Narrator: "Coming soon to a theater near you..."
Trailer: Cut to footage of Neil Armstrong first landing on the
moon and making the first step for mankind in 1969.
Narrator: "...He first struck one fateful Halloween night..."
Cut to a space shuttle launching from the grid and into outer space.
Narrator: "...He came back to strike again years
Trailer: Cut to the failed Apollo 13 mission in 1970.
Jim Lovell: "Houstin, we have a problem."
"...He made his return a decade later..."
Trailer: Cut to the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003.
"...He got his revenge..."
Trailer: Cut to a Nova scientist.
Scientist: "We failed with the Space Shuttle Columbia
last year, but we will go up again!"
Narrator: "...He marked his curse..."
Trailer: Cut to seven astronaut's
strenuous training.
Narrator: "...He came back for a family reunion..."
Trailer: Cut to the seven astronauts,
Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and Gunther, proudly marching up to the space shuttle grid, determined to successfully
go to the moon.
Narrator: "...And, he became an Internet star..."
Trailer: Cut to the seven astronauts climbing
up into the space shuttle.
Narrator: "...Now, he will boldly go where no boogeyman has gone before..."
Cut to the last astronaut climbing into the space shuttle...and wearing the white Halloween mask behind the space helmet!
"...Halloween 9: In Space!"
-The narrator repeats in a nightmarish fashion.
Narrotor: "...In space, space, space,
Trailer: Cut to a scientist, Steven, a retarded ganitor, Dewey, and David Loomis, FBI agent and son Dr. Loomis,
in the space station discovering the slain body of Gunther.
Steven: "Oh my gosh!"
Dewey: "Man, that's bad!"
Loomis: "I've literally searched the ends of the planet to search the whereabouts of Michael Myers and failed to find any
traces of him. Now, he must be..."
Trailer: Cut to David Loomis looking up in sky where the space shuttle just launched.
Loomis: "...In space!"
-Dewey repeats what David Loomis said.
Dewey: "In space, space, space, space..."
"Hey, shut up!"
Dewey: "Dope, sorry!"
Trailer: Cut to the space shuttle, now hovering above earth and heading
towards the moon. The seven astronauts relax in their comfy space seats, happy that they've completed the first part of their
mission. Suddenly, a knife goes through Ross' seat and his body!
Ross: "Argh!"
Trailer: Cut to the other astronauts
looking in shock as one of their supposed one, wearing a white Halloween mask, hacks at the Ross more. Ross dies and the astronauts
freak out and try to flee from the crazed astronaut to the back of the space shuttle.
Rachel: "Aah! That's Michael
Phoebe: "Who?"
Rachel: "Michael Myers!"
Phoebe: "Did you say the comedian Mike Myers? I loved
him in 'The Cat in The Hat'!"
Rachel: "No, Michael Myers! That killer from..."
Trailer: Cut to Michael Myers
catching up to Rachel and pulling her back to the front of the space shuttle. Michael whips out his bloody knife.
"...Nooo! Argh!"
Trailer: Cut to the four remaining astronauts freaking out in the back of the space shuttle.
"What are we going to do?"
Monica: "We have to get help!"
Joey: "How?"
Chandler: "We have to radio Houstin!"
"We have to radio Whitney Houstin?"
Chandler: "No! Houstin, Texas!"
Trailer: Cut to Chandler radioing back to
Houstin. A scientist, Larry, responds.
Chandler: "Houstin, we have a problem!"
Larry: "Oh, don't pull that shit
on us again! After that movie, 'Apollo 13,' every astronaut pranks us with that one!"
Chandler: "No, really! Michael
Myers is up here with us and killing all of us one by one!"
Larry: "Yeah, right! Very funny!"
Trailer: Cut to
Larry signing off on the astronauts.
Chandler: "Nooo...!"
Trailer: Cut to Steven, Dewey and David Loomis, catching
up to Larry.
Steven: "No, don't do that!"
Larry: "Why? They do that us every year!"
Steven: "No, they're
telling the truth!"
David Loomis: "Yes, they are! Michael Myers really is up there with them!"
Dewey: "I told
you stupid scientists that I saw the boogeyman go aboard the space ship! But, did you listen to me? Nooo!"
"Oh, shut up!"
Trailer: Cut to the astronauts trying to radio back to Houstin again.
Chandler: "Oh, come on!"
Cut to Michael Myers suddenly barging in and trashing their radio equipment. Then, he grabs Chandler and starts crushing his
Chandler: "Argh!"
Trailer: Cut to the other astronauts looking in shock as Chandler cries blood. Then,
his feet flail. The other astronauts freak out and flee back to the front of the space shuttle.
Phoebe: "Hurry up!"
Cut to the three remaining astronauts making it to the front of the space shuttle and looking in horror to see the remains
of the Rachel floating around in the anti-gravity. Her guts, heart, lungs, etc. Blood also floats around and splatters on
to the astronauts. That's when Michael Myers comes back to the front of the space shuttle to surprise them.
Narrator: "This Halloween..."
(Cue the eerie "Halloween" theme)
Trailer: Cut to David Loomis launching
into space with astronauts to save the other astronauts.
David Loomis: "I'll get Michael Myers! I've searched the ends
of the planet, now I'm going to stop him out in space. He'll never get away again. Never!"
Astronaut: "Oh, shut up
with your psycho babble already!"
Trailer: Cut to the astronauts finally landing on the moon. The astronauts struggle
to dress up into their space gear and get out of the space shuttle as quickly as they can.
Monica: "Hurry up!"
" one will be able to hear you scream..."
Trailer: Cut to Michael Myers barging in with space gear on. He grabs
Monica a starts stabbing away at her.
Monica: "Argh!"
Trailer: Cut to Michael Myers hacking away at Monica more.
The two other astronauts look in shock. Bursts of blood spout out of Monica's wound and floats in the antigravity. Finally,
the astronauts open up the door and jump out onto the crusty ground of the moon. They try moonwalk away from Michael Myers,
but he catches up to Joey.
Joey: "No!"
Trailer: Cut to Michael Myers grabbing Joey and stabbing at his chest.
Tearing a hole into it the space suit and exposes Joey to the airless atmosphere of the moon. Joey bursts and explodes inside
his space suit. The remaining astronaut, Phoebe, can't believe her eyes.
Phoebe: "Oh, crap!"
Trailer: Cut to
Phoebe struggling to moonwalk away from Michael Myers. That's when another space shuttle lands on the moon, and David Loomis
jumps out in space gear. Michael Myers recognizes him.
David Loomis: "You aren't getting away this time!"
Michael Myers shrugs and moonwalks after Phoebe. And, David Loomis moonwalks after Michael Myers.
Narrator: "
Trailer: Cut to Michael Myers continuing to moonwalk after Phoebe, and David Loomis moonwalking after Michael
Myers over the crusty ground of the moon.
Narrator: "Halloween 9: In Space, space, space, space..."
-Suddenly, Michael wakes up in bed in his pad. It was just a crazy nightmare. Or, was it? No, it really was just a dream!
He sighs of relief. The things Moustapha Akkad might make him do.
Michael Myers: "Man, I've been watching to much 'Friends'."
shrugs and gets out of bed. He heads over to his closet and opens the side-opening doors, revealing his several pairs blue
overalls and collection of white Halloween masks. His mask collection contains a smooth mask, a lesser smooth mask, a smoother
mask, an ugly mask, a weird mask, a super smooth mask, a smooth yet wrinkly mask and a lesser smooth mask with blonde hair.
puts on some overalls and the super smooth mask. Upon heading to the door, he hears voices in the living room.
"Go, Jason!"
