab back to his pad. Behind him is another cab following them. In the cab is the msyterious figure
from Pinhead's night club. Michael's cab stops in front of his building, Mount Hall Apartments, and cab driver turns around
to Michael.
Cab Driver: "Here you are, mister. Mount Hall Apartments. That will be $7.55"
Michael Myers: "...*Belch*...Thanks."
in his drunken state, gives the cab driver a $50 bill. The cab driver, realizing Michael's state of mind, takes advantage
of him and only gives him $2.45 back.
Cab Driver: "Okay."
-Michael opens the back door and steps out. He shuts
the door and the cab drives speeds away. Michael looks around. He is dazed, but he can still make it to his apartment. Michael
starts heading up to the front entrance. That's when the other cab pulls up. The mysterious figure gives the cab driver his
due and steps out. Seeing Michael tumbling a bit to his building, he/she follows.
-Michael stops at the front entrance.
He opens the front door and proceeds to tumble his way through the lobby. Seeing the elevator ahead, he goes for it. That's
when the mysterious figure enters through the entrance. He/she sees Michael tumbling his way toward the elevator. He/she goes
for him. Michael tumbles his way further and further toward the elevator.
-At the elevator, a group of people gather
waiting to get in. They hear a beep and the elevator doors slide open, revealing an empty elevator. They get in pick their
floors. Michael yells for them.
Michael Myers: "Hey...*Belch*...wait!"
-The people wait for a moment and Michael
just makes it in the elevator.
Michael Myers: "Uh...*Belch*...thanks."
-The elevator doors close in just as
the mysterious figure reaches the elevator. He/she was trailing Michael slowly on purpose, so that he/she wouldn't blow his
cover. He/she was too slow. The mysterious figure shrugs and runs for the stairwell.
CUT TO...Michael inside the elevator.
Ten floors up, the elevator stops. The elevator doors slide open and three people exit the elevator.
mysterious figure running up the stairs desperately to catch up with Michael. He/she has been keeping track of every floor
for Michael. He/she snickers.
Mysterious figure: "...Hee, hee, hee..."
CUT BACK TO...Michael in the elevator.
The elevator stops again on the 30th floor. One person gets off and the elevator proceeds back up. Michael is considerably
drunk. The way he sees it, the five other people in the elevator looked like
former victims of his. He turns to a man.
Michael Myers: "Hey...*Belch*...I killed you! You can't be here!"
the his drunken state, the man freaks out and immediately presses buttons to earlier floors. Eventually, the elevator stops
on a floor and the man flees down the hall. So do the rest of the people in the elevator.
CUT BACK TO...the mysterious
figure running up the stairwell, trying to keep up with Michael. He/she has kept track of more floors, and still hasn't spotted
Michael. He/she is starting to get out of breath.
Mysterious figure: "...Heh, heh, heh, hee, hee, hee, heh, heh, heh..."
BACK TO...Michael on the elevator. Only on the 55th floor, the elevator stops for two people, a man and a woman. The elevator
proceeds to go back up. Michael turns to the woman.
Michael Myers: "Hey, I know you!...*Belch*...I killed you! You
shouldn't be here!"
Woman: "Yeah, sure buddy."
-Michael turns to the a man.
Michael Myers: "You shouldn't
be here either!...*Belch*...You're dead!"
-The man and woman turn to each other press buttons to earlier floors. Eventually,
the elevator stops again, and they flee down the hallway. Once more, the elevator starts back up.
mysterious figure running up the stairwell. He/she has checked more floors between stairwells and hasn't spotted Michael yet.
He/she figures, he must live on a high floor. The mysterious figure, really tired now, snickers.
Mysterious Figure:
"...Heh, heh, hee, hee, heh, hee, hee, heh, heh..."
CUT BACK TO...Michael, as the elevator finally stops on his floor,
the 69th out of 75. He tumbles out the elevator and takes the left.
Michael Myers: "I'm almost there...*Belch*...I'm
almost home."
-Michael tumbles to down the hallway passing several apartments. He stops at his apartment. He takes
out his key struggles to insert it into the lock. However, an angry neighbor opens the door for him.
Neighbor: "Hey!
What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Michael Myers: "Uh...*Belch*...sorry!"
-Michael was so drunk, he read
the door number wrong. He tumbles away further down the hallway for his apartment.
Neighbor: "Why, I never!"
stops at the next apartment he thinks is his. In his drunken state, he struggles to read the number to the door.
Myers: "618...789...312...*Belch*...232...666...666...666...ah, ha!...*Belch*...room no. 666! That's mine!"
takes out his key to unlock the door. But, in his drunken state, his hands tremble, leaving him unable to properly unlock
the door.
Michael Myers: "Oh...*Belch*...come on!"
