-Saturday morning. Cut to a four-story apartment building along Woody Allen Ave. Inside the building is apartment no.
13 on the first floor. That apartment's resident, a woman, has a machete sticking through her head and into the cabinet in
the kitchen. Asleep in her bed is Jason. Every night, Jason picks a random home or apartment to "sleepover" at. Jason suddenly
wakes up, he had a weird dream.
Jason Voorhees: "Crap..."
-Jason shrugs and gets up. He grabs his hockey mask
from the night stand and slides it back over his muggy, deformed, and disgusting face. Then, he heads over to the kitchen.
Jason goes over to the refrigerator, passing the woman's body. Opening the fridge, Jason looks through the drinks.
Voorhees: "Let's see...milk...ice tea...apple juice...ah, ha, Budweiser!"
-Jason grabs the bottle of Budweiser and
closes the fridge.
Jason Voorhees: "She had good taste."
-Jason gulps a small portion of the bottle and puts
the bottle back in the fridge.
Jason Voorhees: "I need my morning wake up call."
-Seeing his machete sticking
into the woman's head by the cabinet, Jason quickly swipes it machete back (Shing!), and woman's lifeless body limply falls
to the kitchen floor.
Jason Voorhees: "I'll be needing this, thanks."
-Jason shrugs and proceeds to leave the
CUT TO...Freddy and Michael at the local corner diner, Restaurant. Freddy and Michael are sitting at a booth.
Freddy is having a cheese omelet and Michael is having pancakes.
Freddy Krueger: "...So anyway, I'll be having the
book signing at Central Perk this afternoon and also tomorrow."
-Freddy holds his autobiograhy, Dreamstalking: The
Life and Times of The Dream Master.
Michael Myers: "I still can't believe you wrote your own book."
Freddy Krueger:
"Not my own book, my autobiography. You know, when you become the Dream Master as long as I have been, and go after as many
Elm Street teenagers and miscelanious people as I have went after, you gain a lot of experience and wisdom. I feel like telling
about it. I want to speak out."
Michael Myers: "That must explain why you never shut up in your movies!"
shoves Michael. Michael laughs.
Michael Myers: "Well, I'm sure your fans are going to love your book and this book
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, they will. I'll sign their copies of my book, I'll have a Q&A with them and give
autographical nightmares!"
Michael Myers: "Autographical nightmares?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, autographical nightmares.
That's when I put my fans to sleep and set them up in a nightmare. I can do this either individually or as a group session.
And anyway, I'll set them up in a creepy, atmospheric location, like my boiler room for instance, and I basically give them
a good scare. They love my autographical nightmares. They tell me that horror movies hardly scare them anymore, so I thought
of autobiographical nightmares where I remind them what it's like to be scared again."
Michael Myers: "That is really
cool. You know what, you are really good to your fans."
Freddy Krueger: "Thanks."
-Jason enters the diner and
spots Freddy and Michael.
Jason Voorhees: "You guys won't believe this crazy dream I had last night!"
sits at the booth with Freddy and Michael.
Jason Voorhees: "Those slimy executives at Paramount, they were having a
board meeting over my 'Friday The 13th' movies and making a boxset out of them. Basically, they weren't even trying. They
dissed really good ideas for special features, so that they could save money. For example, instead of putting the archival
uncut gore back in my movies and making them unrated, they just left them as 'special features'. Those bastards! And, they
didn't even use 8 separate disks for the eight movies they made. They decided to use four flipper disks and put one movie
on each side. And, that's when I come in and kill them all! you should have seen it, I slaughtered them all over the place!"
Myers: "Well, good morning to you, too."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, what a way to wake up in the morning." Jason Voorhees:
"I know!"
-A waitress comes to the table and turns Jason. Seeing the grungy, hockey-masked goon, she almost hesitates.
"What, um, what would like, sir?"
-Jason looks at the young, twenty-ish waitress.
Jason Voorhees: "Hmm...I'll
have you to go with my machete!"
Waitress: "Excuse me?"
Jason Voorhees: "I'm just kidding. I'll have pancakes."
"Will that be all, sir?"
Jason Voorhees: "I'll also have orange juice."
-The waitress takes Jason's order and
walks away.
Michael Myers: "Special featues...flipper disks...isn't that basically how they made your boxset in reality?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah. But, there are some good special features. For one, there's a 'Where have they been?'
feature going over several of the actors that played the one-dimensional teenagers I killed off."
Freddy Krueger: "So,
you had a dream about your frustrations with Paramount over how they made your boxset."
Jason Voorhees: "I guess you
can say that."
Michael Myers: "You're lucky Paramount is even showing the uncut gore. Paramount, they are really sticky
to work with and have screwed with you before. They could have done much less with your boxset."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah,
I know. It's just that, the only thing I really wanted out of them was to see my movies uncut for once. That's all I ever
asked out of them. And, they continue to ignore me like some bastard child."
Michael Myers: "At least you'll able even
able see it altogether. At least they even left the gore as special features, so that you and your fans can see your life's
work." Jason Voorhees: "I guess."
Chucky: "Hey, fuckheads!"
-Freddy, Jason and Michael, look over to see
Chucky climbing up on the chair. He gets up and stands up, looking a little over the table.
Michael Myers: "Hey, Chuck.
What's up?"
Chucky: "Same old, same old. I greet my twins, the brats fucking cry and Tiffany gets angry at me for upsetting
them. Having a family is fucking tough, I tell you that."
Michael Myers: "Give them time, they'll get used to you."
Voorhees: "Mike's right. Even Todd wasn't ready to meet me at first."
Chucky: "How could he? You're a serial killer
that wears a fucking hockey mask!"
Jason Voorhees: "Well, how are your twins supposed to get used to you? You're a
Chucky: "So is their mother! And, my twins are fucking dolls too!"
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, right."
waitress returns with Jason's breakfast.
Waitress: "Here's your food."
Jason Voorhees: "Thanks."
the living doll that is Chucky, the waitress turns to him in surprise.
Chucky: "Yes?"
Waitress: "Um, uh, what
would you like have, sir?"
Chucky: "I'll have Heineken."
Waitress: "We don't serve alcohol here, sir."
"Oh, you don't, do ya?!"
-Chucky startles the poor waitress.
Chucky: "Whatever, just get me some fucking coffee."
"Um, coffee?"
Chucky: "Yeah, coffee. Are you fucking deaf?"
Waitress: "No. I'll get you your coffee, sir."
"Well, that's better."
-The waitress takes Chucky's order and walks away.
Chucky: "Honestly...the service at
some places in this city...it's so fucking poor."
Michael Myers: "Actually, I think that you were really disrespectful."
"What is that?"
Freddy Krueger: "Mike's right. You have your reasons to be frustrated, after all your soul is trapped
in that Good Guy doll, but you should have been nicer towards the waitress. Not everyone in New York is used to your appearance."
-The waitress returns with Chucky's coffee.
Waitress: "Here's, um, your coffee, sir."
"Yeah, well..."
-Chucky notices Freddy and Michael glaring at him.
Chucky: "...Uh, thanks. Thanks for the coffee."
waitress walks away.
Michal Myers: "Much better."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, you ought to be more considerate that
Chucky: "I guess."
-Chucky notices a man staring at him. He turns to the man and sneers at him.
"What the fuck are you staring at?!"
-The man, startled, immediately turns away. Freddy and Michael shrug, Chucky will
never change.
Chucky: "Well, I gotta tell ya guys something. Last night, I finally had a night off from my family...thank
God! And, you know what I did? I went out on killing spree, regardless how Tiffany doesn't like me kill people so much. You
know, I had to get a lot of shit off my chest!"
Jason Voorhees: "I completely understand how you feel. When I feel
the pressure, I just get out and let my machete do the work."
Chucky: "Yeah, my knife does wonders for me!"
Voorhees: "Just last night, when I crashed into a random apartment to sleep over at, I killed offed this girl by..."
shudders and freaks out.
Michael Myers: "Jason, please spare us the details!"
Jason Voorhees: "Um, all right..."
turns to Michael.
Freddy Krueger: "What's wrong with you?"
Michael Myers: "I'm just getting tired of hearing
about our everyday adventure with our knives, machetes and claws, day in and day out. It gets nauseating after a while."