-Michael shrugs. It is just Freddy and Jason watching 'Freddy vs. Jason' again. He gets out of his room
and is surprised to see that is actually Jason and Todd watching "Friday The 13th Part 3."
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, what's
up Mike?"
Todd: "Hey, man!"
-Michael shrugs and goes into the kitchen to prepare some orange juice.
Voorhees: "Hope you don't mind. I'm showing Todd my 'Friday The 13th' movies. I'm showing him a marathon!"
Myers: "Heh, it's all right."
Jason Voorhees: "We're up to 'Part 3'."
Movie: Cut to Vera accidentally dropping
Shelley's wallet into the lake. She gets in the lake to retrieve it. That's when Jason, for the first time wearing a hockey
mask, coming out of the barn with a spear gun! Vera notices and thinks it is Shelley.
Jason Voorhees: "That's the scene!
That's the big moment I first got my hockey mask! That Shelley, he was so cool to give it to me!"
Movie: Cut to Vera
realizing the figure is too tall and thin to be Shelley.
Vera: "Who are you?"
Movie: Cut to Jason aiming the
spear gun at her and shooting. The spear impales her through one of Vera's eyes and her body falls into the lake.
Jason Voorhees: "I know! The kills I achieved in these first films are so creative! Way more creative than
in the later films to follow when the MPAA would fatefully cut more and more gore."
Todd: "Those bastards! That is
so wrong!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know!"
Todd: "Then, why didn't you ever, um, take care of them?"
Voorhees: "What, the guys who run the MPAA? Believe me, I wanted to do that, but it wouldn't have made a difference. New guys
would have taken over, and would have done the same thing. Cutting the potential gore out of horror movies, that was mentality
with horror films by the late `80's."
-Michael gulps down his orange juice. Then, he puts his Halloween mask back on.
Myers: "Hey, where's Fred? I thought he would been back by now."
Jason Voorhees: "From where?"
Michael Myers:
"Springwood, Ohio."
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, yeah. He called earlier this morning. He said his flight was delayed. He'll
probably be back by 10:00."
Michael Myers: "Oh."
CUT TO...Freddy at the airport in Ohio earlier that morning.
He had went to Ohio to see his daughter, Maggie, from "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare." His supernatural powers keep him
from visiting her in her dreams. Unless, of course, he was going to kill her. But no, just as Jason, Michael and Chucky had
children, he wanted to be able to see Maggie too. Of course, he could have just visited her in reality, but he never had the
nerve to show his face to her in reality. He felt too ashamed. He had went to Springwood to try to meet her again, but was
unable to.
-In the airport, Freddy is at the customs by the gates. He puts his luggage through the machine, then he
walks through the metal detector and it beeps. The airport security staff at the customs, Roberta, turns to Freddy.
"Please empty your pockets for loose change."
-Freddy empties his pockets, then goes through metal detector again.
It beeps again.
Roberta: "Any metal on your belt?"
-Freddy shrugs and takes his belt off. Then, he walks through
the metal detector once more, causing it to beep. Roberta doesn't know what other metal could be on Freddy. That's when Freddy
snickers and shows off his claws. Roberta shrugs.
Roberta: "You may go."
-Freddy grabs his luggage and leaves.
Then another a man, Vern, puts his luggage through machine and walks through the metal detector. The metal detector doesn't
beep, but the machine does. Roberta goes through clothes in the luggage and uncovers a pack. She goes through tooth brush,
tooth paste, shaving cream...and then a weapon! Roberta walks back horrified. Vern checks the pack and picks up the weapon...tiny
scissors for clipping finger nails and toe nails!
Vern: "Oh, this? This is nothing, just scissors for clipping finger
nails and all that."
-Seeing Vern pick up the scissors, Roberta backs away.
Roberta: "Drop the weapon!"
"What weapon? These are just scissors for clipping my finger nails and toes. See?
-Vern walks up to Roberta and clips
one his finger nails. Roberta backs away further.
Roberta: "Drop the weapon...Now!"
Vern: "This isn't a weapon.
It's just scissors! And besides, you let a guy go with claws!"
-Vern walks closer to Roberta. Roberta backs away again.
"Drop your weapon! Or, else!"
Vern: "This no is weapon! Those claws were weapons! They could slice anyone up like mincmeat!"
walks up to Roberta again. Roberta backs away further and freaks out.
Roberta: "Help! I'm being threatened by a guy
with scissors!"
-Two policemen arrive to the scene and hold Vern back. They take the "weapon" and drop it into an evidence
Vern: "What? This is nuts! That's not a weapon. I'm no killer! This is all bogus!"
-Roberta is shaken.
"Take that psychopath away! He threatened to stab me with those sharp scissors!"
Vern: "No, I didn't! They aren't even
that sharp! I just use them to clip my nails!"
-The two policemen start dragging Vern away.
Policeman #1: "You're
coming with us!"
Policeman #2: "You are going to be put away for a very long time!"
Vern: "Nooo...!"
Freddy walks up to his gate where several flyers await to board the plane. Seeing a man asleep on one of the chairs, Freddy
casually walks away from the scene. Moments later, the man wakes up screaming from a frightening nightmare. Everyone waiting
at Gate 27 laugh at the poor guy. Then, Freddy comes back. Seeing the commotion, he turns to a woman.
Freddy Krueger:
"What happened here?"
Woman: "That guy just woke up screaming from a nightmare. It was really funny, you just had to
be here to see it!"
Freddy Krueger: "Sounds like he had a nightmare he would never forget!"
-Later on, the airplane
is starting to leave. The airplane flies up in the air. That's when the airplane suddenly explodes and bursts into flames.
Everyone at the airport is shocked. But, as it turns out, it is really just the in-flight movie Freddy and the passengers
are watching as the flight is already in motion. The movie is "Final Destination" and the passengers are gasping and freaking
out over the content. Freddy, however, is laughing.
Freddy Krueger: "Ha ha! Hate to be them!"
CUT BACK TO...Jason,
Todd and Michael.
Jason Voorhees: "Why'd he go anyway? To see Maggie?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah. To try to see her
-Jason leaves Todd in the living room to watch "Friday The 13th Part 3" and goes to the kitchen to talk to
Jason Voorhees: "I don't understand. Apparently, his powers keep him from visiting Maggie in her dreams. So,
why didn't he try meeting her in reality before?"
Michael Myers: "He never had the nerve, because he felt too ashamed."
Voorhees: "So, why did he leave now?"
Michael Myers: "You know what he told me? He finally decided to go, because of
you. After seeing you find out about Todd last year, lose him, then got him back this summer, he realized he had to get past
the shame and finally see Maggie. He got his inspiration from you."
Jason Voorhees: "Wow, I didn't know what."
the speaker box by the front door beeps. Michael goes over to answer. Jason goes back in the living room to watch "Friday
The 13th Part 3" with Todd.
Michael Myers: "Yes?"
Freddy Krueger: "Heeeeere's Freddy!"
Michael Myers:
"Hey, Fred. Come up."
Freddy Krueger: "I'll be there."
Michael Myers: "Fred sounds happy. I think he saw her."
sits down to watch "Friday The 13th" with Jason and Todd.
Movie: Cut to Andy is walking upside down. He walks out of
the bathroom, where his pregnant girlfriend Debbie is showering, to get her beer. A moment passes and Andy walks out of the
kitchen. By the bathroom door is Jason with a machete. Andy walks up to the bathroom door and sees Jason. He looks in horror
as he sees Jason swing his machete at him and cuts him in half!
Todd: "Whoa!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know! I know!"