-Michael struggles to unlock the door, but still can't. He
just can't keep his hands steady. That's when the mysterious figure peaks around the corner further away. Seeing Micheal,
he/she prevails.
Mysterious figure: "...Heh, heh, heh, ah, ha, Finally!"
-Tired as hell, the mysterious figure
tries to get catch up to Michael. Michael, meanwhile, continues trying to unlock his door.
Michael Myers: "Damn it,
I'm so close!...*Belch*...Come on!" -The mysterious figure catches up to Michael more.
Mysterious figure: "...Heh,
heh, Hee, hee, hee, heh, heh..."
-Michael struggles to unlock his door more.
Michael Myers: "Come on, damn it!...*Belch*...I'm
right here!"
-Michael stops he's doing. He struggles to keep his hands steady. And, he finally manages to stick the
key into the lock.
Michael Myers: "Yes!...*Belch*..."
-The mysterious figure is so close. He/she pulls him/herself
Mysterious Figure: "...Heh, heh, hee, hee, hee, heh, heh..."
-The mysterious figure is just about
to reach Michael as he manages turn the key around open the door.
Michael Myers: "...*Belch*...Yes!"
tumbles inside, whips the key out of the lock, and slams the door closed. The mysterious figure just missed him.
Figure: "Damn it!"
-Michael overhears him/her.
Michael Myers: "Hello?...*Belch*...Who is that?"
looks through peep hole...and sees nobody. Then, as tired and drunk as he is, he faints and falls over on the floor. He's
finished for the night. Pan back into the peep hole. A figure prevails...Ghostface! Ghostface, holding a voice box to his/her
mouth, mutters to him/herself.
Ghostface: "Hee, hee, hee! Now, I know where he lives! I'll get him soon!"
snickers and walks back to the elevator. He/she was not going to take the stairs again.
CUT BACK TO...Jason and Todd at McDonalds. Jason and Todd are finished with food are getting ready to leave. Jason and
Todd get up from their table.
Jason Voorhees: "I'll be right back, I gotta go drain the lizard."
-Jason heads
to the bathroom. Todd shrugs and waits for Jason. That's when four figures copycatting as Jason enter the restaurant. They
take off their masks and turn to each other...Ginny from "Friday The 13th Part 2," Trish Jarvis from "Friday The 13th: The
Final Chapter," Megan Garris from "Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives," and Rennie from "Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason
Takes Manhattan." Four out of five of the remaning heroines from Jason's "Friday The 13th" were back for revenge!
notices Todd in the back of the restaurant, thinking it's Jason.
Megan: "There he is! Let's get 'em!"
-The four
heroines slide their hockey masks back on and head for Todd. They approach Todd. Todd turns around seeing the other grungy
hockey goalies.
Todd: "Uh..."
CUT TO...Jason in the bathroom. He zips up his grungy jeans and heads over to
the sink to wash his hands.
CUT BACK TO...Todd facing the other hockey goalies. The four heroines turn to each other
and, one by one, whip out their machetes. Ginny whips out her machete (Shing!). Trish whips out hers (Shing!). Then, Megan
whips out her machete (Shing!). And, Rennie whips out hers (Shing!). Todd gulps.
Todd: "Um..."
-Todd slowly
backs away to the bathroom. That's when the four heroines jump him.
Todd: "Dad!"
CUT BACK TO...Jason in the
bathroom. He finishes washing his hands and is about to leave. That's when he hears two guys in the bathroom stall.
#1: "Hey, here's the dope!"
Guy #2: "All right!"
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "Here I go again."
whips out his machete (Shing!).
CUT BACK TO...Todd and the four heroines. Todd is laying on the ground as Ginny, Trish,
Megan and Rennie kick the living crap out of him. The people eating at the restaurant fled the situation. The four heroines
turn to each other and take their machetes. They look down at Todd. Todd gulps. That's when Jason bursts out of the bathroom.
Jason looks particularly bloody.
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, Todd! You'll never believe what..."
-Jason sees the four
heroines standing over Todd. The four heroines look confused, they thought Todd was Jason. Realizing the situation, Jason
slowly approaches the group and helps Todd up. He and Todd back away. Then, he shrugs and turns to Todd.
Jason Voorhees:
-Jason and Todd whip out their machetes (Shing!) (Shing!) and charge for the four four heroines. The heroines
shrug and charge for Jason and Todd. The two groups meet head on and Todd, Rennie and Trish, end up crashing out of the side
window and onto the road. The cars driving by screech to a stop (Sreeeeech!). Other cars end up crashing into others (Craaaaash!).
Drivers step out of their cars and curse at each other (Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!).
-Back in the restaurant, Ginny and Megan
get back up. Jason is still down from their interaction. They turn to each other charge for Jason. Jason, seeing the two heroines
coming for him, gets his machete and throws it at Megan. Megan ducks and the machete slashes and sticks into the back wall.
