
My Horror Confessions
Horror Talk
Dawn of the Dead

written and directed by GEORGE A. ROMERO


Four people take refuge in a mall during a strange occurrence where the dead are coming back to life and eating the flesh of the living.

This is the film that defined a genre. Night set up the zombie genre on its own, but this film secured the zombie genre a place in its own amongst other great sub-genres. I myself love the idea of a zombie apocalypse occurring in todays world. Taking refuge in a mall where all the products and such are at your disposal. That would be something as long as you had plenty of guns/ammo and a member of the opposite sex (wink wink)

This film is known for being one of the goriest movies of all time, mainly because this was the first film to really show a lot of gore. I don't really find this to be very gory but then again I've seen plenty of modern day horror films that are gorier. I suppose others look at the gore in this as a stepping stone for other films but I don't really see the appeal.

We do get a very brief, and well shadowed shot of Gaylen Ross' breasts. She's a beaut so it was kinda disappointing that Romero was such a sneaky bastard and hid most of her breast in the shadows. George, you sly son of a bitch.

Memorable Scene
There are plenty of great scenes in this film but one that seems to stand out is in the beginning when they first enter the mall. I absolutely love when they go around the mall, killing some zombies, and taking some "essential supplies".

This has very many great characters that you'll remember every time you watch another zombie film. I must say that I loved them all, with an exception of Flyboy. I just couldn't stand his character. I thought he was the most annoying character in any zombie film I've ever seen. I was glad when he died and pissed when he lead the other zombies to Peter and Fran's hiding place. Stupid fucking Flyboy.

A wonderful film with a simple but effective story. The zombies may have looked cheap but at least they had some good "gooey" moments to make up for it.



review by zombievictim

"When there is no more room in HELL, the dead will walk the EARTH..."