Cut to Debbie coming out the bathroom wondering where Andy is. She eventually lays down in the hammock and reads a magazine.
That's when blood drips on the magazine from the ceiling. Debbie looks up to see Andy cut in two pieces, being held up one
the ceiling beams! Then, a machete slashes through her pregnant chest!
Todd: "Whoa!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know,
I'm the master!"
Michael Myers: "You know, you really crossed boundaries with the kill. You not only killed Debbie,
but you killed the fetus inside of her. I'm surprised that this didn't outrage the public back in `82."
Jason Voorhees:
"Hey, you're right. I never thought of that." Todd: "But, why did they cut away from that scene so damn fast? We see hardly
get a reaction shot from her."
Jason Voorhees: "I know, the MPAA sucks."
Todd: "They sure do!"
a knock on the front door. Michael to goes to answer it. He opens the door and Freddy bursts in.
Freddy Krueger: "What's
Michael Myers: "You sure seem happy. Did you see Maggie?"
Freddy Krueger: "Naw. I still didn't have the
guts. However, I did see a whole new batch of Elm Street children!"
Jason Voorhees: "Really? Cool, now that mean you
still have a lot more people to kill!"
Freddy Krueger: "I sure do!"
Michael Myers: "Wait, so you didn't see
Maggie? How come? That was the sole reason of going to Springwood."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, I know. I was this close
to knocking on that door...but, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't."
Michael Myers: "Don't worry, you're getting there.
You'll see her eventually."
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, I will. On the way back on the plane, I thought a lot about this.
There might be a way I could still see her in her dreams. I don't think I'll be able to see her in reality until I can face
her in her dreams. And, that's what I'm going to do. It seems, lately, that Maggie has been really tired and exhausted. Of
course, from fearing me and pulling all-nighters here and there. But, she also has been suspecting her boyfriend of cheating
on her. And, she's setting up a dinner date tonight to question him."
Michael Myers: "Sounds like you've been invading
her mind and privacy."
Freddy Krueger: "Hey, I'm the dream master!"
Michael Myers: "Just like how you invaded
my mind last year."
Freddy Krueger: "What are you talking about?"
Michael Myers: "Don't kid with me. I know
that was you. And, to think of all those times that you told me that it was against your 'ethics' to invade the mind of a
fellow horror icon."
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, man!"
-Freddy turns to Jason.
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, well,
that was 'Freddy vs. Jason' pussface! I had to for the movie."
-Freddy turns back to Michael.
Freddy Krueger:
"And, I did invade your mind. At the time, I was upset about how I couldn't see Maggie."
Michael Myers: "Okay."
Krueger: "But, you know, after doing that, I do understand where you come better. Now, I know what makes you tick."
Myers: "Well, that's fine but don't go telling the whole world about it."
Freddy Krueger: "Of course not. Your secret
is safe with me."
-Freddy turns to Jason.
Freddy Krueger: "What's this? You're finally showing Todd your movies?"
Voorhees: "Yeah, I'm showing him a marathon. We're up to 'Part 3'!"
Freddy Krueger: "Cool!"
-Freddy and Michael
join Jason and Todd to watch "Friday The 13th Part 3."
-Later on in the late morning, Jason, Todd, Michael and Freddy,
are finishing up "Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter."
Movie: Cut to little Tommy Jarvis surprising Jason and slashing
him in his face with his own machete. Jason falls to his knees and his body falls forward. When his macheted head hits the
ground, the machete digs deeper into his brains and back out his head.
Todd: "Whoa, man! You really bit the bullet!"
Voorhees: "There's more!"
Movie: Cut to Jason weakly moving his fingers around. Tommy notices and flips out. He takes
the machete and relentlessly slashes Jason with it.
Tommy Jarvis: "Die! Die! Die! Die!..."
Todd: "Whoa!"
Cut to Tommy Jarvis slashing Jason more.
Tommy Jarvis: "...Die! Die! Die! Die!..."
Movie: Cut to the ending
with Tommy, having defeated Jason, at the hospital. Trish talks to the doctor, worried that the recent events may have traumatized
Tommy. The doctor reassures her that Tommy is fine. The film ends with Trish hugging Tommy, and Tommy giving a weird look.
"That's it?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah!"
Todd: "That's 'The Final Chapter'?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, it is.
Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, the movie is called 'The Final Chapter,' but it really isn't. 'Friday The 13th Part V:
A New Beginning' came the following the year."
Todd: "'A New Beginning'?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, Paramount really
dissed me with that one. I wasn't even in it! There was a hockey-masked goon going around killing teenagers, but it wasn't
me. It was a freaken' copycat killer!"
Todd: "A copycat?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, a copycat!"
Todd: "Wow.
Should we still watch that one?"
Jason Voorhees: "Of course. You can't have a 'Friday The 13th' marathon without the
bad 'Friday The 13th' movies. They are the movies make the rest of the movies seem better than they are. If it weren't 'Part
V,' I wouldn't be able to tolerate 'Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan'."
Todd: "Part 8? How many movies do you have?"
Voorhees: "Excluding 'Freddy vs. Jason, " I have ten official movies. 'Freddy vs. Jason' is just a spinoff of my franchise
and Fred's."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, it is."
Todd: "Ten movies?"
-Todd turns to Freddy.
Todd: "What
about you?"
Freddy Krueger: "Seven. Excluding 'Freddy vs. Jason', of course."
-Todd turns to Michael.
Myers: "According to the 'Halloween' name, eight. But to me, only seven because 'Halloween III' has nothing to do with the
Todd: "Ten movies? Seven? All for a bunch of serial killers? That's crazy!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know!
And, I love it! My only competition is James Bond!"
Freddy Krueger: "And, those 'Land Before Time' kid flicks. Every
year, a new straight-to-video sequell is made. I can't even keep count on those ones!"
Michael Myers: "You see, this
why Fred, Jason and I are called 'The Big Three'. Because, we have the biggest franchises out of all of the horror icons from
the 1980's horror bust."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, exactly."
Jason Voorhees: "That's right! Together, we are 'The
Big Three'!"
Todd: "No. Together, all of us are 'The Big Four'!"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, yeah! Together, we are
'The Big Four!"
-Michael's cell phone rings. The ring tone consists of the eerie theme from "Halloween." Michael answers
his cell phone.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Ghostface: "What's up?!"
Michael Myers: "Hey, Ghostface. What's
up your ass today?"
Ghostface: "Same old, same old. A little slicing here, a little dicing there, you should know what
I mean."
Michael Myers: "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."
Ghostface: "You're going to..."
Myers: "What, die tonight?"
-Ghostface sighs in frustration.
Ghostface: "Yeah, well, if you interrupt me again,
I'm going to cut you up like a..."
Michael Myers: "Like a fish? God Ghostface, you're so predictable!"
"What would you say if..."
Michael Myers: "If what? If you happen to be watching me right now?"
-Ghostface sighs
in frustration again.
Michael Myers: "I don't know who the hell you are, but I seriously doubt you would happen to
know where I live."
Ghostface: "You're good. But, not that good. It will take more than studying the 'Scream' movies
to beat me."
Michael Myers: "I don't believe that. I don't. Do you know who you are speaking to? The boogeyman!"
"Oh, how scary!"
Michael Myers: "Whoever you are, I hope you've had you're fun. Now, stop calling me!"
"Hey! I wouldn't hang up if..."
-Michael hangs up on Ghostface. Freddy and Jason turn to Michael.
Freddy Krueger:
Jason Voorhees: "John Tate?"
Michael Myers: "Whoever it is, Ghostface has been calling me lately.
But, I don't think it's anyone important."
Todd: "Who's Ghostace?"