Krueger: "But, we're serial killers. You should be used to that, just like how Chucky should be used to people staring at
-Chucky notices a woman staring at him. He turns to the woman and sneers at her.
Chucky: "Hey!"
woman, startled, immediately turns away.
Michael Myers: "Well, I don't see Chucky taking it any easier."
Krueger: "Well, maybe not. But, you're the boogeyman. You should be used to gore stories. You certainly have your share of
stories to tell."
Michael Myers: "Yeah, I know. But it's like every time we have a problem, the answer is always to
just off the guy. Or, girl. It gets so redundant. Here in New York, I'm trying to lead more of a regular life. Killing is
not everything. In fact, back in at my pad, some clowns living in the above apartment have been playing music really loud.
For several nights now. I could kill them, but I don't want to. It's just so...cliched. You know I mean?"
Freddy Krueger:
"I guess. Why don't you go up to their floor and tell them to lower the volume?"
Michael Myers: "I have. And, all do
is raise the volume higher."
Freddy Krueger: "Sounds like motorheads."
Michael Myers: "They are. They're very
obnoxious and crude."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey man, I'll take care of them for you! Tell me what room they're in, and I'll
clean house!"
Chucky: "No, I want to! I want to take care of them!"
Jason Voorhees: "No, I will!"
"No, I fucking will!"
Michael Myers: "Guys, stop! I don't want either of you to take care of them."
Freddy Krueger:
"That's okay, I'll do it. I'll give them nightmares they'll never forget!"
Michael Myers: "No, no, no! That is exactly
what I don't want any of you guys doing."
Freddy Krueger: "What are you saying?"
Michael Myers: "I'm saying...give
your killing outbreaks a break. At least for a while."
Freddy Krueger: "Stop killing people? Are you crazy? We're serial
killers, we're supposed to kill people. If it weren't for us, the overpopulation problem we have would be far more severe.
It's our work that balances out the world everyday."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, man. Maybe you aren't as crazy as me when
it comes to work, but I like killing people!"
Chucky: "And, so do I! It relieves stress!"
Michael Myers: "Okay,
fine. I'll just lay off."
-Freddy, Jason and Chucky, turn to each other, and burst out laughing. Freddy Krueger:
"You laying off from killing? Yeah right!"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, man! You won't be able to lay off it from it forever.
Trust me, things will start irk you."
Chucky: "That is so true! Eventually, you'll crack! You'll have to kill somebody!"
Myers: "I don't care. I think I can do it."
Jason Voorhees: "I don't think so, man! I've seen your rage before and
I've seen you in action. In just a matter of time, you'll blow a fuse."
-Michael turns to Jason in a suggestive manner.
Myers: "Care to make this interesting?"
Jason Voorhees: "What?"
Michael Myers: "I said..."
-Michael takes
out $100 bill.
Michael Myers: "...Do you care to make this interesting?"
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees:
"Yeah! Yeah, I do! I do care to make this interesting!"
-Jason takes out five $20 bills. Freddy turns to Jason.
Krueger: "What are you doing?"
Jason Voorhees: "I don't know, I'm just making this interesting!"
Freddy Krueger:
"Don't you see? Michael is betting you, that you can't lay off your own murderous impulses."
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, crap.
I am?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah."
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "You know what, I will still make this
interesting. I will lay off my bloody ways!"
-Jason turns to Michael.
Jason Voorhees: "I'm going show you that
I can outlast you and not rely on my murderous insticts for a while."
Michael Myers: "You sure?"
Jason Voorhees:
"Yeah! Yeah, I am sure!"
-Michael turns to Freddy.
Michael Myers: "What about you?"
Freddy Krueger: "Well...if
pussface can hold back his bloody ways...so can I!"
-Freddy takes out a $100 bill.
Chucky: "Let me in too!"
takes out four $20 bills and two $10 bills.
Freddy Krueger: "You? You'd be out before we leave this diner!"
and Jason laugh.
Michael Myers: "They're right. You are so loose with your temper, that you'll kill the next person
that stares at you."
Chucky: "No, I won't!"
Michael Myers: "Yes, you will!"
Chucky: "No, I fucking won't!
I think I could fucking lay off for a while."
Michael Myers: "You sure?"
Chucky: "Yeah!"
Michael Myers:
-Michael turns to everyone.
Michael Myers: "Okay, this will be what I'll call, 'The Contest'. If you
think all you guys have what it takes to lay off from your natural killing instincts and outlast the other, then you're in.
If you fail to not kill somebody for whatever reason, you lose $100." Freddy Krueger: "I don't have a problem with that."
Myers: "Which means that you, Fred, can't enter any people's dreams. At all. You can't even give your fans autographical nightmares
at your book signing."
Freddy Krueger: "What?"
Michael Myers: "Yes, that's part of this contest."
turns to Jason.
Michael Myers: "Jason, you have to lay from killing...completely. You can't kill anybody for whatever
reason. At all. Even if somebody is in your way..."
Jason Voorhees: "Okay, I get it!"
Michael Myers: "All right."
turns to Chucky.
Michael Myers: "And you, Chucky, have to control your temper and ignore the people that continually
stare at you. If you can't do that, then you won't survive this contest."
Chucky: "All right! I fucking get it!"
turns to everybody.
Michael Myers: "This is...our contest. Good luck, gentlemen."
-The waitress returns with
their check. Freddy, Jason and Chucky, proceed to leave the booth, while Michael leaves a tip. Michael pays for their breakfast,
then they all walk out of the diner.
Freddy Krueger: "I should head to Central Perk right about now."
Myers: "No autobiographical nightmares..."
Freddy Krueger: "I know, I know."
-That's when Chucky notices a man
staring at him and flips out.
Chucky: "That's it!"
-Chucky whips out his knife and stabs the man in the leg
Man: "Argh!"
-The man falls over in pain and Chucky proceeds to stab the man in the back (Shing! Shing!
Man: "Argh! Argh! Argh!"
-Blood spreads from his body and he dies. Chucky prevails.
"A classic never goes out of style!"
-That's when Freddy, Jason and Michael, look down and turn to Chucky.
"Heh, heh, oh right..."
-Chucky shrugs and hands them four $20 bills and two $10 bills. Michael turns to Freddy and
Michael Myers: "Then, there were three."
CUT TO...Freddy with his fans at Central Perk later in the afternoon. He's already signed their books, now he's having
a Q&A with them. A fan questions Freddy.
Fan #1: "What's it like to be the Dream Master? What's it like to have
all those dream powers?"
Freddy Krueger: "What's it like to be the Dream Master? It's something else. I didn't expect
to go this direction and become a supernatural entity that haunts your...but, this is really something that to read about
in my book. You'll find more answers like that there. You'll find out makes me tick."
Fan #2: "So, we'll find out what
it takes to defeat you?"
Freddy Krueger: "Of course not! I'm not going to reveal that. You see...Jason may be a machine
with that machete of his, but underneath that brute strength of his...he's just a pussy! Me? I do more than slash these claws
-Freddy slashes his claws around.
Freddy Krueger: "...I mess with your minds. I messed with Jason's.
And, I showed him. I even messed with Ash. And, I beat him to a pulp!"
Fan #3: "You fought with Ash? There's already
a 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash'?"
Freddy Krueger: "No, no, no. 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. whats-his-face'...that's ain't happening.
I don't want to do that double versus movie and neither does Jason. We want to move on with you our franchises. However, we
did have a run-in with Ash recently. He was angry that our double versus movie wasn't happening. So, he challenged us. And
Jason and I, we showed him! In the words of Jason, we slaughtered him all over the place!"
Fans: "Woah!"
#4: "Who won?"
Freddy Krueger: "I don't want it to seem like I'm bragging...but, I won! You see, at first, Jason and
I teamed up against Ash..."
Fan #5: "You mean you and Jason didn't fight each other?"
Freddy Krueger: "We didn't
intend to. You see, Jason, me and the rest of the horror icons, we're all buddies who hang around our each other's pads. Expecially,
Michael Myers' pad. If there's a horror icon out there who really appreciated this genre and its fans, that's Mike."
#6: "You know the boogeyman?"
Freddy Krueger: "Know him? I just had breakfast with him at the local diner!"
