
My Horror Confessions
Horror Talk
Wall of Shame

Here are my random thoughts on horror...

Roth needs to get off his high horse and just make movies. He's not good for anything else.

James Wan needs to direct movies written by other people. His style with the writing he and Whannel do, just doesn't fit.

Bousman is getting really fucking annoying. He needs to step away from the Saw franchise before it corrupts him.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead should be a great horror scream queen. She just needs to stop doing shit like "Make it Happen". Go back to horror!

Rob Zombie's Halloween looks like absolute garbage. I hope it flops miserably.

I really wish that Darkness Falls didn't have so much studio interference. It could have been really good.

Dead Silence is a decent movie no mater what others say.

American Psycho is one of the greatest films in execution.

The Hills Have Eyes remake is now one of my favorite horror movies. Yeah as dumb as that sounds it is. It's at least top 20.

I've only watched House of 1000 Corpses once and I'm scared to watch it again. Not because I'm scary but because I'm afraid it'll ruin the Devil's Rejects more.

Though it's one of my favorite horror movies I've only seen The Descent a few times.

Sleepaway Camp 2 is the most fun horror movies to sit down and turn your brain off to.

Every time I watch Scream I end up completely falling in love with it.

I've been waiting for a good slasher to come out but none have. Let's hope Behind the Mask changes that.

I have never been more jazzed up for a horror movie then for Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

I'm scared to watch such classics as Suspiria, Don't Look Now, and Maniac because I'm worried I won't like them.

Psycho is one of the greatest films ever made!

I really hope that Eli Roth doesn't screw the pooch on Hostel 2.

I have never been to a Horror Convention though I do plan on changing that when I go on a road trip with friends.

Meeting other horror fans is the best feeling the world because you automatically have great chemistry.

The horror fanbase is the one group of people who will always be around and always meld well together.

Eli Roth gets way too much crap!

I can watch the Friday the 13th movies time after time.

I can watch the Nightmare on Elm Street films every single day for months on end.

I wish they had a horror movie video game where you get to be the Jason/Michael/Freddy character.

The Descent is one of the greatest horror movies ever made!

Feast is one of my favorite horror movies to watch at anytime.

Again, October (more specifically Halloween week) is the best time the whole year. There's no atmosphere like it for us horror fans.

Several of the "Splat Pack" members need to take their own advice when making horror movies.

Gore doesn't equal a better movie...though it does improve it.

I repeat gore DOES NOT equal a better horror movie. An entire movie CANNOT be based around just gore and be good.

WB actors should not be allowed to star in a horror movie...ever.

I wish that we could get some unknown actress that becomes the big "Scream Queen" of the decade.

The Child's Play films are just good fun and those that don't like them for what they are should be...bludgeoned to death. Kidding? Think about it.

I like both the Hills Have Eyes movies (original and remake) but like the remake a tad more for Aja's directing alone.

The Saw franchise is the only series that I can go into the theater knowing that I will have a great time.

Jason Goes to Hell is horrible. The only horror movie that makes me cringe when I watch.

The Ring blows....still

The Halloween remake sounded like a good idea in the beginning but as time goes on I really think that it'll be a waste of time.

Dead Silence was a good movie.

Final Destination 3 is the most rewatchable horror movie of the past three years.

Saw III is one of the most disturbing horror movies I've ever seen.

Hallween is the greatest time on the face of the earth.

Feast is one of the coolest movies ever.

Black Christmas is monumental but boring.

A Nightmare on Elm Street, though dated, is still the greatest horror movie ever.

Franklin, from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, is the most annoying character on the face of the earth.

The Saw franchise is the best franchise since the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise.

I hate horror fans who think that they're opinion must mean that they are the majority (this has happened more recently with horror movies)

I thought Shaun of the Dead was ok on first viewing but then watched it again and fell in love with it. It is now one of my favorite horror/comedies.

The Sleepaway Camp trilogy is one of the most fun trilogies ever.

Until recently, I thought the Devil's Rejects was amazing but upon recent viewings I find it only above average.

Fright Night is my favorite movie to watch around Halloween.

Though I wasn't even alive in the 80's, when I watch an 80's horror movie, I'm taken back to the 80's.

Beware of reading my thoughts. You may go insane!