Michael Myers: "Ghostface is the killer from
the 'Scream' movies. You know, the mysterious killer among the characters that wore the ghost mask, black cloak, and used
a voice box with a creepy voice to call the characters with and scare them."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, every once in a
while, we get some clown that pranks us like this."
Michael Myers: "But one time, Ghostface really was out to get us."
"Really? Who was it?"
Michael Myers: "My nephew. He went crazy, what with all the people in our family I was killing
off. We had to, eventually, take care of him."
Freddy Krueger: "Who do you think would be pranking us now?"
Myers: "I'd say...Roman Bridger."
Jason Voorhees: "The killer from 'Scream 3' who was behind the entire set up of the
'Scream' trilogy?"
Freddy Krueger: "And, who directed the 'Stab' movies, including the recently awful 'Stab 4'?"
Myers: "That's right."
Jason Voorhees: "Why him?"
Michael Myers: "Well, 'Stab 4' did turn out to be a bad movie.
And, critics and fans did spit on it. I think he's upset over the his film being a huge flop and is pranking us over it."
Krueger: "You think so?"
Michael Myers: "I'm not one-hundred percent sure, but I think that makes sense. I don't know
who else might pranking us, or out to get us."
-That's when Michael's cell phone rings again. Michael answers.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
Chucky: "Hey, Fuckface!"
Myers: "Hey, Chuck. Back from Bermuda?"
Chucky: "Hell, yeah. It was great!"
Michael Myers: "That's good to hear."
"Hey, I'm here in your building. I'm here with Tiffany and the twins. Mind coming down to pick us up already?"
Myers: "Oh, yeah, of course. I'll be right there."
-Michael hangs up on Chucky.
Freddy Krueger: "Chucky's back
from vacation already?"
Michael Myers: "Yeah, and he's here in my building with Tiffany and the twins."
Krueger: "Why come on such short notice?"
Michael Myers: "Why not? I don't think all of us horror icons get together
enough anyway."
Freddy Krueger: "What about our weekly poker nights with Chucky, Pinhead and Leatherface?"
Myers: "Besides that. Of all things, all of us horror icons and our extended families don't get together enough."
Michael Myers: "Sorry."
-Michael leaves his pad to get Chucky, Tiffany and their fraternal twins, Tobey
and Malerie. The twin are only about eight months old. Freddy, Jason and Todd, shrug and start "Friday The 13th Part V: A
New Beginning."
-Down on the main floor, Chucky, Tiffany, and the twins, wait for Michael to come down for them. Because
they are only the height of dolls, Chucky and Tiffany are unable to reach the speaker box to contact Michael's apartment.
They are also unable to reach the buttons to activate the elevator. A bunch of teens notice the family of dolls and stare
at them. Chucky notices and flips on them.
Chucky: "What the fuck are you looking at?!"
-Chucky startles the
teens, and they flee. Tiffany sighs.
Tiffany: "Chucky, please, stop cursing around the twins!"
-Chucky imitates
Tiffany in feminine voice.
Chucky: "Stop cursing around the twins! Stop cursing around the twins!"
-Chucky shrugs.
"I can do anything I fucking want!"
-Tiffany immitates Chucky in macho voice.
Chucky: "Hi, I'm Chucky! I'm a
Good Guy doll, and I can do anything I want!"
-Tiffany shrugs.
Tiffany: "Why do men always be so macho?"
man stares at Chucky. Chucky notices, and whips out his knife. He stabs the man in the leg, and the man falls over in pain.
-Then, Chucky takes the knife and repeatedly stabs in the back.
Man: "Argh! Argh! Argh!"
man dies and Chucky grins.
Chucky: "A classic never goes out of style!"
-Tiffany sighs.
Tiffany: "Oh,
do you have to tell or kill off everybody that stares at you? You're a doll, they're going to do that! I've been stuck as
doll for less time than you, and I'm already used to the attention!"
Chucky: "Whatever."
Tiffany: "And besides,
you aren't being a good role model to twins. All you do is kill people in front of them! And, of course, you curse in front
of them too!"
Chucky: "Hey! I can do anything..."
Tiffany: "I can do Anything I freaken' want, blah, blah, blah!
God, you are so predictable."
-Michael steps out the elevator and spots the family of dolls.
Michael Myers:
"Hey, guys. How was your vacation?"
Tiffany: "It was fun. I showed the twins..."
Chucky: "It was great! There
was a lot of new people that I got to kill!"
-Tiffany sighs.
Michael Myers: "Why come on short notice?"
"Oh, we were in the neighborhood!"
Chucky: "Tiff, this is New York. This is our neighborhood. We all fucking live here!"
"I know. I was just saying..."
Michael Myers: "Come up. Jason has his son, Todd, over."
-Michael leads Chucky
and Tiffany into the elevator. Tiffany pushes the twins in a doubleset-stroller.
Tiffany: "Todd? You mean..."
Myers: "Yeah, the son he lost last year at the hospital when your twins were born. He came back. He came back from the dead,
just like Jason."
Tiffany: "Oh."
Chucky: "Wait, so J-boy has a kid?"
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "Yeah. He's upstairs right now watching the 'Friday The 13th' movies with Jason."
Chucky: "How? I thought that
would be dead just like the rest of him!"
Tiffany: "Chucky!"
Michael Myers: "It's okay. Let's just say that
a long time ago back in 1982, when Jason developed a conscience like the rest of us, he got curious..."
Tiffany: "Oh!"
"Oh, so Jason already has twenty-something year old son? I never thought he'd be me to it!"
Tiffany: "Chucky!"
Michael Myers: "I know! Neither did I!"
-Michael, Chucky and Tiffany, laugh. Back in Michael's pad,
Jason, Todd and Freddy are a few minutes into "Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter."
Movie: Cut to the two idiots digging
up Jason's grave. Jason, back alive, slashes the two guys with his machete. Watching in the bushes is little Tommy Jarvis.
Jason spots him and charges for him. Tommy freaks out and doesn't know what to do. Jason reaches and is about to kill him,
when the scene cuts to Tommy waking up from a nightmare in the back of a van. He's really about a teenager in his late teens
and is being taken to a rehabilitation center around Crystal Lake. The screen goes black and the opening titles and credits
Todd: "What was that? You should have been able to slaughter that stupid brat!"
Jason Voorhees: "I know,
I know."
Todd: "And, what was that anyway? Why he is going to some crazy house?"
Jason Voorhees: "In the storyline,
Tommy got traumatized over me killing his friends and family. And, also over killing me. He kind of loses it, and has hallucinations
and nightmares."
Todd: "Oh."
-Michael bursts in his pad with Chucky, Tiffany and their twins. They are laughing.
Chucky and Tiffany: "...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, heh!"
Jason Voorhees: "What? What's so funny?"
-Michael, Chucky
and Tiffany, look at Jason, and burst out laughing again!
Michael, Chucky and Tiffany: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, heh!"
Voorhees: "What??"
-Freddy joins in for no reason.
Michael, Chucky, Tiffany and Freddy: "...Ha, ha, ha, ha,
ha, heh!..."
-Jason turns to Freddy, then to the others.
Jason Voorhees: "Why? Why are you laughing at me?!"
joins in for no reason too.
Michael, Chucky, Tiffany, Freddy and Todd: "...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, heh!..."
shrugs and joins for no reason with the rest of them.
Michael, Chucky, Tiffany, Freddy, Todd and Jason: "...Ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha, heh!..."
-Then, Michael, Chucky and Tiffany, laugh at Jason for laughing with them. Jason did not know
that he was laughing at himself!
Michael, Chucky and Tiffany: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, heh!"