Freddy Krueger: "And you know what? Jason, Michael, Chucky, Pinhead, Leatherface and I, we all play poker together
every week."
Fan #8: "Really?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah!"
Fan #4: "What about your fight with Ash?"
Krueger: "Oh, right. Jason and I teamed up on Ash for a while. But eventually, I took on Jason when he accidentally hit me
too many times. That Jason, he's tough, but I know how to handle him, because I've seen him in action..."
CUT TO...friends,
Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe, entering Central Perk. They see a burnt figure talking with a bunch of excited
teenagers at their regular couch.
Ross: "What's this?"
Rachel: "They took our couch!"
-The friends head
over to the counter and turn to Gunther.
Ross: "What's going on?"
Monica: "Yeah?"
Gunther: "Sorry guys,
your spots taken. There's a book signing going on today and tomorrow afternoon."
Chandler: "Does this look like library
or book store?"
Gunther: "Fred, he didn't want to be hassled at a book store, so he asked me if he could set it up
here for the weekend."
Monica: "And, you let them to do this, because..."
Gunther: "Because, he gave me a lot
of money!"
Rachel: "Gunther!"
Gunther: "I'm sorry!"
-Gunther, pretending to be upset, tries to get a
hug from Rachel. Rachel resists.
Phoebe: "Well, what are we going to do now?"
Joey: "Yeah, I want to sit down
at my chair! Some burnt dude is using it!"
-As it stands, Freddy is sitting in the left chair. Some fans are sitting
on the couch, others are sitting on the floor and a fan is sitting on the right chair.
Ross: "Well, there is that diner.
I think its called 'Restaurant'."
Chandler: "It's called, 'Restaurant'?"
Ross: "Yeah, it's literally called,
Joey: "Wait, could there be burgers and sandwiches at this 'Restaurant'?"
Chandler: "I think
a diner called 'Restaurant' is going to serve hamburgers and sandwiches!"
Joey: "Then, let's go already! I'm hungry!"
shrugs and starts to leave. That's when Gunther stops Rachel.
Gunther: "You can stay if you want."
Rachel: "What?"
"You can stay. There's other tables and chairs."
Rachel: "But, my friends are going somewhere else. Why would I want
to stay here?"
-Gunther turns to Rachel suggestively.
Gunther: "Well..."
-Rachel slaps Gunther and catches
up with her friends. Freddy, meanwhile, finishes telling his "Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash" story to his fans.
Freddy Krueger:
"...And, then I punched Ash once more. Ash, he was finished. That's when I grabbed him and pulled the Rock Bottom on his over
his car! The car, it's roof caved in and the windows shattered. My back, it ached. But, it was worth it. Me, I was the first
to arise from the wreckage. I was the winner!"
-Freddy's fans cheer for him.
Freddy Krueger: "Then, Jason finally
got back up and cracked his back. He was okay too."
-Freddy's fans cheer for him and Jason.
Fan #4: "I can't
believe this! 'Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash' really did happen! I can't wait to tell my friends."
Freddy Krueger: "Now,
that's another thing. Don't go spreading this fight around to your friends. Or anybody. This is between us."
Fan #4:
"But, why? Don't you want to be honored for beating up Ash?"
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, I do! Believe me. But you see, I
don't want this going around to New Line Cinema. They'll get more ideas and I don't want them too. All of you understand?"
the fans nod their heads.
Freddy Krueger: "Good. Now, does anybody have any other questions?"
Fan #9: "Can you
give me an autographical nightmare?"
-Freddy shudders.
Freddy Krueger: "A what?"
Fan #9: "An autographical
nightmare. Apparently, you've given fans them and they're really fun and scary."
Freddy Krueger: "I don't know what
you're talking about."
Fan #9: "You must. My friend, Tom, told me you gave him one and it was scary as hell!"
Krueger: "Oh, you mean those autographical nightmares! Listen, I would love to give you one..."
Fan #8: "I want one
Fan #1: "Me too!"
Freddy Krueger: "...But, I'm all dreamed out right now. I don't have the energy to give
you guys one."
Fan #6: "Oh, come on!"
Fan #10: "Please!"
Freddy Kreuger: "Really, I can't. I just can't."
#2: "That's okay, you could give us all one at the same time. It will be a group thing."
Fan #9: "Yeah, a group nightmare!
Just like in 'A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors'!"
Freddy Krueger: "I'm sorry you guys, I can't."
the fans turn to each other and turn back to Freddy. Then, they start chanting.
Fans: "We want an autographical nightmare!
We want an autographical nightmare! We want an autographical nightmare!..."
Freddy Krueger: "You don't understand,
I'm not allowed to give them right now! I would love to, but I can't!"
Fans: "...We want an autographical nightmare!
We want an autographical nightmare! We want an autographical nightmare!..."
Freddy Krueger: "But, I can't! I really
can't right now!"
Fans: "...We want an autographical nightmare! We want an autographical nightmare! We want an autographical
-Freddy can't take this. He's meeting up with his fans and he can't give them autographical nightmares.
And, they're demanding it.
Fans: "...We want an autographical nightmare! We want an autographical nightmare! We want
an autographical nightmare!..."
-Freddy can't take it anymore. He freaks out and runs away from the cafe.
Krueger: "Aah!"
CUT TO...Freddy chillin' with Michael at his pad later on in the evening
Freddy Krueger: "...And
then, they demanded for autographical nightmares!"
Michael Myers: "And, what did you do?"
Freddy Krueger: "Well,
I, um, stayed calm and casually left Central Perk."
Michael Myers: "'Stay calm' and casually left'?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah!"
-Micheal bursts out laughing.
Michael Myers: "Yeah, right! I bet you
ran out of there! You freaked out!"
Freddy Krueger: "No, I didn't!"
Michael Myers: "Yes, you did! I know you
too well, to just 'casually walk out' on your fans. You wanted to give them an autographical nightmare and you couldn't. You
Freddy Krueger: "Fine! So what I if I did? You'll be choking tonight when those motorheads above you will
play that loud music."
Michael Myers: "I'll be able to take it."
Freddy Krueger: "No, you won't!"
Myers: "Yes, I will! I will be able to handle it! Just like how I was able to handle the last three sleepless nights."
Krueger: "Three sleepless nights? No wonder you freaked out this morning! You're losing sleep over that nonsense above your
ceiling. That's why you couldn't handle hearing Jason's gore story."
Michael Myers: "Okay, I did choke this morning.
But, I can still handle this contest. I'm still cool. I'm more cool than you are right now. I mean, you were freaked out by
your fans!"
Freddy Krueger: "We'll see. All I have to do is go to sleep tonight. But, you won't be able to. Not with
those motorheads upstairs. And Jason, I'll give him another hour, he'll have to kill somebody eventually. Me, I have this
contest beat."
Michael Myers: "Oh, we'll see about that."
-Michael's speaker box by front door rings. Michael
goes over to answer.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Jason: "Hey, it's me."
Michael Myers: "Okay, I'll see you
-Michael turns to Freddy.
Michael Myers: "Jason sounds okay."
Freddy Krueger: "So far."
goes over to Michael's refridgerater and grabs a Budweiser. He also grabs a Molson Ice and tosses it to Michael.
Krueger: "Here. You're going to need this tonight!"
Michael Myers: "I don't know about that."
-Michael sets
the Miller Light bottle on the counter, while Freddy gulps down his Budweiser. Then, there's a knock on his front door. Michael
heads over to his front door. He opens the door and his landlord, Mr. Roper, walks right in.
Michael Myers: "Uh, care
come in?"
-Michael shuts his front door and turns to Mr. Roper.
Mr. Roper: "I've talked to those punks upstairs."
Myers: "And?"
Mr. Roper: "They won't play the music anymore."
Michael Myers: "Very good to hear."
turns to Freddy. Freddy sneers at him. Then, Michael turns back to Mr. Roper.
Mr. Roper: "If those punks play any more
of that goddamn music, I'll throw them out. Really, I'll throw their asses out of this apartment building."
Myers: "Okay."
Mr. Roper: "If you they disrupt you again tonight, just call me."
Michael Myers: "I'm sure other
nearby neighbors will too."
Mr. Roper: "Of course, `ol Tinkerbell complained to me about it too."
Micheal Myers:
Mr. Roper: "Oh, that gay guy living with those two girls down the hall."