Ginny approaches Jason, and Jason kicks her away.
-Jason gets up and looks down at the two heroines with his one good
eye. Then, he charges for them. Ginny and Megan duck out his way. Then, they take their machetes and slash them into Jason
chest. Ginny slashes her machete into Jason's chest (Shing!), and Megan slashes her machete into his back (Shing!). That's
when Jason grabs Ginny and throws her against the back wall (Thud!).
-Then, Jason turns around and slams Megan to the
ground (Thud!). Megan is shaken. Ginny gets up and, seeing the machete sticking into the back wall, whips it out (Shing!)
and charges for Jason. She approaches Jason, and Jason turns around and throws her out the window. Jason backs away from Megan
and proceeds to slowly, gradually pull the machetes sticking in his stomach out from his chest and back.
slamming Rennie and Tresh over the hood of one of the stopped cars (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!). Trish and Rennie turn to each
other both kick Todd away. Todd falls back, and Rennie and Trish retrieve their machetes. They walk up to Todd and look down
on him. Then, they take their machetes and slashed Todd's chest with it (Shing! Shing!).
-Todd takes it and starts
picking himself up as Rennie and Trish continue slashing him (Shing! Shing!) (Shing! Shing!). Little bursts of blood spray
from the wounds on his chest and back. Todd proceeds to finally stand up, taking his beating (Shing! Shing!) (Shing! Shing!).
Rennie and Trish stop, looking dumbfounded. That's when Todd shoves Rennie away and grabs Trish by her neck.
-Todd raises Trish high in the air and slams her to the cement ground (Thud!). Trish is shaken. Then, Rennie
goes at Jason with her machete. Jason grabs her and shoves her to the ground (Thud!)
CUT BACK TO...Jason backing away
from Ginny and Megan to the front of McDonalds. Ginny and Megan both try to attack Jason with their machetes. Jason intercepts
Ginny's machete (Shing!), then quickly intercepts Megan's (Shing!). Jason then fights back and swings his machete at Ginny.
Ginny intercepts it with her machete (Shing!). Megan takes her turn to slash Jason, but Jason, in a quick motion, intercepts
her too. They are sword fighting with their machetes!
-They continue sword fighting out of McDonalds and onto the street.
Megan goes on to swing her machete at Jason. Jason intercepts (Shing!) and kicks her away. Megan falls back and Jason stops
and looks down at Megan. He looks down at her with his one good eye. But, Megan isn't scared. She looks back at Jason head
on. That's when Ginny goes at Jason with her machete. Jason, in sudden move, slashes his machete into her chest (Shing!)
feeling weak, stops. She looks down at the flesh wound. Blood oozes from the machete sticking into her stomach. She looks
over at Megan. Megan looks at her helplessly. Finally, blood gurgles out of Ginny's mouth and her body falls over dead. Megan,
looking in shock at Ginny's body, looks back at Jason with determination. Then, she takes her machete and fights back.
Garris: "Aaah!"
CUT BACK TO...Todd slamming Rennie to the ground (Thud!) and ducking away from Trish's machete. Trish
approaches Todd and jumps at him with the machete. Todd ducks away again. Then, he takes his machete and swings it at Trish.
Trish ducks away. Then, Rennie tries to shove Jason to the ground. Jason doesn't flinch, Rennie isn't strong enough to shove
him over. Jason looks at down at Rennie with his two good eyes.
-That's when Trish takes the opportunity to machete
Todd. She slashes it into his chest (Shing!) and Todd backs away. Then, Rennie jumps at him and slashes her machete into Jason's
chest. Todd backs away further upon impact. That's when Rennie and Trish both jump at Todd and kick the ends of the machetes
sticking into his chest. The machetes sink deeper into his stomach and go out his back.
-Todd takes the pain and approaches
the two heroines. He grabs Rennie, ready shove her to the ground again. Suddenly, Trish jumps at Todd with all her might and
shoves Todd to the ground (Thud!). Rennie and Trish walk over to Todd, and in a movement whip their machetes out his chest
stomach (Shing!) (Shing!). They turn to each other and proceed to swing their machetes at him. Todd braces himself.
BACK TO...Jason sword fighting with Megan. Megan was still in the game and was not going to stop until Jason was defeated.
She swings her machete at Jason, and he intercepts it (Shing!). Jason swings his machete at her, and she intercepts (Shing!).
Megan is about to swing her machete at Jason once more, when Jason tosses his machete aside and charges for her. Jason runs
at her and rams her to one of the stopped cars on the road (Crunch!)
Megan Garris: "Ow!"
-Then, Jason takes
Megan and lifts her up high the air. Then, he slams her over the hood of the stopped car (Crunch!)