Michael Myers: "Okay,
okay, let's lighten up on Jason already."
Chucky: "Yeah! Heh, heh..."
Jason Voorhees: "Why were you guys laughing
at me?"
Michael Myers: "Nothing! Nothing! Heh, heh..."
-Michael turns Chucky and Tiffany.
Michael Myers:
"You two want some beer?"
Chucky: "Hell, yeah! Heiniken!"
Tiffany: "After not being allowed to drink for nine
months? Of course!"
Michael Myers: "Oh, you can also put the twins in my room and let them sleep in their for now."
takes the twins to Michael's room, and Michael gets beer for Chucky and Tiffany. Chucky joins Jason and Todd on the sofa.
"What's on?"
Todd: "'Friday The 13th Part V.' My dad is showing me a marathon of all his movies!"
Chucky: "Oh,
that's right. You. Are you really Jason's son?"
Todd: "Yeah. Don't I look like him?"
-Todd shrugs. Just like
Jason, he wears a hockey mask and grungy clothes. He also slips off his hockey mask to reveal his messed up face.
"Eww! Yep, you're definitely Jason's kid."
-Michael comes back with the beer. Then, Tiffany comes back, so they can
all watch 'Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning." That's when the speaker box by the front door beeps.
Myers: "Who would that be?"
-Michael goes over to the speaker box to answer.
Michael Myers: "Hello?"
"Hey, dad!"
Michael Myers: "Hey, son. What are you doing here?"
Stephen: "My guardians are out on the town for
the afternoon. Can I come over?"
Michael Myers: "Of course. I'll be right down."
-Michael turns to others.
Myers: "Continue to the movie. It's Stephen. I'll be right back."
-Michael goes to his room to put his white Halloween
mask away for Stephen. Then, he leave his apartment to get him.
-Jason, Todd, Freddy, Chucky and Tiffany, continue
watching "Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning."
-Moments later, Michael comes back in the room with his Stephen.
Stephen runs up to Jason and Freddy to hug them.
Stephen: "Uncle Freddy! Uncle Jason!"
Freddy Krueger: "Hey,
what's up?"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, Stevie boy!"
-Stephen spots Todd, then turns to Jason.
Stephen: "You
have a twin?"
Jason Voorhees: "No, this is my son, Todd."
Todd: "Hey, little man!"
Stephen: "Cool! Two
Crystal Lake killers!"
-Stephen also spots Chucky and Tiffany.
Stephen: "Hey, Uncle Chucky! Hey, Aunt Tiffany!"
"I ain't your Uncle, kid."
-Tiffany shoves Chucky. Then, Chucky looks at eight year old Stephen and gets ideas. Tiffany
shoves him again.
Tiffany: "Hello, Stephen. Come to see your dad?"
Stephen: "I sure am. And, I love 'Bride of
Chucky'! It is so awesome. I also can't wait for 'Seed of Chucky'. It's going to rule!"
Chucky: "Yes, it is! Yes, it
Michael Myers: "Hey Stephen, we're watching Jason's 'Friday The 13th' movies today. Are you going to be okay..."
"Of course I'm going to be okay watching a bunch of horror movies! I can handle them!"
-Michael shrugs.
Myers: "Okay."
-Jason, Todd, Michael, Freddy, Chucky, Tiffany and Stephen, go on to watch 'Friday The 13th Part V:
A New Beginning."
-Later in mid-afternoon, they are finishing up "Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives."
Cut to Tommy Jarvis fighting Jason over Crystal Lake and struggling to tie the chain around his neck.
Todd: "Go, Jason!"
Voorhees: "Yeah, go me!
Movie: Cut to the boat breaking apart in half and Jason being pulled under water the rock-attached
chain. Tommy tries to get away, but Jason grabs his leg and drags him under water.
Todd: "Go, Jason!"
Cut to Tommy drowning and floating up the to surface of the water. Megan Garris, the heroine, jumps in the lake to save him.
That's when Jason grabs her and tries to drag her into the water too. Megan struggles away and grabs hold of back end of the
boat. She starts up the boat engine and swings it around sever Jason's neck. Jason struggles and Megan gets away with Tommy's
Todd: "Don't tell you're going down like that!"
Movie: Cut to Jason dying and Tommy, Megan and the campers,
rejoicing. Cut to another day. Under the lake, Jason's lifeless body is held under by the chains. That's when his one good
eye opens! Then, the credits roll and Alice Cooper's Jason song, "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)," plays.
"That's it?"
Jason Voorhees: "That's it!"
Todd: "How could they do that to you?"
Jason Voorhees: "You
have to understand. In my movies, I'm supposed to be the villain. Just as I kill most of the characters, I'm supposed to die
at the end."
Todd: "But, you were the good guy! I didn't care for those weak humans!"
Jason Voorhees: "That's
the rule of a horror movie, regardless. Besides, I come back alive again in the next film anyway."
Todd: "What about
the ending? You already are back alive."
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, that's a cheap final shock sequence. That's obligatory
in most horror films today. Up until 'Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood,' I really am dead."
Todd: "'The New
Blood'? Sounds bloody!"
Jason Voorhees: "I wish. If you noticed the little cuts here and there in this film, that's
nothing compared to the cuts in the next one."
Todd: "That stupid MPAA! They're ruining your life's work!"
Voorhees: "I know, I know."
-Suddenly, the room turns to darkness. Clinging Chains and rotating posts with hooks appear
around them. Tiffany tenses up.
Tiffany: "What's going on?!"
Michael Myers: "It's all right, it's just Pinhead."
one a deformed white creature with chattering teeth, another a woman with pale skin in a black suit, and another a set of
twins with twisted faces, walk out of the darkness. Eventually, Pinhead steps out of the darkness and into the room. The chains,
posts and cenobites, disappear into the darkness as the lights go back on. Michael greets Pinhead.
Michael Myers: "Hey,
Pinhead. What are you doing here?"
Pinhead: "There haven't been new souls to torture and there wasn't much going on
at my club, so I thought I'd drop by."
Michael Myers: "Well, join us. We're having a 'Friday The 13th' marathon."
"A 'Friday The 13th' what? For Christ's sakes!"
Jason Voorhees: "Oh, come on, needleface! Have some fun!"
"Oh, what the hell! But, that's Pinhead to you!"
Michael Myers: "Want some beer?"
Pinhead: "I'll have Miller
Light, thanks."
-Pinhead sits down on the sofa with, Jason, Todd, Freddy, Chucky, Tiffany and Stephen. He notices the
extra hockey goalie and is confused.
Pinhead: "Huh?"
Todd: "Hi, I'm Todd!"
Pinhead: "Todd?"
"Yeah, Jason's my dad!"
-Pinhead turns to Jason.
Pinhead: "You have a...oh, never mind!"
-Michael returns
with the Pinhead's beer, and Pinhead immediately gulps down part of the bottle. Then, they start "Friday The 13th Part VII:
The New Blood."
-Later on in the late afternoon, Jason, Todd, Michael, Freddy, Chucky, Tiffany, Stephen and Pinhead, have finished the
movie, and are eating pizza. Michael ordered delivery. The twins are sucking on Tiffany for breast milk. Todd notices and
stares. Pinhead: "...So, you're telling me that, back in 1982, you broke your rule of ethics...and did the dirty deed?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah."
Pinhead: "I have to say, I never would have expected that from you."
Myers: "Fred and I were just as surprised when we found out last year."
Jason Voorhees: "I don't know what the big
deal is. I just...did it. It was the big moment when I developed a conscience. We all developed conscience at one point or
Michael Myers: "Good point, Jason."