Michael Myers: "Oh, you mean
Jack Tripper. But, he's not..."
-Michael remembers Jack Tripper's charade.
Michael Myers: "...Um, I mean, he's
not, uh, complaining about the musie. At least I haven't heard from him about it yet."
Mr. Roper: "Well, he did. Anyway,
if those punks play that loud music again, just give me the word, I'll throw them out tomorrow morning."
Michael Myers:
-Mr. Roper heads out Michael's door and bumps into Jason.
Mr. Roper: "Hey!"
Jason Voorhees:
"Oops, sorry."
-Jason walks around Mr. Roper and goes inside Michael's pad. Mr. Roper looks back at Jason and turns
to him.
Mr. Roper: "Hey, I know you!"
Jason Voorhees: "Uh, no you don't!"
Mr. Roper: "Yes, I do. I've
seen you in a movie before!"
Jason Voorhees: "I haven't been in any movies, sorry."
-Jason shuts the door on
Mr. Roper. Freddy turns to him.
Freddy Krueger: "Feeling the pressure?? Feeling the heat yet??"
-Jason shrugs.
Voorhees: "Actually, I'm fine. I've had no problems with this contest yet. I don't see why I should."
-Michael turns
to Freddy.
Michael Myers: "Wait until he runs into some horny teenagers. He'll freak!"
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah!"
and Michael laugh.
Jason Voorhees: "No, I won't!"
-Freddy and Michael laugh their hearts out.
Jason Voorhees:
"Hey, I'm not going to go out that easy. I may be the Crystal Lake Killer, but I can handle some stupid, one-dimensional horny
teenagers that may spit out awful and suggestive language! I can take it!"
-Freddy walks up to Jason.
Krueger: "We'll see about that. We'll see."
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, we'll see about that definitely."
cell phone rings. The ring tone is the eerie "Halloween" theme. Michael answers.
Michael Myers: "Hello?
"What's up?!"
Michael Myers: "Hey, Roman. How are you doing?"
Ghostface: "Roman?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah,
what's up...Roman Bridger!"
Ghostface: "I'm not Roman Bridger."
Michael Myers: "Sure you're not."
"Go ahead. Believe that I'm this Bridger guy. But in the end, that will be tragic mistake. You can count on that."
Myers: "Oh, how scary!"
Ghostface: "You think I'm some random joker pranking you, but I'm not. I'm out to get you,
just like your nephew was."
Michael Myers: "How do you know about John?"
Ghostface: "For the same reason John
knew about you and your whereabouts."
Michael Myers: "Whatever. Whoever this is, just end this joke you're trying to
play on me. Tell me who you are, and we'll look back on this laugh. We could even meet."
Ghostface: "That's okay. We'll
meet soon, but not now."
Michael Myers: "Oh, really?"
Ghostface: "You can count on that."
hangs up on Michael. Michael is dumbfounded.
Freddy Krueger: "Ghostface?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah, he's still calling."
Krueger: "Still think its Roman?"
Michael Myers: "I don't know anymore. Whoever that was, he..."
Freddy Krueger:
"Or, she."
Michael Myers: "...Yeah...seemed too slick to be Roman."
Freddy Krueger: "Still think Ghostface is
out to get us?"
Michael Myers: "Maybe. But, that's why I'm always watching my back. For years, we've always had Ghostfaces
pranking us. Just about all of them have been jokers. But that one time, it turned out to for real."
Freddy Krueger:
"Yeah, who thought it would John? And, that he was out all of us?"
Michael Myers: "Well, he was primarily after me.
He went after you guys too, because he knew that I always hanging around with you two. He knew that you two would have avenged
me, so he tried taking out all of us at that party."
Freddy Krueger: "Of course."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah."
Myers: "So, you guys might want to watch your backs."
Freddy Krueger: "Good idea."
-Jason whips out his machete
Jason Voorhees: "Will do!"
Michael Myers: "But, not while we're in this contest..."
Michael Myers: "...Because, I'm sure you guys will crack before me pretty soon."
Freddy Krueger: "You
really sure about that, Captain Kirk??"
Michael Myers: "Well, with the motorheads not playing anymore of that music,
I'm safe..."
-Michael glares at Freddy.
Michael Myers: "...And, I'm going show your arrogant ass!"
Voorhees: "What about me?"
Michael Myers: "Well, I'm sure you'll run into a some horny teenagers soon. You'll have
to. Tomorrow marks the last day of 'National Virginity Week.' Horny teenagers have been flocking together to lose their virginity
before this holiday is over."
-Jason gulps.
CUT TO...Michael laying in bed in the late evening. With no loud music playing above, he feels at piece. He lays back
and sighs of relief. That's when the music starts!
Michael Myers: "For crying out loud!"
-The music is playing
louder than the night before. These motorheads were really asking for it. But, Michael won't give it. He'd deal with it until
the contest was over. Until Freddy finally gave a poor teenager a nightmare and until Jason ran into a horny teenager. That's
when the motorheads start playing screeching guitars with the music.
Michael Myers: "What the..."
-The music
on the radio was one thing. But, playing screeching guitars with it was another. This was too much. Michael rolls over in
bed and sighs. It wasn't so much that these guys were listening to and playing to loud punk rock music, it was hard to sit
through because it was so bad. The lyrics, the tunes, it was just terrible to listen to. How could these guys listen to this
crap? It was worse than Rob Zombie! Michael rolls over in bed and shudders.
CUT TO...Jason at the same apartment he
crashed at the previous night. Since he couldn't "sleep over" at another home or apartment, he could easily just stay at the
woman's apartment longer. She was so kind to let him stay over. Jason grabs the Budweiser from the fridge and lays down on
the sofa.
Jason Voorhees: "Now, this I could get used to."
-Jason gulps down the rest of the bottle. Then, he
heads back to the kitchen. He leaves the empty bottle on the counter and heads for the bed. He takes off his hockey mask and
sets it on the night stand. Then, he turns the lights out and falls back on the bed. Jason lays back comfortably. The first
day was over. Jason lays back and snuggles comfortable on the bed. He was safe.
-That's when Jason hears a couple of
people enter the next apartment. He hears a door unlock and shut. He hears the couple tumble into another room and slam a
door. Then, he overhears the couple through the hollow wall.
Guy: "I'm horny!"
Girl: "So am I!"
"Let's do it!"
Girl: "Okay!"
-Jason shudders.
Jason Voorhees: "This better not be what I think it is!"
hears the guy and girl go tumble around a bit.. Then, he hears them fall back onto a bed or something. They start to moan
and groan. They moan and groan intensely. It was a horny teenage couple and they were getting it on!
Jason Voorhees:
"Are you kidding me?"
-Jason rolls over in the bed and sighs. The guy and girl moan and groan more. They are moaning
and groaning really intensely. They were really getting it on!
Guy: "Oh! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!..."
Girl: "Yes,
yes, yes, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!..."
Guy: "...Oh, keep it coming, baby! Keep it coming!..."
Girl: "...Yes, yes,
yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!..."
-Jason rolls over and sighs. Then, his arm starts to reach for his machete on the night
stand. Jason stops himself.
Jason Voorhees: "No! I am not going to take care of them! Not now!"
Guy: "...Keep
it coming! Keep it coming!..."
Girl: "...Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!! Yes! Yes!..."
-Jason groans. He's in for a long
CUT TO...Freddy in his dreamworld. Freddy is in his private studio. In the studio is a huge flat 100" TV screen,
a shelf with videos of his kills, a comfortable leather chair, a computer and a keyboard. It is one big control room where
Freddy sets up his "work." Freddy looks at his list of Elm Street teenagers to go after.
Freddy Krueger: "Oh no, children.
You have to wait. I'll get you soon!"
-Freddy puts the hit list away. Then, he turns to his computer. He enters a file
and, lo and behold, he is now watching over Jacob, Alice's teenage son. Alice, along with Nancy, interfered with Freddy when
he was fighting in Jason in his dreams, just a week before "Freddy vs. Jason" hit theaters. At the time, Freddy and Jason
couldn't handle the "versus" pressure and more and duked it out. Alice and Nancy were both taken care of Jason.
also faced Jacob before. Freddy invaded Jacob's dreams to find out what made him tick. He and Jacob both duked it out in his
dream world in his boiler room. It wound up a draw. Jacob was knocked out and was returned to reality. Now, Freddy was watching
over Jacob. Jacob is having a sleepover at his house with a friend, Steve.
