A group of youths travel to see if their relative's corpses have been dug up after a series of corpse robbings occurring
in that area. Once there, they decide to stop by the old house to see it again. Once there, they wander off and fall prey
to the infamous Leatherface.
Chainsaw is a great flick to watch alone at night with all the lights out, with your eyes completely transfixed on the
TV. The gritty feel of this gives the movie a documentary feel which makes this even more creepy. The directing isn't top
notch but Hooper is able to achieve some of the scariest moments ever captured on film.
Though this film is known for being the goriest film ever made, we rarely, if ever, see a drop of blood. There's a bit
of dried blood here or there but nothing to write home about. What earns this film its reputation is the images. There are
many different elements at play to achieve a truly scary feel. The saying "Sometimes what you don't see is scarier than
what you do" pretty much receives its meaning from this film alone. We see a girl being put on a hook and that's it.
We don't see the actual hook puncturing the skin but its what we think that scares us the most.
There are no nudie shots to my knowledge but then again I haven't seen this in a while.
Memorable Scene
The scariest/most memorable scene in this movie is when we first meet Leatherface. As one of the young men walks towards
a doorway and trips on something, he looks up into the face of pure evil. Leatherface then hits him on the head with a hammer
and the man flops to the ground. Leatherface continues to hit him until near dead.
All of the characters in this film are pretty annoying. There's plenty of moments throughout where you just want to reach
through the screen and punch the living shit out of them.
This was a remarkable film. Not many people are able to get into as much, especially todays youths who seem to have the
shortest attention span known to man. For those of you like this, I suggest the "shittacular" remake which has plenty
of cheap boo scares and such.
review by zombievictim