Pinhead: "But, I don't understand. I thought that would have dead
just the like the rest of you!"
-Todd, Freddy, Michael, Chucky and Tiffany, laugh. Stephen is too young to understand.
He just gobbles up more pizza. Chucky looks at Stephen again and gets ideas. Tiffany shoves him.
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah,
well, you'd be surprised by what I'm capable of!"
-That's when there's a knock on the front door. Michael goes over
to answer. He opens the door, revealing Leatherface.
Michael Myers: "Hey Leatherface, come in. We're having a little
house party. Leatherface comes in and greets the others.
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, skinface!"
-Leatherface grrs
at Jason. Then, he notices that everyone is eating pizza. He hates regular food, he thinks it is disgusting. He prefers eating
people! Seeing everyone eating pizza, Leatherface shudders.
Michael Myers: "Don't worry, I got something for you."
heads over to kitchen. He returns to Leatherface with the pot.
Michael Myers: "Here, you're going to like this!"
takes the lid off the pot, and sees two human arms and assorted lungs and guts!
Leatherface: "Oh my! Flesh!"
Myers: "I thought you'd like that. It's the remains of Mark Patton, one of my neighbors. He, um, had an accident."
"But, why? You never let me eat people in your pad. You have that 'You can kill people but you can't eat them' rule!"
looks at Stephen and gets ideas again. Michael notices
Michael Myers: "And, of course, I have that 'No use of voodoo
is allowed' rule too!"
-Chucky groans.
Michael Myers: "Normally I wouldn't, but when I forgot some of Mark's,
um, leftovers when Fred and I cleaned up his remains, I thought I'd leave the rest to you."
Leatherface: "Thanks!"
sits down and starts gobbling up one of the arms. Tiffany looks in disgust. Then, Leatherface notices Tiffany's twins sucking
on her for breast milk and stares. Todd continues to notice and stare too. Then, he turns to Leatherface.
Todd: "Hey,
you're the guy that chainsawed all those people at the premeir of 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' remake last year!"
"That's right!"
Todd: "I saw the footage on that the TV special. That was great handiwork, man!"
-Todd high-fives
Leatherface: "Thanks!"
-The twins finish sucking on Tiffany, and Tiffany puts the twins back in
their doubleset-stroller. Todd and Leatherface groan. Then, Todd turns to Chucky, who is looking at Stephen again.
"So, I guess you are that killer doll from those 'Child's Play' movies and 'Bride of Chucky'?"
Chucky: "And, 'Seed
of Chucky,' coming this Halloween."
Todd: "Awesome! I lover your movies. They're are so funny!"
Chucky: "Thanks."
turns to Todd.
Tiffany: "Oh, so you know our other movies?"
Todd: "Yeah, I saw the 'Chucky' movies, 'A Nightmare
on Elm Street' and 'Halloween.' I just never saw the 'Friday The 13th' films, because they reminded me of Jason. You know,
when I was scared of him before and afraid to face the truth."
-Jason sighs.
Jason Voorhees: "I understand.
A lot of people have been afraid of me."
-Todd turn to Pinhead.
Todd: "What about you? What are your movies?"
"I'm the Prince of Hell from the fantastic 'Hellraiser films'..."
-Freddy snickers.
Freddy Krueger: "Fantastic?"
the lights go out and a hook-attached chain comes out of the darkess to pull Freddy's chair back.
Pinhead: "You dare
redicule my 'Hellraiser' movies?"
Freddy Krueger: "Yes! Yes, I do dare to redicule your rediculous movies! You don't
scare me!"
Pinhead: "We'll see about that!"
-Suddenly, another chain comes out the darkness and stop inches
from Freddy. Freddy yawns.
Freddy Krueger: "Oh, how scary! Darkness falling and chains coming for me!
always pull this on me, but you never actually do it. You're never going to..."
-Freddy imitates Pinhead.
Krueger: "...Tear my soul apart!"
Pinhead: "Oh, yeah?!"
-The hook-attached chain disappears into the darkness.
Then Several hook-attached chains come out of the darkness, and go straight for Freddy. Freddy flinches.
Michael Myers:
"Pinhead, stop!"
-The hook-attached chains mere inches away from Freddy. It didn't seem that they were going to stop
in their path. Pinhead sighs.
Michael Myers: "Every week, you and Freddy go at it and you pull the rug out from under
him and try to do this to him. You're becoming so...cliche."
Pinhead: "How dare you call me, 'cliche'!"
Myers: "You will be if you don't accept Fred's opinion of your movies. Come on, let the lights back on and pull back the chains,
so we can continue eating."
-Pinhead sighs.
Pinhead: "Oh, very well."
-The hook-attached chaines disappear
and the lights go reveal Freddy falling over, because of one of the chains. Freddy falls over with his chair and Jason,
Michael, Chucky, Todd, Tiffany, Stephen and Leatherface, laugh at him. Freddy gets up embarrassed and puts the chair back
up to sit down. Pinhead turns back to Todd.
Pinhead: "Anyway, as I was saying, I've made several 'Hellraier' films.
The first four were theatrical. The next, however..."
-Pinhead shudders.
Pinhead: "...Went to straight-to-video
hell. And, the last two are completed, but have yet to be distributed on video."
Todd: "Straight-to-video?"
"Yes. They never went to theaters. The dreaded MPAA...
Jason Voorhees: "You can say that again!"
Pinhead: "...butchered
my fourth film beyond recognition. I was practially banished from Hollywood."
Todd: "Oh, I see."
Pinhead: "Yes,
but I am remain strong. I have intending to make up for for that mess with my straight-to-video efforts and get my good name
back. The next two should especially do that. Hell, if I do get my good name back, the ninth 'Hellraiser' film could go theatrical."
"'Hellraiser 9'? That's a lot of 'Hellraiser' movies."
Pinhead: "What about your father? He has nearly a dozen!"
Voorhees: "Ten."
Pinhead: "Whatever. You see, Fred, Jason...
-Pinhead realizes and remembers that Stephen is
at the table.
Pinhead: "...And, um, the boogeyman, may have the bigger franchises..."
-Leatherface gobbles up
more of the remains of Mark Patton and makes a mess of himself. Tiffany is disgusted.
Pinhead: "...But, that pig over
there and I still have big franchises of our own."
-Leatherfaces finishes up Mark Patton's remains and wipes his skinface.
"Yeah, technically, I have have five movie under my name, but I only acknowledge my classic original, because the sequels
ruined me and because I wasn't involved with the blasphamous remake."
Todd: "That is still a lot movies for a bunch
of slashers."
Pinhead: "Exactly! That is why we are all called, 'The Big Seven'!"
-Jason stands up for Todd.
Voorhees: "No, 'The Big Eight'!"
-Todd gets with Jason.
Todd: "Yeah, 'The Big Eight'!"
-Tiffany gets
up to acknowledge the twins.
Tiffany:"No, 'The Big Ten'!"
-Chucky gets up with Tiffany.
Chucky: "Yeah,
'The Big Ten'!"
Michael Myers: "Exactly. 'The Big Ten'."
-Stephen turns to Michael.
Stephen: "Who's the
Michael Myers: "Oh, um, that boogeyman that has went after the rest of our family."
-Michael winks to
everyone else at the table.
Stephen: "Oh, yeah."
-Stephen sighs and shudders. That scary boogeyman killing the
rest of his family. If only he really knew.
Chucky: "Yeah, well, the next movie to come out of our little group, 'Seed
of Chucky,' is going to be a goodie, and will keep our good name."
-Chucky turns to Tiffany.
Chucky: "Won't
it, Tiff?"
Tiffany: "That's right. It maintains the the same comically dark tone as 'Bride'."