Jacob: "It's getting late."
"I know, let's stay up and watch horror movies!"
-Jacob gets out a bottle of pills and swallows one.
"I don't want to. I'm really tired."
Steve: "You're still taking those pills?"
Jacob: "Hypnocil? Of course,
I need it in order to..."
-Jacob sees Steve rolling his eyes.
Jacob: "...Never mind."
Steve: "You still
believe that Freddy guy is after you?"
Jacob: "Well, yeah. He killed my mother."
Steve: "You're still traumatized
over her suicide...."
-Jacob sighs.
Jacob: "My mother didn't kill herself. She wouldn't do that."
"And besides, you told me before that Jason Voorhees supposedly killed your mom."
Jacob: "Well, that's what Freddy
told me. I don't know what to believe."
Steve: "You know what you should believe? Believe that Freddy isn't real. He
doesn't exist. I asked my dad about him and he had no idea who the hell Freddy Krueger was."
Jacob: "Well, of course.
He denied him...
-Steve rolls his eyes.
Steve: "Denied him..."
Jacob: "...All the adults here in Springwood
ignore Freddy Krueger and deny him. They're doing it on purpose, because its the only way he won't come back."
"Then, stop thinking about him! Live a little."
Jacob: "But, he came back in my dreams last year."
Steve: "You
know what? Screw Freddy!"
Jacob: "Hey, don't say that!"
Steve: "Yeah, I say screw his ass! I think he's a pussy!"
"Freddy is no pussy. He's the Dream Master!"
-Freddy, who is still watching Jacob and Steve bicker, cheers.
Krueger: "That's right!"
Steve: "Dream Master? Yeah, right! Why would he hide in our dreams? That makes him sound a
freaken' pussy in my book."
-Freddy is shocked!
Freddy Krueger: "A pussy?!"
Jacob: "Stop saying that!"
"Stop saying what? That Freddy is a pussy? He is! After hearing your stories about him so much, I personally think that this
'Dream Master' is some pussy that's afraid to face us in reality. That's what I think."
Jacob: "It's not like that.
It's the other way around."
Steve: "Whatever. Let's just get to sleep already."
Jacob: "Well, then take some
of this Hypnocil."
Steve: "No thanks."
Jacob: "Take it! You'll need to survive tonight."
Steve: "To survive
what? My dreams? Is Freddy going to creep around and slash me? How scary!"
-Steve shrugs and turns out the light. He
lays back in his sleeping bag. Jacob sighs and lays back in his sleeping bag. Freddy, meanwhile, is beyond pissed over what
Steve had to say about him.
Freddy Krueger: "I can't believe that brat! The nerve of him! I'm no pussy!"
sighs of anger.
Freddy Krueger: "I'm going to teach a him a lesson! I'm going to give him a nightmare he'll never forget!"
prepares to enter Steve's dream. Then, he stops.
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, right...the contest."
-Freddy lays back
in his leather chair and sighs of frustration.
Freddy Krueger: "But, I really want to teach him a lesson! Nobody disses
me! Nobody disses the Dream Master!"
-Freddy watches as Steve starts to fall asleep in his sleeping bag. Then, he shrugs.
Krueger: "That's it! That's it! I don't care about this contest anymore! I'll leave it up to Jason and Mike. I'd rather go
after Steve than be involved in some silly contest. I just don't care anymore."
-Freddy watches Steve fall asleep.
Krueger: "So, you don't believe in me, Steve? You will now! Let's do this thing!"
-Freddy prepares to enter Steve's
CUT TO...Michael sitting at his kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his pad the following morning. He is
tired and is muttering to himself.
Michael Myers: "They said they would stop playing, but did they? Hell no! Freddy
is going to have a good laugh over this."
-The speaker box by the front door rings. Michael goes over to answer.
Myers: "Yeah, hello?"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, Mike."
Michael Myers: "Come up."
-Michael, as tired as he
is, walks over to his sofa and falls over it. He lays back for a moment. Then, there's a knock on his front door. Michael
struggles to get up and get over to the door. He opens the door, letting Jason in. Jason is a bit tired himself.
Voorhees: "Hey."
-Michael shuts the door.
Michael Myers: "Hey."
Jason Voorhees: "I-I don't know how I
survived last night."
Michael Myers: "Me neither."
Jason Voorhees: "Those motorheads play the loud music again?"
Myers: "Not only that, they played guitars too. The whole night was like some awful rock concert."
Jason Voorhees:
"Crap, man."
Michael Myers: "What about you?"
Jason Voorhees: "I got back to the same pad I crashed at the previous
night and I went to bed. Then, my world came crashing in!"
Michael Myers: "What happened?"
Jason Voorhees: "You
wouldn't believe it. Apparently, some teenage couple lives next door. I could hear them through the wall. And...and...and,
they were getting it on!"
-Michael laughs.
Michael Myers: "What a way to rub everything in your face!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know. And, they were going at it..."
-Jason gulps.
Jason Voorhees: "...Half
the night!"
-Michael grabs a Budweiser from his fridge and tosses to Jason.
Michael Myers: "Well, you've made
it past the first day. And, survived. I think you deserve some credit for that."
Jason Voorhees: "Who says I didn't
eventually kill them?"
-Michael turns back to Jason.
Jason Voorhees: "I'm just kidding! I didn't kill them.
I didn't...slaughter them all over the place. I just laid back and bed and listened..."
-Jason shudders.
Voorhees: "...For the whole night."
Michael Myers: "I believe you. I mean, it's a miracle I didn't eventually get out
of bed and take care of the motorheads. I just laid back..."
-Michael shudders.
Michael Myers: "...And, listened
to their awful music."
Jason Voorhees: "What about Fred? Do you think he survived the night too?"
Michael Myers:
"If I didn't know better, I think Fred would have checked his hit list and watched over his children. Whether or not he was
enticed to enter one of their dreams, I'm not sure."
-The speaker box by the front door rings. Michael goes over to
answer. Jason shrugs and gulps down the Budweiser. Michael answers.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Freddy Krueger:
"Hey, it's me."
Michael Myers: "Well, what happened?"
Freddy Krueger: "I'm coming up."
Michael Myers:
"Come on, tell me."
Freddy Krueger: "I told you, I'm coming up."
-Michael turns to Jason. Jason is finishing
up the Budweiser.
Michael Myers: "I can't tell if he made it or not. We'll have to see."
-Suddenly, there's
knock on his front door. Michael opens the door and his landlord, Mr. Roper walks in. Michael shuts the door and turns to
Mr. Roper.
Mr. Roper: "I talked to those punks."
Michael Myers: "And?"
Mr. Roper: "They were really mean!"
Myers: "What?"
Mr. Roper: "They were threatening. I couldn't get rid of them."
Michael Myers: "Are you telling
me that you'll always hassle Jack down the hallway, yet you couldn't get through with those guys upstairs?"
Mr. Roper:
"Hey, Tinkerbell is one thing..."
-Michael sighs. Mr. Roper will never figure out Jack Tripper's charade.
Roper: "...But these punks, they are really tough."
Michael Myers: "What are you saying?"
Mr. Roper: "I know
that you're a tough guy. I'm asking you to take care of them for me..."
-Michael shudders.
Mr. Roper: "...Scare
them or something. Make them leave this building."
Michael Myers: "I already talked to them. All they did was raise
the volume of the music. They aren't threatened by me."
Mr. Roper: "Try again. Please! My tenants, they are really
beating me on the head over these punks."
-Michael sighs.
Michael Myers: "All right, I'll try again."
Roper: "Thanks."
-Mr. Roper starts to leave when he and turns back to Jason.
Mr. Roper: "Oh, I remember who
you are!"
-Jason sighs. Not this again.
Mr. Roper: "You're Casey from 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' movie!"
Jason Voorhees: "You're right! You got me."
Mr. Roper: "I knew it!"
-Mr. Roper leaves Michael's
apartment, feeling satisfied. Michael shuts the door and laughs.
Michael Myers: "Casey from 'The Teenage Mutant Ninja
Jason Voorhees: "I know!"