Megan: "Ow!"
proceeds to slam her over the hood several more times (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!). Megan is shaken. Jason picks her up to slam
her once more when he looks over and sees Todd being ambushed by Rennie and Trish. Todd is on the ground Rennie and Trish
swing their machetes at him relentlessly. Jason drops Megan, and charges for them.
-Rennie and Trish, meanwhile, continue
slashing their machetes over poor Todd. Todd has been taking it, but too well. He isn't as experienced as Jason yet. Suddenly,
Jason comes in and shoves Rennie to the ground (thud!). Then, he retrieves Rennie's machete and turns to Trish. Trish gulps.
Jason looks down at her with his one good eye. That's when Rennie gets back up and jumps at Jason.
Rennie: "Aaah!"
turns around and grabs her neck.
Rennie: "Argh!"
-Then, Jason presses his hands around her head and applies
Rennie: "Argh!"
-Finally, Jason applies more pressure around the back of her head and pulls his "move."
Rennie's head caves in, her skull gets crushed, and blood sprays from the top of her like
a fountain. Jason backs away and the blood splatters over Trish. Trish looks in shock over what she just saw. Jason helps
Todd up.
Jason Voorhees: "Are you okay?"
Todd: "Yeah."
-That's when Megan charges for Jason.
-Jason grabs her and slams her to the cement ground (Thud!). Then, two police cars pull up and two policemen
step out of both them.
Policeman: "Stop what you're doing at once! You're all under arrest!"
-Jason shrugs.
Voorhees: "I'll take care of them. Will you okay with these two?"
Todd: "I think so."
Jason Voorhees: "All right."
heads over to the policemen. The policemen can't believe what they're seeing.
Policeman #1: "Am I drunk or am I seeing
four Jasons?"
Policeman #2: "Both!"
Policeman #1: "Oh."
-Jason grabs the machete he tossed aside before
and approaches the four policemen. Seeing him with the machete, they shoot at him (Bang!) (Bang!) (Bang!) (Bang!).
#3: "He's not going down, sir!"
Policeman #4: "Keep shooting!"
-The policeman proceed to shoot Jason (Bang!)
(Bang!) (Bang!) (Bang!) and he proceeds to swing his machete (Shing!).
CUT BACK TO...Todd fighting off Trish and Megan.
Megan, still determine as ever, swings her machete at Todd. Todd intercepts (Shing!) and swings his machete at Trish. Trish
intercepts (Shing!), and that's when Megan takes her machete and slashes it into Todd's chest. Todd shoves Megan away and
quickly whips the machete out of his stomach. Blood bursts from the wound, and Todd learns that it stings to whip a machete
out of his chest too quickly.
-Then, he approaches Megan and swings at the machete at her. Megan ducks away and Trish
slashes her machete into Todd's back (Shing!). Then, she backs away and shoves Todd with all her might. Todd falls over flat
on his chest on the cement ground. He tries to get up, but that's when he feels Trish's machete suddenly whip out her machete
out his of his back in a quick motion (Shing!). The sting. Then, he feels two machetes relentlessly sink into his back.
tries to get up and defend himself, but he feels too weak. He wasn't used to confronations like
this. Todd calls for Jason
Todd: "Dad!"
CUT BACK TO...Jason taking care of the policemen. He's already macheted
three of them and is approaching the last one. Jason corners him a police car. Jason whips out his machete (Shing!) and looks
down at the frightened policeman.
Policeman: "No! Please!"
CUT BACK TO...Todd being relentlessly hacked and
slashed by Megan and Trish. Todd, starting to lose it, weakly calls for Jason again.
Todd: "Dad!"
tossing his machete aside and grabbing the policemen. He picks him up high in the air and slams him onto the hood (Crunch!).
"Ow, hey!"
-Jason is about to slam him once more, when he hears Todd yelling for him.
Todd: "Dad!"
looks over to see Todd getting ambushed again. He was not ready for this yet. Jason drops the policeman, and the policeman
flees the situation. Jason retrieves his machete and charges for the two heroines hacking up his son. He wasn't going to let
them get away with it. He reaches them and is about to grab them, when they both back away from Todd. Jason looks down at
Todd. He was motionless.
-Realizing the situation, Megan and Trish back away from Jason. Jason kneels down over Todd
and rolls him over. He tries to revive him. But, Todd doesn't respond. Jason grabs Todd and shakes him around. Nothing. Jason
desperately shakes Todd around more, but Todd simply is not responding. Jason sighs, Todd was gone. Megan and Trish had their
way with him and finished him off.
-Megan and Trish both watch as Jason gets up. He slowly turns around and faces them.
He looks stares them down with his one good eye. Megan and Trish turn to each other and brace themselves.
Trish Jarvis:
"Oh, shit!"
-Jason shrugs, whips out his machete (Shing!) and charges for them, ready to teach them a lesson, Voorhees-style!