Michael Myers:
"That's good to hear. I'm looking forward to it."
Jason Voorhees: "Hell, yeah!"
Chucky: "Oh, you should! You
fucking should!"
-Michael, realizing that Chucky is exposing Stephen to his foul language, turns to Chucky.
Myers: "Chucky!"
Chucky: "What? I only said that you fucking should look forward to 'Seed of Chucky'!"
Chucky: "Geez, you guys can't take any fucking language?"
-Tiffany turns to Chucky and points to Stephen.
"Oh. Fuck me!"
Tiffany: "Chucky!"
Chucky: "Geez Tiff, it's just a word. It's just a fucking word! That brat
is going to hear it sooner or later!"
Michael Myers: "Chucky!"
Chucky: "Whatever! I won't curse around that
kid anymore. You are as tense as Vivian Van Pelt was with her duaghter."
Tiffany: "Who?!"
Chucky: "What? I said,
Vivian Van Pelt!"
Tiffany: "You promised to never speak of that slut again!"
-Chucky laughs and turns to the
Chucky: "Heh, heh, Tiffany and her jealous!"
Tiffany: "Jealousy? You cheated on me with that slut!"
"She wasn't a slut, she was a single mother! Besides, you cheated on me with fucking Mini-Me!"
Tiffany: "I only cheated
on you, because I found out about your affair with Vivian Van Pelt!"
Chucky: "But, I never actually cheated on you!
We were on a break! We were on a fucking break!"
Tiffany: "A break, my shiny plastic butt!"
Chucky: "That's
it! You've ruined another day for me, because of your stupid jealousy. I'm leaving."
-Chucky climbs down the stack
of books set up on the chair and heads for the front door of Michael's pad. Tiffany, dumbfounded, climbs down after, grabs
the doubleset-stroller and catches up with Chucky at the door.
Tiffany: "Oh, no you don't! I'm leaving first!"
"No, I am!"
Tiffany: "No, I fucking am!"
-Chucky and Tiffany turn to each other angerly. Then, they turn to
each other lovingly. And then, they turn to eachother suggestively.
Tiffany: "Let's go home! Now!"
Chucky: "Hell,
-Chucky and Tiffany each grab a twin and burst out the front door. Michael goes over to close the door. But
first, he peaks outside the hallway to see Chucky and Tiffany running down the hallway anxiously over something! Michael laughs
and shuts the door. Meanwhile, Chucky and Tiffany run for the elevator. A man steps out of his apartment, notices the family
of dolls and stares. Chucky and Tiffany notice and sneer back at him.
Chucky: "Fuck you!"
Tiffany: "Yeah!"
in Michael's pad...
Todd: "Um, what just happened? I hope I didn't cause any trouble."
Freddy Krueger: "Naw,
you didn't do anything. You see, that is Chucky's and Tiffany's relationship: fighting, then fucking!"
Todd: "And,
Stephen: "Yeah, fucking!"
-Michael turns to Stephen sternly.
Michael Myers: "Stephen..."
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah, they should be on their way home now to, um, seal the deal."
Jason Voorhees:
"Yeah, they have a very kinky relationship!"
Todd: "Oh, I see."
-Jason, Todd, Michael, Freddy, Stephen, Pinhead
and Leatherface, laugh over the antics between Chucky and Tiffany.
-Later on in the early evening, Jason, Todd, Michael,
Freddy, Pinhead and Leatherface, finish "Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan." Stephen already went back home
with his guardians.
Jason Voorhees: "You know, after watching all these movies again, I have a better appreciation
for my taking of Manhattan. It really isn't that bad. The title is misleading, I teleported a couple of times, and I only
take part of Manhattan, but I can't help but enjoy watching myself in a new location."
Michael Myers: "Yeah, it ain't
too bad."
Freddy Krueger: "Heh, it's all right."
Todd: "I didn't mind it. I thought it would be a lot worse,
at least from I heard about it from others. But, why did you teleport?"
Jason Voorhees: "Heh, the director got lazy
and wanted to save celluloid."
Michael Myers: "You know what I noticed more this time? The atmosphere. For a late 80's
film, this movie really tried to preserve the rest of that decade's innocence."
Jason Voorhees: "You're right. I noticed
that too."
Todd: "I liked the part where you look at the hockey goal on the hockey, then look at the camera. That was
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, that's a funny touch to everything."
Pinhead: "I'm sorry, but I still can't distinguish
this 'Friday The 13th' film from the next one. They're all the same to me."
Jason Voorhees: "They are so not!"
"They are all the same. One dimensional teens do naughty things and you kill them. They're all the same! If anything I guess,
the only real way to tell these damn films apart is by the lack of gore in these later entries."
Jason Voorhees: "Whatever."
"Hey man, by part eight, you still had a better thing going than me. I only made it to half that number, and by 'The Next
Generation,' I was completely embarrassed."
Jason Voorhees: "Thanks, man. You aren't so bad yourself. You were still
a great in your original classic."
Leatherface: "Thanks."
Jason Voorhees: "Well, let's watch 'Jason Goes to
Hell' already!"
-Everybody turns away.
Jason Voorhees: "What?"
Freddy Krueger: "Do we still have to watch
this one?"
Jason Voorhees: "Hey, we already watched 'Part V' with that copycat killer. My trip to hell isn't any better
or worse than that one."
-Michael shrugs and sets up the next movie. Freddy lays back on the other sofa.
Krueger: "If you guys don't mind, I have to leave and see Maggie now."
Jason Voorhees: "See ya, man."
Myers: "Good luck."
-Freddy lays back on the sofa and prepares to meet Maggie in her dreams.
CUT TO...Maggie and her boyfriend, Josh, at a fancy restaurant. Maggie is thirty-ish and looks a lot like Lisa Zane.
Maggie is also tired, what with her pulling all-nighters here and there, and worrying about her boyfriend.
Josh: "...So
anyway, I told my boss, I'm not going to keep pulling late shifts anymore! And, I charged out of his office."
Maggie: "We need to talk."
-Josh shudders. Those are scariest four words in the english language.
"Um, we do? Wait, we're talking right now! We're fine!"
Maggie: "I know you haven't really been pulling late shifts.
I know that you're always coming home late, because you're seeing someone else."
Josh: "What? What are you talking
-Maggie whips out a piece of paper with another woman's name, Suzie, and phone number.
Josh: "Oh, that?
Listen, I can't explain why..."
-Maggie sighs and yawns.
Josh: "...But, a lot of women find themselves drawn
to me! I can't explain it! And, I don't want to be rude and turn them away. That woman, she gave her number, but I never actually
called her."
Maggie: "I wish I could believe you."
Josh: "Believe me."
-Maggie sighs. Then, the world
around her starts to fade.
Josh: "Maggie? Maggie?"
-Suddenly, Maggie finds herself alone in the restaurant.
Every table but her's was empty. Suddenly, she sees Freddy Krueger sitting across from her. Maggie freaks out. She fell asleep.
Freddy Krueger: "Maggie..."
-Maggie gets up to leave.
Maggie: "Get away from me!"
walks away and suddenly bumps into Freddy.
Freddy Krueger: "Please, don't leave."
Maggie: "Why shouldn't I?
You're just here to kill me!"
Freddy Krueger: "No, I'm not."
Maggie: "Yeah, right! Very funny. Ha, ha, ha!"
tries to go the other way, but runs into Freddy again.
Freddy Krueger: "I'm not here as the dream master. I'm here
as...your father."
Maggie: "Father? As far as I'm concerned, my father is dead."
Freddy Krueger: "And, you're
right. I am dead. I'm a supernatural presence."