-Jason and Michael laugh out loud. Then, there's another knock on the
front door. Michael opens his front door and Freddy comes in. Michael, still laughing with Jason, shuts the door and Freddy
walks up to the kitchen counter. Then, he slaps a $100 bill on the counter.
Freddy Krueger: "I'm out!"
and Michael stop laughing.
Michael Myers: "What?"
Freddy Krueger: "I'm through. I'm out of the contest!"
Myers: "Already? Just yesterday, you were barking down at me how you had us beat."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, man. What
Freddy Krueger: "A nightmare is what happened!"
-Michael turns to Jason.
Michael Myers: "Figures."
Voorhees: "Yeah."
Freddy Krueger: "I was in my dream world and I was watching over Jacob."
Michael Myers: "You
mean, spying."
Freddy Krueger: "Whatever. And, he was having a sleepover with some smart ass kid."
Michael Myers:
"Oh, I get it. His friend said the wrong the thing, didn't he? He dissed you."
Freddy Krueger: "You bet!"
Voorhees: "So, what happened?"
Freddy Krueger: "What do you think, I gave him a nightmare he would never forget! I
only intended to scare him, but wouldn't you know it, I wound up scaring the poor kid to death."
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "I'm not surprised. But, why weren't you able to hold all in? I thought your ego was guiding you win the contest."
Krueger: "Are you kidding? I know I have a big ego. In fact, my ego cares more about my reputation as the Dream Master than
pretending not to be. In the end, I couldn't cut it."
Michael Myers: "I see. Now, the question is..."
turns to Jason.
Michael Myers: "...Can you still cut it?"
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! I think
I can cut it."
Michael Myers: "You sure?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, I think I do!"
Michael Myers: "What
about last night with that horny couple?"
Jason Voorhees: "What about last night with the motorheads?"
Myers: "Touche."
-Michael shrugs. He turns to Freddy, then glares back at Jason.
Michael Myers: "Then, there
were two."
CUT TO...Jason driving up to the liquor store later in the afternoon. The nice woman letting him stay at her apartment
had no more beer. Jason parks his BMW X5 SUV and heads up to the entrance. Jason enters the store and is greeted by the cashier,
a young 30ish guy.
Cashier: "Hey, Jason. Back for more beer?"
-Jason shrugs.
Jason Voorhees: "Of course."
walks to the back of the store to get a six-pack of Budweiser from the freezers. That's when of a horny teenage couple enter
the store. The guy is grasping the girl's butt.
Guy: "Hey babe, I loved last night."
Girl: "So did I, Rob. So
did I..."
-The girl shoves the guy away.
Girl: "...But, not here! Come on!"
-The guy shrugs.
-The guy and girl head to the back to get beer. The cashier laughs and smiles.
Cashier: "Kids."
grabs a six-pack of Budweiser from the freezer when he notices the horny teenage couple coming up.
Guy: "Come on, babe."
Guy: "Come on. Give me some loving!"
Girl: "Later!"
-Jason shudders.
Jason Voorhees: "Crap!"
runs for the front counter. The cashier takes the six-pack and runs a price check.
Cashier: "Will that be all?"
Voorhees: "Yeah!"
-The horny couple grab a six-pack of Heineken and start toward the front counter. The guy slaps the
girl's butt.
Guy: "How about that Heini, baby?"
-The girl giggles.
Girl: "Oh, Rob!"
-Jason hears
the couple coming for him. The cashier finishes the price check and turns to Jason. Sweat drips off his hockey mask.
"As usual, that will be $13.57."
-Jason hears the horny teenage couple coming closer. He immediately grabs money in
pockets. He rushes through his bills and change.
Cashier: "Hey man, slow down."
-Jason hears the couple coming
closer and closer. The guy slaps the girl's butt again.
Guy: "Hey, baby! How's that Heini?"
Girl: "Oh, Rob!"
rushes through his money more. He struggles get the right money together to pay for the beer.
Cashier: "Hey man, what's
the rush? Slow down."
-The horny couple stop behind Jason. The guy slaps the girl's butt once more.
Guy: "Hey,
Girl: "Oh, Rob!"
-Jason freaks out. He shoves the several bills and change towards the cashier.
Voorhees: "Here!"
-Jason flees out of the store and toward his BMW X5 SUV.
Jason Voorhees: "Aah!"
cashier and horny couple look as the freaked out hockey goalie gets in his SUV and drives away down Woody Allen Ave.
"What's up his ass?"
-The cashier shrugs.
Cashier: "Beats me."
-The guy slaps the girl's butt.
"But, I know what will be up your ass tonight!"
Girl: "Oh, Rob!"
-The cashier cringes. Then, the guy sets the
six-pack of Heineken on the counter. The cashier looks at the beer, then glares a the questionable couple.
"I.D., please."
Guy: "Oh, of course."
Girl: "Yeah."
-The guy and girl desperately take out their I.D.'s
and hands them to the cashier. The cashier analyzes them with one glance and glares at the couple. The teenage couple are
sweating bullets. The cashier takes their I.D.'s, grabs a pair of scissors and proceeds to cut up the fake I.D.'s The teenage
couple look in horror.
Cashier: "Nice try."
Girl: "Damn it!"
Guy: "Fuck!"
CUT TO...Jason driving
frantically down Woody Allen Ave.
Jason Voorhees: "I gotta get away! I gotta get away from horny teenagers!"
is driving out of control. He's losing it. That's when he crashes into a car (Craaaaash!). His BMW X5 SUV hits head on into
the rear bumper of a Honda Accord, leaving both cars banged up (Cruuuuunch!). Jason also wasn't wearing his seat belt, so
he ends crashing through his windshield, flying over the banged up Honda and lands several feet in front of the Honda. All
the surrounding cars stop in their tracks (Screeeeech!).
-A teenage couple step out of the Honda. They look at the
lifeless body of the grungy hockey goalie.
Girl: "Is he okay?"
Guy: "I don't know."
-The guy and girl
walk up to Jason's body. Then, Jason rolls over and sits up. Seeing the teenage couple, Jason freaks out and jumps away.
Voorhees: "Aah!"
Guy: "Oh, so you think you're getting away with trashing our car?
Girl: "Yeah?"
gets up and the guy and girl approach him. Jason shudders.
Guy: "You aren't getting away with this!"
Girl: "Yeah,
we're going to take care of you!"
-Jason freaks out and runs away down the street.
Jason Voorhees: "Aah!"
runs down a whole block and stops on the next. He takes a breather. Then, he starts to casually walk down the street, so people
won't suspect him. That's when he notices a group of horny teenagers coming his way!
Guy #1: "I'm going to boldly take
you tonight where no virgin has gone before...Pleasure Planet!"
Girl #1: "Oh, you better! I want a piece of your ass!"
stops and shudders. The horny teenagers come closer.
Guy #2: "Tonight, you're going to get it, baby! Tonight, you're
going to get it!"
Girl #2: "No, you're going to get it from me, tonight! That's right, tonight, I'm giving it to you!"
#2: "Oh, my!"
-Jason doesn't know what to. He's supposed to kill horny teenagers that utter awful dialogue like this,
but he isn't allowed to because of the contest.
Guy #3: "I'm going to take that ass of yours and paint the town red!"
#3: "Well, I'm going to take you tonight and take you on the ride of your life!"
Guy #3: "All right!"
-The horny
teenagers meet Jason head on, and Jason freaks out.
Jason Voorhees: "Aah!"
-Jason runs the away down the block.
Then, he runs around the corner and all the way to the end of that block. Jason can't take this anymore, he has to kill somebody!
Trying to calm down, Jason rests against the window of some store. That's when he hears terrified screams from numerous teenagers.
-The screaming freaks out Jason, and he tumbles to the ground. He gets back up and looks around. He was
right in front of the local cafe, Central Perk. Freddy was in there with his fans. He just gave them a group autographical
Freddy Krueger: "Sounds like you all just had a nightmare you'll never forget!"
-Jason shrugs. It
was Freddy doing his stupid autographical nightmares. Jason, he had to calm down over this nonsense. He calmly turns away
from Central Perk and starts to casually walk down the block. That's when runs into another couple of horny teenagers and
freaks out.
Jason Voorhees: "Aah!"
CUT TO...Michael chillin' at Pinhead's night club later in the evening. It
is a big, dark rectangular building, two stories high. Over the second story at the entrance is a giant figure of Pinhead's
head, with the pins flickering assorted bright lights. Above the head are big letter's - PINHEAD's. All around the outside
of the club, flickering bright lights abound like a path around the first and second story.
-Inside reveals a huge,
dark room lit by bright lights going around the wall. Along the back and side walls are bars, where Pinhead's cenobites serve
as bartenders. Around the bars, are tables where assorted people gather and drink to their heart's content. In the middle
of the room is a huge dance floor leading up to a stage. There is a second floor below the middle hump of the club where Pinhead's
dining hall is. A few chains are seen hanging from the ceiling with blood dripping off.
-Michael sits at one of the
side bars. He sighs as he gulps down a glass of Molson Ice. He talked to the motorheads again and they told him off. Michael
could have taken care of them of course, but with the contest going on and all...that's when Michael's cell phone rings. The
ring tone is the eerie theme. Michael answers it.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, man! You were
right about today being 'National Virginity Week.' Horny teens, they were everywhere!"
Micheal Myers: "I told you."
Voorhees: "I went to the liquor to get more beer. And, then these stupid teenagers came in!"
-Michael laughs.
Voorhees: "They were uttering awful lines and the guy was slapping the girl's butt..."
Michael Myers: "And?"
Voorhees: "And, I wanted to kill them! It's my job to take out naughty teenagers! But, I couldn't! It was driving me crazy!"
Myers: "I told you this contest wouldn't be easy."
Jason Voorhees: "You're were sure right. And after that, I couldn't
lose them. Stupid, horny teenagers were everywhere! At the mall, at the movie theater, and even at Machetes 'R Us!"
Myers: "You couldn't catch a break, could ya?"
Jason Voorhees: "No! But, I'm doing better now. I checked into a hotel
for the night."
Michael Myers: "How do you know no horny teenagers will be there? I mean, this the last night 'National
Virginity Week.' I'm sure desperate horny New York teenagers everywhere will be checking themselves into hotels for one-night
Jason Voorhees: "Oh crap, you're right!"
-Michael laughs.
Michael Myers: "Good luck!"
Jason Voorhees: "What about you? Are you still staying at your pad tonight?"
Michael Myers: "Of course!
It's my pad. I'm not going to let those motorheads win and make me leave my own pad. I'm going to show them who's boss!"
Voorhees: "Geez man, you have a bigger ego Fred!"
Michael Myers: "Maybe I do, but if I'm going beat you in this contest,
I'm going to survive another sleepless night with those motorheads."
Jason Vorohees: "You're crazy, man!"
Myers: "We'll see."
-Michael hangs up on Jason. Then, he shrugs and turns to the bartender, a big cenobite with goggle-like
Michael Myers: "Another Molson Ice, please."
-The cenobite starts preparing Michael another glass of
beer. That's when Donald Loomis, FBI agent and son of Dr. Sam Loomis, walks up to the same side bar and sits next to Michael.
Donald is in his late thirties/early forties, is in decent shape, wears glasses, and also inherited his father's balding hair
line (think Mitch Pileggi from "The X-Files").
-Michael notices Donald and shudders. Donald turns to the cenobite.
Loomis: "Hey, I'll have a Molson Ice."
Goggle-eyed Cenobite: "I.D., please."
Donald Loomis: "Right."
takes out his I.D. and shows it to the cenobite. The cenobite proceeds to prepare Donald's beer along with Michael's. That's
when Donald turns and notices Michael. Michael gulps.
-Donald sees a figure, a tall man with a handsome, unscarred
face, wearing blue overalls. He also notices the figure grasping a white Halloween mask set on the counter. But, Donald shrugs.
He doesn't know that boogeyman was clever enough to get plastic surgery for his burnt face. He turns Michael and laughs.
Loomis: "A fan, huh?"
-Michael, realizing the situation, sighs of relief.
Michael Myers: "You can say that."
cenobite sets their Molson Ice on the counter and Michael and Donald both grab the glasses and gulp them down at the same
time. Then, they both set the glasses back on the counter. Donald turns to Michael.
Donald Loomis: "I guess you could
say I'm after the boogeyman myself."
Michael Myers: "Oh, really?"
Donald Loomis: "Yeah, really. But, I'm just
a disgruntled FBI agent. I'm tired and just babbling. You probably don't want to hear from me."
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "Hey, I'm tired too. You won't believe the shit I've had to deal with lately."
Donald Loomis: "I work for the
FBI. I've been after Michael Myers."
Michael Myers: "Michael Myers, really?"
Donald Loomis: "Yeah. It was recently
that I found some traces of him. I think I caught up to him this summer. Then, I lost him and haven't found any clues since."
Myers: "Wasn't Michael Myers being exploited in the tabloids this summer?"
Donald Loomis: "Yeah, he was. That's how
I knew how to find him."
Michael Myers: "I heard that those stories were completely bogus. I heard that the whole thing
had been set up by two crazy paparazzi guys and some girl out for their fifteen minutes of fame. Or something like that."
Loomis: "I don't think so. I think its true."
Michael Myers: "Well, if you ask, there's a reason the tabloids are trash.
Because, they are."
Donald Loomis: "What are you telling me? That I'm wrong?"
Michael Myers: "I don't know what
to tell you, man. I'm just a disgruntled 'Halloween' fan."
Donald Loomis: "I know what you mean. The fact that they
made a movie series out of him...it's blasphamy."
Michael Myers: "I wouldn't say that. They're important movies to
horror fans."
Donald Loomis: "But, they made a movie series out of a ruthless serial killer. Don't you think there's
something wrong with that?"
Michael Myers: "I know it should bother me, but honestly...it just doesn't. I mean, it's
not like they really base it on him. They took the name and ran with it."
Donald Loomis: "Oh, really? Well, tell me
this: what do you do for a living?"
Michael Myers: "Oh, I work in, um, porn!"
Donald Loomis: "Porn? Really?"
Myers: "I know, I should probably be ashamed of my profression...but at the end of the day, it makes me feel good about myself
and my life. It soothes me. I mean, you probably feel good when you catch a ruthless serial killer."
Donald Loomis:
"You're right about that. Catching a killer gives me a good feeling, just as...doing your thing...may make you feel good about
yourself. I can respect that."
-Donald turns to the cenobite.
Donald Loomis: "We'll have another round."
cenobite prepares and sets glasses of Molson Ice for Michael and Donald. They both take their drinks and gulp them down. Then,
they both set them back on the counter. Donald turns to Michael.
Donald Loomis: "Let me tell you something. The FBI,
excluding me...are all morons. They'll take any little clue and jump to conclusions. I can't tell you how many times I've
found traces of Michael Myers and the FBI would completely misinterpret them. Can you believe that they arrested that damn
comedian, Mike Myers, thinking he was the serial killer, Michael Myers?"
Michael Myers: "Actually, I can! I heard all
about that over summer."
Donald Loomis: "That was so embarrassing for me and department. I knew he wasn't the suspect,
but they listen me? Nooo!"
-Michael laughs. If Donald only knew.
Donald Loomis: "Now, let me tell you something
else. Whatever you do, don't let anybody, and I mean anybody, push you around. The FBI push me around like I'm some nutcase.
If you're ever in such a situation in, um, your work, don't let them. Just tell them off. I wish I could tell my off fellow
agents and my Chief, but I can't."
Michael Myers: "Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind."
checks the time.
Michael Myers: "I should be leaving now, it's getting late."
-Michael gets up.
Loomis: "Hey, I'll cover your tab."
-Michael grabs his white Halloween mask from the counter.
Michael Myers:
-Michael puts his white Halloween mask back on. Before Michael leaves, he turns to Donald once more.
Myers: "Hey, good luck on your case."
Donald Loomis: "Thanks."
CUT TO...Michael arriving back to his pad. He walks into the apartment and shuts the door. No music is playing yet. He
heads to his bedroom. After changing, Michael turns the light off and falls into bed. Piece and quiet. That's when the loud
music suddenly starts again!
Michael Myers: "Oh, come on..."
-The motorheads above are now playing heavy metal
over the radio. Then, they start playing their guitars with it. Michael is groaning
Michael Myers: "This is ridiculous!