-Maggie sighs.
Freddy Krueger: "Sit down."
-Maggie sighs
and sits down at the table. Freddy sits down after.
Freddy Krueger: "All those Elm Street children I killed...I killed
them for you."
Maggie: "Oh, so I'm supposed to feel better over that you killed a bunch innocent kids, because of me?
Oh yeah, I feel a lot better now!"
-Freddy sighs.
Freddy Krueger: "They took you away from me. When they did
that, I didn't know what to do. When the Elm Street parents set my house on fire and when I was burning up, I had a chance
to go beyond and become something else. I took the ticket, so that I could be able to see you again."
Maggie: "Okay.
So, why didn't you see then? Why did take you so damn long?"
Freddy Krueger: "The dream demons, they forbid from me
seeing you. They forbid from seeing as you a father. They're expecting me to kill right now, but I'm not. It's just a matter
of time, before they pick up on that."
Maggie: "All right. Then, why didn't you see me in reality?"
whips an old newspaper. It is a Star tabloid newspaper. On the cover are photos of serial killers, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger
and Jason Voorhees, around various places around New York.
-One photo shows Jason Voorhees in a liquor store buying
a six-pack of Budweiser. Another shows Michael Myers in a toy store purchasing a teddy bear. Another photo shows Freddy Krueger,
Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers, at a movie theater. And, the last one shows the same killers at a night club. It was as
if those serial killers were alive and living like regular people!
Freddy Krueger: "You got me."
Maggie: "So,
why didn't you see me?"
Freddy Krueger: "I felt too...ashamed."
Maggie: "Well, you should have."
Krueger: "I actually went to Springwood just yesterday and tried to see you. I was right outside your front door."
"You were?"
Freddy sighs.
Freddy Krueger: "Yeah. But, I didn't have the nerve to knock. So, I turned around
and left."
Maggie: "I don't know what to say."
Freddy Krueger: "I do. I failed as father. I was unable t be
there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry."
-Suddenly, the restaurant starts to close in on Freddy and Maggie. The
dream demons figured out Freddy's trick. Freddy gets up to leave.
Freddy Krueger: "I have to go. The dream demons realized
my trick. I'm sorry, I have to leave you."
Maggie: "Daddy, come back!"
Freddy Krueger: "I'll be back. I'll come
back to Springwood soon. I promise."
-Freddy walks out the back door, and the restaurant closes in on Maggie more.
That's when she wakes up. Josh tried to wake her.
Josh: "Maggie, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up..."
looks around dazed. People are looking at her. She fell asleep and her face was now covered with her dinner. Josh takes a
napkin to wipe the food away.
Josh: "Look at you. You're exhausted. You must have really cared for me to stay up for
me on those late shifts."
Maggie: "Huh?"
Josh: "You need to sleep more. You can't keep pulling all-nighters
like this. It's crazy."
Maggie: "But, you are seeing that other woman."
Josh: "No, I'm not. I can assure that
I haven't been seeing any other women. Any other women, but you. I love you."
Maggie: "Oh, I love you too!"
hugs her boyfriend. The people at the other tables applaud for them. That's when a woman, Suzie, walks by and recognizes Josh.
-Josh is dumbfounded.
Josh: "Suzie? Er, I mean, I don't know you!"
Suzie: "But, we went out last
Josh: "Who are you?"
-Maggie, realizing the situation, slaps Josh.
Maggie: "I can't believe you!"
walks away in a huff.
Josh: "But, Maggie..."
-Then, Suzie slaps Josh.
Suzie: "I can't believe you either!
You told you weren't seeing anybody but me!"
-Suzie walks away in a huff. The people at other tables boos at Josh.
BACK TO...Jason, Todd, Michael and Freddy at Michael's pad. After finishing up "Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday," Pinhead
and Leatherface left.
Todd: "Okay, so you were bodyhopping?"
Jason Voorhees: "Yeah, the police blew me to bits,
but I was still alive. Only a member of my family, a Voorhees, could kill me."
Todd: "And, we didn't see any this in
rest of your movies, because..."
Jason Voorhees: "Because, New Line Cinema bought the rights to me in the early 90's
and tried pull a fresh take on my series. I know, their offer was good to be true."
Todd: "I don't understand that
film at all."
Jason Voorhees: "Neither do I, son. Neither do I."
Todd: "But, the gore was fantastic! I'm glad
they at least made an unrated DVD of the movie."
Jason Voorhees: "So true. That bit with me crushing that girl's head..."
"And, the way you slaughtered those stupid teens in tent..."
Jason Voorhees: "I know, this film made up for my last
few films in terms of gore."
Todd: "So, what's the last film of yours?"
Jason Voorhees: "'Jason X'."
"'Jason X'?"
Jason Voorhees: "Strange title, I know. This is the film where I go up to space!"
Todd: "No way!"
Voorhees: "Yes, way!"
-Michael laughs.
Michael Myers: "You know, I actually dreamt about going to space last
night. It played like a trailer to my next 'Halloween' film. It was called 'Halloween 9: In Space'!"
Jason Voorhees:
"Crap, man! How was it?"
Michael Myers: "I'll just say that it made 'Halloween: Resurrection' look like a masterpiece."
Krueger: "Wow, It must have been awful!"
Michael Myers: "It was! Worst part though, I could still see Moustapha Akkad
making such a film too."
Freddy Krueger: "I hope he doesn't. I want to see you triumph over last 'Halloween' efforts
and go out with a bang."
Michael Myers: "I really do, too. I'm praying he realizes the series' priorities."
Voorhees: "Well, let's watch 'Jason X' already! We have less than two hours of day left!"
Todd: "Yeah! We have to hurry
up! I want to finish this marathon before the day is over!"
-Michael shrugs.
Michael Myers: "All right."
Krueger: "If you guys don't mind, I'll be dozing off again. I have unfinished business."
Michael Myers: "Oh, right.
Did you see Maggie?"
Freddy Krueger: "I did. I think there's a better understanding between us now. Now, I have to
take care of that pesky boyfriend hers!"
-Jason, Todd and Michael, start watching "Jason X," while Freddy lays back
on the sofa and prepares to enter the dreams of Maggie's ex-boyfriend.
CUT TO...Josh sleeping at a friend's house.
Maggie dumped his ass and kicked him out her apartment. In his dream, Josh finds himself on particular street facing a house...1428
Elm! The sky is dark and the atmosphere is dreary.
Josh: "Where am I?"
-That's when Josh notices little girls
in white dresses playing with jump rope.
Little Girls: "One, two, Freddy's coming for you..."
Josh: "Freddy?"
Girls: "...Three, four, better lock your door..."
Josh: "Huh?"
Little Girls: "...Five, six, get the crucifix..."
the dark sky turns to thunder. Then, Josh hears something slam behind him. He turns around to see that a door appeared out
nowhere. Then, he looks around to find that the setting around has completely changed. He was now inside that house! To the
left of him is a living room. In front of him is a hallway and stairs leading to the second floor. And, to the right is a
dining room.
Josh: "Oh, crap!"
-Josh tries to get out, but the door is locked. Then, he hears a monstrous laughing.
Krueger: "Mwahahahahha..."
-Josh is scared shitless.
Freddy Krueger: "...You broke my daughter's heart..."
Freddy Krueger "...You filthy bastard!"
-Josh is startled when a burnt figure wearing a striped shirt,
hat, and claws jumps into the hallway ahead of him.
Freddy Krueger: "Now, I'll have to break yours!"
charges for Josh, ready to teach a lesson, Krueger-style! Josh shudders in fear.
Josh: "Nooo...!"