This is absolutely ridiculous. Who plays music during the whole night like this? Why now? Why don't they play during the day?
Are they vampires? Do they sleep during the day and play music at night?"
-The motorheads continue playing their awful
heavy metal music at high volumes.
Michael Myers: "Whatever. I said I would sit through this, and I will."
Michael Myers: "Wait, why do I have to just sit here and listen? Why don't I just stay up? I'll go out and
look for a club. I know, I'll go back to Pinhead's Club."
Michael tries to get up.
Michael Myers: "Oh, right.
I'm too tired. Man, sitting through these guys music is putting a toll on me. I've been up for hours! It's a wonder I can't
easily fall asleep right now, because of that."
-The motorheads raise the volume higher. The ceiling above Michael
almost appears to be shaking to the booming heavy metal.
Michael Myers: "I have no choice, but to lay here. I can hardly
get up, so I can't go out. I'll just lay here..."
-Michael shudders.
Michael Myers: "...And listen to the music."
a moment, Michael listens to the awful heavy metal. Then, he remembers what Donald Loomis told earlier that night at Pinhead's
night club.
Donald Loomis: "Now, let me tell you something else. Whatever you do, don't let anybody, and I mean anybody,
push you around."
Michael Myers: "He's right. I shouldn't be letting these punk push me around."
-Michael listens
to Donald again.
Donald Loomis: "Whatever you do, don't let anybody, and I mean anybody, push you around."
listens to Donald once more.
Donald Loomis: "Whatever you do, don't let anybody, and I mean anybody, push you around."
Myers: "He's right!"
-Michael gets up.
Michael Myers: "I don't need to listen to this crap! Why should I let
them play like this?"
-Michael listens to the loud heavy metal music playing above him. He hears thudding sounds, as
if the motorheads were dancing around with their guitars.
Michael Myers: "That's it! I don't care about this contest!
I'm going to take care of them!"
-Michael gets up and heads for his closet. Then, he stops.
Michael Myers: "What
am I doing? I'm going to finally take care of those guys above me, because of the advice from Donald Loomis? He's my nemesis!"
lays back down on his bed. He doesn't know what do. The motorheads continue playing their awful heavy metal tunes.
TO...Jason laying down in his hotel room, as there are horny teenagers getting it on in the next room.
Guy #1: "...Keep
it coming, baby! Keep it coming!..."
Girl #2: "...Yes, yes, yes, yes..."
-Jason sighs. Michael was right, horny
teenagers were this desperate. In fact, in the opposite room next to Jason's, was another horny couple.
Guy #2: "I'm
loving this! I loving this so much! I love you, Jess!"
Girl #2: "Oh, I love you too! I love you too! Wait, wait, I'm
starting to cum! I'm starting to cum!"
Guy #2: "Really??"
Girl #2: "Yeah, keep pushing! Keep pushing!"
#2: "I got it coming, baby! I got it coming!"
Girl #2: "I'm cumming, Greg! I'm cumming!"
Guy #2: "Oh, baby!"
sighs. This is too much. That's when he hears people tumbling around in the room above him.
Jason Voorhees: "Please,
Guy #3: "I'm horny!"
-Jason sighs and imitates the girl
Jason and Girl #3: "So am I!"
immitates the guy
Jason and Guy #3: "Let's do it!"
Jason and Girl #3: "Okay!"
-Jason listens horny teenagers
above him start to moan and groan. Then, they moan and groan more intensely. Jason groans.
Jason Voorhees: "I'm never
going to catch a break, am I?"
-The teenagers in the room to his left moan and groan louder.
Guy #1: "Keep it
coming, baby! Keep the juice coming!"
Girl #1: "...Yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!..."
-The teenagers in
the room to his right moan and groan louder.
Guy #2: "...Oh, I love you so much, Jess! I love you so much!"
#2: "I'm cumming more! I'm cumming more! I love this!"
-The teenagers in the room above Jason also moan and groan more.
#3: "Oh, baby!"
Girl #3: "Oh, Bob!"
Guy #3: "Oh, I'm kickin' it, baby!"
Girl #3: "Oh, Bob!"
#3: "I'm giving it ya, baby!"
Girl #3: "Oh, Bob!"
-Jason freaks out and get ups.
Jason Voorhees: "Argh!
I can't take this anymore!"
-Suddenly, the teenagers around him shut up. Did he scare them? Silence. That's when the
first couple continue at it.
Guy #1: "I can't take anymore either, baby!"
Girl #1: "Oh, I can't either! Yes!
Yes! Yes!..."
-Then, the second couple continue at it.
Guy #2: "I can't this anymore, I love it so much!"
#2: "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!..."
-And, the third couple continue at it.
Guy #3: "I'll giving
you so much, I can't it anymore!..."
Girl #3: "Oh, Bob!..."
-Jason shudders and groans. Then, he grabs his machete
from the nightstand.
Jason Voorhees: "To kill or not to kill, that is the question..."
Guy #1: "...Keep it coming,
baby! Keep that shit coming!"
Girl #1: "...Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!..."
Jason Voorhees: "...To slaughter, or not
to slaughter..."
Guy #2: "...I love you, baby! I love you!..."
Girl #2: "...Oh, Bob!..."
Jason Voorhees:
"...To brutalize, or not to brutalize..."
CUT TO...Michael calmly preparing coffee in his pad the following morning.
The speaker box by his front door rings and he goes over to answer.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Jason Voorhees:
"Hey, man!"
Michael Myers: "I'll see you up."
-Michael goes back to kitchen and pours coffee in a mug. Then,
he sits down at his kitchen table to read the newspaper. A moment passes and there's a knock on his front door. Michael heads
over to his front door and lets Jason in. Jason is a mess.
Jason Voorhees: "There-there were three horny teenage couples
going at it!"
-Michael shuts the door.
Michael Myers: "Really?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah! And, they were
moaning and groaning..."
Michael Myers: "And?"
Jason Voorhees: "And, they moaning and groaning like crazy!"
Myers: "Wow! I didn't know that horny teenagers moaned and groaned during sex! That is a really interesting to know!"
Voorhees: "Hey, this isn't funny! I laid back and listened to all that moaning and groaning..."
Jason shudders.
Voorhees: "...All night long!"
Michael Myers: "Anything else?"
Jason Voorhees: "That's it! I didn't do anything.
I just listened to the horny teenagers all night like a peeping tom. Then, I came here."
Michael Myers: "Well, congratulations."
Voorhees: "What?"
Michael Myers: "Congratulations! You won. You the contest!"
Jason Voorhees: "I won? You mean
you gave in?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah."
-Michael heads over to his kitchen and opens the refridgerator. He grabs
a Budweiser and tosses it to Jason.
Michael Myers: "Here. You deserve this."
Jason Voorhees: "Thanks!"
gulps the beer. Then, he turns back to Michael.
Jason Voorhees: "So, what happened? Why did you..."
Myers: "Why did I finally take care of those motorheads? Let's just say that I got piece of advice from a friend."
Voorhees: "What was that?"
Michael Myers: "He told me to not let anybody, and that means anybody, push me around. And,
now I'm going pass that on you, along with this."
-Michael gives Jason a $100 bill, his share of the contest.
Voorhees: "Crap man, I could have told you that. I live by that too."
Michael Myers: "Well, whatever. The contest is
over and everything is normal again. Go back to your hotel. Kill those naughty teenagers! And, tell me about it later if you
Jason Voorhees: "Actually, I think I'll keep this up."
Michael Myers: "What?"
Jason Voorhees:
"I don't need to kill those teenagers, no matter how naughty they are."
Michael Myers: "What are you saying?"
Voorhees: "I'm saying that I'm just going to back to my hotel room and sleep into the afternoon."
Michael Myers: "All
right. I guess."
Jason Voorhees: "What you told me before, about how killing isn't everything, you're right. I don't
need to kill those teenagers. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep in!"
Michael Myers: "Whatever."
heads to Michael's front door. He walks back into the hallway and shuts Michael's door behind him. Then, he shrugs.
Voorhees: "All right, I can finally kill those horny teenagers!"
-Jason was only fooling around with Michael. He proceeds
to run for the elevator, so that he can get back to the hotel and clean house.